Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, at the Senior Center poaching some WiFi. I wish we could also watch the English play rather than all the news coverage of other things. Harrumph.

    Another hot day on the way.

    Going to get my few groceries on the discount day and then home.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) The Tuesday pot is now up to $17K and no one won it yesterday. It is so crowded and loud I can't wait until someone wins it, preferably me. Tonight is my regular bingo which is much more relaxing. I am also going to the pool for a little while so life is good.

    Lin, I would be on the phone screaming if my WiFi was not working! This is one of those times when a smart phone comes in handy, at least to let us know you are okay. I agree with Jackie and hope they are giving you a big discount or even a month free for the inconvenience.

    Jackie, enjoy your time with your sports, I know how much you love both. Chores can wait and George is getting his walks so all is good.

    Anne, you are such a delight, you make me smile everyday.

    Buzz, love the haircut, it looks great!! Mine is really short but hopefully I can handle it.

    Patsy, both our big days will be here soon, your birthday and my granddaughter's birth day.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Snort, or whatever one does to show annoyance! Started with Comcast agent coming early, but this one seemed to actually trace where the wires come in and where they originate and went on the roof and down below, outside, to change or fix wiring for Comcast. He barely spoke English, and I'm glad I didn't jump to conclusions, as once everything was fixed, he noticed I watch MSNBC and started discussing his worries. He said he has skipped voting in the past, but never again! He was very smart and well informed and I was delighted to hear this, as too many people living here are still solid DT supporters! We were both embarrassed to tears to hear him in Europe! Will Canada accept a bunch of raggle-taggle gypsies?
    Anyway, after that , I realized much of my email never even arrives in my Inbox, and I don't know where to look for it! So I went on CHAT and suddenly had to P! Then a knock on the door and maintenance suddenly showed up to put in a new disposal (done yesterday) and my crooked cabinet doors he rehung, and he did a thorough check on all the areas he could think of, including examining the A/C so it wouldn't flood again this month! My typing is really all kaboshed, so I must be feeling droopy for a change! Also I finished my gummy bears (3 months supply in 2 weeks!), and realized I DO feel better since chewing them (laced with the CBD!) so I ordered some sublingual oil and I'll keep an eye on how it seems to affect me and I'll report. Remember it contains NO THC... or is it spelled wrong? Anyway, having trouble staying awake, and it's definitely not night time, so I guess I need a nap! I took off 3 0f the 5 pounds I added when my kids visited, even AFTER birthday night! Maybe back later. I don't handle problems as well as I used to :s:s !
    <3 Buzz
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Semi finals. England 1, Croatia 1, and into extra time. I am a sweaty, mess. American gals be glad you are not into soccer/football because yours truly is about to have a heart attack. Along with 56 million Brits and many more ex pats!
    2nd goal for Croatia and it doesn't look as if I'll have to worry about the final with France.

    Well done Croatia. Small country, big win.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Warm and sunny day today. My eye doc appointment went well. All is well and only have my 6 month appointme. This is crazy again. Can’t type. Halting and odd letters coming up.

    Oh well.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Hello everyone. Looks like another hot day. Mr. T and Melania in Great Britain amidst the "turmoil". Hope he doesn't add to it by telling the Queen she's obsolete. Like great, great, great granny Victoria, she won't be amused! Then after all the cost of extra police to protect him he will be in the tranquil Scottish countryside playing golf on his golf course before he's off to meet Mr. Putin.
    Honestly, I can't keep up with all the comings and goings in this fast paced era! Anyway, I survived the soccer game so live to see what happens next!
    Nosy old
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. Our heat has returned so another walk in the woods under the trees before I dropped George home, hung out washing then went into town for my weekly shop. The isle through the chilled section was so pleasant compared to outside I could have hung around all day!! Wimbledon continues so I shall watch the ladies semi finals in between pruning a few shrubs. Last night's football was exciting but our boys were out played by a far more experienced team... for all that they will return heroes after one more match on Saturday.

    As for the expected visit this afternoon I understand why Buzz would be upset at the disgraceful and ignorant behaviour at the NATO meeting so apart from watching out to see if baby blimp lifts off over the demonstrators' heads I'll do my best to avoid all other news.

    Patsy, great news on your eye check up so what with that and renewing your driver's licence you must be thrilled.

    Buzz, hooray for gummy bears... I might check them out myself!

    Sandy, wonderful to read life is good for you because you so deserve it.

    Hi Lin if you manage to check in and Anne of course. :)

    On with my day. I thought I heard thunder as did George (bark, bark!!) but it must have been a heavy lorry in the village hitting a bump in the road!
    Have a good one.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Beat you to it JACKIE, lol. I too have been shrub pruning before it gets too hot! Washed the back door window as well. People tend to peer in, noses pressed to glass to see if I'm around! On that hygienic note, I'll away.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today and then meeting friends for an early dinner. One of the friend's daughter just got a new puppy so I will stop at her house to meet the new addition. I won $50 at bingo so that was a nice surprise. I have an early morning doctor's appointment to see a retina specialist. I don't have any idea why except my eye doctor said it is just a precaution he sees nothing wrong. Then why is he sending me?
    I got bit by a wasp at the pool yesterday but no big deal just itchy.

