Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Welcome back Anne!! Maybe it was because I invited you the group or maybe because I wrote to MFP about your problem. Whatever it was I am glad you are back as I am sure the rest of the sneakers will be.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    I wrote to technical support as well SANDY and I got an email message saying they were flooded with enquiries - did you get that? Anyway I'm fiddling away and was just about to throw the iPad at the wall when the server suddenly connected. It was just a matter of finding and joining the Sneakers again after that. I'm so sorry I caused such upheaval, but hints please on what to do if I get another notice?
    Are you all packed and ready to go?
    Anne. (still wish I'd called myself the Deleter instead of Anne1935)
    Michael phoned in the middle of the post, but i just wanted to say thank you for your help He thinks it was MFP problem.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hallelujah! Welcome back, dear Deleter! I sort of expected SANDY would find a way and I believe her words carried weight! You were patient, and as far as the iPad goes, I have few problems with mine only because I almost never use it! Same with my fancy smart phone; never use it. I save it only for hurricane emergencies!
    LIN, I buy BioFreeze by the quart! Does it work? I really don't know, but the smell disappears quickly and it makes me feel slightly less helpless! As far as my gummies, I can't seem to get information regarding when I'll receive them! They'll probably arrive as soon as my pain has subsided!
    SANDY, I think moving is hugely traumatic so if you banish all other problems from your mind, you'll still be plenty busy! Wish we could help, though I am certainly not as organised as you!
    JACKIE, I suspect Georgie will be back to eating normally very soon so you won't be worrying about his weight loss. He looks adorably alert!
    PATSY, your post is on an earlier page, but I recall thinking I would have felt the same way if I faced the same problem, so take that as you will. I've been suffering loss of my WiFi lately, and expect it to get worse as the renovations continue (they are predicting at least 10 months)!
    I never got the complete red stain out of my white pants, but I'll keep my legs crossed since it's near the inner seam! I used every conceivable stain remover, finally ending up with Clorox,
    They may simply disintegrate as I wear them :):s
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Always believe something Wonderful is About to Happen..................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Whoopee-doo Anne, you made it back to us, more than likely after Sandy's intervention and interesting MFP have been inundated so something wrong somewhere. Perhaps like the last hacking incident we won't be told officially for weeks!

    I've done my early shop and spent a small fortune on fresh chicken and lamb mince for George. This morning's walk was slow to the point of standstill on the moor and still no bowel movement but continuing to feed little and often and he'll get checked over Monday when his stitches are removed.
    So much to get on with today so will get back later to post properly. Meanwhile Sandy I remember when I last moved house being told it's as stressful as divorce so to quote someone,,,, one day at a time! LOL

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Well here I still am! Mind you I'm walking around like the living dead after having my eyes glued to an iPad screen for virtually 4 days. I was trying to copy the technical folks instructions when much to my surprise the server connected. I'm absolutely sure I have to be thankful indeed to SANDY for this miracle! Such a coincidence though and for one glorious moment I thought I'd become commuter savvy! Lol. So....many thanks to SANDY.

    PATSY had emailed earlier to say she was sure my problem would soon be solved. Are you into predictions Patsy? If so, you could make a small fortune if you set up a tent! I thought I was gone for good!

    JACKIE, a small fortune indeed on chicken and lamb, but isn't handsome little George worth it! Sometimes I think Jilly's chicken, yams, etc plus treats from the vets equal my weekly groceries. I was so engrossed in hacking problems I didn't notice some critter has eaten Mary Jos donated seedlings! It's getting late in the season so I think my best bet now is to find some tomato baby plants and forget seeds.

    LIN, I'm totally intrigued by your resin endeavours and look forward to seeing the end products!

    BUZZ it's so good to read you are feeling a little better. Should be interesting if your pants disintegrate whilst getting up from dinner! I was told once by a dry cleaner that all you have to do is soak the stain in undiluted liquid wash detergent for a few minutes then wash normally. So far it's worked for me, even oil from car doors.

    Hi JERI, out there in prairie country.

    Walkie time for me, the Deleter, and Jilly Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Holy cow! I see blue skies and a beautiful sunrise. This will have to be a great day. And my achy joints seem much better. Yea!

