Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Nice posts, too tired for comments. Just to let you know the Doc was thorough, honest, and said I had an excellent understanding of what's going on, how to deal with it, and there is no miracle cure ! The arthritis is very much affected by low barometric pressure and they are now predicting at least one more week, unless it forms a hurricane! My swelling, however is slowly subsiding, and I could stand a smidgen better today. I finally understand I cannot fool around in the dining room! No sodium, kill the butter, no rolls, cut back portions, stay away from red meats,...the usual! I will have PT upstairs in our nursing department! More exercise
    , smaller portions, all the things we know better about, but I have been awful about giving a
    darn. Now I care!!! Now off to bed
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe !!!!!.....................................................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Back from our walk and about to enjoy a mug of coffee before making plans for the garden. I visited the allotment last night to water our seeds and French beans so of course we now have a serious threat of thunderstorms tonight!! My neighbour tells me her dad who lives in Dorset (along the coast east of us for those who don't know) had the worst storm he can ever remember the night before and he's in his 80's!

    I couldn't resist videoing George earlier after a cool shower to get the woodland muck off him as I'm worried that lump will become infected. Warm water running on it for a minute of two helped but it still doesn't look pleasant. Fingers crossed it's nothing nasty. He certainly doesn't behave as if he's bothered!! LOL

    Back later.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Gorgeous garden, gorgeous George!
    Great excitement here. 3 men are ripping the tiles off the garage at the back of me.
    I am considering putting a rubber band around Jilly's jaws in lieu of a muzzle.

    Great if unwelcome news from your doc BUZZ. I will try to copy!

    MFP playing up again, nowhere else! I'm a goner,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    What a happy happy George. He certainly seems fine! Gorgeous day. Ahhhhhhhh.

    Buzz, all good sensible measures to incorporate in our lives. I will try to keep to the same advice. I have always been enjoying the moment more than having a long term outlook. Not a good thing. Hugs my friend.

    A warm and sunny day here. I am off for Tai Chi and oh yes, discount grocery day. Excitement unending. Haaaaaaaa. I have already run through single fan twice to try to get my joints warmed up a bit.

    See you later.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone! Not sure what the day will bring. It looks like a marine layer that could burn off as the day progresses.

    Buzz: that diagnosis doesn’t sound too awful. It sounds like something we all strive to follow. giving up red meat was hard for John and he still insists on lots of chicken and salmon of course. Naturally he is slim and active but he still reacts to salt more than I do. Each of us seem to have our own issues. Hang in there sweetheart. You are still in the game, PT will be interesting and annoying but oddly satisfying. That’s my experience.

    Jackie: George acts like Katie. Katie runs around like that outside and inside. She does take regular naps, thank goodness. I often wonder if they are playing chase with some invisible creature or are they upset. Angry? In pain? Feeling wonderful and just feels like a good time to chase dragons etc. it must the last because she then runs over to me and callapses at my feet for a tummy rub. Can’t resist the chance to enjoy our canine playmate.

    Anne: MFP does seem to have bugs. Or else my iPad has bugs. I was thinking about how Katie reacts to cats. She chases them and barks endlessly at them. I fear she would never accept living with one. She barely tolerates our son’s doggies. She is one of those dogs that has a difficult time socializing. We go at it very slowly. Walks in the dog park when there are not many people or dogs. I read all the books about how to handle this. Still learning! It is an unusual experience for us. Katie is our joy and our challenge.

    Lin: you are an inspiration to me. I love the way you try new things and master the challenge. I stick to my same core exercises and lift light weights (8 lbs) and I should ride my exercise bike more.

    Have a lovely day everyone. Hello to all sneakers!
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    edited May 2018
    Jilly's favourite thing is also running around the house at tremendous speed. Obviously a doggie pleasure. On our walk today we met a chap with a little white dog who sniffed noses with Jilly. "What's your dogs name" he asked, "mines called Jilly Bean". Yes, really!! What a coincidence! The men have departed off the garage roof. Jill's stopped barking. I've got a headache!

