Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited May 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) A Moving Company representative called at 7:30 this morning to ask if he could come early so he has been here and left with an estimate of $1000. Yikes, but even though it is right around the corner, they still have to go up and down the stairs in each unit.
    I will use them because they have a good reputation and they are insured and bonded. Now all I need is a move in date.
    My friend had the opportunity to win the $15.000 but she picked the wrong number. It was very exciting and she had the same chance last week which is unbelievable. If it is not storming tonight I will be going to my regular bingo although the prize money is much less.

    Jackie, I am so sorry about poor George, I do hope he makes a full recovery and soon. Anne wasn't actually booted off MFP, she deleted her account because of the pop up she received and it scared her. She is paranoid right now to come back but maybe when her son comes to check out things he will get her back on. Seeing as she is using a tablet I am not sure how to run a virus and/or anti spyware scan.

    Buzz, I know nothing about the gummy bears with the hemp but I am surprised you can buy it online. How wonderful your son is coming to visit you and soon. I love when family comes to visit me and especially since they will be here to help me pack and get ready for my move.

    Patsy, if you consider yourself an oddball I must be very strange. I love our little group and hope we can continue this online meeting for years to come. I think Anne will be back but if not then we can communicate through email. Whatever works right?

    Lin, I am sure you are busy as usual. Today I am going to get serious and start packing especially since my friend gave me more containers last night so I have no excuses.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    If everyone is comfortable with giving their email addresses you can send them to me at I will send a test email and /or include the individual emails to each of us. If you are uncomfortable with that you can use gmail to set up another email address just for our purpose.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Great news, Anne has registered with MFP again with name Anne1935 so look out for her and invite as friend because she is still having server problems poor love! I'll see if I can find her
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Happy Wednesday. Just flying by my house for a little while. Wednesday is now kind of packed with Tai Chi. Early morning double fan, then single fan, Qigong and a bit more Tai Chi. Trip to grocery store for discount day. Home to put away groceries then off to the Tai Chi for Health class.

    What’s left of me will be back later.

    Meanwhile, Jackie I am very concerned about George. Very concerned. Hoping for some good news soon. Poor little guy and poor Jackie. Hugs.

    Sandy, you already have my email address. I think I may have everyone’s address with the exception of Patsy. Meanwhile, we will still need to post here as we have other Dear Sneakers who stop by as possible, Marie, Jeri, Diane, Barbie for example.

    I am only on one other group email and it also a Yahoo group. The problem with that one is probably my AOL. Folks add to and forward and respond to all and so AOL won’t display complete messages. I have to get on my Windows laptop to sort things out. So, just saying, I may need some schooling here. :D Really.

    Buzz, we can buy loads of hemp based products here. None of the THC or whatever the active ingredient is in the regulated products. Hemp is like another herb now. Salve, ointments, CBD oil etc can be purchased locally but I hadn’t heard of the gummy bears. Interesting world!! New things all the time and hopefully it will be effective for you.

    Sandy, a moving company lined up. Good for you. Now for a moving date! Good luck at your Bingo tonight. Wow, your friend must just be sick having a shot at that big money and missing it twice. Yipes.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I've stopped answering "How are you feeling"! I keep hoping for a weather change! At dinner tonight, we all sang happy birthday o our dear Gert, 103 years old and does not even use a walker! She provided beautiful huge chocolate sheet cakes from Costco for all 3 dining rooms! I sure hope we celebrate her next one all together! Spent most of today snoozing with legs up
    and grateful the swelling has come way down.
    JACKIE, I seem to recall putting thumbs way back at the 2 sides of my pups' mouths to keep the jaws open and allowing the pills to be placed way back toward the throat. seems they cannot spit it out that way, but this goes way back, so my memory could be hazy! Good luck!
    PATSY, look at your messages. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
    I'm so tired, I will just wish you all a great sleep and fade out now! This is for the birds :s:s
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another sultry day that makes me realise living in the Tropics wouldn't be for me! Nasty storms on their way from France and the Netherlands that might just miss me in Cornwall but problems predicted a little further east.
    George is quietly improving and this morning I took him for an extremely slow (his choice) walk on the village roads behind us. That was the 1st walk in over 3 days. Last night he eat a small amount of chicken so I've cooked up thighs that were destined for a curry for me that I can share with him. He's also had a few mouthfuls of special bland chicken and rice dog food the vet gave me that looks awful but he didn't seem to mind. Thank you Buzz, yesterday evening's pill was dropped from a height aimed at the back of his throat and worked a treat so this morning I tried the same and it was swallowed immediately. Only three and a half more days of that!! Oh dear, are you able to decline chocolate sheet cake.... not sure I could!!

