Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    No news yet lots of news! The blood tester showed up this as soon as I painfully transferred from bed to wheelchair to potty, and when the bell rang I kept screaming "come back in 5 minutes" and could tell she didn't hear me! She had the sense to knock on my neighbor's door, because my phone rang and she waited and all ended better than imagination! She looked at my swollen legs, then said "They only told me to take 1 vial for rheumatoid arthritis, but I will take 4 vials and call the Dr for another RX for many more tests! She was unbelievably nurturing and after she left, she called me from the main office and said she hoped I didn't mind, but she asked the manager to give me a case manager, who will coordinate all the Doctors, nurses, treatments, etc! I almost fainted, but I've been getting calls all day from the professionals who are putting my records together! Of course, so far the medications are not effective, but Tuesday I expect to get answers! Even our nurse practitioner, who is not with Humana, was on her cell phone calling to set up a referral for my vascular specialist!
    If I'm not online the next few days, it's because it takes too much out of me to GET TO MY OFFICE ! Oops! Keep the wonderful posts coming
    <3<3 Buzz
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    That was the best and nicest wedding ceremony I have ever seen. Loved the bishops sermon and the gospel choir. Can't type, this site playing up again, but just wonderful seeing "merrie" England at her very best.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Out all morning enjoying the sunshine with George but did switch to wedding as I eat my snack lunch in time to see that talented young man play sublime cello pieces. As you know Anne one thing we are good at is putting on a good show.... if only life in England was sunny and cheerful all the time then even grumpy ol' me might do a bit of flag waving!!
    Now back outside pruning and weeding so wishing everyone as cheery a day. Hang in there dear BUZZ <3 Jackie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, have paperwork to do today and must get cards ready for the mail as well. As I thought, no worries about getting up at 3am, the ceremony was much later and now we are in re-runs. Everything was lovely and darn, Harry is a cutie!

    The sun is out for now. Fingers crossed that I get lots accomplished. I got a stupid long questionnaire in the mail to fill out before my doctor’s appointment on Monday. Good grief. They won’t look at it, will just stick it in the file and they won’t remember who the heck I am. Color me grumpy. But really, such a waste of time.

    Time to clean up Robbie and set him to collect the dust.

    Hugs Sneakers.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I meant to say how wonderful Patsy's garden looks in all its glory. On my favourite gardening programme yesterday the presenter looked about at the colour bursting forth now we have sunshine and told us all to stop occasionally and take in the beauty surrounding us whatever size garden so here's my view today.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    The darling buds of May, JACKIE. It's raining here today, but hey, after such a wonderful wedding and all the queens horses and all the queens men, it's great to be in the world (if not actually of it).

    All starry eyed because ain't love wonderful, and the bride and groom looked very much in love,

    PS. Is that George bottom right?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Gorgeous garden Jackie. Thanks!

    And I agree Anne, the couple could have been the only two in the room. They positively glowed with love. Wishing them well. The world will never leave them alone.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Golly, rainy day here, but first THE wedding and now football! Chelsea the moment. Anne
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    What a morning! First I have to English ladies know how to garden! Here’s Anne who can bring dried up sticks into healthy baby mums. They will bring joy and color this fall. She can harvest veggies from unlikely containers and feed herself and various bunnies and other creatures with her garden in a pot. Jackie has room to create a marvelous garden that is a joy into itself. That photo of your garden made me weak in the knees. How stunningly beautiful. There is a special feeling to an English country garden. I don’t have the energy or the strength in my knees to maintain or create such a beautiful space. Well done sweet English friends! You are a constant inspiration.

    Okay! I confess, I am also totally taken in by the pageantry and beauty of the wedding. I had to be satisfied by the re-runs because of our time lag. It is a real life Cinderella story. I also agree, that Prince Harry is just too cute and the bride is exotically stunning. What a glamorous couple. I know that very few people could resist the obvious charm of a young beautiful couple in love. This is something we here in the US can’t pull off. We don’t have enough history I suspect.

    Throw rugs in the washer. Katie is set for her daily brushing. John is getting next cup of coffee while planning his and my day. I suspect a trip to the garden center and washing off the back deck. I need to wipe down the deck chairs and table. I am going to spend a bit more time on our daughters shirt. It is at the point that requires a little fitting. Maybe I can get her to come for a fitting and a stress free visit. Hope! Hope! It takes longer for me to thread the needle than to sew the entire shirt!!! Arrrrhg!

    Be well dear sneakers.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    And Chelsea wins. Phew, I'm all Englished out. What's on PBS tonight! Just think, I would have missed all this if the sun had shone. I'd have been gardening instead of sitting here with my part German, part Mexican pooch and mopping up (eating) an avocado! I wasn't concerned which team won, I just enjoy watching the beautiful game now and then. I wonder who will present the cup seeing all the royals are otherwise engaged, lol.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    LOL Pasty that's so funny about threading a needle and definitely something I relate to. June 8th my first cataract is scheduled to be removed and I'm hoping for a miracle to be able to see small specs again! We're all hoping for that fitting visit of yours too, threaded needle or not!