    Yes, the mysteries of the internet are often never understood. Then, with the help of Sandy and whenever possible, our son, my problems Just disappear. It is lovely to have the forum back in full force. Thanks Sandy, welcome home Anne.

    I am almost through the drivers manual. I think these things are a test to see if anyone can keep at it. The urge to abandon this whole thing is beyond belief. Will I ever use or need any of this information? I think not! The thing I really need to know is....where did I put the car keys?

    I hope we can squeeze in a chat with our sailing son. He is trying to get out as often as possible. Here in Oregon you just never know. After such a cold and wet winter and spring, he and his crew are enjoying the water.

    John says his knee and hip is much better. He continued his exercises. Some were related to sciatica. Watching him, I knew I would have to depend on Devine intervention. I can’t get into those positions.

    I might get a new sewing machine. Just for fun. I know I might not get the full use of it. I am getting older than dirt. But it is a temptation. I always seem to give into expensive temptations. This will require much thought because new sewing machines with all the bells and whistles are over the top expensive. Why buy a machine without bells and whistles? It is a crazy idea but then again.....

    So happy we are all together again.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) First I would like to say that I think Anne fixed her own problem when she emailed tech support since I never received an email that they got my report. However she got back to us let us just be grateful and hope it never happens again. If pop ups appear don't click on any links, just ignore them and shut them. These hackers do this for fun just to mess with people and their computers.

    Our weather is cooler today so it will be a good day to continue packing boxes. I made a little headway yesterday but still have a long way to go. My new landlord texted me to go check out the new unit to see if it was clean to my satisfaction. They only problem was the tenant was still in there with all her boxes and stuff. But in checking everything I think she was meticulous even with having a dog. She is moving today and he will have the carpets done Monday or Tuesday. He said after that I can move in whenever I want which is very nice and generous of him since he is not charging me for June. I am hoping to have the movers come in the middle of June if I can get organized by then.

    Did I tell you Babe is moving in with his son? If I did I apologize, my mind is just too full.
    He is getting rid of everything and asking me to help him find someone to haul his stuff.
    I think he is acting too fast and hope he doesn't regret this decision.

    All is good in sneaker world, glad we are all back together.

    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    SANDY. You mentioned that Babe was thinking of moving in with his son the last time I was around. Please Sandy try to get him to change his mind! It will be a disaster from what I've seen with other people, much misery for Babe and tears all around. AND maybe a mop up operation for you. You have a kind heart! And what about poor Daisy! Get him a cleaning woman, a small rental apartment,
    anything but moving in with his son and in law! The son should be helping him haul his stuff! Not you! You've enough on your plate!
    Sorry to poke my nose in. See what happens when you reinstate me!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member doesn't matter what I say he only listens to his son. This is why I live alone.
    I just found a company that comes and hauls his stuff away, benefits me as well as I am bringing my junk to his house. I appreciate your concern but I have been through this before and that is why I go to Al Anon. I have no control and I am fine with that.

    So happy to have you back.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another day nearly over, well 6pm not exactly midnight! LOL I didn't do everything I'd planned but that's par for the course these days.

    Anne, absolutely George is worth the expense and I did smile to myself when I put a pack of fresh lamb into my supermarket trolley that I wouldn't have looked at for myself. Interesting that Welsh hill sheep farmers are going to the wall because they can't get enough for their meat while supermarkets charge us that small fortune... sad but true. Today we've been sharing a cooked chicken which he loves so I may never get him back on the lamb and rice concoction!

    Sandy, oh dear I think you know this is a mistake for Babe. I do hope you will be able to meet up and of course see Daisy whenever you want... don't let anything happen to her! That's great you can move in to your new home any time so once you get the key you can maybe pop in to make plans for what goes where.

    Patsy, you go for that sewing machine. I don't think anything these days comes without a thousand programmes so our generation just has to ignore the majority. Our local Aldi store has a record player on offer this week and because I've a cupboard full of vinyl albums going back to the 60's I considered buying one but the details describe software and a USB cable so I'm already confused!

    Doesn't a bit of sunshine make us all feel better. Hopefully BUZZ is having a better day and even sun! LIN, one of your busy days no doubt... enjoy!

