Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Another day with no relief, but seeing what our leading entertainer is doing gets me upset enough that the foot comes in second place! Thank goodness his wife convinced him it doesn't "look" good! I do believe he has no moral center to rely on! JACKIE's squirrel is magnificent! And yes, my housekeeper just came in and took care of my mess and was as sweet a ever! And ranting on about the poor little kids in cages! Ah well, perhaps people's eyes will start to open! My typing is also suffering from the neuropathy in my fingers, so I will also cut short and log off! But to share a nice happening; Mike's daughter called and invited me out to dinner for my birthday. That was unexpected and warm! I told her I'd like a rain check, for when I don't require the "chair"! I
    Oops, must have fallen asleep!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sorry friends for my outburst of fear and anger. I guess I have myself in better control now. Things do get to me when I can’t do anything about an issue. I feel and I am powerless.

    It was chilly today because we have a marine layer. John mowed and he said there isn’t any jacket warm enough when we have that super damp air. But he got it mowed but he still has to trim the edges. That is for another day.

    We have a brand new Walmart and everyone is there comparing prices and produce quality. Mixed reviews so far. It is hard to decide where to shop. There seems to be such a price difference between the stores but you have to shop them all for the best deals. Oh gads! I am no good at this.

    I did my exercises on the deck this AM. We have many squirrels and they seem to be trying to jump in through the French doors. I have heard horror stories about the damage they can do in a house. Katie was on guard duty and barked them away.

    I did follow some advice from I think was Mother Teresa. About doing one thing toward helping and it might help tenfold in some way. There was a wonderful quote that, of course, cannot remember. Catholic Charities had a collection box going for the immigrant children. I dug a little deeper. It made me feel more hopeful.

    I have a friend that makes handmade quilts for children that have been victims of violence. These quilts bring such a huge measure of comfort. She feels this is wrong she Is! It is everything!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Don't think the wife has much influence BUZZ, more likely world condemnation with memories of past atrocities.

    My leg is so much better I'm going to have a go at tackling lawn mowing today.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. The sun is shining, I've strolled the moors with George and am now off to my hairdresser.

    As for recent events the man's psyche lacks heart and soul so no real surprises except perhaps the u-turn but as Nelson Mandela once said HISTORY WILL JUDGE US BY THE DIFFERENCE WE MAKE IN THE EVERYDAY LIVES OF CHILDREN. Consider him judged!!

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Well said JACKIE. Well said Nelson Mandela. Another thing struck me, "he" recently said Canadians were smuggling shoes out of the USA. Isn't that hurting the Canadian economy rather than the US economy? Of course I'm not a genius, lol.
    PS. Never smuggled shoes out of anywhere! Oh, I lie, I did buy some running shoes in the UK on my last visit, but only because my bunions were killing me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Really, a 20-day reprieve on taking the children from their parents? Ridiculous. Snort.

    Well, good morning, happy summer to everyone !!

    Anne, glad your leg is feeling better. Any relief from chronic discomfort is to be cherished.

    Jackie, I believe if anyone has influence, it is his wife. He seems to want o get along with her. If so,I am pleased that someone may be able to get through to him on some level occasionally.

    Patsy, oh yes, I agree, a quilt is a wonderful contribution. I sleep under one of my grandma’s quilts each night. It is very old, beat up, falling apart but it makes me feel better.

    Buzz, oh my friend, another bad day for you??? Noooooo. I am sorry you have to pass on a birthday dinner. It would be so nice to do something special on the day but if you are not up to it, then you are wise to pass on the offer. Any chance she would just stop by for a short visit?

    Well, must move along. Library ladies day.

    Overcast this morning with probable storms again this afternoon. I know I sound apprehensive, I guess I am. Tornados loom large in my list of fears.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2018
    Happy Thursday! :) Lots of rain but I think I am going to go to my meeting, I need some serenity. Things are really looking good in my apartment once it is all done I will post some pictures. My header for my vertical blinds is in at Home Depot but it is too big for my car, so Babe's teenager worker is going to meet me there later with his truck and help me put it up.
    Then I will be done except for one decal I want my granddaughter to put on my wall.
    I am being nasty and leaving clothes at the old place so my landlady can't do any work before July 1st. She told me she is going there today and I told her so am I. I hope I am wrong about her and she is fair with my security deposit but I have my doubts.

