Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Just had a bit of fun with one of these telemarketers. You see last night I watched a program about "duct cleaning services" being situated in Karachi. So, he's calling me about getting my ducts cleaned.

    Me. " Oh lovely, a phone call from Karachi."
    Him. "I'm not calling you from Karachi, I'm calling you from North York."
    Me "what's the weather like".
    Him, pauses and then "it's a lovely sunny day here in North York."
    Me, "Well it ain't here, have you looked out the window? So what's it like in Karachi".
    Him getting angry, "why you keep telling me I'm in Karachi ?"
    Me. "Because I watched a television program last night and it stated all you duct cleaning services guys are phoning from Karachi."

    He DID wish me a good day as he rang off.

    What you can get up to on a boring rainy day. FUN.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Anne, you made me laugh, good for you! I am going to go to the pool today for a few hours to try to get my tan back. I will also go to 5:00 Mass and stop in and see Babe if his son is not there. Tomorrow the party so my weekend is booked. I bought my airline tickets for my grandson's graduation in Phoenix in December. I am going early to visit with my ex SIL in Tucson with my daughter and her husband. The wedding date is secured for Hawaii, March 3, 2019. My daughter is renting a Rental Home -
    7 Bedrooms , 5 Bathrooms , Sleeps 25. I will be sending her a deposit on Monday so things are moving along. Next will be the airline tickets to Hawaii which should be about $800. I am doing a good job saving money so I should be fine, at least I hope so. B)

    Jackie, yes I do feel better with my haircut although I won't know until after the pool if I think it is short enough. I was too lazy to try and style it yesterday so we will see. I loved your picture with George and again I am envious of your scenery.

    Lin, I am so sorry about your friends and their health issues. As far as the son with the addiction, although it seems cruel she really has no control over his situation. If he feels he needs a residential program he knows best. Ask your friend to look into an Al Anon, it must just help her understand his disease.

    Buzz, um, vegetable, carrot cake? I hope you enjoyed it.

    Patsy, it would probably do you good to avoid the news so as not to get an anxiety attack. I agree, everyone is lived and enraged, but I don't think they will remove him from office. I am not found of large birds, they intimidate me. We are glad you are part of our group, our friendships are special.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good Saturday morning. Very cool and sea coastie this morning. The kind of morning that makes the coffee taste wonderful. We have several local coffee roasters and they have given their coffees special names. I love Thundermuck the best. They roast very early in the morning and that whole part of town smells so great. You MUST stop and buy a sack of cofffee beans. Of course the fragrance disappears as the day really kicks in. The town is full of tourists. I love their money but not their lack of manners. They drive as though they have no understanding of laws or they can’t read. But their dollars are important to our economy. Big traffic, little town, no parking, high prices, people walking around throwing wrappers and other debris on the ground just inches away from a trash can. It is going to be an interesting long summer!

    I think Our son has always had Latin girl friends, South American sailing friends, he speaks fluent Spanish and passable French and some Italian. There have always been young people in and out of our house speaking Spanish, watching soccer and talking about boats and sails etc. we have talked about politics around the dinner table forever. It is hard not to have an opinion or to become alarmed currently. But I have become deranged with concern.

    Our friendly crow is sitting on the fence as usual. I would offer him a cup of coffee but he looks content right now. Someone’s pet? Not sure how this bird became so friendly but he visits regularly.

    Have to try to accomplish something in the dungeon before taking on making chili and cornbread for Saturday and maybe leftovers for Sunday. Cook once, serve twice. Fresh strawberries again for dessert.
    If I didn’t have John to cook for, I would just forage as I stand in front of the open refrigerator. Disgusting, I know!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    PATSY, many years ago in my early forties I met a very interesting lady who lived in a small town on the east coast of the states. She lived in a ramshackle house in an otherwise impeccable neighbourhood and had a very wild garden of weeds. She was a self styled white witch and the garden plants were used for her potions. When you entered her living room you were greeted by her pet CROW. He/she couldn't fly because of a damaged wing but seemed quite content living with the white witch in the ramshackle house with the wild overgrown garden. The man next door she informed us had complained of her wild weeds to the town council and she'd been told to mow the lot down. She didn't, instead she laid a spell on him, or so she said, that his front window would shatter. Quite by chance (I'm sure) a gale blew in from the Atlantic and a large tree branch shattered the complainers bay window. She told me that if I could get a lock of hair and a toenail cutting from any rich guy I fancied she could ensure I was settled for life. Well, as this was an impossible task, here I am today living in my sons Marks house, lol.

    The reason for this tale, YOU could end up with a tame crow if you so wish.

    I wonder what happened to the white witch and her crow? I met her because on 2 weeks vacation 16 year old Mark befriended her son. She was older than me with masses of white hair coiled in a bun and long flowing skirts. That's how I found out, people born in October can become witches, white or otherwise!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Well, an interesting day here. White witches, cornbread and chili, sitting by the pool, walking with darling doggies and let’s see what else. Oh yes, tormenting phone solicitors. Interesting for certain.

