Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I barely recall! Am in dreadful pain today with that right foot, which I thought was healing last night! I had a real problem turning the ankle when donning my compression stocking this morning, but once it was on, I wrapped the entire ankle and foot in that elastic tape bandaging, and I can at least almost walk! The doctor did not come in today, and the nurse practitioner was booked almost all day, except for the opening she had at the same time as my nutritionist!. But since I cannot think too clearly, I'm just checking in and out so you know I'm still around!
    <3 Buzz
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    I've just read a very hopeful piece on BBC news entitled "The untold good news story of America today". A beam of sunshine in all the gloom and doom. Do read it if you can find it. It's about a small town named Blue Earth, Minnesota, home of the Jolly Green Giant. Cheered me up no end, plus after a downpour we are down to 85 F or 29 C depending where you live. Oh happy day.
    PS just spotted what BUZZ wrote. So sorry Buzz. Pray you will feel better soon.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just sat down for another cup of coffee (2) and reading about Buzz’s foot problem. I have such empathy for you, my friend. That kind of pain takes over your brain a reasoning ability. Call out for help. We alł need it,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Oh Buzz, no medical help available today? Disgraceful. They had best get to you tomorrow!!!!!

    My friend did not have her kidney stone surgically removed. Her blood pressure was too high and they could not safely do the surgery. But they inserted a stent. Poor dear, she got a stent last year after her surgery and didn’t do well with it. She had much pain and bleeding.

    Anne, I found the article. Thanks. I remember Blue Earth Minnesota. Love the Green Giant.

    Sandy, I hope you got the blinds fixed. That looked like a real puzzle to me!

    Patsy, coffee part 2. All right. I am going to make some tea I think. Maybe hot.

    Jackie, hello to you and George.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, my kidney stone was zapped with me sitting chest deep in water and a large round machine was wheeled over and turned on and disintegrated the stones, which were then eliminated with no pain at all! My only problem was I didn't know enough to tell the anesthesiologist about having restless leg syndrome, and I practically jumped off the bed when it was over! They wanted to tie me down, which would have been a nightmare, but that's how I learned about medication and RLS! That was when it was first "discovered" to be a fairly common condition!
    My Oolong Tea arrived today and it had no scent or taste! Amazon guarantees it, and I replaced it with a 5 star version, only slightly more money. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    The nutritionist visited me today, and I was not surprised that she told me everything I had learned at Weight Watchers and South Beach, so it' s still just portion control and giving up the rich stuff I love! I knew it, of course. But she also mentioned the foot and ankle could possibly be gout! I had to go to dinner in the motor chair, as I just cannot step on my right ankle/foot!
    I sure hope I can get a bit of sleep tonight as it's 2 nights of none at all. So I sleep at all the wrong times!!! Sleep well, all of you ;):p:(
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    I slept badly BUZZ. I think because subconsciously I was thinking about my day today of looking after Reilly the galumphing labdoodle from next door. He's a sweetie, but sort of a clumsy dog. Jilly hasn't been consulted about this turn of events because it was late when I was asked as a sort of last minute emergency. Wish me luck!
    Bumped into Mrs Fox on our 6:30 walk. Going home to bed after a night of terrorizing the local mice and bunnies.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    As I sit in my garden sipping coffee and catching up with emails the sultry weather outside does it's best to make up it's mind... shall it rain or maybe offer warm sunshine? A bit of both at the moment. George is bereft of his coat with the hope we still have hot days to come and it's my turn Thursday! The hen house must be cleaned out whatever and signs of those bloomin' rat tunnels investigated. Perhaps they've become immune to the poison I administer on a regular basis.

    Anne, that was an interesting and upbeat story about Blue Earth and I particularly loved the idea of the scattering of little green shoots for visitors to discover... reminded me of PATSY'S painted stones that now occasionally appear on our moors. It's testimony to communities being innovative and successful in spite of the big boys messing up in government. We should have more such stories to remind us.

    Buzz, my friend I walk with most days had a nasty break in an ankle 30 years ago which became infected with MRSA so it was only a vast array of nuts, bolts and metal rods that allowed her to walk again but sometimes the weather affects it and she struggles. It seems you've had little signs of summer this year so hopefully that's the problem rather than gout and surely one day soon dry sunny days will arrive. Make that rich food a no-no!

