Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The party was a huge success. There was a jumpy house, a water slide, two kids swimming pools and lots and lots of water soaked grass which produced mud. I wore white pants and in helping the kids down the water slide my pants became spotted pants and muddy feet. It was worth it though to see the kids have so much fun.

    Anne, so sorry about your basement, I hope the rug can be saved and there is no musty smells. I also hope your flowers will look up to the sun and get perky again.

    Buzz, I hope your birthday was fantastic, is your son visiting?

    Lin, we got lucky with the weather yesterday but tomorrow another storm is coming our way. This is the worst summer, it either rains or is near 100 degrees, no middle ground.

    Jackie, because of the move I lost extra weight but if I keep eating the way I did yesterday it will be back and more. I presume George is back to normal with no side effects from his surgery.

    Patsy, hope all is well in your neck of the woods and you are enjoying pleasant weather.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Now that's a nice photo SANDY. I THINK you have inspired me to get my hair chopped off. This wild weather we are having doesn't exactly help longish hair. Heat, then chilly, wild wild winds, then monsoon downpours, hailstones, well we just need some snow and we will have run the whole gamut.
    Getting all sorts of advice from neighbours on wet basements who's own main problems seem to be leaky roofs. We got new shingles 3 or 4 years ago so okay on that score. As for my basement I'll leave that to my landlord Mark. The carpet is no great loss, believe me!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good afternoon. Off to Tai Chi at the community center near me in a little while. I seem to have been fully occupied so far but gosh many things I will get not get around to today. Finished several almost ready birthday cards, went to the post office to mail them, out to Trader Joe’s where I was playfully chastised for being over an hour late. An explanation was demanded. Haaaaaa. Then off to Michael’s for a little something and yes, I resisted browsing. Home and all is put away now. Then I went back to organizing inks and sprays. I hope I am making this handier with less looking when I need something!

    Oh and in addition to watching Endeavor last evening I did mess about with gouache. Verdict=LOVE it!!!

    Anne, there was a story this morning about basement flooding in the area. One woman had been up all night running her wet/dry shop vac and had filled and dumped the container about 20 times and has a dehumidifier running at top speed now. Apparently the services who will come out to quickly clear out the water are inundated with calls right now.

    Sandy, what a fun party! I hope the mud comes out of your lovely white pants. And I agree, the haircut is lovely.

    Jackie, so glad you can see so well but gosh, sometimes we do not want to see everything! Hugs went along your way for you and George.

    Patsy, busy in your dungeon today? Whatever you are up to, I hope it makes your heart happy.

    Buzz, did all the celebrating wear you out? I hope you did enjoy your day.

    Well, I must brush my teeth. And then run away.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    A Facebook friend posted this Patsy. The bird followed them around the park making them feel most unwelcome. I am glad you have a friendly inhabitant.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    As usual a job I thought would take an hour took up most of the afternoon because screws that were included with my new kitchen cupboard door knobs were too short so with lots of swapping about and searches for washers to help with a tight fit it was close to 5pm by the time I finished. Outside for my cuppa in the sunshine before cooking scrambled eggs.
    I've just seen a weather report showing the jet stream doing what I can only call weird moves and the Mediterranean experiencing Autumnal temperatures so perhaps it's doing similar moves over North America?

    A couple of photos of my new knobs, not nearly as colourful as Sandy in hers! :D

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, the knobs are YOU!!!
    SANDY, whata party and yes, ANNE, the shorter hair is much easier. I love mine and don't care how it looks, or that I don't look like SANDY!!!
    Running late, as usual, but wanted to say HI. Wish my business accomplished everything LIN does!!!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day to you dear sneakers! We have a partly cloudy day with intermittent sun. The temps are ,old and a good day for Katie’s vet appointment. She is to get her booster shots for one of the various doggie deseases that threaten all domesticated pooches. MFP isn’t letting me correct so good luck in interpreting this post.

