Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Home from church, checks written, lunch is long gone. Not feeling like working on anything. I may read a Susan Wittig Albert book and watch old episodes of Endeavor.

    Jackie, gorgeous scenery. I will be right there for the next excursion.

    Anne, did you figure out when your country celebrates Father’s Day?

    Buzz, sorry you missed the video chat with your son.

    Sandy, my resin box is full to the brim, nothing will be stored in it. Shells, sand, glass beads, map, little word made out of wood. And all the resin. It was a project for the month of oceans/seas on the year long course I am doing. New topic every four weeks. Fun.

    The coloring is just an example for the ladies and no, they won’t be seed packets. There are greetings on each of the pieces. You ink them, color them or whatever you want to do and then you cut each of them out and use each as an element in a card front. So you have six cards when finished. I would just hand them out but they like suggestions. The second project is on a different type of paper which can hold up to water color, markers, ink, and much more and after cutting it out you can also add sewing detail if you can to. I haven’t started anything on that yet. Third project is a tiny canvas bag. I wanted to stencil on the club name but the lady who I thought had a stencil told me no, she does not have one.

    Enjoy the day everyone. I am going to be lazy. I need to take my car in for service tomorrow morning relatively early. I hope my brakes are okay. They have been acting odd.


  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Yes, all figured out LIN, Oh Canada celebrates dad's day the same day as the States and the Brits. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Happy to the car dealership. :)


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good Morning! :) I did manage to go the pool for a couple of hours and get my errands done. I didn't do any packing yesterday but have decided to take my time since I do have until the end of the month. I just have to figure out what date I want the movers so I can reserve my time. My daughter and SIL will arrive in Chicago this afternoon but her dad is picking them up and taking them to her cousin's for lunch/dinner. I will pick them up there when they are ready since I as of now haven't had an invitation to join them. :p

    I in the meantime will clean my grill that I sprayed with cleaner last night, possibly pack up some kitchen stuff and more depending on time. My cleaning girl is coming today and although I could have cleaned myself I wanted the extra help.

    Lin, good luck with your car, hope it is just a checkup and nothing is wrong with your brakes.

    Hello to all the other sneakers, I hope your day is wonderful.

    One Day at a Time

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Sunny but much cooler and windy today. So much so I put the beautiful flower baskets Mark bought me in a safer spot. My tomatoes have flowers on them, the rescued chrysanthemum is getting very bushy and the rescued begonia sprouting tiny new leaves from a seemingly dead core. Little things delight little minds, and so, I am doubly delighted!

    Mikes on vacation but so far no sign of him over here. I believe he is starting a fasting diet today whilst he's not at work. He doesn't want to keel over in a faint whilst dealing with a potential client. I also don't think he will manage more than one day of a four day fast because we all love our stomachs too much! Reason for the fast? He's worried about yet another op for kidney stones which his system seems to like manufacturing whatever he does. At least that's what the specialist tells him. Lots of instructions and diet sheets from the hospital, lots of looking up on the internet, but nothing seems to prevent them forming. He certainly drinks a lot of water and liquids, he's worse than me for the frequent bathroom trot!

    Well on that enlightening note which I'm sure none of you girls wanted to read, I'll start thinking lunch. Or rather the cooking of,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. We had a longer walk in the woods this morning joined by Scruff and her mum and George did well, only flagging in the last 10 minutes. It was warm and sunny then but about an hour after putting washing out to dry clouds rolled along and we've had showers ever since. A quick trip to the vet for the removal of George's stitches but not much else achieved.... a lazy day after a busy Sunday! B) It's now time to put the kettle on.

    SANDY, enjoy your family visit and if they want, to let them help with packing.
    LIN, good luck with your car and hopefully no big bills!
    ANNE, my tomato plants have just been potted on into larger containers which was a struggle since they've become tall in the past warm week but I've given plenty of support and they too have flowers as do my potatoes. Sorry to read Mike is still suffering but let's hope fasting helps.
    Hello BUZZ and PATSY.

    At the weekend I watched a documentary called There is Nothing Like a Dame where Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Joan Plowright and a 4th Dame sat chatting about just about anything. They reminded me of our group even though we can't sit round a table with cups of tea and coffee. Ladies of a certain age always have something to say!

