Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member

    tremendous thunderstorm last night with rain. The temperature DROPPED for the first time for weeks. We awoke to a blessed 20c or 72F AND with the noisy a/c off.
    A very grateful
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A fresher day with a few clouds scudding across the sky, in fact one large threatening black cloud cut our walk on the moors short as I was convinced we were about to get soaked but back to the car and it had drifted away! No proper plans today so I will have to be strict with myself and get on with chores otherwise the time will drift away like the clouds.

    Sandy ~ I'm delighted for you and your family as you welcome your little Charlotte. It's a great diversion from other events and just the right time to look on the beautiful things in life that bring us all such joy because there's nothing much to be done about the other. I can't wait to see more pictures once you have recovered!

    Lin ~ More good news.... you are fixed!! LOL It's always a bonus to have an individuals name and number and I'd hang on to that information longer than the next few weeks just in case because you've had so many wifi problems over time.

    Buzz ~ That other Vladimir (Lenin) was the one that said a lie told often enough becomes the truth so I'm guessing that's what DT and VP are working on. If even Fox News has become critical then a political tsunami could be on its way. We can but hope!!

    Anne ~ Hooray, you are cooler too! Living to be 100 isn't on my bucket list even if it means a telegram from whoever is residing in the palace. In the UK there's a lot of ageism as my generation and beyond is getting blamed for the woes of the NHS. How dare we live so long and put a strain on services although we have paid into the system all our working lives! This from a younger generation that hasn't contributed much so far but expects an ambulance to arrive and medics to pick them up off the pavement when they are too drunk to walk or complain about waiting times in A&E when they are there for a torn finger nail. Well maybe not quite that minor but you get my drift!

    Patsy ~ Hopefully you had the most enjoyable time on your birthday. Let's hope John doesn't have shingles but my neighbour was told by her GP earlier this year she had a muscle strain before her shingles broke out.... just saying!

    Coffee finished so cracking on with something.... oh yes, I have to pop to the farm shop for garlic since I'm going to make ratatouille after picking a few courgettes at the allotment yesterday. Why didn't we grow our own I ask myself?

    Enjoy your day lovely Sneakers.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Don't worry JACKIE, you and I will probably have to wait until we are 110 if the trend keeps up. The powers that be will have to raise the achievement age won't they? I think British nationals all over the world get a card, poor Queen Elizabeth having to remember us all, lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good morning, I woke up and my service was still connected. I would like to be able to text that technician every time I have a problem but unfortunately the offer was for a couple of days for this repair. Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a person to call/text when things went wrong?

    Sandy, I adore that photos. Yippee!!!! So sweet, oh and the baby too!

    Must run along now, need to hit a Couole of errands, then Mah Jongg and then the Library this afternoon. Staying home to wait for a repair person all day is not particularly pleasant and can put you behind in your weekly chores. I am always on edge until the person shows up wondering if I am going to get a good one or one who doesn’t care. Haaaaaa. It was definitely worth it this time.

    A bit cooler here but no rain. We are very very dry now. There are chances of rain later this week. People here are watering flowers every day.

    Not much sleep for me. Last night they worked on the railroad crossing not far from me all night. Very loud. And I woke up every hour I think.

    Off I go. Hugs to all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I am going to relieve Grandma Sue to stay with the boys and spend the night.
    Hopefully I will get to see Charlie today with or without the boys. They were thrilled to meet their new sister but got a little rambunctious after a couple of hours in the hospital.

    I really have to get moving but thank you all for the good wishes, babies bring out the good in all of us. I am glad I don't have time for the news, from what I did read it is embarrassing.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning!
    Sandy: dearest little grand daughter arrived and she brings hope and joy for her family and friends. The care and love you all bestow on this child will help her grow into the fine human she is meant to be. We all enjoy the journey, watching this little family grow and prosper.

    Jackie: we have been enjoying (?) very warm dry weather. It is very worrisome with wildfires blazing not too far away. We are inside most of the day. Dear sweet Katie suffers in the heat. She lies around and has established her spot right in front of a small fan. We come alive like little pink bats as the sun goes down and it cools off.

    Lin: technology is necessary and mysterious. We need it but I personally have NO knowledge about how it works or why it doesn’t work. It makes me feel uncomfortable in my ignorance. So happy you can communicate with us now.

    Anne: I understand how you feel about air conditioners and fans. They are life saving but the constant noise can cause us “fugitive” stress. It is exhausting. I am unaware of it until I am made aware with a headache and or a irritable mood. When we turn them off, it is so blessed. We sigh and flex our shoulders as if we have been shouldering a great weight for hours.

    The birthday party was a total delight. Our daughter came and that was a wonderful surprise. John out did himself. He got everyone a small pizza with their own desired topping. Fresh fruit and birthday cake later. Black Forest cake with bing cherries. Also a huge table bouquet of mixed flowers including purple roses. He planned it all and picked up the food.

    Now it is back to the doctor. This time a dermatologist for John. Fingers crossed that we get to the bottom of this itching rash over his body. The old dear has been enduring this since July 4th.