    Katie might surprise you with her reaction to a kitty PATSY. Jilly badly wanted to play with Hobbes, and in the past our dog Judy loved Punch our ginger tom. My lovely lab Jenny adored Thelly our black and white tom cat and vice versa. Spot tolerated much ear washing from Puss Corky, in fact from early childhood I don't remember a time without our joint house canines and felines until about 10 years ago. Neither of them all tolerated outsiders though!

    Called my provider of TV, internet, and land line phone. Got the TV reduced in price by $50 monthly by going basic. AND the heats returned. 26 today and steadily rising from now on.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Nice meeting up with old friends who have moved to Nashville last night for dinner. The only problem was it was Chef Shangri-La so all Oriental food which we all know has too much salt. The portions were humongous so I am bringing my leftovers to Babe this afternoon. Bingo tonight so wish me luck.

    Anne, certainly was a coincidence meeting another dog with the same name. Was he within your age limit, maybe a new budding romance is in the air.

    Patsy, I think we all know what to do to keep neat and trim but we are not all so good at following through, at least I speak for myself. I love to see Daisy run outside, she just makes me laugh.

    Lin, enjoy Tai Chi, I am pretty sure you are the most disciplined besides Barbie on good food choices and exercise.

    Jackie, love the video although I am a little sad for the fox. He must have been a baby for George to hold it in his mouth like that. Is the video taken from your garden room? Absolutely beautiful!!

    Buzz, so glad your doctor told you that you knew what to do to help yourself, now the secret is to continue doing what is beneficial to your health. I hope the rain stops soon so sunshine can bring you better days.

    Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2018

    Just for Sandy!! Mr Fox is George's favourite toy similar to Mr Snowman, Mr Bear, Miss Pinky and a box full of similar creatures. It's Brady that causes carnage on the moors bringing home little furry creatures but I'd never let him torment one in my presence.

    Buzz - we've all been there... ignoring the signs of an unhealthy diet but the great news is it's relatively simple to fix. I've said before how I would struggle at your facility with so much rich food on offer because the temptation would be too great but you are quite capable of being strong especially after feeling awful for some time. Onwards and upwards sweetheart. <3

    Anne - a similar experience for Scruff's mum by the river this morning when a man arrived with 2 Collies and called to one 'go on Scruffy. A conversation ensued but no romance there either LOL

    Patsy - George always does zoomies after a rub down with a towel so take that to mean what you will!! It's definitely a play thing because a toy gets thrown in the air too. I'm afraid my exercise bike still acts more as a coat hanger than muscle strengthener. I'm sipping a cup of tea within 6' of it at the moment but am not inclined to climb aboard!!

    Soon be time to prepare my evening meal which will probably be salad since it's so warm. Hi to LIN and anyone I missed.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    No budding romance in my future SANDY. I'd run faster than Jilly in the opposite direction!! Anyway, can you imagine the confusion of having two dogs named Jilly Bean! "Come Jilly Bean", "no, not you Jilly Bean!" "YOU, Jilly Bean". Sort of thing.

    One of Jill's favourite toys is Foxy, and then Squirrelly. We also have Bun Bun, baby bone, etc. She knows them all by name and will fetch when asked.

    On that intellectual note I'll do a BUZZ as in Buzz off. Hey it's 84 F at the moment. We're having a heat wave!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »

    Just for Sandy!! Mr Fox is George's favourite toy similar to Mr Snowman, Mr Bear, Miss Pinky and a box full of similar creatures. It's Brady that causes carnage on the moors bringing home little furry creatures but I'd never let him torment one in my presence.

    Well color my face red, thank goodness it was a toy, I should have known better. :p
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    You had me wondering Sandy. I had assumed it was a toy but I thought perhaps I was wrong.

    Good Tai Chi day and excellent bargains at the store. I have an oil change scheduled for my vehicle—finally. They no longer seem to answer the phone in the service department so I hunted to find my log in to schedule online and to hunt through options. They don’t make it easy to just find oil change and you cannot schedule without specifying a transportation mode now. For gosh sakes! Well that’s on the first Monday in June. I called the health food store to find out if Senior Discounts are only available on certain days. Turns out I just need to ask for it. Well, I can do that. Haaaaaa.