    On that note I'm off to make my cuppa.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    hello dear ones! Sort of a showery kind of day so far. A bit of sun then a dark cloud scoots in and a small brief downpour. I can deal with that just fine.

    Since I have a knee that can just buckle at any time for no good reason, without warning...I use a supportive cane. It is my great consternation! I hate having to depend on it. It sort of slipped on the vinyl flooring of the laundry room and John witnessed my distress. Now he is on the internet determined to find better options. I try to tell him that it would be best if I do the research, but he has the bone in his teeth and will not let go. It is a strange condition and the doc is firm about me using something as I walk about to avoid falling. He isn’t thrilled with me using a cane but suggests a different kind. Oh poo! It is quite tiresome dealing with the ravages of time and age. I tell this boring situation as a tale of “me too!” To Buzz. And any of you with arthritis. A vicious condition. Enough!!!!

    We are constantly amazed at the weather this year. It continues to be cold. Everything is odd. The plants are slow to mature and the ground is still very cold. I hope this returns to normal soon.

    Our PBS station is in the middle of a fund drive. The programming is always much better during that time. But we have to indure endless pleas for money. Commercials on regular tv is better. Actually our son has done lots of special effects for commercials so it is fun to see those ads. He often sends us a dvd of his work.

    Our jungle is adjusting to the cooler weather and is growing at an alarming rate. Could we rent a herd of hungry goats? A large herd,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2018
    A thunder storm earlier cleared the air, sort of, so knowing young Brady was snoozing on the spare bed and not likely to follow us to the road I took George for a walk when poo watch continued... no movement today! Hey Ho, he seems fine in himself and is now snoozing on his blanket next to me so I won't worry.

    Nearly 9pm and on tv a new series of a beautifully filmed drama Versailles,,,, naughty King Louis XIV of France and his incredible court.

    Have a nice evening everyone
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My internet is acting up today and keeps losing my mail and replies so I'm logging of. And yes, each day is a bit of improvement and tomorrow is my haircut which I really don't need but I'm late as usual so please forgive me! I'm really losing it!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening, just had the regular service for my car today. I came home extremely angry with them and much poorer but that chore is done. Now to get the other vehicle in to a different dealership one of these days.

    I did get a few things accomplished today. I finished my coloring sheet example, a little robin for the front of a card, and used the plaster wrap to mold a tree trunk. The trash is at the curb, I read another book and am deciding what I will do tomorrow. Maybe a trip to Walmart and Walgreens.

    Buzz, I hope you are resting comfortably this evening. My Internet connection as been iffy today as well, particularly my email. It wouldn’t load. I just had spinning wheels. Argh.

    Jackie, I hope you are asleep by now! Some interesting programs. I just looked up Versailles. I could view it on Amazon for a price! Darn!

    Patsy, hummmmm, a cane. Well there is a very divided opinion on what type of cane is best among my associates. One group believes a cane should just have one tip (traditional), and the other group believes a cane should have multiple tips as it is more stable. I hope you find something that works for you.

    Anne, well, nice weather for you today. We have had some strong breezes for several days but overall, it has been quite nice. I am sorry for everything. Ike is going through to try to avoid kidney stones. I have a friend who had stones several times and had to have surgery last summer. The doctors have taken away many of the foods she was able to eat and food allergies and sensitivities had already cut down her menu significantly. Terrible problem. I hope he never has another episode with them.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoyed some of the day. Scrubbing your grill and packing sounds suspiciously like work to me. Hope all is well.

    I am tired again so may adjourn upstairs soon.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning ladies. We've just finished our walk in the woods where George for the first time ever asked for a stick to be thrown in the river for him to retrieve. To much applause he carried it out and dropped it at my feet and was so proud of himself! A couple more throws and retrieving before he lay it beside a rock and Pee'd on it... his way of saying game over!
    It's overcast and cooler than of late but perfect gardening weather so hopefully I will achieve far more than yesterday.

    PATSY, my brother with MS doesn't always need a stick when walking but on not such good days he uses one of those fold up sticks which is light but extremely sturdy and has a rubber tip to stop it slipping and sliding. Initially he hated the whole idea of using one but says now he accepts it's a safe option he wouldn't be without it.

