Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello, writing a quick note before the day runs away from me. Tai Chi this morning, a trip to the grocery store for discount day, home for a quick lunch, then afternoon Tai Chi class. Then finally home again.

    Buzz, my dear, I feel so bad for you and wish I could help. Praying someone finds proper treatment for you. I think you were mentioning cellulitis. Our former church secretary has fought that. I cannot remember what the treatment protocol was for her. Hugs. I wish we all had our mommy when things get tough. <3<3<3<3<3

    Jackie, ha, returning to familiar territory. I am glad the dogs enjoyed their walks and hope you had a good time as well although probably not out running about. And no, Mah Jongg is often very click oriented with friends playing together. I wish my group had not hit this rough patch. We too just had a group of four who agreed on allowed rules and methods. And of course had a great time talking together. I will just have to try to find some of the old players or get over it and hope our group gets back together again.

    Sandy, hi, loads of fun for you!! I hope today is a good day as well.

    Anne and Patsy, hugs and best wishes sent to you.


  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm not only having trouble typing at snail pace but I'm having trouble getting onto the Sneakers in the first place! However I wish I could wave a magic wand or at least help out in some way BUZZ. I hope you feel much better in double quick time for sure.

    Cliques, ha, I remember them well. They are everywhere! I wonder why? Right from the time in the school yard up to today in the old folks homes. I wonder why some are ostracized for no apparent reason? Personally I've kept away from them all my adult life. I remember as a young child standing in the school yard and watching a load of kids holding hands in a circle and chanting nasties at a poor little girl huddled in the middle. I was 6 or 7 at the time and so wanted to break through and rescue the poor little thing, but to this day I regret that I was too scared to do so. Of course she was rescued by the school bell signalling "playtime" was over. This incident however instilled in me to make sure my two sons never became bullies although to be honest I don't think it was ever in their makeup. We had a few in my working life! With their little flock of sheep.

    The weather is absolutely perfect in the low 70s. My lovely neighbour Maria is now in Croatia with her husband. Such a lovely person Maria. Darren's been in England almost a month. Maria assured me she didn't want to go back to settle old business but the time will soon pass, and she's right, it's passing at an alarming rate!

    And I better take one small "pup" out for a walk. Oh yes, must mention my wee black dog is developing white whiskers on her chin!
    Hugs from the pair of us.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning to one and all. Looks like a nice day coming on. Mild and maybe a few clouds. We need to go on a few errands and we will take Katie. She loves to go on car rides.

    The barometric must be high today. I am feeling it in every bone and joint. I guess that is natures way of letting me know I am still alive. I will do a bit of exercises and stretches after coffee.

    Buzz: it does sound like you are diagnosed with cellulitis. It is good you are being treated. You hang in there and try to stay positive. Demand help! Threaten those medical people! Fix this right now! Do your job! That’s what John does. I whine over in a corner. I recommend John’s approach.

    Katie is still a teenager. She teases us, steals socks and underwear, chews up tissues and cardboard. We see puppy behavior still. She is jealous and territorial. She didn’t want my grandson to give me a hug. In the best of times, she is darling. In the worst of times, she is still darling but just not quite as darling as I would want.

    Anne: I am not sure if it is the internet or MFP. I have noticed some strange problems as well. It is only on this site.

    More coffee and then to those exercises............