    The world looks on in horror at the goings on in Washington. We must do something dramatic now!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Could Johns rash be a heat rash PATSY? I ask because what I thought was insect bites causing me to itch and scratch all over I now wonder if It was actually a heat rash because now it's cooler and less humid they've miraculously all gone.

    Jilly suffers from the heat. She's had diarrhea on and off for the past few weeks but today she is back to normal. Back to yapping at all passing dogs because we've got every window in the house open for the wafting breezes and she's not missing a thing.

    Yes, you guys must do something NOW. I'm convinced the master plan was to establish a dynasty with one dictatorship passed down perpetually to family. Why else would a leader embrace the leaders of two such regimes? Maybe I read too much but you know far fetched as it seems, I could be right! America enslaved rather than saved. AND the rest of us.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What delightful news, pictures and family, dear SANDY. You also look FABULOUS!

    and thought you might also get a kick out of this little discovery.Veryelegant....184bt1i9h1zm.png..........

    Last night, around 11 PM a medical technician came to my apartment and took an ultrasound of a hard painful area that sort of scared me in case it was a blood clot. She was a darling to come at that hour so I would not worry any longer! The office called me early this morning to let me know the U/S was perfectly clear! It's likely due to that condition I got from taking Cipro! And just reporting that on my 4th day on the medical marijuana I am living some very positive signs; instead of my usual dread of that long walk to the elevator from my apartment, I practically race walked! I felt wonderful! That's probably the oil drops I put under my tongue twice a day! While the roll-on lotion has helped my fingers, it is not quite as dramatic, nor does it last too long; but then , my hands are in water quite frequently. While not a cure, it affords me great relief from most of my aging aches and pains!
    Just learned that the president's secret service is protecting his son-in-law Jared from being served with a subpoena to appear in court! And they will keep a subpoena from Mueller from being served to DT! Unbelievable!!!
    Wishing the best to John, PATSY. Dermatologists are very well schooled. Too many of them now do cosmetic improvements only!!! It's a financial boon!

    well, it's late , but I must prepare for a battle with Dell, as the front edge of my new laptop has the black edge wearing off! And they say because it's just cosmetic it is not covered by my premium warranty! My last one had the same problem and the deck was replaced twice! I consider it a manufacturing deficiency!
    JACKIE, you can just imagine my state of mind with this weirdo giving away my country to save his own hide! And believe it or not, and despite Fox not condoning his actions, Republicans who voted for him still poll out at 90% approval!
    I'm glad to read ANNE is feeling better with the heat wave going! And LIN keeps going like the Eveready Bunny....still!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello lovely sneakers. We have another dry day but the temperature is a good 10c degrees cooler than of late so pleasant. Our walk in the woods was delightful and as we stood and played with the dogs in the river which is now incredibly low, we watched silver flashes of fish jumping then further on what we think were young woodpeckers testing their ability to rattle out their pecking noise. Chatting in the car park before heading off in different directions we were asked by a lady just arriving if we were to do with the wild walk group. No we said, we've just had our own wild walk! A visit to the farm supplies store to stock up on a few items for my menagerie plus a sad pot of mint that has been left outside their doors with no water for weeks. My mother would say you can't kill mint but they seem to have tried hard so it's already been watered and I'll pot it on in a day or two. While it is cooler I've plans in the garden before the heat returns at the weekend.

    Sandy ~ What adorable kids they are and Charlotte with her toes peeping out from the blanket looks as if she is already tall! Much as you love them don't get worn out.... alternate babysitting sounds best if you can manage between you although I take it that's only until Lisa returns home.

    Patsy ~ A perfect birthday and no more than you deserve. George is more sensible than me when it comes to the heat so when I'm outside trying to do a few chores he generally stays in the cottage which, being constructed of granite stone, is wonderfully cool. He did do another frog chasing leap into the pond a couple of days ago which meant my shower cubicle got covered in silt and duck weed AGAIN!! At least I've learnt that if I leave it for a couple of hours to dry out it's easier to sweep the tray than try to wash it all down the plughole!

    Buzz ~ Thank goodness that lump was nothing untoward but hey, peace and love with the medical marijuana!! B)
    Although not my country, I've been gobsmacked on a regular basis by all that's been said over the past few days and yes, I heard about the approval rate.... what can I say? We're having our own appalling political dramas over us leaving the EU (or not!) in parliament that have so disgusted voters the polls now suggest the government has lost most of its support. What does your man have to do?

    Lin ~ Hopefully the railroad work is finished so you got a decent night's sleep!

    Anne ~ No doubt when the 100 years birthday telegram idea was first introduced it was rare anyone made it that far.... almost the norm now! :)

    Coffee finished so on with the day......
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    And it's cooler, and it's wonderful, and the washings on, and my hair's washed, and Jill's raring to go, and we've got a wonderfully laid back prime minister who's probably into gummy bears, and I'm going to live to be 110, and alls well and laid back in the north country. Well today anyway.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning, time to get along to a morning of Tai Chi and my stop for discount day at the grocery store.

