Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Today is a public holiday here in Canada, Victoria Day. We are all queened out this week. Mike is threatening to come over and maybe cut my grass because the professional mowers never showed up. This means I will have saved $70 which makes me very happy indeed as it can go towards a new iPad eventually. After mowing the grass and if he has the strength we will drive over to Marks house to meet Hobbes the giant kitten. Mark and Mary Jo are looking after Hobbes because grandson Derek is paddling his canoe around Algonquin national park with his mates. He will come home after hopefully not coming face to face with a hungry bear prowling around his tent to find that kitten Hobbes has discovered he's got a set of molars and is playfully nipping everyone. I am debating whether we should take Jilly with us who is smaller than kitten Hobbes and a bit of a sissy to boot. Must find out Hobbes breed. He's a Norwegian something or other which outgrows Maine Coon cats. Derek lives in a very small condo in Toronto which makes me wonder how a very large cat will manage. Mary Jo doesn't believe me but I think Derek and Hobbes will arrive back at M and Ms large house once the lease is up. Michael thinks Hobbes will end up here with me when Hobbes discovers he's got claws as well as teeth because MJ tends to be houseproud and I'm a sucker for cats anyway. There's never a dull moment is there!

    I was so happy to read you are feeling a little bit more like the old Buzz, BUZZ. Good luck for tomorrow.

    So, I will away and haul Jilly out of bed, yep she's a late riser unlike me, feed her her chicken and look up my winter boots and brolly to confront the leg nipping Hobbes. Okay, I might be exaggerating a little bit there!

    Anne, tamer of tigers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2018
    We're blessed with another beautiful day and I have to say all this warm sunshine is certainly making up for our awful wet then freezing winter. We walked the woods with Scruff and her mum then I went shopping in town for supplies for the hens only to find the store still closed after a change of hands and a rather grumpy farmer staring through the window muttering no wonder these people go out of business!! As it was a lovely day for a drive I carried on with George settled on the seat next to me to our vet to ask for an appointment to remove a nasty weeping spot on his side. Not sure I mentioned it before. Anyway I've been doing my best to keep it clean with homemade saline wash but think it might still have a risk to become infected so Friday morning he will go for a procedure to cut it out and sent for analysis. As we parted company with Scruff she went to George and put her nose on the area involved then sat at my feet looking at me, perhaps to tell me it needs to go so I'm taking her advice!! The hen supplies were bought at an out of town store and now we're home to contemplate yes, more gardening!!

    Buzz ~ No you didn't goof at all, it just seems to be these past few years that our Queen has had enough and would like to spend quality time with her hubby but unlike Phillip can't say so! Camilla and Kate seemed to hide under their hats for the whole of the ceremony and to be honest I did wonder as the kids gave their vows if Charles was remembering just such broken vows he spoke with Harry's mother at his side so we all have our opinions on what really went on. Yes, the bridesmaids and page boys were adorable and I can see young Charlotte (Will and Kate's daughter) is already a bright spark whereas poor little George looks as if he has the worries of the world on his little shoulders already. Did Trump send congratulations via Twitter.... I didn't hear that he did!! LOL
    Nearly Tuesday and none of us can wait to hear you have serious help lined up to improve your health. Just one more day sweetie! <3

    Lin ~ Bearded iris are one of my favourites and we have a wild yellow variety growing beside our ponds and river banks. I've a pink Spirea that always struggles to bloom but perhaps because the dense magnolia tree was toppled at the end of last year giving it a lot more light it is covered in tiny pink clusters at the moment. Ah yes, who paid for the wedding? The security, as immense a bill as it was, would have come out of our taxes but the royal family paid for everything within the walls of Windsor although I'm guessing Meghan will have bought her own dress. I say with tongue in cheek no wonder her father was feeling unwell if he thought the family of the bride would be paying, as is tradition!!

    Sandy ~ Welcome home after such a wonderful trip with your family. I'm sure you will catch up with your suntan once you are settled in your new home and as it does sound like your kids are going to help with the move you must try not to get too stressed but let them take control as much as you dare!!

    Anne ~ History was my favourite subject at school since most of it reads like a crazy piece of fiction so looking back at past royals I can see, as you probably do too, a similarity in what goes on today! I have a lot of flying pages on my iphone too and am told it's because I accidentally touch one of the corners but I can't see how I can type without holding the thing.... modern technology!!

    Coffee slurped so time to prepare a very light lunch then out into the sunshine.