    Anne, yes that was George having one of his Zen moments as he gazed into the distance! Here he was this morning on our walk as we followed the Victorian railway remains that horse drawn trains used to and fro from mines to depot.

    And the view I was gazing at as he trotted on!

    Much like the wedding I only saw the last couple of minutes of the FA cup final as it's not my favourite sport these days.

    Hello Lin and Buzz, enjoy your day.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Trying again!!
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Wrote a huge post, but decided not to bore you all!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK so I'll keep it really short!Woke at around 6 and watched every bit of pageantry. Thought the bishop got a bit carried away, but remembering his background, I just lay back and enjoyed it all immensely! Was it my imagination or did Elizabeth look very stern and almost disapproving while her son, Grandpa Philip was sort of dozing off? Any way I watched several times and it was magnificent and refreshing, and I'm going to sleep now as I cannot keep my eyes open. JAcKIE;s pictures are unbelievably gorgeous, but I'm falling flat on my face!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe yadayada yada!!!....................................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne! I am afraid that none of us lead terrible exciting lives. We each have our moments...but by and large I consider this forum like a group therapy session. We all have our troubles and joys. We love to hear good and we suffer right along with youif the news is sad. Don’t worry about boring us. We love hearing from you. We know you see us as good friends like we see you! Jilly is our joy and your family events are heartwarming.
    Sneakers are great friends that we have never met.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Agreed Patsy, we are all of a kind, getting on with life as best we can and knowing each other as good friends, especially when support is needed. This is the only forum I post on and as I've mentioned before don't approve of Facebook for all sorts of reasons so it has to be a special group to have me wanting to regularly check that everyone is ok. By the way, your Azaleas, at least I think that's what gives you so much colour in your garden, look amazing so don't think you haven't green fingers and thumbs unless it's John.
    Anne, you are never boring and a font of knowledge in just about every area, plus of course I love your Northern straight talking which, let's be honest, you'll never lose however long in Canada so please don't feel the need to delete anything and hey, it's not too late to get those seed potatoes in so drop a few huge hints in the right direction or tell Michael I'll be over to slap his wrist if he doesn't stop off at the garden centre soon! LOL
    Buzz, our Queen's expression tends to be stern these days but it could be her concern for Phillip who is suddenly looking frail. I sat up late to catch the highlights of the ceremony and although it did strike me as being just a bit staged I thought good for Harry doing it his way rather than the usual royal stuffiness and hope the American bishop's breath of fresh air woke the congregation up with a start!! Charles is Charles, pondering and thoughtful at the best of times but I thought him particularly thoughtful and caring towards Meghan's mother who must have felt herself in a dream! Now it's back to reality as the royal establishment does its best to return to its stuffed comfy old chair ways so the couple had best be on their guard or get swallowed up by the insiders because Lin's right, the world won't leave them alone!

    Another gorgeous day and I was outside the garden room in my dressing gown watering my sweet peas by 7.30 and George was walked before 9 so time to finish my coffee and plan yet more garden chores.... a good job I love it!

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
    <3 Jackie
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    I'm just about to throw the iPad at the wall having just lost another long and boring post. I will start again, save halfway through and carry on from there!

    Where was I before MFP flew to the front yet again. Oh yes it was to say I forget at times that I am probably the only one interested in history and the murky and dusty past. Hence the cancellation of that long post. Won't repeat it!

    I too felt very sorry for Meghan's poor mom sitting amid all the fancy hats and suits, and I loved Charles for taking her hand. I've always liked Charles. I think he's a farmer at heart with his love of pigs etc. As for the queen we have to remember that she IS in her nineties and the Advil was probably wearing off. I can sympathize with this having just woken up achy after all the rain yesterday. Who knows what was under the suit, maybe a corset was digging in? I loved the American bishop! I'd love to meet the American bishop. He brought a breath of fresh air to the whole proceedings and probably woke up a few ghosts sleeping in the tombs under the chapels floor. The flowers were gorgeous, the queens cavalry splendid, the horses magnificent, the kiddies well behaved, the flag makers must have made a fortune, what wasn't there to love about a fairy tale however short lived amidst all the gloom and doom of today's news.

    I saved at this point so if the above is somewhat disjointed you all know why.

