Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Have you all read Noam Chomsky on u tube? "Donald Trump is a distraction"? Frightening stuff, but actually......really what we are all thinking.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes ladies. That is what a doula does. Melanie has had lots of experience with giving birth. She will concentrate on the mother, making sure everything is okay with her. Often the focus is on the baby and not so much on the mother. She will give support prior and after the birth. Melanie is a very caring person, she’ll be good at that. She’d like to be a midwife but can’t afford the time to devote to becoming one.

    Had a great day, Ed went out with a friend to a shooting range and I went with Mel and her younger kids to the Science Center.

    Ed just came in the door. Talk later.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm sorry I didn't post again yesterday but after a glorious day gardening and cutting grass until about 7pm i was too tired to do much more than prepare a salad then collapse on the sofa. Another lovely day so after walking George and Scruff my friend and I visited a nursery and managed to find all the bedding plants we each need to pretty up our gardens. Spent a small fortune but never mind as I'm sure the window boxes and tubs will cheer my heart. Funny ANNE that we had a similar discussion about dandelions on the way to buy our plants after i mentioned when picking her up that a lovely heather growing in her front garden had lots of foraging bumble bees round it and she told me it was because a bird nest box on the side of her garden shed has been taken over by them so she now won't disturb the dandelions in her lawn!!
    Great news SANDY so now nothing to worry about and you can enjoy your holiday.

    This evening I took George for a walk but halfway along our track Brady appeared from undergrowth and followed us so I threw a stone in his direction to chase and got quite a way ahead of him, or so I thought because some way along an adjoining road I heard him crying and looked back in time to see him walking up the main road away from us but obviously trying to find George. So a short walk tonight because i hurried back calling him and luckily no cars in the vicinity when he heard me and ran to wrap himself round George. Anyone seeing the 3 of us walk back home must have thought us a strange group!!
    BUZZ I'm sad to read about your aches and pains and sorry to have no answers since I hate to rely on drugs of any sort too. Isn't Tylenol addictive? Probably just as well it's of no use in that case but not sleeping can be detrimental to health as we know so don't suffer in silence for too long.
    Anything left for Mr President to pull out of? Hey Ho, I'm guessing anyone who can tell so many bareface lies to the world has no concept of damage caused! I was much more happy when cutting myself off from world news cruising so must find a way of blanking it out..... hands over my ears and la-la-la!!!

    Hi to Lin, Pasty, Jeri and anyone missed.
    A relatively early night for me so will wish you all a peaceful night.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Super super super!!! So happy Sandy!
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello. There's something very wrong with my iPad, or MFP. The iPad is rather old. I will get one of the boys to take a look. Hope to "see" you soon.
    Small earthquake in Lake Ontario in the Pickering area.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, now you know I'm no expert when it comes to anything techi but I was told I need to switch off my phone completely occasionally to allow updates when turned back on. Think of it as a computer so restarting sometimes clears problems too.

    Back later.... time for lunch and I'm being naughty having purchased one of my favourite locally baked pork pies. I will have some salad with it though!!
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello, I did everything SANDY told me JACKIE and it didn't seem to work, .......but, I've just had a brainwave which I've tried and no jerkiness whilst typing this. Great hopes! We will see as the day goes on because I really don't want to buy another iPad after all what's been going on in dear old Ontario, money wise.
    Talking of money, what do you think of the new uk government thinking regarding taxed pensions and handouts for the young? Heavens, maybe I'll get an increase after almost 20 years on the same monthly pay. Mike says don't hold your breath Ma!
    Pork pie for lunch! Lucky you!
    Yum yum Anne!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good day. Yes, running late again! I need to get up earlier! Off to class and then the discount day at the grocery store.

    Anne, I hope your iPad starts to behave. I need to restart mine, Safari isn’t refreshing properly.

    Jackie, happy day to you and we all need to be a bit naughty. It puts spice into our days!

    Time to fly.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning to you sneakers! A rainy and breezy day here. We will be confined to indoor activities. There are plenty of chores to occupy the day away. Very dark outside. I think we are to have a famous Oregon super wet day.

    Sadly I do think we must purchase an occasional new digital device. They seem to have a life span and start a downward spiral that drives us to distraction. Anyway, that is my experience. Since our son is a computer animator, he has no patience with old non-functioning devices. Costco sells iPads and I love their return policy. They have a pretty good price also if that happens to be your next investment, Anne. I am sure your sons are up on the latest solution, however.