    Hello to Patsy, Jeri, Marie and any of the old crowd looking in.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Not only Charles, JACKIE, I think a few of us first wives wondered if their ex husbands were watching and remembering their original vows! Funnily enough Meghan's dress was exactly the same style as mine, except my under layer of silk was covered with a top layer of Nottingham lace. Fifties of course, but some things never change! The whole wedding reminded me of a chess game, black bishops, white bishops, pawns, queen, future kings. Did you see young Charlotte sticking her tongue out at the photographers?
    Well I'd better shut up, because like I said in the post above yours, Mike will be arriving soon. So sorry to read of George's weeping spot. Hope he didn't catch a thorn on one of his outings! If so, the vet will find it. Good luck anyway.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I don't have much time as I am sitting for the boys while Lisa goes to the dentist. It is raining and cold, I even put on my heat to take the chill out of the house. I will be back later this afternoon if I don't get too involved in the book I am making for my friend.

    I just can't understand why the days go so fast when we are "older" time is just flying by and I need it to stop to take a breath.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning, it is a drizzly day here and a bit cool. I am off in a little while for a haircut and a trip to the post office. Home for a bit and then the much dreaded trip to the doctor which can extend for hours as an appointment time means little. And once in a room you feel forgotten as time ticks by. Argh.

    Anne, enjoy your day with the near-feral cat. Haaaaaa. When a kitten or puppy gets those little sharp teeth they do become shredding machines. Boots may be a great idea!

    Jackie, I am so glad you had another nice day but am sorry about George. Poor little guy. If Doctor Scruff let you know it was a problem, good to pay attention. Dogs are quite good at noticing problems. Is there a sign on the door saying when the store will re-open? It doesn’t sound if they are doing a very good job.

    Buzz, just do the best you can driving about your apartment. As long as you are okay, the furniture doesn’t matter that much. Just take care.

    Sandy, hi, are you in sunshine or rain today?

    Jeri, Diane, Marie, Barbie, and the rest of the Sneakers, wishing you well.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh Monday, Monday! We had a very nice Sunday right up until the end. At 11:30 p.m. I was getting a drink of water in the kitchen and noticed Katie’s water bowl was low and gunky as well. After a brief scrub out and refill of fresh cool water I tripped and spilled water all over kitchen floor, on the cabinets and splashed the front of the stove and dishwasher! Lots of wet towels and wiping up later, I was ready for bed at 12:45 a.m. but we all slept well. Laundry is going and I am longing for that first cup of coffee.

    Our son did a sail with his group yesterday so we visited by phone after his return. Lots of laughs and teasing, he is involved with a big corporate project with intel. Nice money but Oh Baby! Difficult people to work with. His two old doggies are well looked after. They go the vet at the first hint of trouble. They are getting quite old. Sweet old things but used to being the family stars. Katie just can’t understand why they will not play ball or run around outside with her.

    Our daughter called as well. My conversations with her are cautious. I don’t want to cause her any stress. I am sure she is clinically depressed. She has mentioned that diagnosis before. I am just grateful for the contact and we will find a way to deal with this. Life is a series of interesting challenges.

    The week begins and we are to have mild weather starting Tuesday. Yesterday was nice in the early afternoon. My gardening is not very complicated. I will be planting more pots for the decks. The deer and I are trying to trim a few unruly plants. The roses do not have a chance. The deer will nibble each new leaf and bud. Oh well.

    Since John and I were married right out of high school, we remember our wedding vows. He likes to remind me that we had the old fashioned vows that included something about obeying....hummm. I don’t remember that! Our wedding was that barefoot hippy wedding in an apple orchard.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just gone 6pm and I was contemplating cutting the grass as there is a threat of thunder storms but the air has now cleared so I'll put garden tools away and cook a meal instead. George's lump was thought to be a cyst when the vet saw him last month but suggested if it grew bigger take him back for a biopsy. Although not bigger it has become a problem as he scratches it until it gets messy so it seems sense to take it all out and do biopsy at the same time. Yes Anne, chess is the perfect description!
    LIN a sign on the door of the store said it would reopen today 21st but the hapless assistant behind the locked door called out that she had to wait for the new owners before letting us in. This was after 10am which made Mr Farmer cross but I did see him later at the out of town store buying animal medications so no doubt he was worried about one of his stock.

    A lovely evening with lots of bird song. Time to put the kettle on and start to cook a meal.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Spotted this on our way to Mark and Mary Jos. Fungi. Michael's new lady friend is an expert on fungi, mushrooms, toadstools etc.
    Will post a picture of the absolutely gorgeous Hobbes later. Teeny kitten, HUGE paws. He will be a very big full grown cat. Turns out he's a Russian new breed and the breed is called a Siberian. Jilly wanted to play with him, he was a little more cautious, but they rubbed noses just before we left.
    Altogether a lovely Victoria Day. Perfect sunny weather at 21 degrees.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Here we go. The first picture is of a Hobbes encountering a Jilly Bean for the first time.
    The second is a Jilly Bean encountering a kitty for the first time. Jilly's ears are flattened because she's nervous.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just a quick response to the adorable photos of Jilly and Hobbes. The kitten is so beautiful. I know he will prove to be a wonderful cat. Of course sweet Jilly was confused and alarmed. Who is this? What is this? Why is this creature looking at me? I hope Jilly makes friends with the kitten. I also hope Jilly and Hobbes become as good friends as George and Brady.