    Sandy, when I was trying to find Anne on MFP yesterday under her new name I was already on our page but then I went back to community I was told to log in by a window that popped up saying it was from Armor. They wouldn't let me on to the site I was already on unless I ticked boxes agreeing they can send my details to the US government. To test them I ticked the boxes, logged in then immediately changed my password. There is either something very odd going on or Armor are looking for hackers?? I can see why Anne would have been put off! I tried to give advice too but her tablet works differently to my phone so I was of no help!

    Lin, Patsy and everyone, thank you for your concern and support for little George. It has really helped me being able to share the awful past few days and having thought on Tuesday night I was going to lose him have promised I will never get cross at his constant barking again!!!

    Hooray for modern carpets, mine has been scrubbed so I am now going to move the furniture, vacuum and dig the carpet cleaner out from its hidey-hole for a final clean. Not the best day weather-wise but at least with my new garden room I can keep doors open even if it rains!

    Have a good day everyone

    PS Honey bees are buzzing round the hive that lost its colony in March so I might have a swarm taking up residents. There again it could just be local bees visiting to steal what honey was left in there. I rather hope that is the case because I didn't get a chance to clean the hive out and replace frames.... there again bees are better at housework than me!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George watching over today's Spring cleaning. He tires easily so was given the supervisor's position!! Back to it....
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I haven't much time as I have my meeting today and desperately need groceries. I got my living room packed up yesterday and then decided to try to beat the storms predicted to pick up some boxes from a friend and go to bingo. I didn't beat the storm and it was like driving in a monsoon. Thank goodness for the yellow glasses that helped me drive in horrific rain. And then I didn't even win at bingo.

    Jackie, George looks like a little prince, keep spoiling him he deserves it. As far as pop ups from Armor, please note:
    The email from Under Armour does not ask its MyFitnessPal users to click on a link or open an attachment. Any email that includes such instructions is a scam and should be deleted immediately.

    Has anyone heard from Anne? I really miss her.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning friends. i also have had a difficult time with MFP. I haven’t a clue what might be going on. I guess we really do need to share email addresses and see about a way to communicate. This forum seems very troubled. I do hate to give up the forum way of communication.

    I am continuing to memorize as much of the drivers license manual as possible. What a useless task. I do need to get this over and done. Boring stuff but I guess necessary.

    This spring both John and I have had continuing issues with arthritis. It seems debilitating at times. We are looking at changing exercises, meds and diet. John doesn’t need to lose any weight. I am cutting back portions again. I really think the problem is my lack of mobility. Less movement causes even less movement. All the research on this has turned me into a arthritis expert. There is connecting info out there.

    Be well.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy, I received an email from Anne this morning that had c.c. to you, Lin, Patsy and Buzz so check your junk mail in case it went astray.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Anne mentioned something about Java on her iPad, and I know its security is poor so if you have JAVA on your tablet or computer, make sure your are up-to-date on its updates! Check frequently!
    SANDY, I don't envy the move, but if anyone can do it well, it is you! You are welcome to add my email to that list for ANNE or any of us in case Armor is under attack! What a crazy world we are leaving for our progeny!
    PATSY, another ugh/arthritis perfect storm day for Florida! I have never seen this barrage since living here 24 years!
    LIN, how wonderful that you are able to continue your schedule for those things you most love doing!
    JACKIE, The Prince looks vulnerable and adorable overseeing your work! Hope he heals quickly and returns to his precious personality! Whatever it is with the beehive, I hope they remain! They recognize a welcoming home when they see one!
    I need a nap, so I'm shutting down to escape the thunder! I agree the world is changing faste than I can recognize!
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!....................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Jackie George is adorable. Keep on supervising and feeling better. And the vacancy in your bee hive may be filled. That’s interesting. Would they be some wild rogue bees? Or some nice domestic bees searching for a new home? Your life has been too memorable of late. I hope you can relax. Your cataract surgery comes up soon yes?

