Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) things are feeling a little normal today. I have everything done in my new place except the valance for the vertical blinds. Bryanna came last night to help but we just couldn't get it up. I am sure I have the wrong clips so I will go to Home Depot today to try and get the correct kind. She put up my decal for me which makes me happy. I will be going to bingo tonight as it has been a few weeks since I have gone. I didn't go for the $15k last night as we were expecting storms. Not sure if it has been won or not.
    I sat for the boys yesterday and believe me I am worn out after a few hours. They are adorable and I love them, but let's just say it is always good to go home. lol

    Jackie, I love your picture of the grazing cows and as Patsy said would make a great painting or framed picture. We have nothing so beautiful in Illinois, our land is so flat it is embarrassing. Chicago of course is our main attraction but what a nightmare to drive in traffic.

    Anne, any habits that Jilly has make me smile. She is so tiny and cute I could never get angry with her. Did you get the basement dry?

    Patsy, sailing sounds wonderful but I admit I am a little afraid on sailboats, thinking they might turn over. Your son, I am sure is an expert sailor (?) and enjoying his time with his girlfriend. Have you had a video call with them to sort of meet her?

    Buzz, please be careful with banks online, so many scams going on I just want you to be safe.
    I am glad you are feeling better and still wondering when your son is coming?

    Lin, your life so busy, it is hard to keep up with you. Sorry about all the rain you are getting, I hope it dries up soon. We are expecting dry weather for a few days in fact hot, but rain again on Sunday.

    The day seems to be getting away from me again, so I best get moving. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello, an early and long Tai Chi morning!! Then a stop at one of the local grocery stores that offers the discount day on health items and organic. No one seems to have organic zucchini right now. I will try Whole Foods tomorrow.

    I have addressed another birthday card. Will get it in the mail and will likely go to the afternoon Tai Chi class as many schedule changes are in the works the next week or so due to vacations and the Holiday. My legs say, no, don’t go but I may over rule the objection. :)

    Jackie, lovely photo. It somehow reminded me of a farm my hubby and I lived on for a couple of years. There were lovely woods and a pasture with a stream going through it. And we raised some beef cattle. It was very lovely but we had little time to wander about to enjoy it. Too much work.

    Anne, we are getting a break from the rain right now and very hot temperatures are on the way again. Mid to upper 90’s by Friday. Don’t overdo the heavy work. Keep your back and leg from harm!

    Patsy, I am glad you are feeling better. Wahoo! And wonderful that Katie’s vet visit is out of the way. Your son is such an interesting person. Thanks for letting us know what he is up to. I can imagine his sailboat and of course I am sure I am all wrong. Haaaaa.

    Sandy, grandchildren are apparently designed to wear out grandparents and also are there so you have someone to spoil (as people call it). Happy Home Depot trip to you. I still need to try to go to the Apple store one of these days. I was talking to a lady who tried to go to the store for help last week, without an appointment, and they told her the wait would be at least 45 minutes. That place is crazy! Thankfully, Home Depot is never that busy. Right?

    Buzz, I need to do some online banking later this afternoon. Usually I do not have the need to speak to anyone with my banking transactions. I have more trouble with local in person transactions. Argh.

    All best wishes sent to all dear Sneakers.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    New Apartment...hope this works
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    It did work and very nice. You look set for life. Well worth the move I think. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Okay this why I have a lot of laundry! Katie and a clean sock she stood right out of the dryer.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy! How cool is that! Everything coordinated and color matched! Looks like it was designed by a decorator. Terrific job. I think you will be happy and comfortable there. Beautiful!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Jill couldn't reach into the dryer, however she and the beautiful Katie are sisters under the skin when it comes to a love of "sockies". Once she gets her teeth into a sock it becomes hers, being unfit for human wearing at that point.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2018
    I'm so late...or early, I guess! I keep taking the wrong letter, so I'll let SANDY know my son is arriving Sunday along with his DW Donna, her granddaughter, Mia, and possibly Donna's sister Bev! I only reserved a 1 BR apartment, but it does have 2 bathrooms!
    Afraid I just skimmed today's posts, as I'm having problems with the site jumping all about. In fact, it just posted this without a click! So goodnight all. It's crazy online and I'm too sleepy!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our heatwave continues which restricts outside jobs but enjoyed our woodland walk before I drove to a friend's home to deliver rhubarb I'd picked at the allotment when watering last night. George is very low key in this heat and snoozes for most of the day so last night we walked on the moors until sunset around 10pm and saw as many people up there as we normally run into during the day.

    Yesterday's photo was taken when chatting to my friend and suddenly noticing the scene over her shoulder. I did think Constable would have had his paints and brushes out but then so would PATSY and ANNE!

    Patsy that's another adorable photo of Katie and so funny with her sock. She must be a constant delight for you and John.

    Sandy, your new home looks amazing and I can see why you chose to live there. I don't think my cottage has ever been that tidy!!

    Lin, friends of mine raise a few cattle on their small farm located on the top of the moors but few trees or shelter, in fact very exposed. I know how hard they have to work to maintain the health of their herd. Another friend found her Apple store incredibly unhelpful when she needed help and said she felt they thought she was a dotty old lady so after a confrontation returned her new phone!