    Everyone seems happy and healthy. Good work sneakers. Coffee, exercises, a load of laundry and hemming the last pair of new jeans. Some time today in the dungeon as well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Big pot is still in play but I won't be attending next Tuesday. Hopefully I can win a little spending money tonight if we don't have a big storm. My plan for the day is to work on a graduation book for my friend's granddaughter. I made one for her to give to her older granddaughter in 2015 so I hope I remember how to do it. She gave me all the articles and pictures she wants in the book so I hope to have a draft for her to see tonight.

    Patsy, must be that kind of rainy day for a lot of us. As I look at the forecast for Jacksonville I see rain in their future next week. Hopefully they are quick showers and I will be able to get some time in the sun.

    Lin, when do you not have a busy day. lol That is what keeps you young you just keep moving and grooving. I am just as happy as you Lin to get this all done before I leave. I will either sign the new lease today or Friday depending on his schedule.

    Anne, whatever your brainwave was I hope your IPad continues to work. Did you sign out of MFP and sign back in with your new password?

    Jackie, I really wish you had taken a picture of Brady wrapped around George, that must have been so cute. I am one who keeps away from the news which I know is bad, but it is just too depressing. I have enough stress in my life right now. lol

    Gotta get moving.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold day in complete contrast to the past few days so I'm wearing layers and not doing any gardening, in other words being lazy. The hedgerow smiled at me on our way to the usual woodland walk so driving home I found a space to pull in, jump out and take a photo and smell the wild garlic.

    Anne - the media seems to constantly knock what they refer to as the baby boom generation for daring to own our own homes and have made savings because a lot of younger folk speak openly of resenting it without taking our hard work and sacrifices to get where we are into account. They want it all now without grafting and our government is coming up with ideas to give them all a hefty lump sum but also help pensioners in case we complain.... must be an election coming up!! Mike's right though, don't hold your breath!

    Sandy - I was so concerned Brady would get run over as he skipped and danced towards us I didn't think to record him but am sure if I had he'd be an internet sensation by now! You're right to stay away from the news these days and I'm going to try to do the same as most has become a horror story!!

    Lin - another busy day but then all your days are! The pork pie was delicious and I'm now planning to cook a couple of locally farmed pork sausages so too much of that meat really but I blame the cold temperatures!

    Rainy days are great for persuading us to look at indoor chores PASTY, even hemming although I'm inclined to curl up with a book!

    Missed BUZZ but hopefully she finally got a good night's rest.

    Time to cook
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Another long post just vanished on me and I was back to the front and the icons. I haven't the heart to try yet again. This pad is definitely on the blink.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: have you tried resetting your iPad? Not that I know squat about anything techie. But that is my “go to” thing that I do when everything is misbehaving. Seems to work most of the time. Just a thought...
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Yes PATSY, reset the iPad, reset password, reset everything. It's hard typing this! It hesitates between each letter and takes ages to type. Then it will suddenly completely close down and I've lost everything. I have to bite the bullet and buy a new machine I think. Maybe a laptop would be a better choice. Sorry girls, I want to "talk" to you all but expect to lose everything at any second. I'll see what Mike thinks on Friday.
    Love to all,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my gosh! Anne! That sounds really awful about that sweet little iPad. I am on my third one. John has had two. You’d think we would be experts on the iPad by now. There are all manner of computers around here. And we just barely know how to turn them on. But we cannot live without them anymore. We do health, financial, writing, repair, personal and business correspondence and just for fun games and ebooks.
    We belong to the digital world. But we are not very knowledgeable about it. By the way, MFP has been acting up for me as well. I type and seconds later the letters show up on the screen! ??? Take heart maybe it isn’t your iPad.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for letting me know you have problems on MFP as well with hesitant letters PATSY. I thought I was the only one with problems......but! It does seem to coincide with the March hacking problems. I was okay before then.

    Just watched a program on Canadian vet charges and apparently vets here charge twice as much, and more than twice as much, than their American counterparts. Some people cross the border for prescriptions etc. And, shots should only be given every three years, heartworm etc. It seems I got off lightly with a $362 bill or thereabouts. Maybe because I've been going for years and they know I'm ancient!

    Gorgeous hedgerow JACKIE. Quote:- "England, despite thy faults, I love thee still".

