Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Yes it was an awful day for a touch typist yesterday. Halting letters with long drawn out intervals and the weird symbols popping up. Only on this site though. No problems texting etc.
    I got a message from MFP at one point on email though thanking me for my query and hoping all was fixed which was nice of them.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, leaving for church a bit later but oh my, it is getting so dark. Storms are not my favorite when I have to drive.

    I wasn’t on MFP that long yesterday so didn’t notice anything unusual. Just the normal issues. I refresh and refresh but don’t see new posts for hours. I guess I can live with that as long as I see them eventually.

    Wishing everyone an excellent day without technology glitches.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. A glorious start to my day with warm sunshine and light breeze so I bit the bullet and got George into the car to drive to the moors. My goodness, what a difference with everything so sharp and I impressed myself reading every registration as it came toward me when still some way off. The good eye is compensating all the time for the remaining cataract so unless I think about it I see little in the way of blurred vision and if I wanted to could probably count every blade of grass!!
    I didn't mention, at least I don't think I did, that as I got myself ready for my ride to the hospital on Friday I heard the distinctive sound of a swarm of bees and yes, there they were outside the garden room. I didn't have time to do much more than shut all the windows before leaving and when I got home only saw a couple of stragglers so assumed they were left behind when the swarm moved on. Not so because yesterday afternoon between cleaning jobs I saw many bees flying to the back of a garden storage box and looking inside noticed the bees had settled in!! Today I decided I have too much going on at the moment to also be looking after a new colony so phoned a local beekeeper who has now visited, moved the bulk of the bees into his bee carrier box and left it in my garden box to collect tonight when they have all settled for the night. Hopefully next year when the garden is back in order and all my other jobs lined up to be done are completed a friendly swarm will visit and I'll keep them!

    Anne ~ Now here's a thing.... your mention of Peter, Paul and Mary had me looking out my vinyl album that I bought in 1963, my first LP in fact at the age of 14. It may have been their first too, entitled In The Wind and about the time I think demonstrations were taking place against the Vietnam war. Apparently it was re-released in the 90's and oh my goodness, on Amazon it's a ridiculous amount, anywhere from £68 to £100!! I really must catalogue what I have in my cupboard! I hadn't heard that Mary had passed away so sad news as I reminisce.
    Hard to believe someone would have invented a collar to choke a dog if it dares to bark, probably the same person that invented the collar that gives a sharp electric shock if a dog doesn't return immediately it's called. No sign of positive training with treats with these people then??

    Buzz ~ Has your medication been increased or do you think the weather has you feeling so tired? I know muggy, stormy weather does it to me. in fact when I was outside chatting to the beekeeper as he moved the bees into his box I noticed large black clouds drifting over the moors behind me so maybe rain for us too.

    Lin ~ A safe drive for you I hope. I'm currently typing on my laptop because I lost 2 posts, one last night and another this morning because my iphone shoots the screens away if I dare breath sometimes and I can never find them again. This is currently very slow but I do think it struggles to keep up with my touch typing, especially since I had to get a separate keyboard after the one in the laptop stopped working properly. Sometimes I have to pause for a whole line to run and catch me!

    Sandy ~ Try not to get too stressed, especially about other peoples' opinions on where you are moving to. You are happy with it, in fact you love it and your current landlady will not be a part of your life so who cares? If she withholds your key money for a couple of nail holes in a wall then she is small-minded, especially if they have been filled so assume she is also stressed about her move and take a step back..... I know, easy for me to say!! :p

    Hopefully PATSY is enjoying a leisurely Sunday with John. I'm still cleaning!!! The kitchen is next then I'll take a break because it was only a couple of weeks ago the lounge was scrubbed to an inch of its life after George's little episode. Nearly 3pm here so I plan to be finished by 4.30, just in time for a cuppa.

    Happy Sunday everyone.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear sneakers! Yesterday we had a “gully washer “ of a storm. There was really no space between the rain drops. Buckets of water poured from the sky. We were concerned about flash floods. That was happening all over this area. Our little creek jumped its banks and the sides of the little roads were caving in. Our dairy across the road had moved all their cows to,higher ground and them moved all their ladies into the barns. The pastures are one big lake, with actual ducks swimming in them.

