Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just checked with my DS and DDIL trying out this Messenger for Desktop and I think it must somehow be attached to Facebook, as talk is delayed, so lips move and nothing comes out immediately! But we had a nice chat, and they will join us for July 4th BBQ. Donna's Granddaughter may be staying with them, as well. She's adorable, but I hope they don't object to her sleeping in their room. Actually, I think I reserved a 2 bedroom suite for them so it might work out fine. Although we have some sun today, the weather is still murky, and my feet or complaining, but I am so happy when I see the swelling gone, I can put up with it!
    PATSY, I will send nothing but good cheer and wish you a delightful weekend, sailing or not!
    JACKIE, thank you for blessing my day and may yours be as lovely as mine!
    SANDY, tons of good luck in your new abode, and I hope your account of your moving day will be a good one!
    LIN, always doing something positive, for yourself and others!
    ANNE, definitely, Keep Your Cool!!! Anything other than sitting under a water spray would be too much!
    All our other wanderers out there, we miss you and wish you a delightful week end! B)
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Well, seeing that it is going to be hot, hot, hot tomorrow, and seeing we've seen such a lot of Michael this past two weeks, and seeing it's Dad's Day on Sunday, and seeing we need digging out of all the dog hair etc from a wee dog who is shedding an enormous amount of fur, well, I figure I had better do a bit of vacuuming etc. Oh joy, singing as we go. I can think of all sorts of things I'd rather be doing.

    Did anyone see the Chinese newscaster saying, "wise men build bridges and fools build walls". Ancient proverb? Which was hilarious when it was pointed out that China's got the longest wall in the world. Hey ho, we live in interesting times!

    Everyone appears to be in good health which is wonderful, BUZZs swelling gone, JACKIEs cataract in the past, SANDY in her new home, LIN as productive and busy as ever, PATSY being her usual delightful self, even little GEORGE recovered, DONALD joking about wanting North Americans to sit up and taking notice of him like the North Koreans do of Kim, which leaves just ME moaning about housework! Life's good!!!

    Hey ho, hey ho, and back to work we go,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good Morning from my new home! :) Things went fairly smoothly on move day, instead of 8 hours which I was quoted it was 6 hours so I saved a little money. The only mishap happened when I bought the movers lunch from Mc Donald's and they sat at my dining table to eat. Once they got up I noticed a hole in the chair seat which my son said he saw one of the guys did with a sharp object in his pocket. I brought it to their attention but now I guess I have to notify the moving company. It is only vinyl and if I knew how to fix it I would. The other thing I did myself when I tried to move my bed at the old place to get to an outlet. I heard a crack and the movers showed me a big crack in the headboard. Fortunately, when he put the bed together at the new place he has it tight enough to not show the crack.
    My son and his wife worked so hard that I felt guilty since they are doing their own move on the 25th. Laurie was getting severe migraines so we made her sit and rest. They left yesterday and I decided to rearrange my living room furniture. I have big furniture so tell me if you like this arrangement.

    I still have pictures to hang and waiting for blinds for windows. I also finished my kitchen and love having the computer in here. Look at my bargain cabinet pantry that I got for $75.

    Today I will either shop for some needed items or take a day at the pool since there are extreme heat warnings. Nice to be sort of settled but I still have most of my clothes at old apartment but stalling because my landlady keeps going there for measurements and I am determined to not let her start any work until July 1st.

    Have a wonderful day, will be back in the swing of things soon.

    One Day at a Time

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    SANDY Love the look of your new apartment, eat your heart out old landlady. I've moved literally dozens of times, including countries, and I always had a mishap so I'm so pleased you got off rather lightly! Enjoy!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Did it again, lost my post!! :'(
    Classy SANDY, I wouldn't change a thing. Go enjoy the pool!!
    Back later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy, I love your new place! Computer in the kitchen is a great idea and I love the pantry you found. Your decor is always so much like something from a magazine. Wonderful. It may be too hot for the pool this weekend yes? Scorcher. I would get my favorite clothes out of the old place and then dawdle with the remainder. I do not trust that lady now. She will likely be in that apartment all the time now without telling you. Nice flooring by the way. Wahoo!

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post.

    Anne, eeeck, housework, dreaded for certain. I need to clean Robbie so I can set him to the upstairs carpet again.

    Buzz, I cannot believe the 4th of July is fast upon us. Your guests should be able to deal with their accommodations when they come to visit.

    Patsy, I am glad you did have a nice time and now can just relax for the weekend.

    I am staying home today. Laundry finished, small household chores finished, made cold brew coffee and iced tea, cleaned out my old scruffy undies and tossed them in the trash, got my photo ready to take to church tomorrow for Father’s Day and am working on my assigned month of the 2019 calendar with the monthly stampers/papercrafter group. I have November this year and am trying a few things out.

    Yesterday I caught up on the collage prompts. That always makes me feel like I accomplished something. Thenoaint is dry and now it is put away for probably bother month. Haaaa.

    Going to check on a friend. Just heard she’s in/at the hospital with another kidney stone larger, she says, than the last two times she went through this.

    Ouch, poor dear.