    Patsy, wonderful that John had a call from your daughter. As you say, that's all you ask for because it shows she does think of you both.

    Sandy, argh, how often I've struggled with jobs only to discover once it's finally finished there was a much easier approach if only I'd thought of it earlier. Well done for persevering.

    Lin, that wasn't good news for your friend if she had prepared for the stone removal but if a stent was required then just as well that was done because the surgeons must have sensed something bad causing high blood pressure. I hope you find her feeling a lot better today.

    Perhaps early lunch for me to give some time for those threatening clouds to move away. My eye is uncomfortable this morning so I'll find some gentle chores.
    Enjoy your day ladies.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P.S Anne, oh yes, the best of luck and fun dog sitting and if Jilly is anything like George then little dog syndrome will prevail and she will take charge!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    The problem is, Jilly is smaller than a cat and Reilly's feet are enormous! He stood on her when she was a puppy and she's never forgotten. She runs behind me and peeps between my legs when Reilly galumphs over. Only 13 hours to go before the official dog minder arrives. A very nice young man who will be looking after Reilly, Loki and Apollo the very shy cats who don't belong to Joyce and Harry, they belong to a daughter who's gone off with her parents, 15 enormous fish in Harry's outside pool plus the Mosquitos, and two large tanks teeming with tropical fish indoors. I only get to look after the amiable galumphing Reilly for one day!

    Anne, officially now a dog minder.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good morning, a day of intermittent rain with some sound effects so I have shut down my laptop as I get ready to leave. I think our Mah Jongg group is getting together again this week. At least I’ve heard nothing to the contrary. So I will show up! I would also like to make a couple of additional stops but need to be at the library in the early afternoon for Brain Games. I can use it.

    Buzz, I hope you do not have gout but whatever it may be, I pray the pain goes away soon. Over the years I have tried all sorts of herbs, dietary tricks, lotions and salves for various ailments and a few topical salves and lotions have helped but otherwise I feel as if I spent a ton of money for hope. But that is a good thing.

    Jackie, I am sorry your eye is uncomfortable today. And I hope that does not persist. Ha, rat tunnels. That reminds me of days on the farm when the creatures would tunnel around grain bins and buildings. Apparently rat super highways. For a while we had a commercial service stopping by regularly to feed the rats although I believe they called it poison.

    Anne, good luck today. A bad experience early on can definitely persist with an animal and with humans as well. Hopefully the doggies will not run you ragged. Anne, Dog Minder.

    Sandy, I hope you do not have any additional DIY jobs on tap and that you get some rest. Moving is exhausting.

    Patsy, good day. I hope you and your family have an enjoyable day. I have been on a small run around here trying to organize all the little tubes, bottles and other containers of things I wanted to “try”. Oh my, a bit better but still a mess!

    My friend says she is to take blood pressure medicine and when her doctor says all is well, she will go to the hospital for the surgery. The stent is to prevent kidney damage. The stone is apparently in a place that makes the zapping procedure impossible, surgery is still needed and she is very uncomfortable. This is the friend who had shoulder replacement surgery earlier this year and who can barely walk as an ankle also needs to be replaced. Life can be a huge challenge.

    Well, time to gather up my things and get going.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2018
    Happy Tuesday! :) The macular is staying the same, just keep taking my Preservision eye vitimans. He is however sending me to a retina doctor just as a precaution. Not sure why; he said just it is always good to have second eyes (no pun intended). I did get my bookcases set up and today before sitting for the boys will work on my entertainment center.
    Did I mention that my new granddaughter will be here July 16 via C Section? Thus we are celebrating Robby's 4th birthday on Sunday.

    Still have lots to do to get organized, will also try to hang some pictures today. My SIL told me buy a lazer level and I love it, it makes a straight line with a lazer beam.

    Have a wonderful day, someday I will be able to address you all separably but time goes so fast and I really want to get something done today.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2018
    Yes, wonderful posts, and quite entertaining! I must get the legs elevated so spending little time online. My sleeping problem is as soon as I find a spot that's acceptable to my right foot, my Restless Leg Syndrome steps in, and there goes any hope of sleep! PERFECT STORM. Then I read about JACKIE's friend suffering with MRSA, and I count my blessings! And after reading about the rat tunnels, I count my other blessings!!! SANDY, how exciting for all of you to know when the new little one is arriving! I wish you all so much luck and Happiness! ANNE, sounds like you have a bit of a zoo there! I really cannot picture how tiny Jilly is! Does she bark a lot?
    Can' sit still so I'll try again tomorrow
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dears. Good day today. Mild weather with sun and a few fluffy white clouds. Yeahooray!

