Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I will need to get on with things today! Our son is coming for a Father’s Day visit early. He is coming Wednesday because he is sailing on Sunday. We told him to please go ahead and do the sail. Sunny days are like gold here in Oregon. So John is getting his Father’s Day visit a bit early. Typing is slow again.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ha-ha, just noticed my spelling of "bare".... I wouldn't do that either!! LOL
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lost my internet last night in the middle of finally making a greeting card! Frustration, Was life simpler before technology as we know it now?
    The renovations here have made it impossible to get from my apartment to wherever I'm going without going through and around almost all of the 4 buildings (temporary walls blocking off the bistro, the main lobby, the entrance, you name it! I'm contemplating using the motor chair for some of the chores or meetings.
    I can't think straight today; I suppose I should be thrilled we are now cohorting with the biggest thugs in the world but I don't seem to be feeling anything but numb! And disbelief!
    I'd better get moving. Enjoy the gardening and all the other activities!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Try o believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen :s .............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We should have international razzmatazz and bunkum starring a couple of showmen more often because I achieved everything I intended in my garden and some!! Not sure the participants of the mad hatter's party could say the same!
    Today we walked through the woods again so the dogs could play in the river and although George is exhausted by the time we return home I'm sure it's helping him regain energy and definitely increases his appetite. A few more clouds but still warm so I will give myself another check list and crack on.

    Buzz, for sure life was less complicated, and I'd add intrusive to the mix, before technology took over. Of course now, like it or not we are all captives and will never escape! Perhaps someone could suggest complimentary motorised chairs be left at strategic places for those struggling to get from A to B especially if the renovations will take some time.

    Patsy, here we are, it's Wednesday and a special father's day for John so have a wonderful time with your son.

    Daren't turn back the page for a look at other posts as I'm bound to see everything disappear so will just wish everyone else enjoys the day.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    We are in the midst of a much needed downpour right now. Everything was so parched. Birds out in droves on my lawn to catch the poor worms coming to the surface to avoid drowning only to be eaten by the birds. Such is the cycle of life! Too fierce a downpour to take The Bean out, although I ventured forth in my jammies to haul a couple of plants from the shelter of the garage overhang so they could enjoy a drink of natures whatever they add to Lake Ontario drinking water.

    I think that's about all the excitement I'll get today, unless Mr. T wakes up from his travel lag or recovers from an upset tum from eating too much octopus or stuffed cucumber, part of the lunch menu. That could be rather exotic if you are used to steak and ketchup.

    Good day to wash the bedding etc as in duvet cover, (sheets and pillow cases done on Monday), so I'll away and wish you all fare-thee-well but mustn't forget!
    .......................................................Happy Early Dads Day to PATSYs John.

    Anne, still here and not deleted.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Packing and moving boxes to new place is going well. Babe is paying his kid that he uses to help with the boxes because he has a truck. Movers are coming tomorrow so all the big furniture will be gone. My landlady sent me a text yesterday telling me she will be here at 3:00 today to do some measuring and on Friday at 10:30 and 1:30. Note she didn't ask, she just told me which does upset me. I did tell her my furniture will be moved Thursday but will be moving other things and cleaning until the end of the month and that my kids are here until Friday. She replied I won't get in the way. She has some nerve doesn't she?

    Today my DIL has a doctor's appointment with the headache doctor, her headaches are getting worse now that she is back in Illinois so hopefully the doctor can give her something to help her. They will be gone all afternoon so I will get some things done by myself. My DIL pushes me to get boxes packed which is good but exhausting.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    I hope you are enjoying your early Father’s Day Patsy. No matter what day you get together, it is a special occasion.

    Jackie, you are allowed to spell bare any way you desire. After all, we get auto corrected to the oddest things anyway. Glad you accomplished a lot yesterday. Very happy to hear of George’s continued improvement. That was a tough surgery for goodness sakes.

    Anne The Deleter, is the rain over now? We are having a sunny and fairly temperate day. Apparently we have a very hot few days on the way. I keep thinking it should be July or August. I hope you and the happy little black dog are well this afternoon.

    Sandy, I can empathize with you. It is wonderful to have help but we all work at a different pace and put things in our own order. I am sorry to hear your DIL is having more headaches now. And your landlady is becoming a PAIN and is, in my opinion, running over your rights as a tenant of that unit. We will all be happy for you when she is in the rear view mirror.