    Hey, daren't stumble along any further! I'm off!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning, the sun is out, we had a bit of rain overnight and apparently there may be more again this evening. Robbie is chugging around upstairs collecting dust etc. I like vacuuming while sipping coffee! A bit later I am heading out for a friend’s home. The library doesn’t have a space for us today. We are going to sip beverages, chat and work on a new jigsaw puzzle that her son sent to her. Sounds like fun.

    Meanwhile, I have had that issue with my iPad before, the really slowly appearing text. It usually goes away after a period of time. It sort of lingered once so I removed a bunch of apps I wasn’t using freeing up some memory and that helped. Otherwise, it can just be a mystery to me. I don’t know how much memory is involved but I always have 20 - 30 Tabs of Safari running as that is how I use Facebook, MFP, Amazon, Acorn TV, a number of sites where I have library reference materials and of course, SHOPPING sites. :D:D:D

    Jackie, wooooooooo, love the photo. Oh how amazing to have that type of beauty around you each day. We have lawns. I am glad you had an enjoyable day with special treats. Someone said we should find a little something as a treat often and I am happy to comply with those words of wisdom.

    Anne, this is my second iPad. That is a certainty with electronics, they will need to be replaced every few years. They have built in obsolescence as systems and technology continue to advance and the hardware in our devices doesn’t have the capability to keep up. I will say I am concerned about that though as moving from an old device to a new one makes my blood run cold! I don’t have any young relatives or acquaintances to help drag me through the process. Argh.

    Sandy, any big wins for you? How’s the book coming along? All done electronically? We have electronic scrapbookers at our monthly group now. Ha, not so much paper dust and no sounds of tape runners.

    Patsy, hemming finished? Another thing my hands tell me I would not tackle. I hate trying to sew a button back on or stitching up a little tear. Takes me a long time. Hope your weather is better. Is your dungeon still calling to you?

    Buzz, hello, did I miss your post again? Well, sending along a hug.

    Marie, hello to you as well. Haven’t seen you in Facebook lately. Probably my problem with Facebook, I do not seem to see posts from friends until a day or two after they post them, if at all. Don’t have time to click on everyone’s page to see what they are posting.

    Jeri, waving to you!

    I started on some new projects yesterday. I have four friends who are each beach obsessed and I have a die that cuts out a card front with shells along the side. Of course each needs to be painted/colored/decorated individually. I ordered a few pieces of beach themed paper. They may not be thrilled as they are all going to get very similar birthday cards!

    Also started organizing my November calendar page project. I have some paper picked out and ordered some 1” buttons that I think are funny. A turkey face. Haaaaa. We’ll see if that comes together.

    I looked at my stack of stuff for leading the September activity at club but got nothing accomplished there.

    Now you know more than you wanted to. Out of coffee and time to check on Robbie.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, glad I checked in (before breakfast) and read your posts and discovered my last 2 posts, which showed on MY laptop as POSTED, never made it to the site! Yet my days are accruing! I think Armour should go back to clothing and get a better manager for MFP! Nyway, the good news is the gout is gone, the arthritis is improving, so I can play volleyball today! The sad news is our wonderful director will be going back to her original community, St Andrews South, where we often go for dinner, so she will have more time to study for an advanced degree. She also battled cancer while accomplishing a huge amount of excellent changes here, and we all love her and will miss her. Now I must figure out how to take a picture of my foot wearing a new compression sock that looks peculiar and is guaranteed to fit. I think the recommended size was too small for my clodhoppers!
    I did it! Summer is coming so I got my head trimmed! I think I lost 2 pounds!

    Now breakfast, errands and see you all later!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!...............................
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Well I've just lost another post after much hesitating of letters. Will try again though because it might help JOHN and his sciatica.
    I had a bit of a brainwave and a memory stir today of a past problem. I'm wondering if these modern, flat, moulded, soles and heels are to blame. I dug out a pair of old slightly heeled leather work shoes and have been wearing them for the last 4 hours. Lo and behold I've been pain free since I woke up! It's such a relief to feel my old self and it's probably a fluke but wouldn't it be wonderful if that's a problem we can solve! PATSY do get John to find his old leather men's laceups!
    Can't believe I've got this far for a second try without loss of everything.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Agree with BUZZ. Think it's MFP and laptops. Super news about your disappeared gout! Anne.