    I skipped my afternoon Tai Chi class today to rest up a little bit. I did some more fan work and some arm exercises. Need to do those everyday. But anyway, tomorrow, I will see the Library ladies and then early afternoon, excitement unlimited for me. I have an hour session, my first, to learn Tai Chi Double Fan!! Apparently I think I am handling the single fan routine at an acceptable level so I am jumping into the deep again. Two fans, very long form, tossing and catching fans, swirling and a bit of stomping too. Wahoo! I am over the moon.

    Today our instructor asked if there would be any interest at all in going to visit her teacher in Canada next year. Whaaaaaat? She is talking about renting a small bus, loading up everyone who’s interested (and has the money) to drive up, take several lessons from Sifu Helen and generally have a real genuine experience. I doubt it will come together but I will keep my passport and documents up to date, just in case. They have had Sifu come here in the past but loads of money must be raised for her travel expenses and for teaching here.

    Oh, and as I was driving home today, I saw a fellow riding a mountain bike and trotting out in front of him were two dogs, each on its own leash, one Newfoundland and one Bernese Mountain dog. Now those are huge dogs! Quite a sight.

    Hugs all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Somehow starting to discover pages I have missed and ANNE, that Hobbes is so-o-o-o beautiful with those huge eyes. Are you certain it's a he? Looks like a tri color, which in other breeds usually is a female! I think I see a smile on Jilly Bean's face! And already the kitty seems huge! I cannot get over the name coincidence!
    PATSY, is there anything we cannot order from Amazon? I wish our prez would recognize it is a successful business and leave it alone! Yesterday I ordered a seat for my shower and it arrived today! I tested my latent skills by putting it together and WOW! I looks great and seems perfect! No arms but a nice back! Manual written in Chinese/English and they forgot to mention Old dowel with length unlike any others! I think it was referring to a screw!
    I finally put it together and it looks great, and I realized I had put it together despite my fingers feeling totally numb! Hurrah! By the way, don't wear those shoes. Uncomfortable shoes can cause great grief and permanent trouble!
    JACKIE, how perfect your new garden room is for viewing heaen through a glass! Mr Fox has been a delight , as I recall back to his entrance into your life! I guess things "flow" as they are meant to, and we can learn much by simply watching!!!
    LIN, I had thought I was a planner, but now know better! My final decade is a gift I never expected to reach, but it's a goal worth working at! It was such a pleasure getting down to the dining room tonight for dinner and being greeted by so many people with such warmth! Rumor had it I was in the hospital! Actually, I think I always saw you as very much in control!
    By the way, for all of us who still lift weights! Before starting any overhead lift moves, check them out with an expert as my DD, an avid lifter, recently added a move that her orthopedist told her might cause big rotator cuff problems! At 66, I still see her as my young kid, but she sees an aging woman! Interesting!
    SANDY, Chef Shangri-la may be a thing of my past, boo-hoo! My favorite food is Chinese! And I can gain 5 pounds overnight from eating it. Then it takes me 2 weeks to lose that added weight. I have a feeling 1 or 2 days on your bike and you are back to normal! I'm sure BABE will be grateful for your loving gift!
    LIN, a Tai Chi expert in your future! How wonderful! And viewing those two gorgeous dogs seems out of sight to me! You've had a splendid day!
    Me, too, in that today I took several steps, and standing was much closer to normal! I will slowly transfer to using my walker around my house! Although another week of rain is predicted, we had sunshine this afternoon and my legs responded. The swelling is down by half! I wore shoes yesterday and today!!!
    Oh my, back to late hours! Good night my dear alternate family! I am so fortunate! ;)
    <3<3<3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2018
    A very pleasant day although the sun seems to have disappeared for now. We've enjoyed our woodland walk and I've hung out a washing load to dry but since then George has barked constantly and I think he can hear my not so nice neighbour cleaning her windows outside for the first time in 15 years, well let's just say they've lived next door to me that long and I've never seen them do that job before!! Apart from grocery shopping this afternoon and a drop in at the allotment to pick some rhubarb for a friend whose birthday it is tomorrow it will be a leisurely day for me.