    I have nothing quite so interesting. Our small group last evening had a wonderful time. Everyone got along so well and we had many laughs. Good deep belly laughs and it was marvelous. I stayed to the end and this morning I was dead tired. Too late for me to be up. So I am dragging about today but it was worth it. I may have a nap later. All I seem to have accomplished is laundry, cutting out some fairies and tiny stars I promised to take to a lady on Tuesday afternoon and I am set up to try gouache with a gelli plate on watercolor paper. Should be fun.

    I am packed for church tomorrow. It will be a long day if I get to everything that is on my agenda. Most of them have to do with church but in the best of times I do not like going back over there in the late afternoon/evening. There’s a church council meeting late afternoon, next a potluck, and then a congregational meeting in the evening. Argh.

    I have been somewhat nauseous all day to top things off, so slower still! I hope that goes away soon.

    My friend was not kept overnight after the kidney stone surgery. She was so happy to go home. Today, tired, sore but so relieved that the surgery is finished. She is posting like crazy on Facebook and I have received loads of texts. So she must be feeling okay.

    Sandy, I think my friend doesn’t deny that her son needs help to stay on a better path. She is just heartbroken that she will not be allowed to be in his life at all due to the rules. And neither will his preschool son. Well, first he has to get into this program and then everyone will have to adjust if it becomes reality.

    Well, I had best get moving or I may fall asleep.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2018
    Fascinating reading tonight, my very dear friends, what with White witches, crows, towns sounding like the kind I used to dream about! I'm just to tired now to post but I walked (walker-aided, of course!) downstairs tonight almost like new! I don't think it was any of the "pain management" pills and thrills I desperately resorted to, in fact, my swelling returned a bit today in the right leg and ankle. But it seemed of no consequence. Somehow, I feel as
    close to "normal" as I can ever hope to be again! Just in time for my birthday brunch! HOORAH!
    I wish you all a wonderful rest of the weekend and a good night's sleep...
    o:)<3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..............................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, thank you for the lovely " Jacquie Lawson e-card. " It made my evening!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Have a wonderful day BUZZ, surround yourself with good friends and carrot cake and know that you are loved for all sorts of reasons <3

    Big hugs
    Jackie xxx
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018

    Hugs and love sent from Anne and Jilly Bean.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Happy happy happy birthday dearest Buzz <3<3<3<3<3

    Many hugs, smiles, best wishes and love



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    How does it feel to be so important to so many people? You are so lovely, inside and out. I am sure we, who love you, are the ones who are blessed to be your friend. You are that treasured gift. Wishing you a happy birthday, Buzz. In spirit I am sitting right there with you, enjoying your cake and giving you birthday hugs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Have a wonderful day Buzz! Make some memories! Love you!

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    We've had monsoon rains for two days. My basement carpet is sopping wet. Oh joy.
    Bye for now,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh no Anne, I've been thinking everyone is enjoying our heatwave. Water rising or leak somewhere? Just been to allotment to water all our seedlings and pick a few strawberries and courgettes and still 22c at 9pm so another world here!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: will you have to contact one of those carpet cleaner companies to suck out all the water? We have friends that did that. It worked well, I am not sure about the costs. So sorry you have to deal with this. The worry and dealing with stored items and misc. furniture....time consuming and uses valuable personal energy. We are thinking of you and wishing you well.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Water rose through a safety floor level outlet pipe. Fortunately clean water and an old carpet so it could be much worse. I've a dehumidifier running so at the moment letting it sort itself out after initial splashing through it to get to my washer and dryer. That's how I found it, soggy tootsies!
    Thank you for your concern ladies, but, worse things happen at sea. Isn't this turning into the oddest year!

    Anne who doesn't need a boat and a telescope just yet.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, here they use high volume fans at almost floor level, along with the dehumidifiers! I'm so sorry this has happened, and yes, your carpet may sparkle once it's dried!
    Thank you all for your greetings, well wishes and compliments that made me blush. It is worth living to 91 to have friends like special!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About To Happen!............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Anne, maybe it could have been worse but still unpleasant. Must dry it out as quickly as possible to save the carpet. You may have to replace it. We are having on and off rain showers here. Other portions of the state are getting significant rim and there are floods in many locations. A number of streets are closed in our area. It is an odd year.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our heatwave continues so this morning we met Scruff with her mum in the woods where it was lovely and cool under the trees. A quick trip to a store for cat biscuits and corn for the chooks, now I've decided housework will be sensible until later when it cools enough for gardening.
    My weight is all over the place but then I'm not being as sensible as I should so can only blame myself.... I've just eaten a pork pie for lunch! Now my vision is much sharper I've noticed ounces are included on the scales screen, an addition I'd rather not have!!

    Sooo, cleaning materials at the ready.....

    Happy Monday everyone.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Not much change in the basement. Just like LIN we had torrential rain for two full days. The road outside resembled a lake. All my flowers are bent over but I expect they will show their faces to the sun again now she's out. Impossible to type, what's happened to MFP!
    So...I bid the farewell,