Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited May 2018
    Happy Thursday! :) Small win of $17 at bingo last night. Better news is that my friend's son read my lease and highlighted things to ask the new landlord. At least this time I am not signing without understanding the lease. I will stop in the office and go over it with Kerian and then sign and give him a check. He came here yesterday and talked and talked and talked. Once his tenant leaves and the place is clean he is letting me move my boxes or even my furniture any time I want so that should be helpful. After my meeting today I am going for a mani/pedi and tomorrow laundry and packing. The book is coming along nicely and because she doesn't have everything she needs there is no pressure to get it done before I leave.

    Anne, I also had that problem with the letters but it did correct itself. I think I signed out of MFP and signed back in to help. Glad your shoes relieved back pain for you, with lifting Max my back is sore once again but hopefully the Florida weather and pool will relieve my pain.

    Buzz, love your haircut, I also cut mine short for the summer and now wonder if I cut it too short but my friend said no. Glad you gout and arthritis are getting better, I can tell you are in a better mood.

    Lin, I am using Shutterfly to make the book but once it is complete it will be printed out into a hard copy book. They really do a nice job although a little pricey.

    Patsy, I am on my second IPad as well but my computer is probably 7 years old. My son said I should probably get a new one but I told him as long as I can do my things it is fine.

    Jackie, I had to reread your sentence because I thought you said a hedgehog was smiling at you and was confused. Beautiful flowers and although I didn't know that expression I am so happy you shared with us. I am more than happy Brady did not get hurt on that road as I am sure George and you were.

    I have to get moving, I actually have to shave my legs for a pedi after a long winter. lol

    Have a great one.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A hanging basket, trough and large container with nicotiana plugs have been potted up plus a new honeysuckle to climb a dead tree so I'm enjoying a cuppa before driving to the allotment to plant onions. A lot of time was spent digging a dead Hebe from a teracotta pot so more and more I realise I can't do what I used to... hey Ho!

    Anne - good support from our shoes is so important but I think we all drift towards soft and comfortable as we get older. Let's hope you've found tbe solution to your back problems. It does sound as if you need to clear a lot of unwanted things running in the background of your iPhone but it will get sorted tomorrow. If the amount you quoted was purely for necessary vaccinations then it is extortionate! George had a health check, vaccinations and kennel cough nose drops for £48 last month. I don't normally bother with the drops but Bob the carer wanted it done because of the other dogs visiting him and George didn't mind!

    Great to see BUZZ feeling a whole lot better and into a lovely summer cut and of course LIN constantly on the go except when Robbie is performing. The hedgerows grow wild and on narrow rarely used lanes don't get cut back by the farmers who own land on the other side so have the chance to self seed. This time of year we enjoy a feast of colour and scent.

    Time to plant those onions!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hummmm...I know I posted a long reply earlier. Some internet goblin ate it I guess. Isn’t it funny that once I post something, the contents simply evaporate. I am sure I had great pearls of wisdom. Gone forever. I do want to say that Buzz looks ever so glamorous and doesn’t even look close to the age she professes to be. Is she joking with us? Buzz! You look like a very perky 50 year old. That hairdo is adorable.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Mmm. MFP still shutting down on me. So.....good morning all and I'll away to my bath! This is my second attempt.
    PS. Yes, JACKIE, Jilly was exactly the same as George at the vets, except instead of kennel cough pills, she got 4 heart worm tablets. I had 2 leftover from last year.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Just stopping by to say good morning. A dark, dreary chilly day here to start. Raincoat is ready so off to Tai chi I will go with a stop to hunt for a few sweet potatoes on the way home. I never get too many at a time as they don’t seem to keep well.

    Sorry for everyone’s problems with their devices and MFP. I have very little bandwidth here today and the TV signal including audio is messed up. Friday is my day to download the newest lesson/project. It is going to take a while as it is a four part video today. Oh well, as long as it eventually downloads, that’s okay.

    I admit I did not look this up but Jackie, what is a Hebe?

    On that note, I better get moving.

    Hugs and best wishes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Got back to my goal weight in time for my vacation. Life is good! My daughter eats and cooks low carb to I should be good even in Florida, well maybe not on our outings. lol Laundry is started and when finished packing will be done. I don't leave until tomorrow afternoon so I will say my good byes in the morning.

    Lin, I had to google the Hebe plant so here it is:
    It is a beautiful flower but it must have had some really big roots for Jackie to struggle with removing the dead plant.

    I am not sure why everyone is having problems with their devices but my guess it is MFP problem and not yours. If you all sign out, clear your cookies, restart and sign in again that should fix it. If it doesn't then I say it is MFP fault. Did everyone change their password when we got the security notice?