    More chicken for the 2 of us! :D

    PS Anne, during our slow walk this morning I noticed the May flowers on the trees on the moor are half blossom, half none and worked out the bare side faces East so can only think the beast from the east late March killed the exposed buds

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, dear lady, I gasped when I read that line about Babe! I had no idea. I just hope you have complete protection from anything that comes up once sonny boy has what he thinks he wants! With such a huge change in Babe's situation (home etc.) Should you be seeing a lawyer once more ? I know it's none of my business, but I'm sure we all are more than a bit concerned for you!
    glad we are all back on site here! I figure also that there was another hacking we will eventually be informed about. Should we change our passwords again?
    My condition has changed somewhat; I am walking more with my walker, though will still use the chair to go down to dinner tonight as it's quite a distance. My ankles seem to be feeling the arthritis, but at least I can stand on the feet now! Bit by bit I'm returning to???? What was I before? Anything but normal!
    That stain never did come out completely, despite using everything available and soaking many hours. I can live with it as I hope my weight will soon take me out of that large size to a size slightly smaller. Ain't easy; down 2, back up 1, etc. but I'm being very watchful and hopeful so I can be around for at least part of the next decade! it's nice feeling clothing get loose!
    PATSY, does John's pain respond to weather changes? I'm glad he's improving and just thinking about your son out there on the sparkling waters brings a smile to my face! If you get that sewing machine, you will love all the creative things you can do! Get it and enjoy it! I would get lost in time when I sat at mine!
    JACKIE, I imagine having an "under the weather" puppy is also on that list of traumatic moments! I certainly do agree about moving being akin to divorce, but SANDY is so organized I think she will come through with flying colors! You certainly handled the building of an addition magnificently! Did you ever decide on that fabric choice we were seeing before you started?
    LIN, you must show us this new resin-based medium you are working with! So creative!
    ANNE, a huge welcome back to you and the Bean!
    Back to pulling things together here now that I can get to my pantry! My counter tops are a disgrace!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!............................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    That IS odd JACKIE about the May blossom. So pretty the little flowers close up. Then in fall, all the red berries for the birds to feed on before they depart for Africa etc. Well, some of them. Sparrows etc and the tiny little beautiful English Robins popular on Christmas cards stick around.
    Jilly loves her chicken so George will survive. People remark on her glossy coat and shiny white teeth when she 'grins" at them. I think it's all down to no canned dog food, plus a bit of dried kibble which she rarely touches. Between you and me I often pinch a bit of The Beans cooked chicken, add this and that for me of course!
    It's much cooler here, actually perfect for me. 18c to be exact which is around 68f ?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello, it was a papercrafter day at the library and I had hoped to send along a message while there but working on my project, looking over and discussing other projects and oh my gosh, I always compare notes with our librarian. We are both hooked on trying to keep up with all new products fo card making, etc. she had just received a huge order and I ooohd and ahhhhd as she pulled things from the box. So exciting!

    So I was gone most of the day. Our annual junk pickup day is next week on the same day they pick up our weekly trash. People have already been putting items out at the curb and the junk scavengers are already cruising up and down our residential streets looking for great stuff! The gentleman across the street from me had a virtual mountain of old exercise equipment, small furniture items and some building materials out when I left for the Library. When I got home there was one end table, a door, and a plant pot remaining.

    Anne, welcome home. Thank heavens something worked. We are so relieved. And ultimately it is a good thing that we can keep in touch off this group because you never know these days when something can disappear.

    Sandy, I am glad your move appears to be working out. Wonderful. As I understand Babe will do what he wants to do, I am only concerned for Daisy and your ability to see her and/or Babe once he’s moved into the lion’s den. All best wishes on that front.

    Patsy, go for the new sewing machine. Bells and whistles optional I suppose but hey, you may find some that you enjoy!

    Jackie, that is an odd occurrence with the trees. The weather has been so severe in so many localities. Well, I hope there are berries for the birds this fall. Hello George, I hope you are feeling better and will be back up to speed soon.

    Buzz, I am glad you are getting around more with your walker. I hope you will continue to improve. And good luck with clearing your countertops. Mine are always full too. B)

    Back to my supper, and dishes, etc. Tomorrow, church again and I have another full month of communion duty.