    Did I mention that Babe called me the other day and said his son told him why doesn't Sandy just move back in with you? Say what??? I told Babe I just signed a two year lease and it won't happen, it just wouldn't work. He agrees. His son does not like my children and my children do not like Phil. It is just too late for us to ever get back together.

    On that note I am going to eat something and get ready. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, I am at the library this morning. I haven’t heard anything about you-know-who’s trip. It would be lovely if he had laryngitis.

    Sorry about the outcome of the game Anne and Jackie.

    Patsy, I also am happy for the good news about your eye.

    Buzz, one company has toothpicks infused with CBD. That sounds interesting.

    Sandy, did you win at bingo?

    Jackie, we had a couple of big booms in our neighborhood. We thought bombs went off!!

    Best wishes to all my friends.

    Stay safe.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2018
    Oh gosh, I've just eaten my dinner and caught a glimpse of a press conference on our news. What a good laugh I've had.... they like me in the UK a lot amongst other things - HILARIOUS!!

    Sandy, another belly laugh I'm afraid at Phil's suggestion but can only guess his past appalling behaviour toward you is in a fog in his brain. That or he's terrified he will have to take responsibility for his dad. Good girl, stand strong! Great win too. :D

    Anne, I beat you on the window cleaning but mine is a stained glass one so no noses pressed against it to look in... they wouldn't see through it!

    Ok back to the irresistible news for a few more laughs!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! I have been having that perennial issue with halting typing and odd letters showing up out of nowhere. But we seem to be doing okay right now.

    John is off to see our doctor about his rash and spider bites. I am hoping he gets some relief from this. He has been pretty miserable. Health issues are maddening, aren’t they? We should not be having them. We should be bionic and invincible!

    I think it is great that Jackie and Anne are total sports fans. Do you two get acquainted with the different players? Have favorite teams or players at the different positions? Soccer is a mystery to me. It seems there rarely is a score. Or the scoring is totally different from our football. Our football currently is suffering from a bad reputation due to violence and cheating and disrespect for our flag. The controversy is discouraging and takes the fun and sportsmanship out of the game.

    Sandy: I do admire your strength in this current problem with Babe. I would be tempted to rush in and try to make a better situation for him. In the end, I would make things much worse and I would be dissolving into tears every few minutes. I have that urge with our daughter. Whew! Life requires we re-examine lessons we should have learned some time ago. I have problems in that regard.

    Lin: it is quite frustrating to be without one of our basic communication tools. Thank you for keeping in touch. We do need you dear friend. It feels wrong without you.

    Buzz: these gummies are ubiquitous now. We have many friends who depend on them for pain relief. So far no side effects except drowsy after a hour but not too bad. They are legal here. Stores are cropping up everywhere. There is a cream that is rubbed onto aching joints. Sort of like as bengay or aspercream. I might look at that, not sure about that yet.

    Warm day today. Good day to do more inside cleaning and back into the dungeon. All the company and doctor appointments have kept me out of my creative zone. Had coffee with more visitors. I didn’t invite them over for a meal. Our house is a mess from all the recent guests and I don’t like to entertain when things are a jumble. So we visited over coffee and chocolate chip cookies at a cafe. Less stress on my part. Nice visit and good to see old friends.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2018
    Hooray for SANDY!!! You just escaped a certain disaster! How is Daisy? I love your hairdo, by the way!
    Knocked out from all the walking today, as our 4 buildings contain very long corridors. Went to Weight Watchers intro this morning, and our head chef attended, as he plans to work with WW in planning some dishes and bringing in some whole grains. I hope we get the necessary 20 members to hold meetings here!
    After lunch I finally went back to seated volleyball, and was shocked at how much I improved after not attending several weeks. It's really lots of fun! Had 2 more meetings, all in different directions, and then dinner with a dear friend who will be putting her 99 year old husband into the Memory Care division on Monday. This is long overdue, yet she is feeling so guilty about a long delayed decision.
    My fingers are so numb, I cannot wait for the topical lotion I ordered with the medicinal CBD included in the ingredients! The oil arrives Saturday, and I can't wait. I wish I could trust myself with the gummy bears, but eventually, I just went went right through them too quickly! Fingers + numb + Pins and Needles mean typing is truly messy! JACKIE, you are getting a taste of the the World's Champion Liar! My sympathy to you all! PATSY, I'm relieved to read JOHN is letting a doctor look at those bites. Spider poisons are nothing to fool around with! ANNE and LIN, I always enjoy reading your posts! Now off to calm these fingers!
    <3 Buzz
    .....................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!................................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Morning all. Mmm sounds as if Babe is ready to sell his house and move into Senior Care. Could you take Daisy, SANDY?
    I'm having a Trump Day off so if anything outstanding happens I'll pop in here occasionally and you can let me know. This will include giant Trump baby balloons going off with a loud bang and deflating. What's new?
    Meanwhile back in the colonies its grocery shop day accompanied by yet more heat,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After hanging around at home waiting for a parcel delivery fist thing which did arrive on time I walked George on the moors. Halfway we stopped in shade under a tree to drink water, cool Our feet and admire the view, one that sends George into his relaxed Zen mood!
    As we returned to the car park we bumped into a friend who does community care work walking with a client who, dear of him, had signs of dementia. George who is normally wary of strangers took to him immediately, sat close so he could put his front paws on his knee then wagged his tail and did his best to lick the hand that stroked him. It was a short but wonderful interlude and I've agreed if my friend let's me know they are walking on the moor again I will take George to meet them.
    The delivered parcel was a small table and couple of chairs for the patio so I now have to put the table together. More cloud about today which is a relief but no sign of rain so the flower borders are looking droopy again.
    Men's semi finals to be followed too and the usual garden tidy so I'll get on.... avoiding the news as best I can!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I have to rush to get ready for my eye appointment with the retina doctor. I wasn't nervous until I got a recording that told me the appointment could be from 2-4 hours depending on what tests the doctor does. I don't think I have anything wrong with my retinas but that call made me anxious. I will try to get back later to let you know how it went.
    If I get done early enough Lisa wants to come with the boys to see my new place and then go to a kids place in the mall near me. Bryanna might also join us.

