Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello to all in Sneakerville! Chilly here but not raining. I’ll take that. But would love to see the sun and a bit warmer, please.

    Just did my exercises. Inside while listening to Sunday Baroque. Beautiful and cheerful music. Hardly noticed all my huffing and puffing and groaning.

    By the way I happened upon a senior comedian on YouTube. I didn’t get her name but she was just darling. So funny and spoke to my heart. If I come across her name I will let everyone know. She lightens our day and tells it like it is.

    My horse didn’t win in the Derby. Fortunately I only bet John and the currency was...who did the dinner dishes. Okay, I usually do them anyway but if I had won, he would be scrubbing the soup pan.

    We are watching an older English movie with Ben Kingsley and Patricia Clarkson tonight. It is called “Learning to drive.” Sounds great, does t it?

    Jackie: vacations are meant to bring home the notion that home is a wonderful place. We miss our creatures maybe more than they miss us. Who owns who? We are the pets and they are the owners, I feel sure about that.

    Lin: the Derby race was so scary. That slippery track, rain and mud was a recipe for disaster. Thank goodness there wasn’t an accident. The winner was a beautiful horse with great heart and spirit.

    Sandy: have fun with your sweet babes. I’ll bet they love the animals. I ove pandas and ostriches.

    Anne: I know you will be busy making that delicious Shepard’s pie. I loved that as a kid. Of course anything with mashed potatoes has splendid.

    Buzz: what’s going on? Are you camped out in front of your naughty computer? You do know they are part of an alien life force who’s mission is to drive us bonkers. Seriously!

    Press on dear sneakers,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Where to begin? Well, JERI, I am struck by your similarity to my dear Mom! I feel as if I amm looking at her when I see your pictures! And what a lovely family you and Ed have! Oops, delivery waiting in lobby, back later!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited May 2018
    Call the Midwife is just such a great show!!! I already can’t wait for next season!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another gorgeous day here so I'm cracking on with my gardening projects. We've walked, looked at the few bluebells that survived the beast from the east and popped into the local farm shop for salad, Cornish potatoes and a tin of sweetcorn for the hens!!

    Back later once temperatures have cooled and my lawns are finally mowed.
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    My beautiful honeysuckle didn't survive our beast from the west. I think the ice storm did her in. Surveying a large piece of roofing torn off in the wind storm I'm beginning to wonder if it's off the flat roof of my "garden room". Maybe loosened by the critter trying to get in earlier? The noise I could hear in the back room. Mark will have to shin up a ladder and take a peek. Can't see from below on the ground.

    Busy Monday as usual. Will let you know if we need roof repairs to add to the last six months list! Furnace, washer, water heater, vet bill and so forth.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good morning. It is a lovely day here and reportedly our last sunny day of the week with rainy weather expected each day through the weekend. Thanks extended forecast!

    Gotta get going. TJ, dentist, Tai Chi lesson. Must bundle up trash for tomorrow’s pickup day.

    The two needed birthday cards are half finished. Yippee.

    Anne, I hope you do not have anything else to add to the list! And sorry for the loss of the honeysuckle. Oh by the way, my handyman who mentioned retirement did not mow my grass yesterday. Yes, the grass was mowed but I have no idea who was here, not him, not his son, a totally unknown person. Made me a bit uncomfortable. Oh well.

    Jackie, ah, a few bluebells. Smiles. Love them. Hope you get lots accomplished.

    Sandy, yes, that is a good show but I tend to watch with one eye as I work in other things. Maybe reruns?

    Buzz, good morning. Woo-hoo, a delivery on Sunday.

    Patsy, I was so glad no horses were hurt on Saturday. At least nothing was obvious.



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning

    Sitting waiting for our car to be serviced.

    Buzz that’s nice that I look like your Mom. LOL
    Jackie our garden area is peeking up too. Marshmerrygolds blooming. Lin you always amaze me with all the things you get done.
    Anne Quite the storm you had. Sandy I’ve never watched that show. I’ll have to see if we get it.

    Did I mention our daughter Melanie is a doula now. She’s hoping to get a client who is having twins. She’d be perfect. Mel made the comment most of her friends are in their 20’s as she runs a women’s group (pray and play) at church. No wonder she looks and acts so young.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello all! Outstanding sunny day! Really beautiful. John is off to see about hanging geraniums for the deck. I am dusting, laundry and making turkey meat loaf. I know that sounds awful but, it isn’t half bad. It all depends on the veggies that are incorporated in that meat/outmeal/ spices. Makes great sandwiches by the way.