    It is still very cool. I think really warm weather might come some day, but so far we live in sweaters and light jackets as we go outside. I am still keeping my window open in the dungeon. John even left it open a bit during the big downpour. I guess some of the boats in the mooring basin are in need of pumping out.

    Confession time here...I am dealing with barely controlled panic over our political situation. I can only survive this by avoiding any notice of world events. I am not alone in this. It is happening to many of my acquaintances in the political action groups I communicate with. Mental health requires I step back. I keep getting visions of old World War II era Germany. OMG!

    I had to change my password again and now MFP is acting normally. Yea! For the past two days it has been on the fritz. Thankfully it is better now.

    Jackie: will you get the other eye done? There must a temptation to just carry on with this new improved vision. So happy you are enjoying your new eyesight. Hello world!

    Sandy: press on dear friend! You have much more exciting things ahead. A new home, travel, friends, a new granddaughter, this expenditure will barely be missed. I think Jackie is right, this old landlord must be stressing out about her move. We always moved across the country so there was little in the way of communication. We cleaned our best, we packed and moved. I feel sure this will smooth out for you very soon.

    Lin and Anne: a happy Sunday to you. I know Sunday’s are generally happy days with your friends and family. I must say, I would be tempted to chat with the spca about your new neighbor, Anne. Do they ever make education visits to animal owners? Our animal shelter people do that here. If things don’t improve they get the sheriff to remove the animal from the owner. I get choked up just thinking about that poor dog.

    Buzz: you sound in distress dear friend. A change in your meds...a new diagnosis...a little more help? I know weather causes us to feel every joint and bone as we try to walk or move. We are thinking of you. We are worried about you.

    Stay strong! Be brave! Breathe!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    And we could do with some of your rain PATSY. I'm not complaining though. The weather is sunny and temperate and right up my street. You are not alone in your uneasiness of the present situation. It's amazing how one unpredictable person can put us all in panic mode. It's as if he's ditching all the old alliances and cosying up with new unknown qualities. We poor "canon fodder" can only pray that the next few years will pass quickly. Unfortunately the rest of the west doesn't have strong leaders at this time. I guess we need "Winnie" ! I don't think "Justin" is any match.

    SANDY, I'm just echoing what everyone else is saying, ditch the old landlady, embrace the new. We used to say in England, "new house, new baby". And Here you are, new apartment, new baby!

    Mike came over to mow the lawns and exhaust the pup in exchange for lunch which was really dinner. He's just gone home with a hefty slice of chicken pot pie for tomorrow's lunch. The Bean is collapsed on the sofa totally wiped out after walks and playtime. I'm not far behind! The chap said he bought the collar on Amazon for his barking dog. He certainly has a quiet dog now compared to my little rascal. Jilly is totally spoilt. I would never do that to her and doubt that we'd find a collar small enough to fit anyway.