    Buzz, I don’t know if things were easier when we didn’t have all this technology. We didn’t know any better and we did not receive as much news as we do now. I guess that is why my grandmother and her relatives were faithful in their letter-writing.

    It was a Tai Chi morning and then home. An organizer for Washi tape arrived in the mail I set to getting the tape organized which is unusual for me. Love it. I am baking sweet potatoes now and am going to try to cut a template out of vinyl using the Cricut. I have no idea how to do it, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Of course not as frustrated either! But I will try.

    Tomorrow the library get together is cancelled. I am going to meet my Tai Chi teacher and work on 24-form once again. I would like to try to go through double fan as well but we will see. She could provide corrections on 24-form for lessons and lessons to come. :D

    Hugs. Be safe. May tomorrow be a good day.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    I haven't been able to get on the site for four hours or more and can barely type now. Halting. At first I thought I was a goner again because the server wouldn't connect. I've suddenly got on and I think it's the wind storm we are experiencing. Lots of trees down apparently according to the local news.
    Stay safe everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, my huge post just up and disappeared as I was winding up, and I've no time to repeat it! CTRL + Z is ignoring me, but perhaps tomorrow. Is it the weather or did I do something wrong! I finally found some time, but know I love you all. So sorry...
    <3:'( Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dearest ladies! John said to you all...thank you for the Father’s Day best wishes! Like you all know, being a parent isn’t easy. If you try hard enough you might raise a human with the tools they need to build a good life. That has always been John’s goal.! The weather report from Oregon today.

    I am sure that MFP continues to deal with problems. Every other day it seems I have difficulty with halting typing and hesitant posts. I usually just give up and go do laundry. So it is what it is...iffy.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Me again. I haven’t been able to get to the exercise or food sections much less my news feed on MFP. After writing my post, I have been on this page. It is all that is working for me. I am glad this is functioning.

    Hugs all. Ready to wind it down for today. Cutting the vinyl was okay but the design space is quirky and difficult to deal with. Well, I tried!

    Good night dear friends.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    And I'm still here but can barely type so wilł call it a day!
    PS. Is this happening to the people who pay for premium?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    MFP seems to be working right now. Posting to say hello!

    A stormy morning here. I am staying home until mid-morning thankfully. Let the commuters get to work and then the roads will be uncrowded.

    Be well. I hope to be able to keep in touch.

    Sandy, best wishes on your move.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. Will give a post a try and hopefully not watch it disappear! We are just back from a long walk on the moors that turned out a bit of a struggle. We had rain in the night which was exactly what the garden needed and as the forecast said clear by 9 met a friend I hadn't seen in a while with a plan to go to a place called Gold Diggings and enjoy a flask of coffee. It seemed to be brightening up when I got to the car park so I didn't bother with a hat or waterproof jacket... big mistake. Fifteen minutes along the wind picked up and driving rain into our faces so I said this wasn't ideal for my eye and we turned back but swirling wind, hair blowing in my face and still more rain until we got back to the car park. George had a great time of course!! It will be time for eye drops in a minute but think I got away with it. The sun is out now we're home and George is busy chasing noisy fighter jets that are doing practice runs across the sky, silly boy!

    Sandy, you must still have the right to pick and choose when your landlady can enter the property. Personally I couldn't cope with others helping to pack my things however well intentioned asI'm sure your family is but deep breath and go with the flow.

    More storms LIN, Mother Nature is trying to tell us something for sure. So a chat with your teacher today and hopefully all the advice you need. Good luck with the 2 fans!

    Anne, at least you know it's the site not you that has a problem. So far I seem to have got away lightly since changing my password although that could be a coincidence. I do find this phone far too sensitive with pages flying where I don't want them. Perhaps being left-handed doesn't help.