    Katie loves our sons dogs but I must say the feeling is not muteral. Lovely day here. The geraniums are doing great. MFP will not let me correct and it will not do it automatically. What’s going on?

    Back to my chores and listening to news...even though I said I was not going to.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    I think they could be pals PATSY. Although Jill's ears are flat the tail never stopped wagging. They ended up rubbing noses. I had a great deal of trouble typing this as well. It varies at different times during the day. Most odd. Anne
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I've stopped the Tramadol, which did not remove pain for me but has left me foggy. Tomorrow, LIN, I see a vascular specialist, which I'm certain I should have done ages ago. However, due to the slight lapse yesterday, when the sun shone a couple of hours, and my pain seemed to lift somewhat, I'm back to thinking weather related arthritis again! I don't recall ever before suffering weeks and weeks of non-stop stormy weather. So is this what I'll have to deal with? I'll let you know if anything is learned tomorrow. I seem to be carefully putting important information all together so I won't have to search, and when I go for it, find the most important phone numbers or names missing! After frantically searching and cussing at myself, it suddenly occurred to me I went one step further and stuck it in my purse with my insurance card! How does one remember what one mustn't forget? I should take care of getting the wash into the dryer now, but I doubt I'll make it to anywhere but bed! This has been exhausting! Love to everybody...
    <3 Buzz

    ..................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Mushrooms for breakfast Anne? What a delightful boy Hobbes is and I think Jilly has love in her eyes!! They both look so sweet and I'm sure with a couple more introductions all will be well with their relationship. Will Hobbes get to go out when he's older or is it not safe for cats outdoors? I remember indoor cats were quite the thing in Canada what with so much apartment living and seemed to be happy.

    It's lovely and warm here although I can tell the weather doesn't quite know what to do... one minute hot sunshine then a few clouds build and look almost threatening although no rain predicted. An exciting hour in store for me and George as we head for the car wash, then a picture I bought in Norway to the framers before stopping off at the farm shop for a few fresh supplies including an iceberg lettuce for the hens and hopefully English strawberries for me. As exciting as my days get but that's probably a good thing!!

    I shall be thinking of you Buzz hoping you get some positive moves to help you feel a whole lot better. <3

    Off we go on our rounds. Have a good day everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I got up with the alarm clock this morning in hopes of being ready for the maintenance man to check my air conditioner since they told me I was the first call and I am still waiting. It is a gloomy day here but at least it is warm. I have finished with the draft for my friend's book and will bring my IPad to bingo tomorrow for her approval. That means I can start doing some packing today but not sure where to start. It was great seeing the boys yesterday, they are just too darn cute. ( I might be bias)

    Jackie, absolutely love your English garden, it is just beautiful. Poor George but I agree, might as well get the whole thing removed and biopsied to be safe, especially since he walks everyday and you don't want it to get infected. You are a good mommy.

    Buzz, I do hope you get some answers today and can get back to good health. The weather can play a factor in our moods, aches and pains but you have been suffering for too long. I will say a pray for you and for fast healing.

    Anne, Hobbes is beautiful and I also hope he and Jilly can become great friends. BTW, it looks like your son's house is very pretty. The mushroom picture is also beautiful but it is edible?

    Patsy, Katie is still a baby and doesn't realize old dogs get cranky like people. lol I had to smile when you mentioned Intel as that is where my son and his wife worked for years.
    They moved to Portland for that reason but my son got tired of the grind and quit about ten years ago to open his own computer trouble shooter business and his wife just was offered a hefty buy out package, thus the move to Illinois. It was interesting to me that all the drones at the Olympics were made by Intel. Good luck to your son with his project with Intel.

    Lin, still busy every day but waiting in a doctor's office is just frustrating. I won't wait over an hour because my time is just as valuable as theirs. (yes I am a brat) We had rain all day yesterday and today just gloomy.

    I didn't watch the Royal Wedding but did see pictures and they do indeed make a beautiful couple. The formal pictures posted were just amazing. I so adored Princess Diana, I am so happy her boys are more normal than their father, no insult intended. I wish both boys happiness always, especially Harry who took his mother's death so hard.