    Two beautiful twin deer are quietly nibbling the rest of the rose bushes near our back door. They have no fear and Katie is lying on the deck watching . She isn’t the watch dog you would think. She does announce guests and delivery persons. We are okay with that. She is a wimp like me.

    Jackie! Where on earth did you find those exquisite knobs? I love them. To my thinking, there really is nothing as beautiful as creature decor. We have some of that going on in our house. Mainly just stuffed animals, ceramic frogs, etc. I think you have put together an amazing cottage.

    Sandy: what a glamour Grandmother you are. Those grandchild are very lucky to have some like you as a grandmother. What a delightful party.

    Lin: we have a new Walmart and all the grocery stores are trying to compete. Free delivery. Except for produce, I am totally up for that. I hate shopping for anything. I shop online and even then it is a chore for me.

    Oooooops laundry calls!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    JACKIE Just a quickie to say I LOVE the knobs. Where on earth did you find them? Particularly like the little dormouse with the brambles! You are so right BUZZ, long or short hair I'll never look like Sandy in my wildest dreams! Still thinking about having it all chopped off. At least folks will know it's me if it's short rather than wonder who the heck is under all the fuzz. There's something to be said in favour of Arabic head scarves. Can never remember the exact name OR spell it.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This morning I was up and outside watering my annuals and a few other potted plants just after 7am and already the heat was rising. The woods are the best place to be for walking George so again we met up with Scruff and her mum to stroll for an hour. On the way home I stopped off at our farm shop for organic salad crops since mine won't be ready for some time and will finish my coffee before attacking a job to put up new trellis. The old one fell apart and the poor rose that climbed it has been left lying across the ground waiting for the handyman to arrive, build some decking and fix the trellis but I see roses doing their best to bloom now so won't wait any longer. He will no doubt complain the job should have been done differently but to me the rose is the most important participant in this and I have been waiting patiently for over a month!

    The new door knobs were discovered on ebay when I was actually looking for something bright and ceramic! It was pure luck when I searched that they popped up;var=512191010812&amp;_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 and of course couldn't resist!

    Patsy, we are both inclined to try to bring the outdoors inside to create a home that compliments all that's around us. I love that Katie will happily lie and quietly watch the deer nibble in your garden. Yesterday George was in one of his constant barking moods so I worked on my consistency in training and we got so far as 'away', 'go in your bed' and 'lie down' but 'quiet' is a word he refuses to recognise even with a Dog Whisperer loud 'Shhh', it just didn't work! It's me that needs to do the work on this so will persevere.

    Anne, the little field mouse was the first creature to draw me into purchasing a set of knobs but my favourite is the donkey, mostly because in a field in the village lives one that shouts so loud I can hear him half a mile away. He's not there all the time as he gets moved about but Edward is the star of the village and we all look out for him. His owner says he's a very naughty boy but I'm not sure why as he shares his life with Alpacas that I'm sure would be far naughtier! My hair was cut very short last week as was George's and we are both happy about that considering our warm temperatures. It's a no hassle and cool solution.

    Lin, I may have told the story before the housebound neighbour I used to visit loved to tell of the baby crow her children brought home that had fallen out of its nest. They persuaded her to feed it worms and milky bread so it became their pet but when they were old enough to go to school it would follow them flying over their heads then wait outside the school until they came home for lunch. If any cyclist got to close to the kids as they walked (we are talking 40 years ago!) the crow would fly down and peck them on the head! I'm currently following a BBC drama called Hidden that although dark is a gripping story. If you can cope with a few subtitles as some characters speak Welsh it's worth a watch.

    Sandy, love the photo which proves what a great time you had! Great hair too and I'm thinking Anne will be up this morning and already waving the scissors over hers now you've shown how attractive short hair can be. Mine is still a mop even though it's short!!