    Jackie, absolutely love that George was so kind and I do hope you can meet again for George to comfort your friend's client.

    Anne, Babe will never go to an assisted living place, he still plans on moving in with his son but if that for some reason didn't work out I think they would hire someone to take care of him. I of course, would help, I just don't want to live with him and get involved in any drama.

    Hello to all but I have to jump in the shower and get ready.

    One Day at a Time or today, One Minute at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Poaching WiFi again at the senior center. I am going home soon and will do my last banking and minor downloading chores as my WiFi hotspot from the library has to be returned. That has been the best way to be connected while my broadband has been down. I have my Smart phone and service for it but I do live in a hollow so the signal is not the best.

    Sandy, I hope the appointment does not take that long. Goodness!

    Jackie, what a lovely little fellow Mr. George is. Wonderful!

    Anne, try not to watch too much news. I hope the Queen is not insulted. She deserves respect on many levels not the least of which is the fact that she is such a long-serving person. Who could image a life like that?

    Patsy, I hope you and John have a lovely day.

    Buzz, too many gummies? Well, there are worse things!!

    Hugs to all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Back from my appointment, only a little over an hour. My eyes are dilated so hard to see and even worse driving home. All he did was check my macular degeneration and said to come back in a year. Good news so I can breather again.
    Lisa coming to pick me up to go to Yu Kids, a fun place for the kids. Bryanna will meet us there.

    Love you girls!!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    I so agree LIN. The Queen has my deepest respect and of course she's the Queen of Canada as well and I think is very much respected by the majority in this great country. I also think she will be able to handle the outspoken one with dignity and grace. Speaking of whom, just popped in to see what's going on, and alls quiet on the western front. I believe D flies to his Scottish property later today and all the policemen and all the Queens men can breathe a sigh of relief that nothing horrific happened.

    Good news for SANDY and what a dear little doggie JACKIEs George is, bless him. Hope Johns spider bites and pain are subsiding PATSY and BUZZ is managing without her gummy bears.

    We didn't go grocery shopping after all because Michael is feeling under the weather. I'm quite pleased because it's very hot again in the 90s and I've enough provisions to survive a bit longer.

    And so, cross fingers, quite a happy, peaceful day, if hot.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet friends. Today looks like it will be overcast. Yesterday was very warm after the fog burned off. It was darned unpleasant! Our fans keep us comfortable. In fact Katie has a favorite fan she sits in front of and enjoys the breeze.

    I had a bad arthritis day yesterday but I am feeling much better today. I am mystified as to why some days I can hardly move and the next I am moving around just fine. The temps and humidity could be the same but something is different. What?

    John developed contact dermatitis from his spider bites. He is now using some over the counter cream that is helping. Good thing! He is a very grumpy patient and these meds are not covered by our insurance. The tiny tubes of this stuff is $12 a piece. One tube lasts one day. He has a rash from stem to stern, as our Damon would say. Sailors talk like that....

    Watching a very interesting movie with Denzel Washington called Roman J. Isaiahs Esq. I have to say that he is a masterful actor. He is also in a new action movie called Equalizer 2. Of course John loves that. Car chases, explosions, thrilling battles. Excuse me but that just isn’t my thing. The other movie is extremely interesting with Denzel playing a role of an autisic but brilliant man.

    Friday is trash day and I need to rummage around in the frig to see what needs to be sacrificed to the trash god.

    By the way, like George, Katie does make decisions about what people are worthy of her friendship. She very rarely makes poor choices.

    The world spins regardless of what ridiculous things are said by the Orange One. Any day he hasn’t caused a war is a good one. However I keep a constant email flow on issues to my congressman and senators.
