Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That's funny, the word "t.o.r.r.e.n.t" becomes kitten!! Is there something offensive about rushing water? :o:o
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    And now it's gone..... strange gremlins!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My mind is so cluttered lately that I forgot to tell you that Babe's older brother died. He was in and out of hospitals and nursing homes for months so it is a blessing that he is at peace. There will be a viewing for the immediate family and his three brothers and their wives for an hour this morning followed by the burial and a luncheon. Babe wants me to go as does his family but he thinks he will only be able to attend the viewing. He doesn't think he could handle much more than that with his dizziness. I think it will be very emotional for him as he was very close to his brother. I haven't seen some of the family for the last six years so wish me luck.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    You are wished the best of luck from this quarter! All will be well. So sorry for Babe.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy you don't need luck I'm sure because you are one brave lady. Ignore those that need to be and your usual lovely self with everyone else and all will be fine. Sorry for Babe's loss but sounds like a blessed release for his brother.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy, I trust all is going well. Those are tough events. I doubt Babe would have been able to attend without you. Hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    All went well at the funeral, it was a beautiful service. His grandchildren read some readings and one grandson talked about his grandfather's life and how he worked hard and partied hard. He and his wife would have been married 68 years in July so they both had good lives together. Babe and I only stayed for the service at the funeral home but did not go to the cemetery. It is really hot outside and he just couldn't do it. It was nice seeing everyone and I appreciated they included me in the service.

    After I took Babe home I went home to change and then to Home Depot for some boxes and packing supplies, then to the bank and Target. It looks like our pool is getting ready to open but so far there has been no announcement. I am going to start on some packing today in case the pool opens tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    George is home and woozy but operation went well and the vet said the lump didn't need to be analised but removed because it was messy. He has quite a long and deep scar but is on powerful painkillers and now snoozing. He should feel a whole lot better tomorrow.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day dear sneakers. It is ia lovely day in full sunshine, a light breeze and a few fluffy white clouds in a beautiful blue sky. I had a late start today but I will try to get caught up as soon as possible. I do remember years ago this weekend was “decoration day.” We went to the cemetery and put small American flags on graves of fallen military soldiers. Then we put flowers (peonies) on graves of loved ones. These were traditions from long ago. Today we remember loved ones in thoughts and happy memories.

    Anne: what a lovely way to start your day. Contentment is a rare thing these days. I confess, I am always needing, wanting, worrying, planning, working. Contentment is not in my personal “wheelhouse” as the current phrase goes. You have much to teach us, dear friend.

    Jackie: thinking of your sweet little George. I know I would be lurking at the back door of the vets office. When our doggies are ill or in need of vet care, I am a true maniac. Terrified something serious is wrong. They were usually just fine, vet was very helpful, I needed an aspirin and a nap! True story!

    Sandy: I can tell it here...I rather enjoy the big hubbub of a move. New starts! Clean out, throw out, move out! Great music to pack to and happy thoughts about your new nest. About your Babe. You were so thoughtful to accompany him to that sad and emotional service. There are times in life when we need to have the comfort of an official recognition.

    Lin: have good day and a lovely weekend. I can imagine you at your desk working on special cards for special people.

    Buzz: enjoy the weekend with your friends. I feel sure there will be a special concert or event. We think of you constantly and are eager to hear that you are feeling better.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wish I could give great news of fantastic recovery, but it's still pouring, and sunshine is not in the offing, so There's no change in sight!. However, my coping skills are improving, so thanks, everybody, for your faith that this too shall pass!
    SANDY, as usual, you outshine the other side! Were BABE's son and daughter at the viewing?
    You are an angel and that family will recognize your devotion when they can no longer do anything adult!
    Everyone, my desires overwhelm my abilities and once more my fingers are numb and so is my brain! You are all in my mind and heart and keep doing and thinking your constructive beautiful thoughts and deeds!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning. Lots of things I would like to accomplish today. I am in the midst of laundry, load 2 in the dryer now. I am working on beach cards, downloading some project lessons that the gel print instructor put out on the web. That was nice of her as the regular class is finished. Anyway, I want to get them downloaded and it seems to take a while.

    Hot day in store once again. Not a great day to bake sweet potatoes but I think I will anyway. I did finally turn off the pilot light to my gas fireplace. It was putting off quite a bit of heat! I never notice the warmth in the cold weather but now, oh my.

    Buzz, I wish there were miraculous results to report. I will keep wishing that my friend. But you are right, coping skills are invaluable. I try to cultivate more ability to cope with the stuff that shows up in life. <3<3

    Jackie, how is George this morning? Probably not ready to chase Mr. Fox?

    Patsy, we went to two cemeteries each year, one for each side of the family. We took my mom’s Mother to the cemetery each week during the summer as she took fresh flowers of some sort from her garden each week for her daughter who passed away in childhood and for her husband. My family went to his people’s cemetery and decorated but none of his family came with us. Now I call and have arrangements placed. I no longer visit as it is too far away.

    Sandy, is the pool open? Only one public facility is open in our entire metro area this weekend.