    Light lunch time then I will see if I can work outside for a while. Yesterday I got sunburn on the back of my neck while finishing the trellis job and attaching the tumbling rose so must find my cream protection.

    Enjoy your day everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good morning

    Sandy, wonderful new apartment!

    Patsy, Katie is adorable. Even if she runs off with a sock or two.

    Anne, perhaps you need some tiny children sized socks for Jilly to grab? She must drag a full sized sock.

    Jackie, beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing it! And good for you on completing the trellis work. Do you have a sunburn cure? I like aloe vera but I am not sure it does anything other than feel good. Hi George.

    Buzz, sorry for the continuing tech problems. This morning I went to my laptop to wake it,up, it was on, just hibernating. But it would not do anything. Just a black screen. So I did a hard power off and then turned it on again. After a long time everything came back, mystery to me.

    Happy to say I did prevail with the online purchase of AppleCare for my new phone yesterday. Whoppee. No trip to the Apple store needed now. Also finished my online banking and am registered now for two of the three farmland seminars I usually attend each year.

    Feels like progress. :):)

    It is Library ladies morning. Maybe we will finally finish that difficult jigsaw puzzle. Truth be told, I would be finished by now if we did no sit and talk so long before wandering over to start on the puzzle. A stop or two on the way home if the predicted severe thunderstorms have not arrived by then.

    Off I go once again. Hugs.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    We've just got back from our morning walk which involved avoiding three young foxes. The cub family have grown up, and I will have to be very careful because Jill is half their size and my pet wild bunny is no more. I suppose they do keep the rat population down, but Buns!

    It's already very warm this morning and we will reach, they tell us, temperatures of 37 and up. Plans are being made for the homeless, water etc. I must fill the bird bath with water for the birds and all the wild life. I don't cope well with anything over 70 degrees so dreading over 100!
    I shall be lurking inside JACKIE in a pair of shorts I almost chucked out.

    Mike sent me a video of a very tiny donkey on YouTube. Absolutely delightful but I've no idea how to copy it on here. It's called Tiny Donkey Thinks he's a Dog. If you can find it, do watch.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Life seems to be back to normal, no win at bingo but I did return most of the containers that I had borrowed to move. Meeting today and a stop at Walmart. Tomorrow my cleaning girl and I will clean the old apartment and then hopefully hand over the keys and be done with that phase of my life. It will be interesting to see how much she gives me back from my security deposit, although last time I talked to her about it, she did say it would not be a $1000 so hopefully she gives me at least half although I deserve the full deposit.

    Anne, I started to watch the tiny donkey but I don't have enough time right now. He is darling though and will finish later. Here is the link for those who want to watch.

    Lin, glad you got the Apple Care online instead of having to go to the store. It can be a nightmare there with so many people. Good luck on the puzzle, maybe today will be the day it gets finished.

    Jackie, another beautiful picture, you are sharing Jeri's skills in capturing amazing shots.
    It is almost a problem being a little OCD, I like everything in its place. I do need one more valance for my kitchen so I will probably look for one today as I have no patience.

    Buzz, I bet you are excited to see your son and extended family. I am sure they will work out the sleeping arrangements and will care less just to be able to be with you.

    Patsy, absolutely love the picture of Katie, with that face you can't get angry. You can always buy new socks. lol

    Time to go, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hi LIN, this is MY sockie , Jilly Bean. Anybody out there want to play rip Annes sock, Katie, George?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Wow! I have lost my post three times. Not that I have real news of consequence. I have been dragging around so foggy and clumsy. Not sure what is going on here. I guess poor nights sleep.

    The way I will deal with this is to swim through the fog and keep going until the mental clouds lift. I did watch the donkey video. Adorable little creature. He reminded me of Katie.

    I am trying to brush Katie and I am using a skin and coat conditioner made with Emu oil. It really made my hands soft and really helped my sad cuticles. My hands always look awful because of the paints etc that I use. Anyway I am going to look into this. However, I hate to think I am using something that they have to kill the animals to get. One of my ongoing conflicts in life.

    I am sewing a thunder jacket for Katie. The ones at the pet store don’t fit. The July 4th fireworks and thunderstorms are terrifying for her. Everyone says they really help, including our vet.

    Made my sugarless blueberry muffins. Not bad! I used frozen blueberries and applesauce for moisture and sweet. It worked. You need muffin papers however. John said the sugarless, whole-wheat, low-fat muffins are just toooooo healthy. They aren’t really muffins!