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Sitting here waiting for a window washer to arrive. Wouldn’t you know it is a dark and possibility showery day too. However he is going to do the inside windows as well. It’ll be nice to have clean windows again. It is supposed to be warm for the weekend and we have everyone coming over on Sunday. They’ll be 21 of us. It’s for lunch as finding a time when we can get together for supper is very challenging. We are bbqing sausages and hotdogs. I’m making a vegetable salad for those of us who don’t want fries. Of course as we are celebrating birthdays I am making a cake. I think it will be lots of fun.

    It’s been cold and chilly the last few days. Last night we went to watch the twins play soccer and despite my coat and blanket I was so cold. But the kids were so pleased we came so it was worth it all.

    I’ve been having some discomfort with my feet and had an ultrasound this week. Looks like I am now developing nodules in my feet. Darn, they can make walking comfortable. It is a disease associated with Dupuytren’s which I have in my hands. I am going to see a radiation oncologist at the end of May. I had RT on my hand and it did help somewhat. We’ll see.

    Sandy that picture of the flower is so pretty. Have a great time in Florida.

    Buzz I like the haircut too. The ladies are right, you look so young.

    Patsy. Ed and I have a couple iPads. My favorite is my huge iPad Pro but it is getting old and not as fast as it used to be. I’ll keep it as long as I can because it is wonderful for photos.

    A hi and a wave to everyone else.


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Enjoy your trip SANDY. Mike says my pad seems okay and thinks it's a mfp problem. Trouble typing right now!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My day is almost over and I've had to switch the electric blanket on before I go to bed because it's turned cold and rainy. Brady and Hebe (named after the shrub because they come in a variety of colours and she's multi coloured!) already curled up on the duvet anticipating warmth as i didn't bother to light the stove. You found the Hebe SANDY but it wasn't large roots that made it difficult to remove but rather it was pot bound and the roots were packed into the bulbous sides. It a pretty pot but not really practical.

    If I miss you tomorrow SANDY have a wonderful time in Florida with your family.

    Hello to everyone else.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    And we've got a frost warning. The heats just come on! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Have a wonderful trip Sandy!

    It is cold here as well. Long sleeve top with a hoodie over it and I am still cold.

    Thanks for the photo of the Hebe. I swear I have never seen one before.

    Stay warm everyone. Maybe I’ll start up the fireplace.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy: safe journey my friend! Have a great time in warm, sunny Florida. We will be thinking of you.
    We are the same as the rest of the is very chilly and cloudy today. Mother’s Day is to be sunny but as always, it is subject to change.

    Chocolate cake, champagne, and a nice salad. Perfect lunch for Mom’s Day. For goodness sake! Please! No gifts! I am happy to see their cherubic faces or hear a happy voice on the phone. I fear space for more “mementos” has been overfilled and overstuffed.

    John oiled my sewing machine and ripped out it’s guts and put it back together. It now runs beautifully. I was very worried there for a while.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It must have rained all night because a bucket left outside had a couple of inches of water in the bottom but the clouds have moved on somewhat so although cool it is turning out to be a pleasant day. George and I enjoyed a lovely walk on the moors because Scruff has been taken off to a dog show, something I realised early on George was not interested in!! On the way home we came upon a couple of mother sheep with their lambs so I've put the dashcam video on to me computer and might send you a link in a while.
    Now it's housework or garden and although the outdoors is calling I feel I must do a few chores inside first.

    Patsy ~ Goodness, another year gone who knows where and here you are planning chocolate cake and champagne. I'm with you when it comes to happy visits or communications over knick-knacks, there's nothing so precious! John does love to tinker doesn't he and how wonderful that all the parts go back in the right place!

    Lin ~ Three layers weren't enough to keep me warm yesterday evening and my feet were like blocks of ice by the time I tucked them into my warm bed. Our weather is as confused as everything else in the world today!!

    Jeri ~ Lovely to see you checking in but I'm sorry to read about your foot problems. It seems as we get older there's always something, right?

    Anne ~ My friend just bought herself a new laptop because her old one (actually not that old!) was grinding to a standstill. Nothing is made to last anymore and I'm now in the process of looking at a new washing machine since the current one appears to be falling to pieces. A rubber seal has come off from somewhere inside so is now on the draining board but at least the drum continues to turn for now but I know I had better get a new one installed before it's too late!

    I probably shouldn't comment but at the moment I don't have problems with MFP.... there we go, kiss of death!!! LOL

    Lunchtime already so a small snack since my weight doesn't move at all in the right direction then definitely some housework because sitting at my old laptop in the dining room I can see dust in the sunlight!


