Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    At last got a working camera - my little begger Missy
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    At last got a working camera - my little begger Missy

    So cute Marie! <3<3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Chalk one more day to the rain we have inundating poor wet Florida! A number of my friends are discussing getting the marijuana gummy bears to get them through the arthritic attacks this weather causes! I might consider joining them! Had a pleasant lunch today with a cuppa potato leek soup (lo-sodium of course), an omelette without cheese or meats, and one toasted bagel....and coffee. Resisted the "to Die For" frozen yogurt (the BEST chocolate!!!) and the Devil's Food Cake. I hope the bagel didn't do too much damage. My hands, except for the pins and needles, are totally numb! But I will be thrilled if these 12 pounds stay off!
    JACKIE, your storms sound fearful; this seems to be happening all over the world!
    SANDY, your grandson is absolutely gorgeous, and his fiancee is lovely and has kind eyes! His hair is really typical Aloha fashion and seems normal in Hawaii! Where do they live?
    My sister just called from Colorado and spent almost an hour on the phone. I haven't the heart to tell her how painful it is to sit in one position holding a phone for so long! They sold their home in one day and are moving into an independent senior community in July. Evidently there is no place like mine in Colorado, where you buy into Lifetime Care, depending on your needs. Some day, it may be the norm!
    PATSY, I hope John's knee is not too serious! Although from what I see around me, Surgery for knee replacement is far less painful today than when I might have considered it!
    LIN, those lunges!!! And the fans. Give yourself the credit you deserve! I would be in the audience applauding!
    ANNE, somehow I've missed you! Hope you're OK!
    MARIE, Your four -footed friend is adorable! I'm sure you and Jerry treat her/him like royalty!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!...........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    At last got a working camera - my little begger Missy

    Love it Marie. <3<3<3 Thanks for posting.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy, gorgeous couple and I love his hair. Woo-hoo!!! Happy days <3<3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh and Buzz, I spent about an hour on the phone this afternoon with my friend from church who is having memory problems. I was walking around and shifting the phone from hand to hand so I cannot imagine how difficult it was for you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy and Buzz, I am passing along your email addresses to Anne. If you have objections to receiving emails directly from her please let me know ASAP and I will let her know.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm not complaining but it's a scorcher of a day so I'll have to get into shorts and light top then hide myself from the neighbours so they aren't terrified!!!
    George had a restless night but it did mean my many visits to the door to let him into the garden showed me the view of a wonderfully bright full moon that lit up the area like daylight.
    We've walked gently and I've enjoyed my coffee but now time to get outside and potter.

    Marie ~ How lovely to see Missy who looks so settled with you both now. I knew you'd give her a loving home, she just needed time. <3

    Buzz ~ Several of my friends are happy to talk on the phone for up to an hour so I have to get up and move around as we chat otherwise seize up, even stroll down the garden and back if the weather is dry!

    Sandy ~ The happy couple look beautiful if I can say that about a man!! He can certainly carry that look well. I've noticed more and more young men growing their hair longer as if they like the idea of being a hippy, that and beards everywhere!!

    Lin ~ Doesn't matter how much or little of the dancing you do, it's beautiful and graceful and must help your movement.

    Patsy ~ Of course I remember your adorable dogs you lost so close together and the heartbreak that went with it. So brave to get yourselves a Labradoodle after bonkers Old English sheepdogs but I think you knew really what you were letting yourselves in for! We met the crazy pair again this morning in the woods this time with Scruff who tried to run away and was immediately chased by them wanting to play. She seemed to know they didn't mean to harm her and did well not to panic before they were called off. Beautiful dogs with their coats trimmed short no doubt because of our hot weather.

    I must get on having spent 30 minutes trying to purchase online prescription glasses because I've managed to lose both my reading glasses in the past few weeks. I know one pair were dropped somewhere in Bergen so no chance of getting those back but have no idea where the others went but don't want to spend too much money on a pair because in less than 2 weeks my first cataract will be removed. The online website offered a pair for £6 but then when I filled in prescription details told me I needed a small upgrade so on I proceeded until it told me they would only cost £85..... huh, forget that so off from their website I hurried!! It's a Bank Holiday here today so I will check with my optician tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning, I had considered joining others for Tai Chi in the rose garden behind the Art Center but good golly, it’s 8am and 80 sticky degrees out there. Pass!!