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited May 2018
    Thank you all, my dear friends! What a support group you are (and my Mom can R.I.P!) Well, bless the females who devote their lives to taking care of the rest of us.
    Last night, a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Pain management visited me for the 3rd time yesterday so she could give me Lidocaine injections to try to help he pain, but since the Doctor seems to have forgotten to order blood tests, we were working in the dark. She is Michelle, and an angel in disguise. She stopped off to visit the Nurse Practitioner on our regular staff, Diana, and I received a call from her this morning for a free consultation as she is not covered by my HMO! She had researched all my history and concluded my problem is vascular and insisted I see the "best" vascular Dr in this area, called his office to introduce me, and I have an appointment next Tuesday, and she is certain I am carrying at least 20 pounds of extra liquid my kidneys are not getting rid of! I never found relief from Lasix, but my previous doctor never changed it! She has called me twice today to tell me my blood test is set up for early morning, in my apartment, and to order me to keep her informed! I missed our Tapas Grand Opening dinner celebrating the opening of our new second floor but am floating on air! And when I returned from Diana's appointment, my cleaning gal had moved furniture around so my Motorized Chair could move all over my apartment so I needn't have excruciating pain trying to walk! She also redesigned how she made my bed so my feet would not be touched by sheets or anything else! Talk about feeling cherished!!! By the way, I was going to accept an appointment a month away, but when the secretary heard what my practitioner diagnosed, she insisted I come to her first opening,( next Tuesday) And now I'll stop boring you! Perhaps I'll finally get some badly needed sleep tonight!
    As my dear Granddaughter puts it, XOXOXO you all!
    <3 Buzz
    .............. Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...............
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Buzz: I am so thrilled to read you are being properly looked after. You are a special lady...we all know it and it appears those around you are aware of that as well. I am feeling certain you will be feeling better very shortly.

    We went to Home Depot today, scouting their garden plants. Tomorrow we will scoot in and scoop up some hanging baskets of geraniums and fuchsia for the deck and the shaded area on the front deck. I need to get my flower pots ready before I get the color spots and herbs.

    My Mother’s Day bouquet is still in great condition. I love seeing a huge arrangement of cut flowers on the dinning room table. Makes me think of my grandmothers table. There was always a huge bouquet.

    Okay! I am going to make another try establishing a connection with our daughter. This time I am going to try sewing her a shirt.
    Wish me luck!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A beautiful day so first thing we headed back to the woods we walked yesterday and spent a wonderful hour with the dogs cavorting across the rocks and into the river. I've just enjoyed my coffee in the sunshine and am getting myself ready to attack the bluebells again before heading off for a hair appointment.

    Buzz ~ You truly deserve all the care and concern you are receiving from the medical staff as well as amazing thoughtfulness of your cleaning girl who certainly knows what she's doing! You know we've all been terribly concerned about you because you rarely say much about your health, always more worried about others, so thank goodness you are in good hands and something positive will be done to alleviate your pain. That's a hell of a lot of extra fluid you're carrying and as granny used to say..... better out than in so I do hope that issue is sorted right away. Hugs and love. <3<3

    Patsy ~ You are another amazing lady and I love to read of your loving patience with dear Katie as well as your determination to connect with your daughter. I gasped in admiration at your ability to even attempt sewing a shirt when I continue to lose items through a hole in my jacket pocket, a job that shouldn't take 5 minutes to repair if I just set my mind to it!! I bet it's bright and cheery too, the sort of colours you adore.

    Anne ~ Boris hadn't been with me a year before his whiskers turned white and at first I took it quite personally but soon realised he was just turning into a grand gentleman so I'm sure Jilly is saying I'm a lady as well as little girl!!

    Lin ~ Hopefully now that awful winter has gone you will get back with your original group that you had so much fun with. If I didn't live so far away I'd join in although you'd probably soon get fed up with my lack of Mah Jongg experience! If we'd had more time on the cruise my friend was going to teach me how to play crib..... probably just as well we didn't!!

    An hour to attack the bluebells before getting ready for my hair appointment.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Lovely posts this morning and especially such a hopeful and happy post from BUZZ. I'll come back later but for now, wonderful news all around and such a lovely photo of our George.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Gardening, but here's the dead stalks I rescued out of the church's garbage. I cut back most of the "dead" stalks and here's what's starting to grow. I have great hopes come late summer! The church has two containers of geraniums on their steps. I have great hopes there as well.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    this thingy broke down on me again. Another try.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    How fast my life changes! The lab guy did not show up this morning, ho hum, tomorrow is another day! I'm seriously thinking of quitting Humana and going with Medicare! HMO's don't do a well here as Medicare! Still living with the swelling and pain but only another few days! Heard our 2nd floor Tapas Renovation Gala was splendid, and the new area is just magnificent. Sorry I missed it. Love your posts and pictures and I'm off for a nap.Get those elephant legs off the ground. PATSY, whether she knows it or not, your daughter is a lucky woman! Hope SANDY's weather is better than our thunder storm - right through Sunday!!! Under the covers I dive!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!................................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Wow, I have tried to get this post written many many times today! Argh. I haven’t lost my posts but one thing or another has popped up and I get nothing written.