    Katie was our guard/alarm dog early this morning. We are not sure what alarmed her but something was not right. A brief examination revealed NOTHING! However she was so upset so we feel there was something there that was unusual.

    Today’s list includes shoveling some of the dust and debris off the furniture and carpet. I have some projects in the dungeon that must be fiddled with as well.

    Sandy: your new granddaughter will be coming on my birthday. What an honor to share a birthday with your new grand baby. That has always been a good day for a birthday. In the summer...great for birthday parties, far enough away from Christmas so she doesn’t get the dreaded combo gifts. Birthday ice cream tastes great in summer! Perfect!

    Anne: Katie has never forgiven our vet for removing her stitches after the spay procedure. Katie is a sweet dog but she tends to be fearful. She just decides something is scary and that’s remains scary no matter what. Dogs do have a long memory.

    Jackie: we have big Norwegian black rats that came on trading ships years ago. They live in our forests and raid bird feeders. They are wily and very smart. They build enormous tunnel constructions that other creatures (snakes) move into. All very interesting. The snakes are non poisonous variety and beneficial. The rats...not so much!

    Lin: I know what you mean about painting supplies and the general ongoing mess. I use the cloud your own mind trick of soft focus. I try to never look very close at the mess in the dungeon. Huh? What mess?

    Buzz: I don’t handle pain very well. Some people do, not me. I whine and cry. I demand someone fix this! As I have said before, pain hurts! I have adjusted my diet except for a few holidays. Boy do I suffer afterward. I suspect you are the independent sort that tries to do everything yourself. Admirable qualities but sometimes hard on yourself. You have wormed your way into our heart! Take care of yourself, we need you and your wisdom.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Jilly's favourite pastime is barking BUZZ. For such a tiny dog she has the loudest bark. I doubt I will ever get burgled whilst Jill's around. From the outside of the house she sounds like a bull mastiff. People glance nervously at our windows as they pass unless they know her, and yet she is the sweetest natured little thing you could meet once she gives the lungs a rest. Growls at no one, not sure she CAN growl! She is only about 12" in height and about 24" from nose to tail tip. Slightly smaller I would say than your average cat. Just an eight pound ball of energy. As one of the neighbours said to wind me up (he confessed) a rat on a leash. He said he gets a smile every day when we pass.

    I have similar problems to you when it comes to sleeping and legs that are difficult to find a pain free spot, so I really do sympathise. Didn't sleep much at all last night which could account for the frivolous mood I'm in. When I took Reilly out to do his mid day pee I couldn't believe the jet stream that came out of him. Mind you he's built like a cart horse! Jilly in contrast does a most lady like tiny pee, you barely know she's gone. Yes, lack of sleep must account for this strange interest in jet streams etc. Please forgive me!

    Anne, Deleter, Dog walker, and Expert in dog pee.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Jilly is only 10" tall from floor to the top of her back. Wouldn't let me measure length but I think she's less than I said because of proportion.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2018
    I slept almost straight through tonight's entertainment, which was something about Joan Rivers, her mother and her daughter, a reading by 3 women. Everyone said it was excellent but I wouldn't know. Now I shall attempt bed; I have not readied the place for my housekeeping helper, because walking is so painful! Perhaps I will sleep, and wake to find that painful foot is functioning again. For some reason, it's seeming to involve that ankle, as well. Most puzzling, and I can't decide what to do! So I bop around in Mike's power chair, which makes me miss my car less as I'm great with the joy stick. The chair spins on a dime! Yawn. OK, I'll attempt sleep.
    (PATSY, I feel the same about all of you!)
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.............................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Spinning on a dime Buzz, what fun although I know you'd rather be mobile independently! Can I, as an annoyingly independent woman according to friends so find it impossible to seek help, gently suggest your housekeeping helper will manage quite well whether you prepare for her visit or not. Cut yourself just a bit of slack until you get some relief from this awful pain you are in. <3

    Anne, when my latest purchase of the Buddha was delivered yesterday I was in my greenhouse potting dwarf beans for the allotment so didn't hear the bell ringing but George did. The scared delivery man peered over the gate no doubt expecting a vicious hound rather than a fluffy ball but like you I prefer to know that no one will come close without me knowing.