    Well, I hope everyone has a lovely peaceful Sunday afternoon/evening with no mishaps from pond soaked doggies, marauding bees, elderly ladies falling down, computer problems, floods, mean landladies, etc etc.
    Anne the Deleter.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, this is surely a more reasonable hour to be visiting my dear friends! Sorry I frightened any of you yesterday, but I do believe I was sleepy enough to be hallucinating as I came online and for some reason thought I was on 2 separate websites! I have no idea what the 2nd one was, but I recall thinking my life depended on finding it! Figment of a semi-dream state, I feel sure! I'm feeling much better today, despite the continuing nasty weather! Each day it is less difficult to walk (with my walker!) and today I am not sleepy. Even hat weight loss has slowed down but not reversed! YAY! I would love to reach 20 pounds by the time my DIL and son arrive July 1st!
    Lunch table was small today so we invited a new gentleman to join us, and he has a treasure trove of travel videos from all over the world he would like us to see. I have to think this one over as it could be fascinating or nap producing! He is in all sorts of therapy for current memory loss, but I see no signs of anything less than the rest of us have! I often am at a loss for a particular word , name , or expression, only to recall it hours from when I wanted it!
    SANDY, your whole move started because your landlady wanted to move back to her apartment! Sounds like she's having regrets! You have made excellent decisions, and really don't require an OK from her, so don't feel qualms about requesting the money due to you! Her painter naturally fixes wall imperfections as part of his job, and I'm sure she's having it done professionally!
    JACKIE, Sounds like to days of yore; your bees (or someone else's) have found a loving home and you will be back making honey soon. I hope Georgie understands the meaning of consequences!!!
    PATSY, oh dear, I feel your pain and fear only too well! What I cannot understand is seemingly intelligent people who fall for the SuperCon! As young as I was then, I recall too well the days leading up to the invasion of Poland; the lack of comprehension here in America regarding the rise of a super dictator in Germany, and the absolute danger of losing the world to such a despot. And hordes of people and so much of their youth became mesmerized by his irrational movement! And yes, I see a repetition happening here in my country! By ignoring it, we are allowing it to happen! If we cannot speak up, we are encouraging a Putin-dominated world! Are JACKIE and ANNE too young to recall what the UK went through? What are our options?
    LIN, I don't blame you for hating to drive in puddly weather! I recall the period you were doing the distance regularly toward your dear Dad's end!
    Forgive my soapbox, but like PATSY, I feel a panic coming on!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................ALWAYS believe Something Wonderful Can Happen!!!.............................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy...I have been trying to copy and paste that wonderful list of life lessons from Buzz, to no avail. I can’t print from my iPad so I have been trying to get it into my email. Is there a way? I can send my mail over to my printer but I can’t seem to figure out how to get things from MFP and sneakers over to email. I know you are slammed with stuff to do but I just thought I would ask.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm not too young BUZZ. I was 4 years old when the war started and vividly remember my mother shaking like a leaf before our bomb shelter arrived. She held me up at the window of our front room in our village to show me the red sky as the city of Hull burned. All the houses at the top of our street got flattened as the Germans lightened the load of their leftover bombs to fly back over the North Sea. All the plaster came down in our house and the windows shattered cutting my dog Spot and cutting me. Later, even the door of our bomb shelter was blown off by a close call bomb. At 10 years my parents tried to shield me from seeing the horrifying photos coming from the death camps. I saw them, we HAD to see them. At the end of the war the village built an enormous bonfire and burnt effigies of Hitler and Mussolini. Such hope then, a new start, peace on earth. But now we are all grown up things haven't changed and next time it will be much, much worse. We are all sisters and brothers under the outward skin. What the hells wrong with us that we continually let the war mongers rise!

    What's the answer! Well the masses must refuse to be drafted, must refuse to get caught up in the rhetoric, must ignore or ridicule these "leaders" of men, but that won't happen will it, greed always wins.

    Peter, Paul and Mary. Wonderful seeing them again last night and their hippy messages of love. Mary died at the age of 72 JACKIE. Her memorial was wonderful and a real tear jerker.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy...I have been trying to copy and paste that wonderful list of life lessons from Buzz, to no avail. I can’t print from my iPad so I have been trying to get it into my email. Is there a way? I can send my mail over to my printer but I can’t seem to figure out how to get things from MFP and sneakers over to email. I know you are slammed with stuff to do but I just thought I would ask.

    I copied it into an email and just sent it to you Patsy.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Thank you Lin. Busy, busy. Busy! Lots of packing and unpacking. Going to Rob and Lisa tomorrow to watch the boys while she and Rob go for her ultrasound. So much to say but just too tired. Will be back when I can.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. A lovely day although every now and then stormy clouds drift round before disappearing into the distance. Four dogs walking this morning as Scruff's mum is sitting the usual 2 Jack Russells. We went to the river in the woods where they had fun splashing about, all except little Honey whose owner once threw her into a river to wash off some mud and since then she is terrified of water. Just shows one thoughtless action can have a lifetime's affect on a pet!