    Shocking to see all the trees have totally leafed two days. Watched the press conference while sorting laundry. All I can say is.....Good Grief! Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

    My rocks “evaporated” from the walking path in about 30 minutes. I loved painting them. I will paint a few rock people to hide among my bedding plants in the front flower beds. I envision them to be relatives of the forest people in Norway. Now to find just the right shaped rocks.

    Need to put another load in the washer...
    Happy Monday, sweet ladies.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry about yesterday and yes, it was a delivery on Sunday because I had something repaired and have been waiting for weeks while it was getting fixed. He had time between commitments to drop it off!
    Also sorry I seem so preoccupied with myself...I'm just not getting sleep now for about a week. First the gout, then add on intense arthritis in the same toes, foot and now the ankle and at night stabbing pains are unbearable! I figured out that the foot needs a brace that holds it up in an L shape as it is far worse when it drops! I think I went back to the walker too soon, so I'll stay with the motorized chair a bit until I can stand comfortably! It's really annoying, but I think I see light at the end of the tunnel!
    JERI, what is a doula? I think Mel looks and acts young because she is her Mother's daughter, lol! ;)
    LIN, perhaps you have a secret admirer! Count your blessing as far as the lawn goes!Woo-Hoo. I wish my cards were finished; I have fallen o far behind!
    ANNE, sorry about your honeysuckle. Perhaps a stray piece will quietly take root and surprise you!
    SANDY, I must try to find your Midwives show. Is it on Public TV?
    JACKIE, sounds like you never left home! Do you plan ever to go back to see the few cities?

    Everything takes twice the time because I'm moving so slowly, so I'd better start getting ready for dinner, I don't like taking 2 Aleve every morning and night, but I won't use anything stronger and Tylenol is no help at all for me!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About To Happen!........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) My landlady cancelled this morning and I just got a text from her that we can wait until I get back from vacation. I texted her I was hoping to sign the new lease before I left but haven't heard back. I just hope the new landlord will wait until then or I might lose the place. Such stress!! On a lighter note we went to the zoo and it was a beautiful day. I have over 8K steps and walked over 3 miles. I am exhausted but was happy to spend the time with them. I have a busy week ahead before leaving on Saturday and will be so happy to get to Florida and relax.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Woo-Hoo! And we'll be glad to have you!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    For some reason I have great difficulty getting on this site since the hacking upset. It will suddenly completely close on me for no apparent reason. It's very frustrating after or during a long post. So if I disappear girls it's not because you aren't loved and needed!

    BUZZ I am so sorry you are having the leg pain. I can sympathize because I have the sciatica, some days worse than others. Horrid indeed for you.

    One last word about the recent wind storm. With wind at 110 mph and up its being compared to a hurricane. I was gardening yesterday when Janice came over with doggie Amy, Jill's pal. She tells me that our school crossing guard (lollipop lady, JACKIE) was seeing the little ones across the road when the wind literally had her airborne and she crashed down into the waiting cars. She's ended up in hospital with a blood clot on the brain. Doing okay apparently at 80 years and can't wait to get back on the job!

    I can't believe I'm still here after many attempts yesterday! Won't press my luck! Bye for now,
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    PS. Don't kill the dandelions. The bees need them after a long hard winter we've been told.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Loving our weather!! My landlady sent me an email with a copy of the letter we are to sign so I will text the new landlord to see if he has the new lease ready. Babe talked to me a long time yesterday wanting my opinion on whether he should sell his house and move in with his son. I have mixed emotions on it but in the end it is probably the best thing for him to do since his dizziness is really not getting any better. His big concern is that Daisy won't adapt to a different house and yard but I think she will because he will be with her. It really isn't my business so I try to stay neutral.

    Anne, I believe you are using an IPad correct? Double click on the bottom button to see how many windows you have open. Swipe them up to get rid of all of them, same on an IPhone.
    In other words clear all the cookies so you don't keep using the old ones. Then restart your device and hopefully no more problems getting on MFP. (Make sense?)

    Buzz, Call the Midwife is on PBS (public broadcasting network). The season just ended but I am sure you can watch it on demand if you have it.

    Patsy, every time you talk about those rocks I wish I knew how to paint. I would love to find a rock that you have done, it would really make me smile.

    Jerry, I had to google doula to find out she is like a midwife. How exciting for her and I give her big congratulations on being able to do that, I admire all nurses and doctors, something I could never do because of the blood.