    Separating children from their families is just too heartbreaking, seeing them in cages just breaks my heart. I am glad he signed a reprieve but is it really only for 20 days? I haven't had time to watch the news and that is probably a good thing.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have been unable to post! So I just lost another huge post, describing how I WALKED to dinner tonight (the foot nearly killed me!) where our table was celebrating the birthday of a dear friend. Now, I bought a surprise cake for tonight at today's Bake sale for the Alzheimer,s
    Association held by our staff, and the big prize was a beautiful Carrot Cake, which I had was giving to my friend! When He saw it was carrot cake, He tearfully exclaimed he hates carrot cake! Fortunately the dining room menu feature chocolate cake tonight, so the rest of us ate his homemade gorgeous carrot cake!
    I realized that the foot/ankle must be improving somewhat to be able to walk downstairs with my walker rather than the motor chair! Hurrah, but wish the pain would disappear!
    As far as everyone else, sickened by the act of children being abused as political pawns! Never did I imagine my country would sink so low as to deliberately break up families requiring asylum! What ever happened to our Statue of Liberty ? The phony solution is but one of a long long list of lies we meekly accept, as the children were separated with no identification of parent/child!!! What more will it take for us to cry "We are not going to take it any more"? What was that movie?
    Oh, my, my soapbox melted as I realized the time! So goodnight, all. Sleep well!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Try to Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...........................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Hello all, his time will end BUZZ as it does for us all and the next leader of your beautiful country will be a kind and compassionate man by contrast.
    The Bean and I have just got up so I can't linger as Mike will arrive to take me grocery shopping. Up late because indeed I did manage to cut the front grass. Then Mark arrived to cut the back. He then proceeded to start emptying the garage some more of HIS junk and so my front is littered with three piles of sawn up into reasonable sized lumber from his projects, three garbage bags, one brand new toilet complete with seat and tank, the blue box, and bags of garden stuff. I tell you, I bet the neighbours (those that aren't still away) think he is about to shove me in the senior home. I helped of course, mainly sweeping up saw dust and Jilly yapped at all passing would be thieves of toilets which accounts for our tardiness this morning. Who said old age is dull, and boring, and unproductive!

    So I will away, I haven't even time to see what Mr T is up to today!
    Anne. Disposer of garbage and filler of land fills. Sigh.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Summer has returned so yesterday's cold wind gone, thank goodness. As usual George and I have strolled the moors and taken in the views so I'm now sipping coffee and making many plans for the day starting with boring washing up from a very early cooking session of George's meals. Oh yes, then I pickled some onions that I'd bought at the local farm shop.


    Buzz, I remember that movie, it was Network with Peter Finch as a newscaster ranting at the viewers I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more. because people were suffering during a recession. Didn't he receive a posthumous Oscar for his performance? Perhaps we should all get that painted on the back of our jackets!!
    Wonderful that you walked almost unaided as it's a really positive step forward (no pun intended!). Yummy carrot cake too, something I can never resist so don't imagine anyone hating it but I'd be happy to eat their share too!!

    Lin, I imagine he knows the lady wife has too much on him to fall out with her while he's in office but who cares so long as he takes notice of a sane person even occasionally. Come to think of it, marrying him wasn't too sane a decision was it LOL
    Do you get tornadoes in your district? It would be my one nightmare.

    Anne, delighted to read your leg is feeling better and hopefully after mowing the lawn you are still in one piece! Stealing shoes from the States, now that's new but then it's difficult to separate the gobble-di-gook from the norm! I purchased some wonderfully comfy walking sandals in Toronto many years ago on a visit for similar reasons.... extreme heat and swelling feet rather than bunions!

    Sandy ~ It does sound like you already feel well at home in your new apartment which is great because it means any stress has lessened. Can't wait to see the photos!

    Not far off my lunchtime now and I have a Cornish pasty to pop in the oven so will get on. Talking of pasties, I still haven't weighed myself although I did tell myself first thing I need to know what damage there is so I can set my find to fixing it! If I'm awake enough after the morning shower I will do so tomorrow.