    Buzz ~ Cher was on a chat show last night looking amazing and talking about her wonderful mum who is 92... Cher is 72. They showed a photo and my first thought was Buzz looks just as stunning. :D

    Right, into a pair of shorts, only worn in my garden, then the trellis up and beautiful rose supported. It grew from a cutting given to me by a gentleman I used to visit with my community work so although he died just after I retired he lives on in my garden where I say good morning Keith to him each day. I do hope your weather is improving although I did notice over our weather reporters shoulder last night a great swathe of cloud covering most of North America. :/ Keep dry and safe.


  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    JACKIE, I'm in a rush so a quickie for now. Try "NO BARK" it a degree!
    How did you know I've already had the scissors out, but I think I'd better find a hairdresser!
    Typing slow again.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018

    Jackie, I love both of the cute knobs in the first picture. What long legs on that rabbit! Just darling. Great find. Wahoo. A pet crow. Nice story for the kids in the story but not so nice for those who were attacked. They are quite mysterious birds!

    Anne, running along. Hello, had to mention we had 2.6” of rain last night. My sump pump is running and I had to slosh through the wet to reconnect the spout that carries the water away from my foundation. The guy who mows apparently removed it and didn’t reconnect it after mowing. The devil is in the details! More flooding and additional road closures. This metro is located downstream from areas that have been receiving amazingly heavy rains and a number of rivers flow through the area. Eeeck. Hope your basement is straightened out.

    Patsy, how did Katie’s vet appointment turn out? Just booster shots and back out the door? My old vet would always give the dog at least a mini exam before the shot. Maybe a good idea? Or just boosting the bill?

    Must get going, Tai Chi this morning and making cards this afternoon. Busy day but should be fun. Oh and I received an email from a demonstrator saying, see you tonight at my house to make cards!?!?! I do track her events but didn’t sign up. Sent her a note this morning. Wonder how that happened.

    I did get my old SUV scheduled for an oil change Friday afternoon. I KNOW they will tell me I need regular maintenance items as well due to the mileage/age of the vehicle. We will see.

    Hugs all. Happy trails.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Have to be at Lisa's at ten to sit for the boys while she goes to the doctor.
    I have no time to post but wanted to say good morning. I will be back this afternoon.

    Pouring here, hope your day is better.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Happy birthday Diane <3<3<3<3

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello Tuesday and happy sneakers. Of course I am having trouble with typing again! What gives here? Anyway...the week progresses and I just reread the rules for good senior living that Buzz relayed to us. Thank you once again for these important lessons.
    We took Katie for her yearly physical and booster shots. She hates going to the vet. She still has memories of her spay procedure and stitch removal. She bares her teeth at the vet every time he walks into the room. It is such a pan upsetting thing for us and Katie. The vet is a friend of ours and thank goodness he is an unflappably great vet. She is in great shape and no fleas or ticks. Her weight is perfect for her size and breed. It is funny, the vet has a labradoodle as well and these dogs look like clones of one another. However his dog isn’t as shy and isn’t fearful of the vet since her vet is family. The vet is sure that it was because the little Katie came from a large litter and was sold to us too early. She might have been much younger than we thought. Other than the spay procedure, she never has had an traumatic event in her little life. Another clue is that Katie loves BIG stuffed animals and she loves to gather them around her and nap on my feet. Kind of like her litter mates all sleeping together.

    We are feeling pretty good. Which is good because I have a list and there is no end to it.

    Sandy: beautiful grandmother with her two little grandsons, playing and having fun together while mom gets ready for baby sister. Lisa is lucky to have you, Sandy. 3 babies so close together isn’t easy and she needs support and and an understanding family. These wonderful children have a perfect situation.

    Anne: so my friend, I hope the many trips up and down stairs to deal with the soggy carpet doesn’t stress your knees and hips. Stairs are my big fear and I struggle daily with ours. In fact we installed an extra railing so I grap on each side to climb up and down as well.