    Buzz ~ What a relief to see my dearest activist friend back with us and even if it's dismay and horror moving both you and PATSY to comment about current world affairs it gives me a thread of hope that this madness won't go on too much longer while voices rise above that big mouth!! It seems you have a bully in charge that enjoys playing games with no concept of the consequences.
    I was born in 1949 so missed the horrors of WWII and playing with friends in the massive bomb sites was an adventure. It wasn't until I was in my teens that I heard how my mother survived a doodlebug falling from the sky with my older brother in her arms as she threw herself under a table when she heard the engine stop meaning the thing was on its way. Three properties were destroyed and neighbours killed but our house with many cracks in walls and ceilings still stands today! My generation was educated about what went on in Europe which I think is why in the 60's we broke away from the past mindset of acceptance and demonstrated to ban the bomb or get out of Vietnam, although it wasn't our war but we saw ghastly images on our news.
    I remember the good old days of holiday slides that we'd have to sit and "enjoy" after friends had been away to somewhere they thought exotic. Impossible to stay awake by the time the 20th shot of a sunny, sandy beach appeared!! The one reason I've not posted a link to the video I put together of our Norway trip is because I fear to anyone else it would be boring but it's a nice reminder for us.

    Anne ~ You probably saw this picture on the BBC news that to me says everything about how we end up repeating past mistakes. Just look at that face!!

    We should all in unison put on our Peter, Paul and Mary albums and sing loudly "Blowing In the Wind"!!

    Patsy ~ It seems the normal procedure for cataracts in our NHS is to remove both but one at a time. It starts with the optician that is a free service for seniors referring to the GP. Then we are moved on to the hospital where, after a consultation and thorough eye test, get asked which would we prefer to be done first. I had no idea as they both seemed bad to me so said the right for the heck of it! They will contact me in about 8 weeks time with an appointment for the other cataract to be removed. It was similar to being on a conveyor belt when they took me through the process as another arrived behind me and a previous patient got sent home... not quite like the charity trains that chuff their way across poorer African and Asian countries offering free cataract removals but it did cross my mind!!

    Sandy ~ Have a wonderful time with the boys and chill. You used to tell me reading about my life wore you out; well I'm feeling tired as you move from packing to visitors to sitting for Rob and Lisa..... stop and smell the roses sweetheart won't you! <3

    Meanwhile life continues, my bees have been collected and taken to a new home to be looked after and my kitchen is sparkling clean!! B) Hopefully some gentle gardening in store for me today.

    Time to get on. May your rain clouds disappear and warm sunshine greet you all when you rise!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning and it appears that it WILL be a good morning. Sunny skies and even though it seems chilly, Katie and I will slip into a warm sweater and start the day.

    Lin: thank you so much for emailing me the life lessons list from dear Buzz. There are things about the iPad that simply remain a mystery to me.

    Jackie: your cataract operation seems exactly as mine. Even to the assembly line approach. Assuming there is no hiccup in the process, I felt like they seem to know what to do and when. Got it done and over!
    As to our political situation, almost everyone feels the same...except for a few. I keep wondering when this will end. I saw a 50 year old celebration filmed after the election of JFK on our PBS. Wow! I could feel the energy, hope and enthusiasm through the years. Haunting but we are feeling the messages coming at us. This is a pivotal time to be alive. I think we need to speak out or be silenced. Okay! It is me standing on my soapbox yet again.

    Sandy: what a jam packed schedule you have. I know you will work it out with elegance and grace. I fear I would be desperately wanting a nap. A poor idea when there is so much to accomplish. The new baby is on her way?

    Anne: I keep thinking that you and your grown boys are examples of how a family should be. You did a great job. No wonder your sons want to celebrate Fathers Day with you! You have been mother and father to them, and a good one.

    Mopping the kitchen and laundry churning away, the week begins!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    I don't know PATSY, in the present clime I feel like rounding up my two sons, my DIL, my two grand sons, The Bean and Hobbes the giant kitten, and shipping us all off to some remote sheep farm in New Zealand!

    Busy day today, but it's a beautiful one. Perfect temperature for this temperate born gal. Around 73 deg and absolutely comfortable with the grass green, green, green and flowers everywhere. Winter seems a distant memory, and with two world leaders shut up in two hotels in the Far East strangely peaceful.

    Just a cleaning, washing day for me, so not much to report.

    Hope every one of you is also enjoying a lovely quiet day,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello and here we are again at another Monday. I completed some errands this morning, Trader Joe’s, purchases a few more various undies at Walmart, book drop off at the Library, a stop by the post office and another stop to pick up a free lottery ticket. Groceries put away, new duds washed and ready to go to afternoon Tai Chi when I noted an unknown package delivery on tap for today. It is my new phone and I must be home to sign for it so I am staying home. Better than trying to catch up to the delivery another day.