    I have now drug out acrylic paints, gouache, Scribble sticks, a couple of Stabilo graphite pencils, some paper and am looking forward to making a good old mess. :D

    Jackie, I am sorry George was uncomfortable last night. I hope he is not bothering the incision. I have had several dogs in past years who had to wear “the cone” — not a happy thing for anyone involved. Have a lovely day and sorry you’ve misplaced those glasses. I hope you find an inexpensive option.

    Hugs all. Time to slap color on paper.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Memorial Day or Happy Tuesday! Another hot day predicted so more time at the pool. My friends have assured me that if I need help packing they will help me. For now they are giving me containers, boxes and newspaper for packing which I will get tomorrow and Wednesday when I go to bingo.

    Lin, have we lost Anne? Is she not going to be posting here? You can of course give her my email address but I hope she is not gone for good.

    Jackie, maybe it was the full moon that made George nervous and he wanted you to see how beautiful it was. Can't you just get a pair of readers from Amazon or a local discount store since your vision will change after your cataract surgery.

    Buzz, is medical marijuana easy to get where you live? Babe's son has to go through months of paperwork before they will prescribe it to him. If you can get gummy bears try it, they are prescribing it to him for neuropathy which is similar to what you have.

    Marie, Missy is charming and a great companion just like you knew she would be. I am sure she helps you with stress and relaxes you.

    Patsy, are you as hot as we are? I am grateful for our pool even though it is too hot to sit in a chair, so I float around on a inflatable chair. Daisy hates the hot weather and likes to sleep on the vent.

    Remember All Gave Some, Some Gave All

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. We are not too hot. In fact it is quite cool. I am very nervous because I have a birthday in a couple of months and I need to renew my drivers license. It is age discrimination pure and simple! Here in Oregon when we get older, we must take tests and théy look closely at everything. So I am studying the booklet like crazy!

    We will not have our picnic on the deck because it is too chilly. Our son is sailing today. Our daughter is coming by to pick up her shirt. i like it so much I am making me one in a different fabric and color. I like making clothes because I get the correct fit and fabric. No loose threads, poor fabric, bad fit.

    Memorial Day still gives me quiet times thinking about those who used to be here. I watched the PBS presentation of the memorial concert. Very moving!

    Lin: I understand exactly your creative itch! It must be scratched (so to speak). I love even just getting out the paint and deciding as I sketch. Happy painting my friend.

    Sandy: I have thought about the topical cream version of gummy bears for pain. It is legal here. There are medical marijuana stores everywhere. We are all dealing with arthritis and the challenges of aging.

    Jackie: I have had the cataract operations and the implanted lens. Great improvement. The inexpensive readers work just fine until your surgery. And in truth, you might still need them afterward for reading and computerwork.

    Now it is really summer!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Today the legs are impossible and I eactually could not feel my earring backs to secure them. Sunshine, where are you?
    LIN, thank you for asking about permission and I will be delighted to hear directly from her! Or any of our wonderful "family"! Despite drawbacks, the internet is a remarkable thing! ( I just read SANDY's question about ANNE departing our site! Have we done something to offend? I feel dreadful to think of losing her!)
    JACKIE, I used to get up and do things while chatting, but right now, getting up is such a chore, while walking is impossible. ...Can you just use a magnifying glass right now, since the vision will mean tossing new glasses once the cataract is changed!...Enjoy that new glassed palace; it was such a wise choice!
    SANDY, I never even thought ANNE was leaving us! Oh my, she's such a joy, I hope not! ...I don't know about the marijuana but what do you know about gummi bears? Are you referring to the ones containing MJ? It would be a miracle to have my hands improve as the pins and needles drive me crazy! Also the lack of touch! I used to shrug about age being not for sissies, but no longer!
    That sentence says it all; All Gave Some, Some Gave All! I always weep when TAPS is played, for all those who lost life and limbs and were probably too young to even understand most issues! Yes, Memorial Day is Not a Happy Holiday!
    PATSY, reading your input... " thought about the topical cream version of gummy bears for pain", I really know nothing about what's available, and I certainly need help! Whe does one find it, or even find out about it? Like what version works best for what? ... As far as the driver's license renewal, my new one just arrived, good for
    six years!!! Until I'm 97??? Wow! All by mail!...I must have missed the holiday concerts. Always enjoyed them but I never turned on the TV last night! Maybe tonight is the official holiday! I'll try.
    Must get the legs up. See you later!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something wonderful is About to Happen!.............................