    Jilly is so cute...she makes you want to just pick her up and squeeze her with hugs. I feel that way about almost all creatures. Not sure why but I do have this odd affection for creatures even fish, frogs and lizards. Snakes do scare me. We have several green garden snakes out in a rock lined flower bed. John says they are our little helpers so he is careful when he mows not to disturb them. Huh? Well, we all know John is a crazy guy.
    Stay strong, be well, love hard,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK PATSY, if I can catch a picture while it's dozing in our brick outdoor patio, I'll send you the resident iguana!
    I played volley ball today in our new auditorium, since the new exercise/game room we were supposed to use is much too small ! I finally got my weight down below last week's but yesterday we had a welcome / meet and greet party for our new director, and the chef went all out with fabulous appetizer snacks so today I'm up 2 pounds again! But I was asked if I've lost weight so what the heck! I sat down for a few minutes to get my legs up and must have dozed off, so I had better get dressed for dinner, which will be with our neighbor who is celebrating his birthday. He has rather advanced Parkinson, and it is very difficult to understand his speech. So sad, because he is brilliant and funny.
    SANDY, unless there is serious damage, you should receive your entire sum back! Knowing you, it is probably in better condition than when you moved in!
    I must dash, but will try to return later.
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It appears our resident backgrounds are shifting and our chef will not be outdone. On tonight's menu, for instance, we had choices including turkey soup with Chinese noodles, salad was an antipasto, main choices included Lasagna, Hot Pastrami sandwich, potato pancakes, Japanese Basa and turkey chili! I think I saw a notice about Weight Watchers being introduced in 3 weeks! Although I lost almost 20 pounds, I have just barely gone down one size---TIGHT! This is really getting serious! Can I get serious AFTER my son etc. leave?
    I'm late tonight because I had to design and print 2 sympathy cards and several thank you's for donations people had made for my birthday. So now I can go to bed with a slightly clearer head! By the way, pastrami simply doesn't go on white bread! :s:s
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!............................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Blimey BUZZ, whatever happened to boiled beef and cabbage or fish and chips? I haven't heard of half the stuff on your menu! I don't think I'd survive without my shepherds pie and egg and chips! Typical Limey, that's me. Congratulations on such a huge weight loss though so the menu must be good but I'll never join you consuming stew and dumplings like I do, sigh.

    Never mind, it's 31 deg today mounting to 37 deg by Saturday and the last thing I want to eat is a dumpling. I did manage to lose a humble pound this past week. All to do with heat methinks, not diet endurance!

    And so it's grocery shop day yet again and Mike over for lunch. I'm about to make potato salad whilst it is cool enough to boil a spud.

    Sit in the fridge, sit in a bath full of cold water, whatever it takes, stay COOL girls,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello lovely people, we are again basking in hot sunshine but my poor garden is beginning to wilt. Apart from the pots of annuals and of course tomato, cucumber and pepper plants there's little I can do to refresh the rest so will just have to wait for the rainy season which could be any time for us! Most of yesterday afternoon was spent in a comfy chair in the shade with George and cat Hebe beside me but by 5pm the sun had moved off the garden room so I was able to put a last coat of paint on the outside low wall... it's looking very bright this morning! We've walked the woods and George has even managed to eat most of his brunch that included a spoonful of yogurt but is now barking at nothing yet again! Would I have adopted him if I'd known this Lhasa trait, probably not but love him I do so must take the rough with the smooth. My plan is for housework this morning and this evening I will go to the allotment with my neighbours when we hope it will have cooled a bit otherwise we won't do much more than drink tea and chat!

    Lin, Aloe vera is something I use a lot because I have a plant ion my bathroom sill that a friend gave me many years ago. It was a Godsend when I developed a heat rash after radiotherapy treatment and I even smeared some on George's scar from that recent operation. My neck is fine now and turning a dark shade of brown!

    Patsy, slugs are probably the only creatures I feel I can live without although I know they are loved by hedgehogs for an evening meal so shouldn't resent them. Today, as we stood by the river watching the dogs splash about I was drawn to sparkles in the sunlight and saw it was beautiful iridescent damselflies skipping over the top of the water. I watched their dance until they disappeared round a bend in the river. Emu oil is something new to me and perhaps it's not derived from the emu.... now I'll have to look it up, along with thunder jackets?

    Buzz, quite a menu and a lot of sodium I bet! I'm convinced I'd be twice the size I am if I lived surrounded by such food so a 20 lb loss in weight is a wonderful achievement and I wouldn't go worrying about the scales while your son and family visit, just enjoy.

    Anne, my shorts are out on the washing line after I spilled drops of fish oil in my lap.... must have been dribbling! I think it's come out but if not the sun should help to bleach it away.

    Sandy, OCD is something I would never come near to suffering with, too much hard work by my reckoning! LOL I do prefer my cottage to be clean and tidy as it seems to settle me but there's always something waiting to be put away or hung up. I do hope you get all your deposit back but if you don't then at least question why. That donkey is so cute and no doubt thinks the lady is its mother.

    This isn't getting the kitchen floor steam washed so better move. Happy Friday to everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, of course, must run soon for the drive to Tai Chi. More later but must catch up on errands from yesterday. All were jettisoned as severe weather warnings emerged and sirens were going off numerous times yesterday afternoon. We were lucky here, none of the damage other communities received so happy to do my errands today. Hot,hot, hot! Heat index over 100 this afternoon. I picked a lovely day for a noontime oil change in the old buggy. Haaaaa.

    Stay safe.