    Our little Mah Jongg group *may* get together tomorrow morning. That would be lovely and then coloring tomorrow afternoon. An opportunity to visit with people I haven’t seen for a while and a way to avoid the news. It seems we have a number of adolescents in charge of their respective countries and it makes me quake in my orthopedic shoes. Argh.

    Lots of rain accompanied by thunder overnight so I was awake often. I might go to bed early tonight unless more storms arrive which I hear is a possibility. Loads of rain to the North of us and to the West with loads of water heading downstream. Just a potential natural disaster rather than a man made one.

    Sandy, best wishes on your super busy weeks. Keep your family busy too—helping you!

    Jackie, I saw that photo but didn’t read the story. What a group! I am glad the bees have found a home and that George is still doing well. We never watched family slides. If there was anything to share, it was still photos in an album. You can get through those at your own pace. My folks had a movie camera and took a few reels of vacations but they tired of that project quickly.

    Buzz, maybe you could try a couple of the travelogues this gentleman has and if too much, there are always excuses to avoid them in the future. I hope your day is going well. And that no odd web sites have appeared.

    Patsy I should wash my kitchen floor. Should. :D Maybe later. Time in the dungeon today?

    I am going on the lookout for the delivery person. I want the phone but I don’t want to have to attack all the problems of switching as I have no idea how to do it!

    Hugs to you all.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Wahoo, the phone arrived about 20 minutes ago. I am looking at it. Am charging it and I see where the SIM card has to go. Beyond that, color me clueless. Time to start trolling through the many pages on my carrier’s site to see if I can figure out the procedure—in advance. Not today though. I have always rushed ahead with some kind of urgency to get the new toy up and running immediately. Haaaaa.


    P.S. It was a good idea to stay home and skip the class. One of my few good decisions.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Whoppere, new phone working. I only lost my Activity streak on my Apple Watch when I had to unpair it. Sad to see over 1,000 days go but I will just start over.

    Good evening. Thunder and lightning once again.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, lots good luck with your new phone, and I am happy for you that you remained home for the delivery! ;) The "gentleman" called several times today about various things, each time mentioning his travelogues (etchings?). I explained about bringing interested residents along with me so we could ALL watch his videos, and he suggested I make it ASAP! Meanwhile, expecting a call from Dell, re the lack of ability to use Facebook Messenger Video Chat, I tried calling my son on it, and I actually got through so Dell's call was not needed. However, my DS gave me a link to have Messenger on my desktop so I would be able to hear his calls all the time....and that was the beginning of a nightmare! It downloaded incorrectly, I
    uninstalled it, but the process did not do a complete delete, and now I cannot uninstall the rest since the computer cannot find "an open file" but will not tell me where to look for that file! I go into a vicious circle getting nowhere! And it won't let me reload it, either! So hello, DELL, come fix a new problem for me! Thank goodness for the warranty!
    JACKIE, interesting picture, but actually flattering to you know who! The usual sneer is missing! I'm glad Trudeau spoke up, but nothing makes a difference to this bully! He "ticks off" our friends and befriends the other world bullies! What to do?
    Midnight! Where did my day go? Must get sleep, as it makes a huge difference in my pain! I seem to have really improved! Love the rest of you dear people, but will have to return tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always Believe Something Wonderful I About To Happen!...........................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good morning girls!
    In the words of the song:

    Here we go again,
    Happy as we can be,
    All good friends,
    And jolly good company!

    The world gives a collective sigh of relief.....until the next time of course.


    Why do I have the oddest feeling someone is having a schoolboy snigger all the way back to Korea?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    News firmly ignored today as I can't bare the sight of either so will be in the garden pruning if anyone needs me!!

    Back much later as the sun sets!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good day. Lovely verse Anne. Hiding out sounds excellent Jackie! And Buzz, technology snares. Horrible.

    Storms overnight once again. Sunny and hot today. I am going to go ahead with Mah Jongg and coloring so will not be home much.

    Hi Sandy and Patsy.