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning, yesterday was a good messy day. Loved it. <3

    And Robbie dutifully vacuumed again. Last week he hit a plant stand which knocked down a trailing stem of the plant and Robbie proceeded to mangle it. This week he knocked a box down the steps. No complaining, I love the result but I find the little oddities kind of charming. And a bit klutzy like it’s owner.

    I poured some ice resin this morning and will stay home this morning to clear little bubbles as they appear. I mixed only enough for about half of what I will need apparently so will do the other half in a few days when all is settled and dry.

    Buzz, I am sorry about the lack of feeling that you are experiencing in your hands. Wow, what a long license renewal, we cannot get a license for that long when over 65 I think. I know nothing about the gummy bears but if you can get some it would be worth a try. Probably not legal in my state. Haaaa.

    Jackie, how is dear George now? Healing up? Are you still experiencing hot weather? It is a bit cooler here today. Thankfully. How are your adopted chicken ladies?

    Sandy, what are you up to this week? Pack a box a day? Do you have an actual moving day set? All best luck at Bingo!

    Patsy, I couldn’t believe you were unable to have the picnic on the deck as it was too cold! Wow, that is amazing. Of course my dad’s mom would be grumbling (her habit), too hot, too cold, too sunny, too dark, nothing was just right in her world. I am in awe of your sewing skills. I never made it beyond an apron and one long no fit dress. Then I retired to projects with bits of cloth. Safer for me.

    Must zip along now. Trash day is pushed back one day this week but time to gather up newspapers, magazines and boxes as it is recycling week.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am sitting for the boys this afternoon and then going to the "big" bingo.
    I had a wonderful day at the pool yesterday with all the nice people I have met over the years.
    My landlord also stopped by the pool as he is the property manager for our community. He said his tenant should be moving next weekend and as soon as I approve of her cleaning I can start moving things in. I am very fussy however and I hope she does a good job so he doesn't have to take her security deposit. He will have the carpets cleaned but I also asked him if he would touch up the walls if needed. I have a moving company coming to give me an estimate tomorrow although I still don't know my exact moving date. I just know it will be in June sometime if I get organized enough.

    Lin, thank you for the email and for letting me know Anne had sent an email. If the other sneakers don't mind I told her she could write a group email and we could all respond to the group. If you are not comfortable with that please let us know. I think she has most of our emails but if not and you want to be included please private message either Lin or me.

    I am doing laundry and trying to catch up with things so I better get moving. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. Cooler today with a constant threat of rain although little has fallen yet. George was sick in the night with awful diarrhoea too that kept us both awake so another visit to the vet because he's passing blood. He's been given a couple of shots that will hopefully calm things down and has another appointment in the morning.

    Buzz, my brother who has an MS diagnosis has been told by his GP he can be prescribed marijuana for the pain. He lives in Spain where it appears they are extremely liberal with all prescriptions but I'm guessing it's state by state in your country.

    Lin, that's so funny about Robbie and I love the idea of an imperfect robot! My hens are still laying when one of the original girls that's broody let's them into the nest box LOL They don't enjoy the heat and drink lots of water so i have to top up regularly but they have shade and dig out dust baths.

    Sandy, on my way home from the vet this morning I stopped at the local farm shop, pulled out a bag to use from the back of the car and discovered my lost glasses!! Must have taken them with me the last visit and plain forgot! Hang in there, you will soon be settled in your new home, just do a small bit at a time. Anne and I email regularly anyway but I'm more than happy to participate in a joint one too.