    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm not about to find out if the fungi is edible SANDY!!! Let's just put it in the beautiful range and only to be admired!

    The pet photos were taken in Mary Jo's kitchen in the breakfast area. Hobbes is now home in Toronto with Derek and in his small apartment. I guess he won't be able to go outside JACKIE, although apparently once he becomes a big cat Siberian cats can be leashed. My cats always had full freedom, but today with all the coyotes and foxes roaming about I'm not so sure I would let one out. Also Hobbes will be so unusual when he's fully grown (he's only 10 weeks old at the moment) he could be cat napped. I wonder how he got the name Hobbes rather than Boris or Vladimir?

    So....Maria and Tony on one side of me are in Croatia, Catherine and kids are about to join Darren in the UK, and now Harry and Joyce on the other side of me are about to take off for British Columbia and one daughters wedding. Going to be quiet around here!!

    Thinking of BUZZ, especially today on a very rainy day which is NOT good for joints.

    Hi to everyone,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello friends, some Internet issues at my house so I drove over to the senior center to get on WiFi and ended up playing Mah Jongg. That was fun. Now I am home and so far (fingers crossed) I seem to have a connection.

    Anne, Love the kitty! What a bright eyed little soul. I hope kitty and doggie do get along. Jilly looks quite small. Maybe it is the perspective? Or that kitty is very fluffy. And I do like the fungi. Quite colorful. Does she just take photos? Or does she collect samples? Very interesting area of expertise.

    Jackie, enjoy putting about doing your errands as a lovely day is difficult to come by it seems! Our weather today is overcast with a bit of drizzle once again and is much warmer.

    Sandy, the photos of the boys on Facebook were lovely. Cute, cute little guys.

    Patsy, it is difficult to walk such a narrow path. I hope you have some easier times with your daughter in the future. Is she pleased with your sewing project being made especially for her?

    Buzz, I hope your appointment is going well and you will return home with some answers.

    I caused all manner of problems yesterday at the doctor’s office. I think they were ready to fling me back out the door. I couldn’t find the right Medicare card. I thought I had it but no coding would work with it. After much craziness it was finally sorted out. They now require a Medicare card, your supplemental insurance card (if you have it), your Rx insurance card (if you have it) and a photo ID. A three page form on permissions to release information and you are to bring all meds and supplements that you take. Really, they could care less to look at bottles and jars. So while requesting only a TSH test to renew my thyroid med, the doctor added test after test so four vials of blood later I left. They used some kind of tape that ripped my skin off when I removed it. I need the delicate skin tape!! Yipes.

    Please Lord, no more visits for another year.

    Take care everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi everyone! Sunny warm day here. It is always a surprise when it gets warm and sunny. I complain about the gloom and rain. When we have sun and warm temps I am shocked! Open the windows, turn on the fans, take off the sweater. Good grief, it is spring/summer.

    I am finishing up our daughters shirt. Need cute buttons so I will bomb into Joanne’s to get something unusual and cute.

    John saw me stumbling around with my old dust pan and my sad old broom. He ordered me a standing dust pan. Isn’t that funny? I feel like I am one of those people who worked in the theaters...sweeping up popcorn. Anyway it works great and easy to scoot around sweeping up pine needles, leaves and grass from Katie and John. If the robot vacuum would work in our house, believe me I would have two of them. Sadly we are not setup for a robot. Confession time! I would not be too fussy about a perfect job. I read that senior citizen robots are common in Japan. Maybe we can order one from amazon.

    I have a new pair of casual summer shoes. Cute, fit just fine but they are strangely uncomfortable. They feel hard on the inside. So I am also getting some insoles. I never remember having this much trouble with shoes before. These are good quality but NOT comfy.
    Hey...bugs are out including earwigs. Yuck!!!!

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    LIN, Not a hundred percent sure exactly what Mikes friend does. I think she records where fungi are located etc. Mike was out on a field trip with her the other day and he was amazed how many different varieties there are and how she knew where to find them. So now he knows where to look and he took the photo. Thought it might make a base for a painting. I rather hope he carries on seeing this lady because I think I would find her very interesting indeed. Hobbes is indeed a very fluffy little kitten. I looked the breed up on the internet, and yes, he will be a very large puss. Apparently this breed loves humans, gets on with dogs and likes to play "fetch". They live to be about 15 and Mary Jo said it was like having a puppy come to visit. I love cats and the breed sounds right up my street. Jilly badly wanted to play, but Hobbes was unsure until just before we left.
    So sorry to read you didn't exactly have a pleasant medical visit today.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Anne, if they play fetch, I’m in! :):) Pretty nifty.