    Everyone, take care. Many hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It is going to be a hot day here with temps in the 90's. I think the pool is opening today so I will venture out for a couple of hours before church. I did get some packing done but I can see it is going to be a slow process since my back starts hurting after lifting some containers. I will just do the best I can and let my kids help me when they arrive.
    I still don't have a move in date yet but going to be prepared if he lets me move in early.

    Buzz, no Babe's kids were not there, only the grandchildren of his brother were allowed. So just his wife, their two sons and their children plus the three brothers and their wives. The family has always liked me and no one questioned us on our separation so all was good. Babe's middle brother is a very good friend and we have always stayed in touch. We used to go to lunch together when Babe was feeling good. His wife is suffering with Parkinson and Osteoporosis so it is not easy for her, as we always say growing old in not for sissy's.
    I do wish your weather would clear up and sunshine would bring some change for you.
    We all hate that you are in pain and not your normal happy self. Love you!!

    Patsy, in reality I am excited for my move but it seems I have more "stuff" since I moved in here. I am happy to be getting rid of stuff that hasn't been used in the last six years so that is a plus. It will all work out in the end. I do still love Babe so if needed I am there for him. It is so hard for people to understand our relationship but most are supportive. The most critical are my children because they didn't like how much I was hurt when I first moved and I do love them for that. They however do not interfere as they want me happy and I am.

    Jackie, I hope George is on the mend this morning and I am glad to read it didn't need to be biopsied. Give him an extra hug from me please.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. We continue with our warm weather although the barometer is falling because thunder storms are floating up from France but so far the only rain we've had fell as I walked George without a coat on tbis afternoin! LOL George is doing well even though he's still feeling the effects of the anaesthetic. I've managed to get him to eat chicken and pasta as well as oily tinned mackerel that disguised his pain killer drops so he's not scratching the incision which is good news.

    Sandy - hooray a swimming pool open to use just as weather improves! Don't hurt yourself packing those boxes, just take your time.

    Lin- isn't it a great feeling when heating can finally be switched off! I'd love to see the fan dancing as it sounds quite beautiful and a wonderful new form of stretching muscles. Are the fans large?

    Buzz - the world's weather is topsy turvy and nothing we can do about it but I do hope you soon get some decent warmth and sunshine although I gather a tropical storm is heading for the Gulf but maybe far enough away not to affect you.

    Patsy - how these pups worm their way into our hearts right? I was terrified George's lump might be something nasty because it looked horrible which was silly in retrospect because my own experience is the more dangerous the least obtrusive these things appear to start with. Anyway George's bounce is returning so that has to be good news. :)

    I'm looking after my nice neighbour's pets until Tuesday so time to pop round and feed the cats.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi Jackie, there are few videos of Rainbow single fan or double fan as I am learning it. I have a video to play at home for inbetween classes and lessons on double fan. Someone posted the student view (from behind so you can try to copy the moves). Not good quality video or audio but it might give you a sense of the size of the fans and the moves as they are meant to be performed. From an old crackly jointed lady they are much different. So take a look at a bit of it. It is much fun and I adore snapping and moving the fans. It makes me feel a tiny bit graceful.

    Yeah George, no licking and chewing on the incision. We had loads of thunder here last night but the rain did not reach us. It stayed to the North. It is so awfully hot today. I might go to the mailbox later when it drops below 90 degrees or so.

    Sandy, take care. Packing is difficult. Maybe one or two boxes a day?

    Back to the downloading. It darn, now I want to play with my fans.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lovely dance my sneaker friend Lin
    Thank you for the lovely card you sent me. one of many you made me. you are an angel made in Heaven.

    I am doing fairly good So is Jerry. We have our bad days and lots of good day Sorry to hear about Babe brother Sandy.

    I think Buzz know some of what I am going thru with Jerry. Its not very pleasant for him for he don't understand what he is going thru.
    hugs to all of the sneakers
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes indeed, MARIE, I know too well and you have my sympathy, love, and blessings, and may things not become too difficult as time passes!
    I'm so embarrassed to admit I must have fallen asleep here at my desk when I woke with a start, missing what I think was a message, (phone? Computer?) about either a doctor or a class or even just information concerning my physical betrayal, and I cannot seem to retrace it anywhere! I replayed my saved phone messages, but it wasn't there! Perhaps it was just a realistic dream? If anyone heard or read such a message, would you please share it with me?
    Why, I wonder, does The Christian Science Monitor keep popping up in my head? HELP?!!!
    LIN, my knees hurt after watching all the lunges and slow twists of the beautiful flag dance! The moves are anything but simple, and good for you that you are capable of such a precise form of exercise! And thanks for sharing the video!
    I must get to bed before I fall asleep again at the desk! This non-stop rain is a real bummer!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2018
    A thunder storm must have travelled quite close last night because at some point the electric trip switch turned itself off. I didn't hear a thing and George didn't bark so I assime it was some way off but most of the UK and Western Europe is experiencing violent electrical storms so pot luck if it's overhead or not.
    I took George to one of our local woods this morning where we met 2 gorgeous but crazy English sheepdogs that behaved like puppies although apparently 9. The rest of our walk was quiet and I'm now sipping coffee before tidying inside the cottage and out.