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello and what a gloomy, rainy, murky day it is. The furnace is still coming on and one bit of good news, the rain is still rain! No funny stuff. I'm getting quite worried about my lawns because the professional mowers haven't shown up yet and at this rate they will need a scythe and a guide dog!

    JACKIE think about a new washer soon. Prior to mine grinding to a halt I found bits of rubber dotting the smalls. What on earth, I thought, did I leave something in a pocket? The next wash found me with a tub of water and a dreadful time dragging out soaking sheets and towels. I'm still pleased with the new machine and I'm ever so glad I got a top loader and no bending with the sciatica, which is improved by the way. Whether from shoes or not!

    Mothers Day. I'm keeping quiet about it because I hate the lads spending their hard earned cash on yours truly especially as I seem to be outliving all the other Moms around me and so the lads are forking out for a longer time! Fortunately I'm one of those oddballs who isn't at all keen on chocolate. I know! I'm a weirdo because I also break out in blotches if I so much as look at a strawberry and I get migraines from champagne! Therefore I always end up with plants, which actually suit me fine. If I get carted off to the gardening centre I'll choose geraniums. They are so practical and beautiful and economical seeing you can bring them inside in November. Otherwise it will be pots of tender beauties I'll be struggling to keep alive. Mark won't forget Mother's Day because he has to remind Derek, but Michael could well be looking sheepish! If he forgets, and I know he's coming over tomorrow, he can take Jilly out for extra walkies to compensate. This dog LOVES to go walkies.

    Well everyone, enjoy Saturday whether you're trudging through mud or up in the air like Sandy.

    Time to get moving because tomorrow is my day off!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning, cold, wet and dreary again. I have kicked up the heat and ran the fireplace for a little while this morning as well. I have simplified my day. I will attend both graduation parties, no card club or tomato plant sale. Maybe a stop at the health food store for some essential oil on the way home if it is not too late or too wet!

    Jackie, I did not sleep well last night as we also had not just rain overnight but lots of lightning and thunder. My rain gauge is sitting on its side so I have no idea how much we had. Need to find a place for it. Dear George, a humble dog who doesn’t wish to be a show-off show dog. :) Well, he wins first place with us in the UK. He is a cutie!

    Anne, I would be concerned too. I hate never knowing when or if my grass will get mowed. The backyard is so long now that we could wind row it and bale it. Oh and the handyman said he’d get my fence propped up. Two long metal posts were dropped off quite a while ago but not installed. Meanwhile we have had some very very windy days and it looks as if one of the 4 X 4s has almost cracked through now as that section of fence is really looking bad now. So, we have no control but I never know when to call and inquire.

    Well, must keep moving.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I am packed but not showered, my Lyft comes at 12:15 so I have a little time. Just wanted to thank you for the good wishes for my trip and I will try to check in while in Florida. If I don't get here tomorrow for those who celebrate have a Happy Mother's Day. Rob, Lisa and the boys sent me flowers yesterday which is sad that I won't be here to enjoy them. I think I will bring them down to the neighbors so they can enjoy them. Rob is leaving this afternoon to Zurich, Switzerland on business for a week. I feel bad for Lisa that she will be alone all week but at least her mother and dad are near.

    Have a great week.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, lots of great luck! Does that include the new apartment also?
    On our way to dinner we pass our open message boxes (next to our closed mail boxes. We were crushed to learn our beloved Director will be moving to St Andrews South, one of our ACTS Company Communities nearby! So we'll get a new director taking over in the midst of all the renovations. I just found this UNPOSTED, from May 8th!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello my dear sneakers. Sunny day after all. Yea! Our sweet neighbors have mowed part of our grassy area. They are such great neighbors. John is now involved in trying to figure out how to thank them and show our appreciation. As you may remember, I have been wringing my hands on how to get John to think
    about regular lawn care help. Maybe this will be the beginning of a regular thing. If not our neighbor...some one else.

    There is never enough time o do everything. One must choose what is important to do first. Trying to do that as well. First...time in the dungeon.

    Open windows, open drapes, turn on great music, hang out in the dungeon with the door open. John is in and out, Katie is next to the window, next to the painting table, chewing on a milk bone.

    Drink in that fine spring air, pollen and all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Happy Mother’s Day to our lovely Sneakers Moms.

    We have been asked to bring a photo of our mom to church today. They are putting together a big display and I would imagine there will be some special readings and music. Usually something that brings some tears.

    Be well.


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    That's a lovely thing for your church to do LIN. Shall you take a photo of your beloved grandma as well?
    More later from yours truly,