    Hugs to you all.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Howdy campers! Well the weekend is upon us! We have a warm sunny weekend on dock and John and I are goin to enjoy every minute of it. It is something of a rarity here on the coast.

    Damon, our son, is sailing this weekend. His boat is so beautiful, I know why he loves sailing his own boat.

    I am getting fired up on my projects again. It feels right. I have been slugging along alł winter..

    Sandy: holy cow! Can I come live with you? Georgous new condo! You are right about the computer in the kitchen. Great idea! I would love that.

    Typing is halting and jumpy again so I am off to the coffee pot and then to water the geraniums.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LOVE your new place, SANDY, and it's a true reflection of you!
    Woke with that darn right foot pain this morning, and the sun is out. Some day I will tell you how I broke that 5th metatarsal bone, but right now, I have a dinner date almost waiting! I just ordered a box of Oolong tea from Amazon, and was surprised to read the remarks about it. I just recalled how much I used to love it in Chinese restaurants, but it affects appetite and tummies! So I ordered 150 bags and Have it instead of dessert at night! So far, so good with the weight loss! Glad I did not order the frankfurt last night!
    Great posts today; see you all later!
    <3<3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello lovely people. Oh well, we had to have rain some time and today is the day, soooo a DIY job that has looked at me for months will be started and completed. The friend I dog walk with laughed when I told her this morning of my intentions so no pressure plus I gather tomorrow we are back to hot dry weather so I know the garden will draw me away.
    Since I'd never heard of Oolong tea I looked it up and was amazed at the long list of benefits although I see a few side effects too but am tempted to try it myself Buzz. You won't mind being my guinea pig though will you and I'll check back in a week or so to see how you're getting on with it!! ;)

    George is grumbling and barking at nothing yet again so I find it difficult to concentrate.... perhaps he's telling me to get off the laptop and start the DIY job!

    Have a good Sunday everyone and of course Father's day for the men in our world.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    MFP was sick this morning but I think I can limp along here with a post. It is sunny and warm today. Not sure we are up for it. Katie has been playing in her outdoor water bowl and I not been doing much of anything. I should be getting together a picnic lunch out on the deck. Instill might get that done. The problem I am having with MFP is that there is no correcting option and I can’t back up. There are a lot of oooooops in my typing so this is a problem.

    It is oddly still and the heat is causing waves of humid air. Odd is an understatement. Here on the coast, we almost always have wind or at least a breeze.

    Our friend , the musician and his wife are suffering from many debilitating conditions and I can see some big changes coming for them. This is very concerning and I will admit, very depressing. Another couple we visit with a lot is making that decision right now as we speak. We will still keep in touch, no matter where or how. A change of address or circumstances means nothing really.

    Our pbs station is in the middle of their semi-yearly fund raising efforts. The programming is always great during that time. I was sing and humming along with The Bee Gees. I wish the programming continued after the fund raising. I don’t understand why we can’t do something like Downton Abbey again. Everyone loved it. The spin offs were even popular.

    Oh well, , I guess I will make a chicken salad and toast points and fruit for John’s fathers day picnic on the deck. Easy peasy! Enjoy the day everyone. Stay cool.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Good hot and steamy afternoon! Nice Father’s Day service at church today and then home to wash my white top. I splattered coffee grounds over it when dumping out the grounds from my cold brew. Oh well. It is washed now and it looks like the stain is out but it is wrinkled like crazy. Argh. Please, no ironing!

    Patsy, the meal you described sounds lovely. I hope you enjoyed it. And the day as well. I am sorry for the trouble your friends are experiencing. It is difficult to keep a positive outlook in the midst of unhappy circumstances. You are a good friend. Staying in touch can be very difficult. Hugs. Hello Katie.

    Jackie, rain and projects. Okay, well, I hope the project went well and is all wrapped up now. Hello to George and the girls.

    Anne, hope you are well. Probably another busy day for you with family and extended family either in person or via phone/computer. Hello to Jilly.

    Buzz, sorry about the right foot pain. I hope it is better today. And I hope the Oolong tea is helpful. I drink Japanese green tea, Oolong tea and Darjeeling tea. I love tea but I have no idea what the health benefits may be for pain and/or arthritis. I will have to check but I’ll likely just keep drinking these varieties of tea because I like them so much.

    Sandy, hi, I have forgotten what you were planning today. Maybe some pool time? Maybe time with family? Or both? Hope it is a happy day for you.



