Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The heatwave continues. A lovely day so we've walked in the woods with Scruff and her mum then I popped to the vet to collect worming and flea treatment for the pets and also the farm shop for organic lettuce. Now what to do that the heat will allow.... plenty of jobs in my head but not sure they are do-able at the moment.
    This evening I'm off to the city lights of Plymouth to see Miss Saigon at the theatre there. A couple of friends and I booked tickets over a year ago so where did that time go?

    We're living in a chaotic world dear friends and I don't see things improving in the near future. This week in particular will sort the men from the boys for sure! As Sandy says, one day at a time so have a good Monday whatever.....


  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Chaotic world indeed, I for one, usually optimistic by nature, am starting to feel quite pessimistic the more I'm learning. Is it really true that American officials boarded Canadian fishing boats in the Bay of Funday fishing in up to now shared fishing grounds? Surely not!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, more boys rescued! Yes!!!

    My friend is safe. Yes!!

    I will treasure the bits of good news. Interesting how much less I know about current events now that I am mostly unplugged.

    Jackie, enjoy the show.

    Anne, I heard nothing about the fishing boats. I hope it is not true.

    Be cool everyone.


  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    It was a tiny end to a Canadian TV national news story LIN. I hope it's not true as well. False news Mr Trump?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, does "grandmother" have dementia? If so, I feel strongly she should either not drive, or drive only with someone else in the car! Accidents and missing people are my reasons.
    Comcast technician came early, called Comcast re: outside wiring without checking in here (I gave him a synopsis of 5 1/2 years problem!) so I have ANOTHER appointment Wednesday at 8 AM!!!! And on and on and on! Now going down to our clinic as my Dr. wants to check me, and I'm OK with that. I know I'm retaining liquid, but have put myself back on careful intake this morning. No leftovers in fridge, and up 5 pounds which is being rapidly eliminated every 5 minutes this morning!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Had a great time at the pool with my friend. It was a beautiful day to catch up on everything. I made some chicken breasts on the grill and we watched The Kings Speech which was excellent! I know I am 8 years late but I haven't been to the movies in a long time.
    This was a free movie on Netflix.
    I am sitting this afternoon while Lisa goes to the doctor. We are on count down now since her C Section is scheduled for next Monday. With Max she went into labor before the scheduled day but still ended up with a C Section. I do hope she waits until next Monday because I have a busy week again but of course all plans can be changed.

    Buzz, sorry you are having Comcast problems, very frustrating. I actually was impressed with my technician when he set up my new apartment. Everything is wireless and works great.
    Even when I returned my old equipment to the store I complained to my tech there that I was to be waived the installation fee and he wrote up a ticket and low and behold they took the $60 off the bill. Comcast is on my good side for now. Good luck with the doctor.

    Anne and Jackie, like Lin I have heard nothing about the fishing boats. No news is good news correct? Has it cooled down by you Anne? Our weather is perfect right now.

    Jackie, enjoy the play, I bet it will be wonderful!! I keep saying the same thing, where does time go? There hardly seems time in a day to get anything done. I wouldn't mind having time slow down just a bit.

    Patsy, hope all is well in Oregon and you are having wonderful weather.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ladies, Monday morning and All is well, so to speak. As for the fishing boat incident...according to our Coast Guard account of the conflict, it was a bit of chest thumping over contested waters. This has been a conflict over those waters and fishing rights for literally years. No one is really very concerned about this. It made a small blip on the news, then on to the next ridiculous action by the great “orange one.” He will not be satisfied until he has insulted every nation on planet earth. Remember how he got where he is and who helped him get there!

    Now we are getting ready for a eye doctor visit and possible eye shot. Aaaaaargh! It doesn’t really hurt but it is nerve wracking and eye irration for a couple of days. But it is great medicine and it puts the brakes on my eye degeneration. Can’t complain about that!

    The Thai rescue is a marvel of human ingenuity. I can’t help but wonder WHY would this coach take the kids so deep into the cave? I understand he felt responsibility and sorry for the danger the boys were in. But they did climb almost 2 miles into the cave. WHY so deep and for so long? Did I miss reading about the motivation? Just a bit of armchair thoughts and hindsight.