    Lin, someone was very kind to mow your lawn, I do hope you find out who it was and it is not some weirdo. Let us know what you find out.

    Jackie, I can't wait for the pictures of everything in bloom from your garden room. Is it all set up now for your comfort?

    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Good day. The rain is North of us this morning. Nothing expected here until later today. Mah Jongg is cancelled again today. I am starting to miss it. I plan to stay home and continue working on tiny things like organizing my calendar for card making club meeting dates and room locations as well as my assignments for leading the class and which 2019 calendar month I am making.

    I do plan to go to the once a month coloring get together at the library that’s located close to my house. Then I might go to a composting event at a local park where you Pot up a plant and I would imagine hear about the county’s composting program. But if it is stormy I will wipe it off my calendar as I never received a confirmation email.

    Very busy day yesterday. I very much enjoyed my Tai Chi lesson. I wish I could retain everything we went through. Unfortunately my brain is not nearly that good. I am missing the Tuesday/Thursday class from the standpoint that it was more time learning and doing (not the schedule!) and have now happened across a replacement. There is a community center run by a mega church also not far from my house. They started up their program again and you just purchase a punch card and show up at the appointed time whenever you can fit it in your schedule. It is Monday and Wednesday afternoon. I filled out the paperwork, purchased my punch card and am ready to go.

    Anne, I won’t kill the dandelions but my neighbors all do and that one guy still sprays mine. A friend told me she pulls weeds when she goes for a walk in the area between the sidewalk and the street because it is public property. Yipes.

    Sandy, that does sound stressful, I am a pain in the butt because I would go and sign the lease so the unit doesn’t get away! Your landlady Went from a dream to somewhat troublesome.

    I have had several phone calls and my post still seems to be here so I think I should post my reply before it evaporates!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited May 2018
    Patsy, I love the concept of evaporating rocks! You are popular. Woo-hoo. :):)

    Buzz, I am sorry about your continuing problems. I don’t know how you find ways to cope with everything. Well done. I wish I was as resourceful.

    Sandy, I am certain the lawn mowing kid was someone sent by my handyman. He did other lawns in the neighborhood although he did the next door neighbor’s lawn and he has never been on the handyman’s list before. Several yards down, yes, she has hers mowed so I don’t know what is up but the lawn mower looked vaguely familiar. Just another minor mystery in life.

    Jeri, congratulations to your daughter. That is a very necessary service. Doulas/midwives are quite popular here. One of the ladies in my monthly card/Papercrafting club was a midwife and she is such a kind and level headed lady that I am certain she was very good with her clients. So well done!

    Jackie, HI!

    Sorry for anyone that I missed.

  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Had a go SANDY. We will see. So far, so good! Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning. Another super fine day! Can you believe it? Katie and I had coffee out on the deck this AM. There is a peaceful and really productive thing about this time. Plans and lists and good ideas are formed during this quiet time. We have our flock of crows that comment on all activities going on. When we are outside, they perch on a nearby tree or the fence and give us their opinions. I know they rob nests of other birds but since I can’t change that, I think of it as the cycle of life and part of that food chain.

    Watched an older Ben Kingsley film called “learning to drive.” A lovely film. John’s sciatica is getting better. He has abandoned some of the prescribed exercises because they seemed to make things worse. He rode his bike all during the movie, 120 minutes! No I can’t do that. But I can do exercises and a small bike ride. 25 or 30 minutes. Then if I can crawl back upstairs I am lucky. Thank goodness there are railings on each side of the stairs. I need all the help I can get! What a wimp I am.

    As my Mother’s Day gift from our son I want him to go sailing. I love the thought of our children being outside in the fresh air enjoying some activity. We will chat when he gets back and sends a photo or two. John and I will enjoy the deck, lunch out there if weather cooperates. Our daughter and grandson is to drop by for dessert and a visit. Oddly...I fix a nice lunch for our daughter and grandson, John always serves the dessert. It is more like a party for our grandson. His birthday is later in the weeek. It is a bit upside down but hopefully a happy day ahead. The lovely visit is my gift. I am blessed.

    Made meatloaf yesterday. So today is leftovers and a wonderful bunch of dark red grapes for dessert. I need to find a good recipe for veggie meatloaf. I tried one and it fell apart and was more of a pile of veggies rather than a loaf. Oh well...

    Stay strong my ladies. We have much to do!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Paperwork is signed............. <3<3
  • Jacean1935
    Jacean1935 Posts: 190 Member
    Great SANDY!

    Not for me though. Everything still jerky and difficult to type. Anne.