    Lin, thank you for the video showing such a beautiful dance routine. Goodness, if you can do any of those moves I'm impressed and reminded I should do more to improve my agility! No wonder you love it as an extension of tai chi and long may you wave your fans!! Little rain here either although flooding in some areas but so hot and humid yesterday George's food in his bowl turned rancid within an hour of coming out of the fridge... yuck!! Fresher today as he sits on the step outside sniffing the air.

    Lovely to hear from MARIE and wish you and JERRY lots more good days than not so good. <3<3

    Buzz, possibly a vivid dream just before you woke... very hard to shake off sometimes. Brace yourself for storm Alberto and stay safe. Hopefully the air will clear for you too once it has moved through. <3

    Time to get on so I'll wish everyone a peaceful Sunday.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning, hot once again today. I did my trip out to TJ and was there when the store opened it filled up quite quickly. Heat? Holiday? Both? Glad to be out while most were still shopping. Provisions put away, little blooming plants packed up to take to a few ladies at church and off I go in a few minutes. Fingers crossed that my car (which has a service appointment in early June) doesn’t object to the extreme heat.

    Buzz, I hear a storm is on its way to Florida. And many areas have received much rain apparently before this storm was even named. Are you having flooding issues? Be safe. Take care my friend.

    Marie, so happy to hear from you. I always look for news from you on Facebook or with your other group. Very happy you posted here. I am so sorry for all you are coping with. Hugs.

    Jackie, crazy storms? Oooh, not a good thing. Humm, crazy dogs in the woods. Well, good that the remainder of the walk was calm. When do your neighbors return? Any problems looking after their pets? I have a friend who is doing dog sitting again and she is quite selective about which animals she takes care of. I guess she avoids problems that way.

    And I love the Tai Chi with a fan or two fans BUT please do not think I can do all the things you see in that video. Her mother developed the form, and she has made some tweaks to it BUT I will never do those creeping forward moves or the backing up with your legs all twisted which I believe is “blacksmith stokes the fire”. I do what an old lady can do and it is good to keep me moving, improves balance and makes me happy. And it keeps my brain working as I learn something new.

    End of sermon. And appropriate since it is time for church!

    Take care everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited May 2018
    Happy Sunday! :) Lost my post for some reason so will try again. :p I had a great day at the pool yesterday and plan to go again today. I didn't stop by Babe's after church since his son was there so I ran some errands including buying two more tankini tops even though I have plenty. I think I have a fetish for swim tops but will see if my daughter wants any of those I am not using.
    It is official my grandson proposed to his girl in Hawaii and she accepted. They make a darling couple even though I don't like my grandson's long hair but have no control.
    They are getting married in the spring of next year so I will continue to try and save for this event, so far I am doing well.

    Lin, thank you for sharing the video. I doubt I could handle that but kudos's to you for doing what you can. Take what you like and leave the rest.

    Jackie, Daisy turned 9 on the 12th and she still acts like a puppy. I think it is the trait of OES to just want to play all the time. I am glad George is doing well and hope he is back to his normal self.

    Buzz, I have also woken up from a dream and had to collect myself to realize where I was. It can be a weird feeling. I hope you got some sleep and today is a good day.

    Marie, so happy to hear from you even though as Lin I do follow you on Facebook. I am sure it must be difficult some days with Jerry, but I know Alice is always there for you. Take is one day at a time and enjoy the good days.

    Anne and Patsy, I am sorry I missed you.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We will be celebrating Memorial Day in our own way. Nothing too dramatic, just a picnic on the deck and talk of beloved ones who have passed. John is still dealing with painful knee. I suspect he has some wear and tear in that area but he does hate X-rays. I don’t see any other way to diagnose, maybe ultra sound? He will be making a DR appointment Tuesday. That, by the way is to show you how debilitating this is. John only goes to the DR when it might be life threatening or very very painful. Even then he hesitates.

    I am not sure you all remember our dear old friends, Mazzie and MoMo. They died within two months of each other. They were 13+ years old and so beloved by both John and I. Mazzie was registered throughbred Old English sheepdog and MoMo was a mix. When they died I was so heartbroken, I really was in tears constantly. That breed is a delight beyond measure. The grooming required is significant! We thought a labradoodle would be perfect. And Katie is perfect. She is smaller but...she requires just as much grooming. The OES seems to have inherited hip and eye problems. They were healthy but they required extra effort and special food. Regular tooth cleaning etc. Katie has her own issues, but I see similarities. What would we do without a doggie to worry over?

    Sandy: my goodness! Your grandson is movie star handsome! Hair and all! The girl is lovely and that wedding will be so romantic...just being in Hawaii. You must go, I know you will find a way.

    Jackie: hope you are continuing to avoid those storms. Thunder terrifies Katie. We thought about a thunder coat for her. But when she is running around panting and so terrified we can only catch her and sort of hug her. That seems to help. I am not sure I could get that coat on her.

    Lin: oh my! That fan video was so elegant and graceful. Thank you for sharing it. What a beautiful way to exercise and gain strength and balance.

    Buzz and Anne: thinking of you both. Keep us in your thoughts. Be well dear friends.