    Buzz ~ I'm so pleased, you seem more your old self already and using your walker can only be a good thing to keep things moving as they should. A warm welcome from friends is just as you deserve too as you've always given so much of your time to those in need of comfort so enjoy! You've more patience than me when it comes to putting new items together with only a bad translation of instructions to follow although sometimes even that's too much to ask for and I find a piece of paper with badly drawn diagrams scratched on it! Isn't there a sense of satisfaction when we finally finish the task though and it works!!

    Sandy ~ To be honest I thought at first you were joking about George running with a live fox cub but never mind, I appreciate you've got a lot on your mind at the moment so you're forgiven! LOL Yes, the video was shot from my garden room and although cat Hebe has requisitioned the comfy chair I do spend a lot of time in there especially since the new sun reflecting windows keep it cool on a hot day. Watching amazing footage of the eruptions in Hawaii on the news I've wondered if the wedding plans are still on that you might attend? Mother Nature is so volatile in situations like that I'm not sure I would want to visit just now.

    Patsy ~ An author on a tv programme yesterday talking about mental health, the subject of her latest book, made a point that the English language doesn't have enough variations for the word depressed so we tend to stick an adjective on the front in the hope it explains the emotion someone or we are feeling. I think it's the most difficult health issue to deal with so your shirt with all the thought you're putting into it together with the sought after bright buttons is an amazing gift that will hopefully lift your daughter's spirits.

    Lin ~ Book yourself a ticket on that trip to Canada because it sounds like a wonderful opportunity.... I do hope it takes place for you. What a great way to exercise two large dogs. Were they pulling the bike or just running for the fun of it?

    Anne ~ Scruff had a bad experience at her fly ball class last night when a visiting trainer told the team that although she was fast she was being too careful over high jumps so to yell at her as she collected the ball to run back. The girl in charge of the ball shouted over the top of Scruff's head as she went to catch the ball making her scream and run out of the arena into the back of someone's car refusing to come out. Lots of tears, arguments and upset so not sure she will continue fly ball but no lasting mental damage because this morning at the river the man with his "Scruffy" collie ended up with her joining in with him and wanting to stay when we left and he was quite noisy getting his dog to retrieve! It must have been the same name that did it!

    Time to go shopping and rhubarb foraging!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning.

    Buzz, you do sound so much better and I am so proud that you assembled that bath seat. Instructions are often less than clear these days and I must admit to ignoring them from time to time. Haaaa. I am also glad you are reunited with your friends. They must have been quite concerned about you. You are always there for everyone. I hope today is even better.

    Jackie, another good day in your world. That makes me smile. And I did have quite a chuckle regarding the neighbors washing their windows. Isn’t that what the rain is suppose to do? :) Poor little Scruff. How dare that trainer yell at her. People! I hope no rain has interrupted your clothes drying. I now hang rugs and old towels over the edges of my deck railing to dry. Even those smell good when I bring them in as long as no one has sprayed any noxious chemicals. Oh, and the dogs were just trotting in front, the guy was pedaling his bike.

    Off to the library soon and still overly excited about trying to operate the two fans. I spent time last night trying to toss and catch. Haaaaa. Not so good.

    I have read my book club book for June and several other mysteries. I signed up for a Summer Art Journal session that starts in July and found out there will be a Senior Art show again in September. I think I will put my name in again and maybe I will get a spot.

    I saw this in an email this morning. I have not read any of Sir Walter Raleigh’s writings.

    “Give me my scallop-shell of quiet,
    My staff of faith to walk upon,
    My script of joy, immortal diet,
    My bottle of salvation,
    My gown of glory, hope’s true gage;
    And thus I’ll take my pilgrimage.”
    -- Sir Walter Raleigh, His Pilgrimage

    Hugs to all.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited May 2018
    Happy Thursday! :) Going to a White Sox baseball game with friends, even though I am a Chicago Cubs fan. We are going on a bus, then having lunch and then watch the game. I am skipping my meeting which I rarely do but this sounds fun. Unfortunately, one of the ladies is unable to go because of a UTI. Darn, I really feel for her since I know what she is going through.