    Hugs and best wishes.


    I just received multiple error messages saying I do not have permission to post here. Good grief.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Is it Father's Day in the States as well as Canada? If so happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there.
    My letters are a bit wobbly and hesitant today. Fingers crossed.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! Not sure I can stay up...I feel I have not had enough sleep. This requires a bit more time in bed. So this will be a short Good morning and FYI Anne, Father’s Day over on this side is June 17th I think. Must look that up. Yes, that is our dads day. Is it fathers day in Canada?

    Drink of water then back to bed.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, forgot I have to pick up an order at TJ’s this morning so will be leaving early.

    Yes, you are right Patsy, U.S. Father’s Day is June 17th. Too early for you to be up. Sleep!

    Anne, Father’s Day in Canada only? Enjoy your day my friend. Hello Jilly.

    In a couple of months I am to take my turn finally, at leading an activity at the club I belong to. In this case it will be pretty much providing supplies. Here’s what I worked on all day yesterday. It will be a sample for one of the projects.


    Can’t get a good photo of the tiny little metal box with the sea theme. Resin is messy. I see I dropped on the side of the box.


    Must run.



  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited June 2018
    Lovely LIN!

    I think I might have got it all wrong regarding Dads Day. I have a tendency to do this as you all might have noticed. I think it's because when Mark bought me a new hose and refused payment he said "Happy Fathers Day". This needs thought and Roy's about to phone from England.

    Oh well, have a great day anyway all you Dads out there.

    Deleter Anne, yes, back to being the Deleter. Delete earlier comment any panic stricken Moms who haven't planned a Dads day lunch!

    Marks just text to say I'm two weeks early after wishing him.......
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've just returned from a few hours weeding and planting at the allotment. A very pleasant morning and we now feel we are on top of things and look I g forward to one day soon bringing fresh produce home.

    Anne, Fathers day in the UK is 3rd Sunday of June I think, not yet anyway.

    Patsy, Sunday mornings are perfect for a lie in. If only Hebe my cat new it because she always walkies me before 7 whatever the day.

    Lin, beautiful projects that I'm sure your group will enjoy. The resin box is particularly clever although I can see how you might find yourself attached.... I certainly would!

    Our morning walk was beautiful under the trees and I can see a big improvement in George's demeanour plus I got so excited when he finally had a bowel movement... first time in over a week so panic over about that!

    More gardening for me so have a lovely Sunday everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So jealous of JACKIE's surroundings! Florida is all flat sand with only manmade beauties, plus of course the gorgeous turquoise of our ocean on a sunny day!
    I must get ready for brunch. Was hoping to video chat with my son this morning, but they were at high tea and then I usually miss their call back. I will attempt walking again today as it is too easy to forget how to walk!!! LIN's work is spectacular! I'm sorry SANDY's smarts didn't rub off on BABE as I think he's in for a shock! My hugs ad XOXOXO to you all; perhaps will return later!
    <3 Buzz
    ...................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..............................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another beautiful day here, will be a tough decision to either pack or go to the pool, maybe both? I also have to go to the store for some groceries I forgot for my daughter and her husband who arrive tomorrow. They will leave Thursday and then my son and his wife arrive Friday. I think I will hold off on the movers until after they all leave. They can help me with the unpacking of the boxes but it will be too confusing with too many people here. At least that is my thought for today.

    Buzz, you sound like you are getting a little better each day, just don't overdo. Has it finally stopped raining there?

    Jackie, I can understand why you were so happy with George having a bowel movement. Can you imagine how awful he must have felt? The picture is another beautiful setting, I too, am jealous of all the scenery in England.

    Anne, it is hard to keep track of all of the Hallmark holidays. Like Jackie, ours is the third Sunday of June. Tell your son you think he is terrific so you couldn't wait. lol There are days on MFP when I type a word and it takes seconds for it to appear so it is their problem not ours.

    Lin, beautiful crafts, my daughter made me a resin little box to keep coins in. Are the seed packets going to have seeds in them? Sorry if I am asking a dumb question.

    Patsy, I hope you feel rested when you wake up. I hate being tired and require at least 7 hours of sleep and prefer 8.

    Have a great day
    One Day at a Time