    Sandy: new baby is packing her bags and getting ready to make a grand entrance. What joy and I am exhausted just thinking about three little ones under school age. I had two, one in kindergarten and one little wild child that learned to crawl and walk at 81\2 months! Good thing I was young and enjoyed playing with the kids. I certainly didn’t clean house. My mother was constantly convinced the kids were going to die from living in my cluttered messy house. They didn’t!

    Buzz: retaining water is the bane of my life. Drink lots of water...go pee 200 times a day...take water pills...wear compression know the drill. The only good news is that you are not alone. Almost every woman I know has something along this order. When I have lunch with several of my art friends, we spend a lot of time exchanging news about our water retention. OMG!

    Still in the game but not making any great scores,
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Grand Manon island is a Canadian island boasting a lighthouse off the New Brunswick coast and in the Bay of Fundy. Also Canadian. The fisherman were fishing near this island in shared waters so beats me why they should be boarded,......unless The Mouth is thinking of copying the Chinese in the pinching of islands!

    The boys had gone to the caves to celebrate one of the boys birthdays. They were cut off by monsoon type rains once inside and had to go in deeper to avoid drowning in the completely flooded way out passage. They had birthday rations and the 25 year old coach didn't eat for 9 days feeding the boys instead. He probably saved their lives. It wasn't really his fault at all, a freak of nature sudden storm, but, so very tragic that the Thai diver lost his life when his air ran out. Very brave these cavers. I'm claustrophobic and you wouldn't catch me going in one!

    What a day for extreme news! Boris Johnson, born in New York to British parents, has resigned from the May government making one wonder if Theresa May herself will have to quit, and just before Mr. Ts visit!

    Babies being born, royal babies being christened.

    I feel quite breathless with it all!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just letting you know I'm functioning! Hope to return after dinner bu there's an African documentary that sounds interesting!
    <3 me
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Just read "chest thumping". Sounds like Edgar Rice Burroughs book, "Tarzan of the Apes". We've come a long way baby, and I don't think! At least another lad is out of the cave. I was reading that the local boys play a lot in the cave. Maybe time to put bars across the entrance!
    We've still got the heat but young Jilly has got over a touch of heat stroke. Being black she attracts the heat.
    Mrs May is still stumbling along despite the loss of Boris and Donald will be packing his trousers for his upcoming European tour. Justin is in Latvia and the world carries on in its endless cycle,
    Me too,
    PS. Make that three boys, one boy and one coach left. Relief. Hope the latest is correct.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Yes!! The rescue is complete. Sad for the loss in earlier days of one diver.

    Hoping for a good day for all of us.

    Hugs all round. <3

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Made my day, Annie.
    Thailand says it will support England tomorrow in the World Cup because British cavers found the boys at the beginning of the ordeal. Sweet!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Today is a me day!! Going for a haircut, mani/pedi/eyebrows and then to get my keys made once again. Tonight I am going to bingo to win that $16K. (wishful thinking) Boys again tired me out yesterday and the count down is getting closer. I asked Lisa to wait until at least Saturday before going into labor or just wait until Monday for her C Section. lol

    Haircut is at ten so I can't dawdle, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Had Pad Thai for lunch to celebrate.
    Turns out the young coach lost his parents as a little child and was brought up with Buddhist monks in a monastery. He taught the boys to meditate while in the cave thus keeping them calm.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    What glorious news about the sweet little Thai boys. I had this thought that the whole operation seemed so impossible and terrifying. I could only be grateful and so terrified for the children and the rescuers. But they never gave up and kept pushing through for success. Incredible courage and creativity. Thanks be to God!

    Today we are going to Portland to see my eye doctor. It is always a long trip and dear Katie has to stay home. I am hoping I do not have to have another eye shot and things are still holding firm on my eyes. I am feeling positive.

    This has been a crazy month of drop in guests, anxious moments for me as I prepared to take driving test, John is dealing with an allergic reaction to a couple of spider bites. When I say dealing...let me say John is not one to deal with these things lightly. He hates being ill or haveing something get in his way as he goes about his life. He can’t take many of the allergy meds because they raise his blood pressure. So it is just smearing topical creams on his bites and a small rash. Darned spiders!