    Buzz, I never did care for HMOs so I didn’t consider the advantage plan or whatever it is called but then I have wondered about that decision as friends rave about the wonderful benefits they receive. I am sorry it is not working well for you at this point but mistakes happen with any and all of our medical plans. I am so angry that you were overlooked today. You are on antibiotic right? That is probably a good thing if it is cellulitis. Gosh YES, keep those legs up my friend. I hope someone is looking into this matter for you. Rest up.

    Anne, excellent little plants. They are looking quite lively. Wahoo! Let’s see those thumbs! How green are they? :D:D yes they are. Hello to Jill and the sunshine looks very good. And white is a nice color for whiskers.

    Jackie, too late for you to be up now. But your day sounded truly lovely and the photo was outstanding. How do you get George (and Scruff) to pose so nicely? Enjoy the nice weather. Temps are in the mid-80s today with hoards of bugs. I don’t go out without my long pants and hooded sweatshirt. One of the Library ladies told us today she went for a walk last evening and didn’t get any sleep last night as she got massive numbers of mosquito bites and what she thinks is a spider bite. Ick!

    Patsy, busy sewing today? Or gardening? Or both?

    Tai Chi again in the morning. I signed up for a Friday/Saturday scrapbooking/card making event at a local church but I do not think I will attend. I have lots to do at home and don’t feel like packing up a big bag of things. Sunday there is church, an Art Show in our historical village area, a craft activity at a local library with dried flowers which sounded kind of cute, and a presentation at the Art Center. Must choose!!

    Some of the ladies today were talking about going to a watch party for THE wedding on Saturday. I think I can miss that. It starts at 5am and I don’t care to be dressed and at this venue by that time of the morning. Haaaa.

    Well, on I should go. Please take care.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Had a great day in St. Augustine today to celebrate my son in law's birthday! Tired so going to bed!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Howdy gang! We had a partly cloudy and rather chilly day here. John brought home two amazing geranium to hang on back deck. They are sort of Reddish orange and very pretty. Since he was picking out the plants, he naturally didn’t pick pink or red. His choice was a color that was the same as his garden tractor! I cannot explain the reason that was important. John is a mysterious person. His reasons are strange and funny. Mine are normal and unremarkable.

    I have to say that I am very impressed by Anne’s patience. I would never be able to nurture those little mums back to life. Good job, Anne!

    Jackie: there are places just like your photo here in Oregon. However it is very easy to get lost. There are huge tracts of forest, no roads and poor cell phone service. Very dangerous for people like me. I get lost in a grocery market and a parking lot! Seriously!

    Buzz: remember the magic words....demand! Complain! Whine! Do not let them get by with neglecting you. Hope to hear you are feeling better soon.

    Lin: how about some photos of your cards, scrapebooks, etc. love it!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Goodness, we are being spoiled with all this lovely weather and I'm making the most of it. We've already walked in the woods and I've picked up a couple of birthday cards to be posted, one for an aunt the other for an old school friend (as old as me anyway LOL) and now must clean out the hen house even with a broody Prudence sitting on eggs who will get very cross with me before a trip to the allotment for some digging with my neighbour.

    Patsy ~ When I first walked George in these woods someone told me about a path that takes us to the very top with views across the trees and yes, I got lost before managing to follow the sound of running water to find my way back to the river. Yesterday as we walked over the rocks picking our way as we went I took a different route to my friend and found myself facing a prickly holly bush and no way through. Back I went clambering over the same rocks but finding it far more difficult going in the opposite direction so you see you're not the only one!!

    Buzz ~ Of course I don't know enough about your health system to understand why someone who is booked to see you didn't turn up but Patsy is right, let them know you are there and still waiting because more often than not the loudest complaint gets dealt with first.

    Lin ~ Mosquitoes are not something I have to deal with thank goodness, just midges that are annoying and seem to aim for the back of the throat if I dare to breath with my mouth open but we do get horse flies that aren't choosy about sitting on anything other than a horse and have a vicious bite. I'm now scratching my head at the thought!! We are being fed so much trivia about THAT wedding I will do everything to avoid the main event tomorrow! Of course I wish them all the luck in the world together but somehow think the intrusive and calculating media won't leave them alone which will take its toll, just look at what's happened already although the couple must have realised it will be open season for their royal celebrity hitch up from now on. Let's hope they have a true and solid bond!