    LIN, sorry to read the dealership upset you. If you don't have to use them in the future I'd say stay away, they don't deserve your custom. I missed the first series of Versailles and looked on Amazon once I found myself enjoying series 2 so much but quite expensive at the time. My knowledge of French history is not as wide as British but we were taught enough for me to remember where it all began. With the intrigue and murders it's more fascinating than any fiction!!

    BUZZ you asked about my chair material that I spent so much time pondering on last year and I'm embarrassed to admit it's still folded over the back of one chair waiting patiently for me to start. A friend who has covered her own chairs has offered to help me so once my first cataract procedure on Friday is done and dusted I'll invite her for lunch and some upholstery!

    SANDY, enjoy your family time.

    'Morning Deleter! :D

    My coffee is brewed so I'll take a mug into the garden to sip while I plan my day.

    Enjoy your day everyone
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm sort of trying to join Mike today in sympathy because he may pop by. That is DELETE lunch calories. He got through his first day just drinking a broth made of various root veggies. It's something I found in a wellness book. If anyone is interested you simmer:
    2 carrots
    2 turnips
    1/2 head of cabbage
    1 clove garlic
    1/4 bunch parsley
    2 beets and tops
    1/2 onion
    1 gallon quality water
    To suppress the feeling of hunger, drink a large glass of the broth.
    I can't see me doing this but I'll give it a try today.
    Otherwise not much going on in my little corner. I had a most pleasant dream last night. Didn't want to wake up!
    Much cooler here but oh so pleasant,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning to everyone! I am slooooooowly coming alive. Katie is still snuggled in her bed, glancing up occasionally to see what’s going on. After brewing up my coffee, vitamins, and hot water with lemon, I will take Katie out for a game of ball before my coffee and her bit of chicken and kibble . That sleepy head John usually sleeps until about 8:00 o’clock. I wish I could do that. My eyes will not stay shut that long.

    There is a marvelous English film director/writer that I just Love. His name is Curtis. I think it is Richard Curtis. He directed “Love Actually” and “Four Weddings and a funeral.” Every film he directs has a wonderful whimsical element with a delightful cast. I am currently in love with English films. I like most of the English tv series. Here in the U.S we have sunk to a new low on TV. I guess it is a cultural expression of dispare. Our current art is quite conflicted as well. I duck my head and look at foreign films lately. There are some interesting new books. The new Bill Clinton/James Patterson thriller will be fun. “The President is missing.”

    I will be (finally) renewing my drivers license this week. What a crazy experience, memorizing that manual. John loved quizzing me on drivers facts. He is still a teacher at heart. He gave me a passing grade and told me I was ready to graduate. Seriously!

    I have a huge box of STUFF to donate to Goodwill and Salvation Army. Yea! Thinning out the clutter.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello all,

    Laundry is finished, cold brew coffee as well as iced tea in the refrigerator, computer software updated, and I am ready to head out to search for the most elusive of items, a comfortable bra. I know, laugh, it is a mythical creature I seek.

    Patsy, well done, I hope all goes well for your renewal. You have put a lot of effort into this! Our little group has been discussing when we will have to take an exam. I will need to look it up. No one agreed. But I know our renewals decrease from a four year period down to two at some particular age. I may find out, I am due to renew my license later this year.

    Deleted Anne, I hope you have a good day with your son. Goodness, what a mixture of ingredients in your broth. You are also drinking it today? Only today? None for Miss Jilly.

    Jackie, oh yes, back to chasing the stick. So glad George is on the mend. I hope your day has been enjoyable.