    For my birthday I decided I wanted a handmade Hawaiian quilt. They are so beautiful and cozy. I have been looking at various places and designs. Some are over the moon expensive. We are still researching those things to expedite moving items from up and down stairs. Still can’t find the right term for them. It would be like a tiny elevator for boxes etc. sort of like a laundry shoot but more automated.

    Have a lovely day. Must get ready for our little eye doctor trip.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2018
    One of those days for me when nothing much in the way of plans actually happened. Last night's musical was amazing with a mostly Vietnamese cast, fabulous singing but of course a tragic story created from real events. I missed an episode of Versailles but recorded it so will settle down to see it once Wimbledon finishes for the day.
    Today I've been nattering on Skype to the friend who suffered a stroke while staying with me back in March and doing a few odd jobs until a few drops of rain put an end to me being outside.

    Sandy, are you going to be sitting all 3 kiddies on a daily basis or will you job share? Hope you've insisted 3 is a good number to stop otherwise I will see you being like Maria with the Von Trapp family having to sing and dance your way through each day to entertain them all!!

    Patsy, having now experienced the rather claustrophobic eye procedure for cataracts I feel for you with those needles. At least I only had to endure drops and a pellet before what felt like a sack was thrown over my head. I do hope it all went well and good news came out of it. The dress ring I slipped on a finger last night was well and truly stuck today due to fluid retention and I do drink plenty while nagging friends so to follow suit. Another thing I felt would never affect me vut what did I know?

    Anne, being a mother of 2 you know boys will be boys and bars across the cave entrance will only
    make them more determined to get in!! A successful end to the story thank goodness and at least that football team will find somewhere else to celebrate the next birthday!

    Lin, is today the day you get reconnected? Whoopee :D

    Time to cook an evening meal of pasta with yet more salad. My ears will soon grow longer and nose begin to twitch!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I also had a haircut this morning, and amd feeling light-headed! All OFF!
    Oh my gosh! ...I think you know better than to let yourself be talked into becoming a worn-out Grandmother...yes?
    The rest of today was spent watching my Garbage disposal being replaced, discovering my AC has been leaking again, getting maintenance to fix and cleanup mess! Finding a new supplier of CBD (yes, I think the gummies helped my aches and pains!), and generally trying to still figure out where my days disappear!
    I know hew relieved we all are about those rescued boys! I can see how they could become trapped by a sudden monsoon. There were caves in Hawaii where we used to wonder what would happen if a sudden squall flooded us in! They are so beautiful, we forget how dangerous!
    PATSY, were those spider bites seen by a doctor? Just precautionary! As far as the quilts, a buying trip to Hawaii would be the perfect place to find one! Everyone should see the Islands
    at least once! Paradise!
    JACKIE, LIN, and ANNE, at 3:28, I think I should grab a bite before it's actually dinner time. We're having hors d'oeuvres before the BIRTHDAY night dinner ( what the heck , I lost 2 # yesterday!) . I'd better go compensate for losing the hair above my ears! Yay for makeup, which I never bothered to wear before!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Beautiful haircut Buzz.

    Jackie, keep your hair longer if your ears are growing. Haaaa.

    Patsy, I hope you find just the perfect quilt for your birthday.

    Anne, we are melting again.

    Sandy, rest up!

    As for me, I am trying to keep my cool. My Internet provider cancelled my service call as they had several techs out ill. I have to wait another week. Insane.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers, A cooler day for me with cloudy skies but I don't mind because it does mean I can get more achieved in the garden, that's when I'm not watching Wimbledon or world cup football. It all finishes on Sunday then I'll be back to normal.
    We've walked in the woods and visited a friend whose birthday it is so now home for the rest of the day.

    Love your hair Buzz short as it is; that style does suit you. <3

    Oh my goodness Lin what terrible service and I do hope you get a refund for the period you have no service. Deep breathing and count to ten!!

    A quick hello to everyone else but having enjoyed an early light lunch including deliclous green salad from my friend's veggie garden I am now going outside.

    Hooray for England football team being in the semi final because it means news coverage of Mr T in Europe is pushed out!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    And thank the lord for small mercies, lol.