    P.S. My friend is having surgery tomorrow to remove the kidney stone. Oh my! This is the second year she has had to have a surgical removal of a stone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My DIY task didn't take long but I was on my knees on and off so a few twinges as I contemplate bed. I'm pleased with the result which means a tidier kitchen and now just need to get the last remains of sealant off my fingers after the wayward gun that squeezed it from it's tube seemed to have a life of its own! Ordinary soap is not doing the job!
    These iPhones have a constant feed of news I'm not sure I want to read but don't seem able to avoid. Tonight it's gone from an Indonesian lady who was gardening being swallowed by a giant snake to a cartoonist on a Pittsburgh paper being sacked for making fun of a certain Mr T, both horrific in their own way but then diluted by hourly reports on where Harry and Meghan have been seen and what she is wearing... who needs Downton PATSY?
    I'd better get some drops in my eyes and off to bed.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our FD Buffet was super, though I succumbed to 1/2 piece of yummy cheesecake. Then I kept falling asleep to make up for no sleep last night . There's a change going on, and I'm not quite sure what it is yet. Perhaps my meds for Restless Legs are now causing augmentation instead of helping. Whatever, I'm pretty useless right now.
    I always loved Oolong tea in Chinese restaurants. I'll let you know what happens! So far, the cannabis gummy bears are making no difference! And m 2 friends on acupuncture (paying a fortune) say "no difference!" . WHat's tha saying about old age not for the weak???
    <3 Buzz
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello, haven't been able to get on this site all day, and it's still difficult typing. Very hot here, so much so after a pleasant family lunch The Bean and I have been holed up inside all afternoon. No matter, when I was seven I discovered "Peter Pan" in a bookcase in my cousin Peters bedroom. Today it was on the tv and having nothing better to watch thoroughly enjoyed the movie. However it struck me that the one creature which scares the pants off me is the crocodile. Could that stem from reading Peter Pan as a kid I wonder! Last night I watched The Green Mile and despite Mr Jingles enjoyed the fairy tale more. Thats okay I'm now officially in my second childhood.

    Tomorrow's temperature is to be the same as today's. Ruddy hot. I expect I won't be doing much tomorrow either and you can guarantee this site won't let me on. So just to let you know the Bean and I are otherwise thriving.
    Hugs to all,
    Anne. (Woof).

    PS. Never thought I'd dig my old shorts out at my age! Only for house wear, mind!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A brighter day so an enjoyable walk in the woods before popping into town to collect a picture I purchased in Bergen that needed framing. Delighted with it so it's on my today list to be hung, probably in the bedroom as it's all blues and blacks. Much housework on the go too before George's groomer's appointment and this meant me washing his feet and tummy after the walk and as we do, he'll be brushed and groomed by me before she arrives.

    Happy Monday whatever you're up to.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Well I'm on again, on this site I mean. It was already 80 degrees when the Bean and I crawled out of bed at 6:00am, her reluctantly, me "hey let's move it, Jilly, the thirsty plants need a drink".
    A good day for contemplating the navel or at least some letter writing. I've got leftover cold chicken pot pie for lunch, that and potato salad.
    So have a good day everyone, we have a cold front moving in this evening, but for now,
    Anne and her little "hot dog".
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Another hot day here as well. I am off to Trader Joe’s soon and a drop off at the library. I had planned to go to Tai Chi at the community center close to me at 1pm BUT they are hosting a week long celebration with loads of activities which means crowds, particularly since many are kid focused and free to them. I may just stay home.

    Anne, hibernate through the heat just as we made it through the cold!

    Jackie, goodness, you have a day’s work to get ready for the groomer.

    Buzz, hummmm, half a piece of cheesecake doesn’t sound awful to me but since I cannot have any at all, cheesecake always seems like an extraordinarily wonderful treat.

    Well, MFP is acting up so I will post now.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A warm sweet hello to everyone. MFP is acting strangely. So you know the drill...

    I need more sleep but it is muggy and warm. Everyone here is still in bed asleep except me. So here I sit needing more sleep or a lot of coffee.

    Our daughter did call after all for Father’s Day. John was so pleased. They had a nice chat, I fixed a cool chicken salad, and grapes for dessert. We are at the stage in life where a phone call or a card will do nicely. No big gift is necessary but contact is hugely important.

    The blackberries are bending over with an abundance of blossoms. I can see we are in for a BlackBerry summer. We have those upon occasion. It is wonderful. We race the deer to get to the really good looking ones. I think there will be plenty for everyone.

    Well, up and at ‘em. Coffee, laundry, mop entry tile and change sheets once John crawls out of bed. Nothing much going on today. But then John isn’t up yet and who knows what he has planned.
    Slowly coming alive...
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Still have lots of boxes to unpack but the place is coming along nicely. I had a broken blind and couldn't find the same size without a special order so I decided to fix it myself. Note: if anyone does this do it on the window as I did it on the floor and when I hung them there were so many holes. I dismantled again and found it easier on the window but just got so tired I went to sleep and will finish this morning.


    I did not go to the pool as it was just too hot and put together a 4 cube dresser type thing instead. After much frustration and a lot of cursing I finally got the pegs to match the holes.


    It is still hot here as well but a thunderstorm is due tonight to cool things down. I am going to the eye doctor for my six month check-up and then stopping for a few more item to get settled. Hopefully, I get the last of the boxes done today but if not there is always tomorrow.
    I will need a back massage after I am all done.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Just been emailed an interesting message. Apparently a site I didn't know I was even on got hacked and "Dear Anne" was asked to change her password. I trashed the message seeing I had no recollection of ever using this site. Hey ho. The email stated 92 million passwords had been deleted for safety and therefore I should start again with a new password. Do you remember those lovely days when life was simple and we didn't spend wasted hours wondering what that was all about.