    Patsy, last year on tv there was a sewing competition over several weeks when contestants had to make a variety of clothes from materials in a store room and no notice of what was to be made. It was a favourite with me although I'm useless with needle and thread, just admired them so much. A friend knits so has beautiful woollen clothes.... if only I had the knack!

    George still passing blood so cleaning up to do. :/

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello all! Our marine layer is still with us. It is a cold damp fog that sort of comes and goes. But a good warm sweater and we get along just fine.

    The group email sounds fun. Not exactly sure how to do that but I am sure it will become clear. I have an arrangement sort of like that with my writing group. Keeping in touch is important. It is also so interesting how you get a clear idea who you feel a close connection to or share an interest, even if you’ve never met.
    I know I am the oddball one on the sneakers but I do enjoy and love you all. I would really hate to lose contact with any of you.

    I am so sorry George is having problems. I am always a basket case when Katie is ill. Katie passed blood when she was suffering with her UTI. I was darned near hysterical for days. But with a diet change plus antibiotics and cranberry pills, we are good to go.

    Change is not only inevitable but often a good challenge.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Running way behind again and just discovered some emails from last week from my son in Germany, who will be here 7/1! YAY!
    I was hoping Sandy could get MFP to let ANNE come back in. I cannot believe they could be nasty to her...or anyone!
    Today was almost unbearable, but as the day goes on, I am trying to use my walker instead of the chair! JACKIE, I have found things, too, after having given up! So nice to have your sunglasses show up again!
    LIN, you have been so helpful and diligent about ANNE remaining in touch, but I hope something will work to bring her "home" again! JACKIE , the Gummi Bears I sent for are made from hemp. and require no RX in any state! Only those from marijuana itself require a doctor.
    One does not get a high from hemp, simply swelling and pain relief among other things, but I'm willing to give it a try! The base is sugar, which I'm not happy about, but one per day won't affect me that much!
    PATSY, there you go again. Why do you consider yourself an oddball? You bring a delightful perspective to all our lives, and we would not ever want to lose touch with you or your approach to living! Actually, I think our little group has members who bring many different wonderful insights an attitudes, many diverse backgrounds that add interest and color to all our lives, and mostly, I find a support and warmth from all of you whom I consider dear, dear friends. I would feel devastated if we lose any of you. I'm always happy when those who have gone on to other places return to say hello!
    I must get some work done today, woe is me!
    <3 Buzz
    .................................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    BIG SIGH!! Just lost my post telling of poor George and his latest dramas. No time to type it all again so will just report that after a phone call last night to the out of hours vet because i was so worried and this morning waking up to clotted blood in several areas of my sitting room carpet follwed by another vet appointment George is home with more medication..... nigh on impossible to administer so I tried washing pill down his throat with syringe and that did work at 5th attempt!! No food passing his lips which is more than can be said for me with my comfort eating!! At least he is now able to sleep and not in so much pain so hopefully the tide is turning.

    A community email with Anne is a great idea if we can work out how after all with what's been happening with hackers and MFP we might all get sent packing one day soon and that would be awful if we lost touch. You are all a big part of my little life and I would struggle if such a large hole appeared. <3

    Some carpet scrubbing and bleaching now so will love you and leave you.
    Jackie (another oddball) :D:D
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I have been experimenting with the sneaker email. You must realize that I am such a ditz when it come to technology that it is somewhat of a hit or miss thing. I think we need one of us with all the email addresses to send a test email with a notice of cc in the address box...I think. I am wondering if I can figure out how to set up a sneaker email list? I am easily mystified.

    Sandy: when you have time, maybe you could instruct us on the correct procedure. I know you have your hands full right now.

    Jackie: I have had similar experience with getting meds down a dog. They aren’t interested in meds or food. The worry factor was dialed up to high! These furry family members can get to your heart and cause such anxiety! Hoping that sweet George is on the mend.

    Hemp gummie bears? I am in! What are they called? Where do we get them? Do they help? Is there any toxicity or side effects? Would be nice to have some releaf from the knee and nerve pain. I have been doing research and the reports are good. NIH has a pretty good reasearch study.
    Exercise, coffee, dog brushing, studying the drivers license manual, my morning is planned.