    Jackie: we are looking online for a realistic fake owl to install on our roof or somewhere to scare off birds from using our gutters as a nest or a place to poop! Our vet uses one on his office building and he reports it works like a charm. Plus I think they look sort of nifty sitting up there. No poison or other nasty ways to deal with a problem.

    Lin: I often wish we were could do like in Startreck and get beamed where we want to go. Oh bother! I can’t correct or go back when I try to type these days. I hope you can read my pearls of wisdom.
    Take care everyone, you mean everything to me!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    A quickie since I've been online with business all day and am so frustrated trying to get through web sites that are down! Hello, everyone! My feet are much better today and I think my mind is slipping away! I cannot believe a bank would be so difficult on their website, since my regular bank has improved drastically! Anyway, as usual, enjoyed reading everyone's posts and wish I could wear shorts again, JACKIE! Eveyone have a great day, what's left of it!
    And DIANE, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Been a long time, dear!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers from a very hot Jackie. BUZZ, I'm not so sure I should be wearing shorts but needs must until the weather breaks.
    Had a lovely as ever walk first thing under cool trees and snapped this photo while the dogs splashed in the river
    As we returned to the car park it was filling with dog walkers all on a similar search so good we went early.

    Patsy, Love the idea of an owl on your roof although I'm guessing your local birds would be far bigger than our little Tawnies so it would certainly be a statement! Of course Katie would be in awe for a while! I remember you getting her and you mentioned her being only 6 weeks old so think you've done an amazing job of bringing her up to be the gorgeous girl she is. All dogs have their foibles as do we humans and that's what makes them special.

    Hi to Lin and Sandy, both of you must have had a great time yesterday for differing reasons and Anne of course possibly still waving those scissors. :D

    Finishing before I touch the wrong corner of my phone and my post flies away
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oops, photo lost
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Lovely pastoral scene JACKIE.
    I've just heard it will be 36 deg over the weekend, so lots to do today before we all collapse! Tremendous rains and thunderstorms today, oh joy.
    More later because it looks like a heavy duty clean day before Jill and I collapse. She by the way was almost 10 weeks old when she came to live with me.
    If this is disjointed I apologize. It was jerky typing again so I "save post" and it hesitated before suddenly vanishing to the opening again. I was quite surprised to find it still here. Anyway, I find if I save it, and then use the button at the top right hand it sorts itself out and you can continue at great speed as I am doing now. Go figure.
    Cheeky JACKIE, what scissors! Lol.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Looks like a great day today. Blue sky and mild temps. I am feeling better...the body is working as well as it is ever going to work. I can still scoot along and work and enjoy life. There are times when I need to grumble loudly.

    Our son has been enjoying a glamorous sailing adventure with his Colombian girlfriend and his sailing crew. It is interesting that I have seen her picture and have spoken to this young lady many times on the phone but never met her. It is like with the sneakers. I have a clear picture in my mind what she is like. She is lovely and quite athletic. And I often feel I would know any of you if I passed you on the street. To be clear...I am not lovely or athletic, in case you ever wondered.

    Jackie: that photo is worth printing up and framing. What a glorious walk you had this morning.

    Anne: your immaculate house is my constant inspiration. Katie and John work against me however. My thought is that Jilly is as well adjusted as she is because she was not rushed away from her mom. She was obviously not weaned too early. That is just my own idea.

    Buzz: thinking of you. Banking gives me such a headache. I take a seriously negative attitude when dealing with them. I know some of these people since we live in a small town. I don’t know if it is just here but banking people here are not necessarily nice. I am sure it isn’t universally true, it just feels like here at times.

    Making blueberry muffins this morning. Come on over!

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    What immaculate house PATSY, lol. Huh hu.
    Anne and the moulting messy one.
    Oh, her bad habit, she drags her food out of her bowl and gallops off with pieces leaving crumbs everywhere. Then she comes back to repeat once swallowed. We think this is because she had two (maybe stronger) brothers. Therefore it was a matter of survival to grab and run.