    Patsy, fluffy clouds like little Georges flying across the sky LOL. Long may they perform for you. Good girl Katie for letting you know something wasn't right even if you didn't discover what that was. I always think dogs know best in such circumstances. As I read your post yesterday evening about those Norwegian black rats a tv documentary was on in the background all about the intelligence of squirrels and I glanced up to see a black and purple creature that looked more like a rat as it competed with a macaque for fruit in a tree in India. Found one on a google search... Almost cute!!

    Sandy, a bit at a time will get you there and it's so important to take a break when settling in so long as you have a comfy bed to fall into when required.

    Lin, yes rat super highways sounds about right, all underground with the occasional pop up hole. A fresh supply of poison in secure plastic containers is once again placed in areas I "think" they use and it does get eaten so until long grass that's shot up in the recent rain gets cut down it's guess work. I'll get them in the end!!! Reading about your friend's health issues once again reminds me to enjoy each day and make the most because we never know.

    My eye feels far more comfortable today so I think it's just a process of good and bad days but going in the right direction. At least when the other cataract is removed I'll know what to expect.
    A miserable day weather wise with low cloud and Cornish mizzle that soaks without warning so after a bite to eat for lunch I will trip round with the vacuum cleaner before a trip to town for a few items of shopping.

    Wednesday already!! Have a good one.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    My dog walking Reilly days are gone. Quentin showed up last night to take charge. I had no idea so much livestock lived next door to me. Mark and Mary Jo showed up as well. Much excitement from Jilly who showed it by doing zoomies only to pause to eat a leaf which looked suspiciously like rag weed or golden rod before rapidly gulping it down before I could prise her jaws open. Much looking at the internet to see if it was poisonous and much pulling up of suspicious plant in my overgrown garden (neglected because of leg pain this year). Yes, both are toxic. Jilly is still here, but one symptom is lethargy. Yes she's lethargic this morning but then she always is at this time, not being a morning dog. One has to eat 1.5 of ones weight for it to be dangerous. What's 1.5 of 8 lb? Math is not my strong subject you could say. I'll trust Mark who said she would have to eat loads of leaves to fall flat on her back. The joys of motherhood!

    Read JACKIEs post and I will say "ditto" to all her remarks which I am in complete agreement with.

    So, on with the day. Walks when the hound wakes up.

    Anne, ex Deleter, ex other dog walker, and ex expert in.......!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I am trying to stay reasonable these days but I have been dealing with such conflicting emotions about our legislators/president/human rights and so much more. i saw the special about the baby jails and have been in tears for hours. finally mr. T signed a bill to end tnis horrific action. why would it take so long to do what is so obviously right? must go! typing is halting and full of mistakes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello, the day evaporated once again and I am joining a webinar in a few minutes.

    Enjoyed the hours of Tai Chi today, got my grocery discount at a stop on the way home. Odds and ends, bill paying, cutting out little stars for 4th of July cards, tried cutting a stencil from an overhead transparency (not too good). And then some nasty storms went through but luckily no tornado here.

    I have been texting with my friend with the inoperable brain tumor. She is finally set to start radiation next week. A total of six weeks are scheduled. She seemed quite happy that the biopsy revealed it is a Grade 2 tumor. I of course do not know all the implications of that and certainly cannot ask in a text!!

    Jackie, I adore that squirrel! I have never seen anything like it. What big furry paws. And I also love the Buddha you got for your garden. Good shopping.

    Anne, ex-lots of things, I hope you and the Bean are having a good evening.

    Patsy, I am sorry for the hurt you are feeling over the situation with the children. I will admit to doing my best to duck this. Focusing on my friends who need support helped me today. And Tai Chi does seem to calm.

    Buzz, Sleep is good as far as I am concerned even if it comes at inopportune moments. Hugs to you. Will you see a doctor if the problem with your foot and leg persist? I hope your apartment was straightened to your satisfaction.

    Sandy, one step at a time. Settling in takes a while. Oh wow, you know when the new baby will arrive. How wonderful! You have such a lovely family. Delightful.

    Well, I am missing my webinar. Hope there is a replay at some point. Haaaaaaa.

    All best wishes my friends. Hugs.