    Sandy and anyone else who knows, what should you do if you get that message and cannot get past it to get to the community area? And Sandy, the bold text you provided, where did you find that? Is there something we should be reading to make sure we understand what’s going on?

    Buzz, I prioritize things that others would find totally unnecessary. I am not an industrious little ant, I am most assuredly the grasshopper. Have you received your gummy bears? Interested in hearing more about them. I hope you enjoy your nap. That doesn’t sound bad!

    So up early this morning. A trip to the store nearest me for a special on red seedless organic grapes. Then to TJ for a few things. Off then to meet the Library ladies. Too many unhappy stories today but still happy to see these folks. One last stop at Whole Foods for a few sweet potatoes. I have now chomped down my green beans and the sweet potatoes are baking.

    I have emails from Anne and Patsy. I sent a test email.

    I am rather worn out today. I think I will lay low for the afternoon. Tomorrow is another long Tai Chi day and Saturday is an all day Papercrafting day at the library. I am not sure what I want to take with me. Something small? I don’t feel like dragging 40 lbs of equipment and supplies with me. :D


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hooray! I see Jilly and her Mom are back and I've just asked to be a 4th friend! Checked her out and she's OK!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Happened!..................................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Beautiful pool day but I am opting to stay in and pack some boxes. Also have some bills to pay so I am going to be productive today. I have given Anne some ideas to get back on MFP so we will see if it works.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, another long Tai Chi morning, looked through emails, had some lunch and immediately got caught up in a project. It is not going as planned so I am sitting here in gloves. Didn’t plan to have to tend to items floating to the surface in my ice resin. Should not have rushed into a second project while trying to finish the first. I got impatient with mixing tiny batches of resin. Will stick with tiny batches. Lesson learned.

    Sandy, yes, a productive day! I did the bill paying thing earlier this week so it’s likely more will arrive in the mail today. Haaaa. Happy packing, be easy on your back and knees.

    Buzz, hello my friend. Glad you found the Bean’s owner. And I hope your gummies have now arrived. One of my Library lady friends has a back problem and really wishes it was easier to get some “herbal” relief. She is not one for strong prescription painkillers. She brings a cushion to sit on and gets up to move around periodically. She decided she I’ll try some topical salves with herbal compounds to see if any of them might help. She uses Biofreeze but it is burning her skin due to a skin condition. Sorry, don’t know what it is.

    Well, back to pop bubbles and poke my little items back down in the resin. Oh joy. Haaaaaa.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! Tried to post earlier. The typing was disturbingly slow. I gave up and put a load of laundry on to wash. I once again pondered Anne’s mfp issue. I somehow do not feel it is a problem of being in Canada. On other forums there are folks from England, Canada, Tasmania (!) and Australia. So that doesn’t seem to be the problem. I wonder if it is Anne’s router? Is that called fragmentation? Anyway, I use an iPad as well and need to clear safari occasionally. Reset the whole thing regularly, if something doesn’t work, start over, never under estimate the value of a hammer. I have threatened the use of a hammer to beat the iPad into submission. Not sure but I think threatened violence works. Just saying....
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Time for my bed. I'll be up quite early in the morning to do grocery shopping before it gets busy then I may take George to the moors for a short walk. It's obvious he has lost weight and tonight struggled with our walk round the village so must take things steady. Patsy as i walked I thought of your comment earlier about arthritis and the sort of damned if you do, damned if you don't exercise scenario because it seems my hips complain at either event too. Just keep telling myself exercise is doing me good and hope for the best!
    Sandy, I did suggest Anne reset her ipad to factory settings to clear it of unwanted problems but she says she's tried everything. Since I also was faced with that window asking me to click to authorise them to pass on personal data I'm not sure it is country specific, just random (and a nuisance for Anne.).
    Lin, your project sounds fascinating if a little messy LOL Don't go getting yourself stuck in that resin!!
    Feet up Buzz. Your weather has to break soon surely then you will be enjoying blueberries with yogurt rather than in a muffin!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Pardon my language but how the .... did I manage this.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Heavens to Betsy!! I DO BELIEVE IM BACK!!!!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    It's me......the Deleter, or
    PATSY, me dear. You were right! Pure fluke mind