    I best move along. Book club tonight and after the two hours of Tai Chi/Qigong tomorrow morning, there is the last pendoodle class before the summer break. We are to bring things to share, things we have made, things we are using that we would like to let others know about (like a new pen or marker or something), and any items we are no longer using that we would like to swap with others. Sounds like lots of gathering up. Hummmm.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2018
    Happy Tuesday! My post disappeared. All is good.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    All is normal; I have no internet or phone today and am using a "Guest" WiFi which is not very safe. So I will just say I used my walker to a morning meeting, I attended a chair yoga class, And I' m nervous about being on an open WiFi so this is just a hello, goodnight, back after the technician fixes this stuff for me!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2018
    A rather muggy day and I think there are Thunderstorms about but washed bedding hanging out for some fresh air and fingers crossed...! In the night George woke me at least 3 times barking madly and each time I got up to discover we weren't about to be attacked by monsters so it was either a fox, deer or a grumpy hedgehog. Of course he's now snoozing after his walk and lamb brunch to make up for his disturbed night while I have to work!!
    Plenty of jobs Iined up beginning with cleaning out the hen house then vacuuming my car and might even get the lawns cut, all things I won't be able to do for a few days after the cataract procedure.
    Anne, I hope you didn't wake up feeling starved this morning after your soup day? If it works for Michael then that will be wonderful.
    Buzz, I hate to admit I don't like being without the Internet even though i dont use a great deal but it's rather like a car parked outside, there if and when needed! Today you are back on hopefully!
    Patsy, Richard Curtis' writing is always treasured by me too and you've reminded me I have the DVD About Time still to be watched so is now on the coffee table for the next rainy afternoon! You've worked hard for your driving test so I have every confidence you'll pass with flying colours.
    Lin, you have got a lot going on but all things you love.... terrific. Versailles is a Canadian and French co-production although I have to admit I haven't noticed different accents. The man in the iron mask is about to be introduced so it will be interesting to see how they portray him and the mystery surrounding him.

    I must get on so wish you all a pleasant day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning, running late of course. I have too many things on my schedule today that are away from home. Hope to check in later.

    A muggy day here as well with thunderstorms promised for later in the day. Note to self: grab the rain coat.

    Jackie, have a great day. George, stop bothering sleep time. I kept waking up last night. Aches and pains. Argh.

    Hugs all.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    I succumbed on my day of eating only veggies JACKIE by consuming three Jacobs cream crackers lathered in butter about 6pm. Michael who has more willpower than his elderly parent got through the second day of his three day fast. I watched Doc Martin last night and he remarked that too much vit D in tablet form can cause kidney stones. I've never taken vit D (or indeed any vitamins in man made tablet form) figuring that the Inuit didn't take them and I don't recall a problem up there in the North, and I haven't had kidney stones. Both sons have stone problems and both sons take vit D so it makes one wonder. Mmm. I wonder if fair skinned individuals don't need them so much as our dark skinned friends; nature having reduced the pigment to compensate for lack of sunlight.

    Looking forward to Versailles arriving on our TV. Make a change from The Tudors, Victoria, etc. All that decadence of the French court!

    We had a quiet day yesterday The Bean and I. No Michael, no hacking problems, no sun, no drama at all. It's Ontario Election Day tomorrow and all candidates seemingly as bad as each other I think I will give it a miss. I am not alone in this conclusion!

    Sorry for boring post, but keeping in touch!
    The Deleter.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2018
    What's that about the best laid plans etc......? Well not mice and men but this lady's went awry when the tiniest bee on the plant flew into my garden room and made such loud buzzing George was freaked so I gently flicked it towards the door where it dropped to the mat. Stupidly I tried to pick it up by one wing that was obviously too close to its sting and wham, what a sting from such a tiny insect. Luckily I could see it still sticking in my finger and was able to pull it out but the pain was immense, even with a copper penny held against it. I decided once it eased to make some light lunch before carrying on with those original plans then set off down the garden to the chicken run with plastic bin bag and disposable gloves only to be confronted by the sight of George emerging from the pond covered in black silt, a million tiny specs of duck weed and possibly a couple of tadpoles in his ears!! Straight into the shower he went where after a good 10 minutes of spraying I managed to return his coat to something resembling the original colour and choke the drain with green weed. Zoomies round the garden for George while I made myself a cup of tea then set off one more time to the chicken house. Finally that job is completed so I must hang out George's wet towels that ended up in the washing machine then vacuum the interior of my car but it's already past 3 o'clock! Keep going Jackie.......

    PS ANNE, I felt much the same at our last election although several comments were made that I couldn't complain if I didn't vote but I think if I can't find one politician or party to gain my confidence I still have a right to moan..... and I do!! That reminds me, watch out for a BBC drama A Very British Scandal all about Jeremy Thorpe in the 60's. Hugh Grant should get an award for his portrayal because there were many times I forgot it was him because he was uncannily like Thorpe. Most of it might have occurred after you left for Canada but it is still an amazing story and told with a hint of humour!!

    Must go and vacuum my car!!