    Sorry we didn't get to read your post BUZZ. I love your observations but the important thing is we know you are alright. <3

    Hi PATSY, JERI, MARIE and anyone else popping in. I'm off before this post disappears. Early lunch then shopping.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Move Day! Last post from this location, next time you hear from me it will be in my new home. I didn't mean to imply I wasn't grateful for my son and his wife, without them I would never have been ready. The movers are coming around lunch time so we are getting all the last minute things together. Probably won't be back until tomorrow so enjoy your day. We are expecting a heat wave over the weekend with extreme heat.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lots of luck, SANDY!!! Just popped in to check while Comcast is attempting to fix my WiFi problem. Looks like they replaced my recent modem with and older model so I'm back to all the problems I used to have with that model ! Also, he took the battery I had paid for! Yes, along with the good technology has brought, there are a host of annoyances that came along with it.
    I had wanted to express my thoughts on the new North Korea alliances, but thinking it over, I might be "investigated"!!! So instead I'll share that despite eating a couple of Godiva chocolates I won on Birthday Night Tuesday night, I have lost my 17th pound! Things are getting loose and my legs!!!!! The swelling is GONE!!! I no longer am wrapping them, simply using my original style compression stockings---in my original size! And I will return to Seated Volley Ball today o:) !!! I must go have breakfast since it's almost lunchtime! Semi-read your posts but it's been a crazy morning with Comcast's agent being very pleasant but very difficult to understand! But at least now I know my last technician gave me a step backward.
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hi de hi. Off to Tai Chi and it is already hot. Wooo.

    Hugs all.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Hello everyone, and particularly to SANDY who could be waking up in her new home sweet home.
    We are getting the heatwave as well on Father's Day. 93.2 predicted or 34 C. Wooooooooooooo.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning sneaker ladies! We are to have a warm weekend as well! Our son, Damon, will be sailing all weekend so he will be cool as a cucumber. We had a lovely visit with him on Wednesday and Thursday. As usual he brought his two little pups. Katie always loves seeing Damon and his dogs but she is very territorial about everything. She is getting better as she has matured. John’s favorite dinner (salmon) was eaten and. Appreciated. We enjoyed a Tex-mex chicken enchilada on Wednesday night. Wow! I put a bit of hot peppers in and we all loved that. NOw it is back to very simple lower calorie meals.

    I have been trying not to think about our political mess but our senators are emailing their constitutes in alarm. I have been getting emails from both senitors with reports and reactions on the Korean Summit. This is not good! No political news this weekend. It is bad for my digestion.

    The MFP site seems to have been repaired. Yea!

    Stay cool this weekend and be careful out in the very hot weather.

    Anne: I guess Little black doggies need to stay inside, You always take good care of your little girl. This heat is scary.

    Sandy: now the fun starts. Putting everything away.

    Lin: daily shopping etc. will be tiring in the heat. Be careful my friend.

    Buzz: hang in there! You have untangled some mighty messes before. So glad about your
    new good results on health concerns! You remain my inspiration.

    Stripping Damon’s bed and gathering towels from his bathroom. Washing the water bowl that his doggies
    Use. Until the next visit....

    Stay cool,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A walk in the woods this morning with George followed by a relaxing pedicure at home then a couple of hours at the allotment weeding and planting on seedlings that had suddenly shot up in my greenhouse. After that it's been a bit of a frustrating time because I've misplaced the key to my safe that holds important documents, obviously put in a safe place but I've forgotten!! I've now contacted the company I purchased it from to see if I can buy a spare key because a friend who will help get things moving legally when I pop my clogs needs to hold on to hers that I passed on!! Apart from that all is hunky-dory.... pleasant weather and mild.

    Sandy ~ Welcome to your new home where I expect you are busy unpacking those boxes and finding places for everything to go. How exciting... I'm sure you will love it and hope you have a pool to relax in every now and then rather than try to achieve it all at once especially if you are due hot weather.

    Patsy ~ Talk about turning everything on its head and not necessarily for the right reasons so you have the right plan for the weekend, avoid all political news.

    Buzz ~ Amazing achievements and I'm delighted it means you feel so much better. Hold that thought if anyone dares to offer something naughty to eat!!

    Anne ~ On with the air conditioning for you and Jilly.... enjoy the hot temperatures as much as you can but not too much.

    Lin too, busy, busy but don't overdo if the heat is extreme.

    Time for my cup of tea and then cook chicken salad. Oh yes, I've not weighed myself for a couple of weeks because I know I've been naughty. Our reopened farm shop sells a lady's gorgeous homemade cakes that I've been finding irresistible... no good for the waistline! Better habits next week!!