    I hope Patsy is ok and not breaking her heart over current US events. Let us know you are alright sweetheart? <3

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Footnote. The present situation south of the border reminds me of feudal England. Remember wicked king John, the lad forced to sign the Magna Carta? I was thinking if a certain "queen" hangs in there she could end up inheriting an awful lot of land, true, golf courses rather than rolling pastures but who's complaining! Now, we just need a Robin Hood to rob the rich and help out the poor, ie. house those poor little kids and at least their moms in one or two golf club houses for the time being. After all the feudal lord won't have time to go hunting, or in today's case, play golf with all the turmoil and upheaval. Ooh I love to let the imagination run wild. Eases a lot of stress!
    Tongue in cheek.
    Meanwhile, apparently thousands who have made it to the States are now crossing into Canada. It was mentioned that Quebec in particular is finding it hard to shelter so many. Rarely mentioned here with all the drama from south of us.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I don't have much time as I am going for a well needed haircut. I also hope to go for a mani/pedi to feel human again but we will see. My vertical blinds are up but the clips I had for the valance don't fit the new rod. I have emailed the company because I was told there was supposed to be clips with the rod. Always something.
    It is still raining here but the good news is that the weekend should be great. Robby's 4th birthday party is Sunday so I do hope it will be a nice sunny day for all the kiddos.

    Will check in later, you all know I am not a morning person so a ten o'clock appointment is early for me and I must get ready.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dearest ladies. Still sort of muggy but sun is possible. Both John and I are heart sick and remember during WWII a shipload of escaping Jews that were denied asylum. It was a shameful time that we have now started to match. I do not understand the reason for the flippant message on the back of the jacket. Who on earth does that? The same person that steals another first lady’s speech. The one makes a big To Do about “Be Best” and then hands out written material with her name attached to the former First Lady’s efforts. That movie we are all quoting is Network. I loved that movie. Well I need to watch out , I am sputtering helplessly. This whole thing has everyone livid and enraged. Surely this is enough to bring about removal from office. Help! I am drowning in fear and dispare. This is not right and has to stop.

    There is a huge crow out on our fence. I’ve seen him before. He stares right into the window and watches us as we drink our coffee. He also announces our activities when we go outside. It is oddly funny and sort of friendly. Yes they rob nests but I need to remember that food chain thing.

    I love early morning to think and plan my day as well, Jackie. Anne, you have a wonderful ability to use your

    vast store of history as a lens to look at our current state of insanity. Corruption has been around for awhile. Buzz, yea! It sounds like you are on the mend. Sandy, busy making her little nest sweet and comfy.

    Today I am making John a tuna sandwich and baked sweet potato fries. Fresh strawberries for dessert. Friday night treat! Our musician friend wants us to have lunch together again. We will do it! He sort of comes and goes, so to speak. We understand he might not be in good shape mentally next week. He is 87. He and John have been friends a long time.

    Friendship makes it all worthwhile. Thank goodness you are all out there.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So the latest is to save money by combining education and environment and cutting funds for each. HELLO? Is anyone with brains out there listening? How can citizens of the USA continue to put up with this destruction? Where are our real leaders? Will we next invade Mexico (read Poland 1939)? The manufactured lies are astonishing, yet his followers still accept! Back to talk of weight and food, etc. That carrot cake was unbelievable, with walnuts and all kinds of other healthy things! Is it, therefore, classified as a vegetable?
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Try to Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Forget Mexico, what about us up here in the north with a smaller population. (Read Poland 1939).
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    [quote="delraybuzz;c-42199357. That carrot cake was unbelievable, with walnuts and all kinds of other healthy things! Is it, therefore, classified as a vegetable?
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Try to Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!...................[/quote]

    Sounds good to me BUZZ! ;)
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    As long as it didn't have icing on the top, lol. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello, I am so far behind! Darn. Well, who knows what motivations are driving these events. Once again I have been focusing on friends. I heard from a lady today who has been kind of absent lately. Her son is incarcerated for driving violations and is working hard on being sober and working part-time at a job on some type of work release program where he reports back to the facility after his job. He has no drivers license now and has been relying on then bus system. Anyway, he is probably within a month of release and he is looking to get into a residential program. She is quite unhappy about it due to the crazy strict rules. No home visits, no visitors at the house, no letters or packages, no Skype, texts, or email. Sounds like being thrown into a hole. If he has any problems, he only has the guy who runs the program to turn to. Obviously everyone in the program has substance abuse issues and apparently many are drug dealers and others are thieves. So lots of texts as she has lots of worries. Right now he receives 48-hour passes from time to time so they can see him.

    And my other friend who is having surgery this afternoon seems to be over the edge nervous. I don’t think I’ve been much help to her. I hope all goes well and her pain will be relieved.

    So, my Internet and Cable TV provider had a very difficult time fixing the fiber cables that were apparently hit and broken by a construction crew. It took out service for most of this suburb and several other as well. Instead of a three hour fix (wait, is that like Gilligan’s Island, a 3 hour tour?) it was more like 24 hours and they stopped posting updates.