    Great to see Sandy enjoying herself.

    Anne ~ Wow, green fingers indeed! Are you growing potatoes and carrots this year?

    George is barking at nothing (again!!) so I will finish here and see why he's feeling the need to be on guard! :s

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello everyone, looks like another beautiful day here, and yes LIN the moskies are early!

    No green fingers or patience at all. Dead looking mums just shoved in a pot, watered and left to Mother Nature. Thinking about potatoes etc in the containers JACKIE, but need to find someone to trudge around a garden centre with me. Alas, the boys do not show much interest in garden centres, but.....there's hope! Mary Jo has got Mark digging up the flowers for a veg patch. I'm not enthused about weddings either and won't be getting up at 4 am to view the wedding dress!

    Yes, PATSY, we also have beautiful similar scenery as well although minus the bluebells and windflowers, Scruff and George! What we don't have is a centuries old village, church, manor house and castle just beyond the woods and rivers. That's what I miiss so much and the heather blooming on the moors. By the way, wonderful, absolutely, that you are sewing a shirt! Your daughter is indeed a very lucky lady to have such a caring and giving Mom.

    Thinking of SANDY in Florida and of BUZZ. My minds been a lot on Buzz. Hoping for good news, really hoping. Hi JERI, out west in another part of our beautiful country.

    Did anyone watch our prime ministers speech to the New York University students? I quite enjoyed it and he got lots of cheers with his hopeful message.

    Well Michael will be here soon and I must buy Jilly's weekly chicken if not the seed potatoes.
    Enjoy today,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Pool day, have to catch the rays before rain comes and goes. Wonderful time with two of my four kids!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon, a mid-80s day with sunshine here. Wahoo. Summer! I did go to Tai Chi this morning but our instructor was called out of town at the last minute so we did both Qigong and Tai Chi from our instructor’s teacher on DVD. Not the same as a real person but okay. Everyone left so I had the big room to myself and there was a half hour left so I worked on some of the single fan moves. It was lovely to not be constrained in space.

    Home, lunch, and working on card bits and pieces. I tend to make bits and bobs more than doing a card from beginning to end. And I like to have things on hand so just a little of everything. I do want to get a few things finished to send to some of my regular folks and need to get a birthday card in the mail. I have another month for the beach cards.

    So, you should not have asked Patsy! Here you go.

    This will be the needed birthday card.


    This is not attached to a card yet. It is my blondie llama. Worked on it longer than I care to admit (did use the gamsol on this) and then fussy cut it and yippee, didn’t cut off anything essential.


    I plan to make four of these cards. One finished and my patience with attaching tiny pieces is gone.


    Patsy, what brand is John’s mower? I keep thinking tractors and cannot narrow it down. Lovely bright color right? More exotic than plain red. And of course he is mysterious, he is a man after all. What are you working on today?

    Jackie, too much is too much. I think I may be burned out on the nuptials. Such a fuss over who would walk her down the aisle and if she is going to speak at the reception. Honestly, I do not think I care at this point and truthfully, I haven’t seen a hat I like! Enjoy the great weather.

    Anne, what did you get on your shopping trip? I hope you get to a garden center for some potato eyes or seed potato starts. You had such a great time with them last year. I still think you have those green thumbs.

    Buzz, thinking of you today. Sending all best wishes and hugs your way. I hope your lab tech arrived today

    Sandy, keep on enjoying your family time.

    Hi Jeri, Marie, Barbie, Diane and all Sneakers.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh Lin! What absolutely charming cards! Thanks for sharing your creative output. Now about John’s marvelous garden is a Husqvarna YT48DXLS. He loves this yard machine. He would drive it around town if it went faster and had a roof.

    Here are the geraniums, hanging up and summer is on the way.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Wow! That's some show PATSY! Absolutely gorgeous! Now who's got a green thumb! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Patsy, a little bit of heaven. Breath-taking. I love your flowers and thanks for letting me know about the garden tractor. My wheels would have kept spinning.