    I have to roast a chicken today. I don't feel like roasting a chicken. I bet Meghan isn't roasting a chicken this morning for her new husband. They'll be eating leftovers. Meanwhile I'm about to eat my porridge so I'll love you all and leave you if you've reached this far!
    Have a gorgeous day all of you who aren't waking up with a hangover! Which is our little group I expect! Don't you all feel sorry for the wedding guests slurping their coffee and a-groaning, lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited May 2018
    Happy Sunday! :) I am home after a wonderful week with my family. The weather co-operated to a point but I did not come home with the suntan I wanted. We were grateful for no rain while on the dolphin boat tour and we did see lots of dolphins. It rained once we were off the boat but became clear enough to do the tour of the Castillo de San Marcos fort. I love St. Augustine because there is always so much interesting things to do. The rest of the week was great with delicious dinners, game playing and just being together. Now comes the stressful part of trying to organize my move and get packed. My daughter and her husband will be here June 4th to help me with some minor repairs on my walls and to help me pack. We are also going to see Hamilton on the 6th. They leave on Thursday and then my son and his wife will be here the next day Friday until the following Wednesday or Thursday. His wife actually has an appointment with the migraine doctor but they will also help me pack. With a little luck I might be able to move in boxes to the new place before July 1 and even with more luck have the movers come while my son is here so he can set up all my electronics.
    I hope to have more information on my move this week so we will see.

    I read all the posts while in Florida and love all the pictures of the gardens.

    I am going to 11:15 Mass so I better eat something and get moving. As we always say, good to be home.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Welcome home, SANDY, and I will stop worrying about my typing errors, sort of! Next time you are in Florida, I hope you get that magnificent tan, though you are lovely with or without it!
    OK, dear Brits, I goofed on Philip/Charles and yes Philip is on in years, so I will accept dear JACKIE's explanations, and I was willing to forgive Charles his use of Diane, poor dear, when I saw him escort Meg down the isle to "give away"! Except for what I thought was a brief cat-nap, Charles actually appeared to care about the exciting young couple taking on a brave new world! I feel as though Diane had some part in Harry's choice of soulmate! Did everyone adore her choice of "bridesmaids"? Those kids were priceless!The guards' uniforms, the magnificent horses, the fact that all that still exists in today's world,... I loved it all even though it was like a fairy-tale!
    ANNE, never ever boring! You also often take us into another world I did not know existed! And often so serene when it appears disaster is about to strike! And Jilly has wormed her way into all our hearts, thanks to her beloved owner!
    JACKIE, your garden and other photos are breathtaking! I never understood the casual elegance of English Gardens, because they appear to simply "happen", but I suspect planning and hard work are foremost! All my kids have been calling to make sure I did not miss "The Wedding" which they all loved! A marriage of the old and the new!!!
    PATSY, what we may see as unexciting about our own lives may be different enough from the others' lives that one and all, we find interesting happenings in the lives of each other. Sorry if this sounds muddled, but I lap up all the posts avidly! Just keep talking!!!
    LIN, I'm assuming You are having one heck of a weekend since I haven't seen your visit yet! Just let us know all is well.
    JERI, out of sight is not out of mind, so I'm sending hugs your way! ;)<3
    As for me, Tuesday's the big day, and if possible, I'll get on here that evening. I don't know if I'm imagining the pain is slightly less, but I'm still very much out of commission! It's just I notice that little dance I have to perform when switching from the motor chair to the potty seemed a trifle less time-consuming this afternoon! Meanwhile I've loosened a cabinet door, and ripped the edge of my platform bed frame (actually, the foot-board)!. Embarrassing for the wold's finest retired driver!!! Oh, while still no sun, I do believe we've had no rain for at least a couple of hours! Perhaps the weather will get lovely and I will feel better?
    Mike daughter just tried calling my cell phone and it went directly to ring, so I'd better call the company and fix it before a possible hospital visit. So much for declaring I would not try to fix bodily problems at this age! I guess I like life!!!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, busy church day, then a quick stop at home and then went to do a glass and dried flower project. Of course I didn’t finish it so I brought it home and just finished it.

    Buzz, I did post yesterday but sorry, today slipped away from me! I am around. Now, help me catch up someone. Are you having a procedure on Tuesday? How did I lose track of this? Wishing you well of course. We will look forward to hearing from you.

    Sandy, welcome home! Glad you had a wonderful visit. Fingers crossed that packing and moving will go without a hitch.

    Anne, eeeck, cooking a chicken. One of my nightmares! I hope to live the remainder of my life without touching anything chicken-related. But I am sure Jilly wants you to keep cooking chicken. Ha, yes, I doubt there are any hangovers in our group—-ever!

    Jackie, one more wedding related item, I heard the cost was just astoundingly high. Who pays for that? And I understand a majority of the cost was Security. I can believe that. It was a lovely weather day, who could ask for more? Oh, and I loved the flowers. On the way home I saw not only lots of tall bearded Iris but also incredible cascades of white spirea blooms. ‘Tis the season.

    Well. I need to get moving again. Tomorrow will be another busy and hyper stressful day. Ack.

    Patsy, Hi!