    Buzz, oh darn, someone who doesn’t like carrot cake. I know there are some. If I could still eat it, I would. But definitely not a vegetable. Haaaaa. Good job on the walking. I hope your leg continues to improve.

    Sandy, I hope you got your haircut and your mani/pedi. I thought of you this morning as during Tai Chi, a lady got a call. She answered it and let out a scream. I thought someone had died or something but no, it was good news, her niece had just had her baby. I thought of you as the niece was scheduled for a C-section next week but suddenly went into labor, surprise! She was quite happy after that and Tai Chi sort of went by the wayside.

    Jackie, beautiful scenery on your stroll and a handsome George! Did you enjoy your lunch? It makes me hungry to read that. I am off for Papercrafting soon and it isn’t over until 11pm if I stay until the end. I have nothing good to take for supper. Rats. I suppose it will be snacks but it doesn’t seem appealing.

    Patsy, interesting. Your crow sounds fairly tame. I must admit they scare me. In fact I am not fond of the smaller blackbirds as I lived in the country for years and the red-winged blackbirds are aggressive. They claim territory and don’t even want people walking about in their space. I suppose it has to do with nesting habits. Anyway, crows are so much larger, so loud, and I am reminded of the Hitchcock movie which always terrified me. Oooooh.

    Time finish packing for the evening, change clothes and find some snacks and something to drink to drag along with me.

    Many good thoughts are sent to each of you. Hugs.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phew, it was hot already at 9am but we trudged across the moors and paused halfway for a well earned drink of water. Gorgous scenery and singing Skylarks set me up for the day so having completed yesterday's plans I will today attempt to clear the overgrown area the beehives live in just in case another swarm checks in!

    Buzz, Clever Mr T... the painted jacket worked as a distraction for a day but hopefully all eyes now back on his disastrous policy. So upsetting to see somewhere called Brownsville housing 2 year olds and babies that were given a different number to mother so a logistical nightmare to ever reunite. What the....??

    Lin, I expect your friend heading for her op would have been administered a strong sedative and hopefully on her way to recovery and I understand some theories on those with substance abuse issues say they are deemed more likely to stay off if kept away from the environment they were in when it started but it's a Catch 22 situation for family. My pasty was delicious thank you but the pastry fell apart so George and even little cat Hebe found more than a few scraps under my garden bench. I'm sticking to fruit and cottage cheese today so no treats on offer!

    Patsy, when I meet a crow on my walks that places a beady eye on me I can understand why our ancestors considered them to have flown in from the dark side... highly intelligent so I always speak respectfully to them but if Scruff is with us she tries to chase so they tease her and float over her head. I'm sure they'd guide her off a cliff edge if there was one!

    Sandy, I expect you feel as relieved as I did after my hair appointment as it's so much easier to keep under control and you'll look as gorgeous as ever in tomorrow's birthday photos!

    Anne, it seems the whole world population is shifting as social media shows those that have nothing what many in the west enjoy. Hundreds every week arriving on the shores of Mediterranean countries and I really don't know what the answer is. Perhaps Canadian laws to legalise marijuana are about getting you all to chill!

    Must get on. Let's hope for a stress free Saturday.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    So right JACKIE. After all one theory is we all migrated out of Africa, Asian people migrated to populate the Americas, the Vikings and the Romans watered down the Celtic tribes of Britain, Ghengis Khan's DNA is found in Eastern Europe, its all part of the human condition, if disturbing at the time as the old traditions and gods are swept aside. I wouldn't put it past our hippy prime minister getting us all to chill. Maybe he should pop some marijuana in a recent adversaries cup of coffee, lol. I don't think I'll grow it in my little plot, like ragweed and Ivy it too would squeeze out my present population of plants.

    Rain forecast all day. I hope Sandy enjoys her new home, Lin enjoys crafting or visiting her recovering friend, Jackie avoids a bee sting, Patsy doesn't meet any crows, and Buzz sits down to a lovely piece of carrot cake. And remember friends,

    Whether the weather is cold, whether the weather is hot,
    Whatever the weather, we're in it together,
    Whether we like it or not.

    Anne, usually optimistic.

    Whoops just had a thought. Will Mr. T clamp down on migratory Canadian pensioners wanting to winter in Florida. You know, the ones who smuggle shoes out of the USA?