    Will try to get back later.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Lovely, lovely, lovely to see everyone in such good spirits. We are going to be hot, hot, hot today, so Michael is coming over before work to help Mark put my bulky window air conditioner in. Big relief for Jill and myself. Mark was staining his staircase banister when Michael asked him to meet him at Moms. Jill's in for a treat however short lived!

    On our walk today we met the older man who lives almost opposite. He moved in with his son and sadly his dying wife about 5 years ago. None of us have ever met him, but our Jilly worked her magic. After woofing at him, pawing the grass, and much tail wagging, he finally came down his front steps to say Hello. She's very hard to resist when in "let's be friends" mode.

    I had a smile SANDY, you thinking George would have even attempted tackling a fox! And wonderful news from BUZZ. My aches and pains seem reduced today as well.

    Hi to everyone,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. Not sure what the day will bring. I must keep pecking at the enormously long list of chores. I will never get them all done but that is Life. We are still resisting any hired assistance and believe me that is not my choice. I can see that it has become a point of male pride. John is such an accomplished person but he is very territorial about his home. The chores he works on are things he considers most urgent.

    Katie is so sensitive, I can’t imagine yelling at her to catch a ball. Our ball games have no rules and Katie has such fun running with her balls. She sometimes brings them back to me. But not always. I am cross with her when she finds nasty or dangerous things to chew on. After many firm commands to DROP IT! She obeys and we are instant friends again. I am a terrible dog trainer. I do just enough to make us a happy healthy family. Katie would never be able to be in competition. She is spoiled and independent. My fault, I am sure.

    The Hawaii scenes are terrifying. We live within view of Mt. Saint Helens. She rumbles occasionally. I remember seeing the devastation after that eruption. Ash was inches deep and the top part of the mountain just blew off. That was a few years ago but we are constantly reminded that we live within that “ring of Fire.”

    And so begins the day...what task demands attention first?
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Sitting here sipping my cuppa, I feel so contented with my lot in life. So lucky! The leg is only faintly hurting today, the sun is shining, young Jilly is still in dreamland curled up in her bed, whatever the future brings I am blessed. Just had to get that out of my system. More later, but for now I hope you have all woken up feeling the same.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning Sneakers. George has been walked and after dropping him off with the vet I've visited a friend to wish her a happy birthday before shopping for trellis and a few more veggie seeds. The walk was a bit strange because I had to be careful to keep George out of the river as he was going straight on to the vet but Scruff decided to get too close to investigate the edge and fell in. Neither of us are agile these days so it was a scramble to get to her by which time she had floated along to an inlet and scrambled out, soaked of course. All ended well but it was a reminder not to take the dogs there after heavy rain as the river becomes a torrent.

    Patsy - I've noticed Scruff become more on edge as she competes in a variety of events but haven't said so as it's up to my friend and I wouldn't want an argument to ensue but the fly ball incident didn't surprise me because it's so noisy with dogs barking and competitors yelling so I think it might have been a good thing for all involved so she can go at her own pace rather than get caught up in too much competitive drama! Of course if I tried with George he would drift into one of his Zen moods and ignore all around him. Katie has the perfect life with you and John too.

    Seems very quiet without George so I need to get on with chores until the vet phones in a few hours. Everyone have a good day and hopefully a bright one. We're threatened with thunder storms again but so far no sign.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello, ready to leave soon. I was up earlier than usual and will try the early morning double fan class this morning before my regular Tai Chi and Qigong. The lesson yesterday was wonderful. Just too short and my brain did not retain enough. Argh!

    Jackie, hope George is home soon and will be doing well. Thanks for a bit more context about the incident with Scruff. Maybe Mom likes to have Scruff compete but Scruff is not that well suited to it. A stage Mom perhaps?

    Anne, how lovely. We will call you Zenlike as well. I am happy that you are content. <3

    Patsy, happy Katie living the life of Riley in just the right surroundings for her personality. Would that we all lived in just the right place. Enjoy the long weekend.

    Sandy, hello, a ballgame with a not favorite team, well, hopefully you did have fun with the folks you went with.

    Buzz, hi my friend!!

    Gotta zip along.

    Hugs all.