    The railroad work was finished so no bumping and thumping last night. Wahoo! Had a lovely Mah Jongg game yesterday and brain games at the library in the afternoon were enjoyable.

    Buzz, I am happy to hear your ultrasound came back clear. Wonderful news. And also great that the CBD products are helping with your discomfort. I wonder what help the toothpicks will provide? Interesting experiment.

    Jackie, what a lovely morning walk. I do enjoy the descriptions you give us. It is a wonderful gift. Hugs to you and George. Good luck with the wilted mint.

    Patsy, I hope John had a successful and helpful appointment with the dermatologist. Most of all, that the rash and irritation are subsiding. Hi Katie!

    Anne, what a productive morning you are having. Wooo. I am glad the temperature is lower and that you and Jilly are enjoying the break.

    Sandy, get as much rest as you can fit into your schedule. Your little ones are adorable but it would be easy to overdo it. Have some pool time.

    Must zip along. After being without my Internet connection for so long it is marvelous to wake up and find I am connected to the world. Ahhhhhh.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hidy-ho! Good grief it is 5:00 am here and I am rattling around with very little sleep. Can’t decide if I can snuggle back in for a couple of hours more sleep. John (poor baby) is trying to catch a bit more sleep. He went to dermatologist for skin exam, tests as well as three biopsy spots. Primary exam and tests were inconclusive. He is covered over his body and legs with this rash that itches like crazy. This is just horrible for him. Another of life’s challenges. He will persevere and get to the bottom of this condition.

    I think I will get a drink water and try to go back to bed. Hold the world together while I shut my eyes...........
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy mucky dogs after a swim and run in the woods...
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Sat here thinking "happy dogs indeed" but I'm glad I don't have to bathe them, lol.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The TV is obsessed with every detail coming out of HIS mouth, whether lie or truth (can he tell the truth?) And this is just the way he likes it: center of attention! Has nothing to do with reality. Spent my dear cleaning help's 2 hours ranting over the loss of our government, and how she has changed! Who needs a clean house anyway?
    Tonight, we have a group going to The Ale House for Maine Lobster by bus. Small lobsters but 1 1/4 pounds is enough for me!
    I parted with over 500 greeting cards I received over the past 2 years, re-reading every one, and saving still a very few. What a treasure! Now I had better get SOMETHING done today as I keep falling asleep at my computer! I cheated with a tiny 1/2 eclair last night and UP 4 OUNCES! I shall not butter my lobster tonight! Just extra lemon!
    <3 Buzz
    .................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen, PLEASE!.....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here's an article to make you smile Buzz. The Canada brooch will give Anne a laugh too! Enjoy!! ;)

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Thanks JACKIE, we had a similar article here on hidden messages in the gorgeous Canadian sapphire and diamond snowflake brooch and the Obama brooch worn by our loved and respected Queen. Very amusing article with some truth methinks. And yes, wasn't the stilettos the dumbest choice for walking on grass! I've decided to ignore the ignoramus from now on. He's just a waste of my precious time.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Nice article Jackie. Love it. I just feel we are spinning about all the time. The truth can not be found as the stories and lies proliferate. Thanks to the Queen for the signals. I sort of wish she would have bashed him with her handbag. Oh, that was not a bit nice.

    I got a lovely gift this morning. Our Tai Chi instructor was gifted all the fans, books, etc. of a former class member who had been suffering with many health issues. She asked her husband to get her things to our instructor. She and I had a conversation and she had me try a set of the lady’s double fans. Absolutely wonderful fans. Excellent weight, they open and close like a dream and they felt stupendous in my hands. She had another gentleman try the red set I had been using and she gave those to him. I was a bit disappointed until she handed me the white set of fans. Even better. She gave those to me. I thanked her and I looked up and thanked Barbara for thinking of us. That really turned my frown upside down this morning.

    Buzz, enjoy the lobster. What a treat! Excellent sorting my friend. 500 cards is amazing. That must have taken a long time to look through all of those.

    Well, must move along. I signed up for a financial webinar this evening.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day, sunshine and not too hot. We've walked in the woods, splashed in the river and collected what looks like every dry leaf and twig in our coat..... guess who I'm talking about? :)

    Lin, a swing of that handbag would have been ideal. LOL
    Anne, I must do the same... let it all wash over me because otherwise comments like the one regarding Montenegro had me spitting tacks last night and I'm not sure my blood pressure will take much more!!

    A busy one for me so I'm just dropping in to wish you all buen dia, bonne journee or just plain good day!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    And the same to you young lady and everyone else.
    We've woken up to a blessed 16 degrees and the pup and I are making on while the cool is here because it creeps up again during the day reaching our usual 30C. Remember the days when it was minus that AND below in Fahrenheit !

    Now JACKIE, the last thing we want is your blood pressure going up! Or mine if it comes to that! The great thing is with a bit of practice we can go into George's zen mode and shut out all the stuff that irritates us, you know stuff like mosquitos, not picked up dog poop, discarded greasy take out boxes and oomp aahs with big mouths. See, the name has already left my limited vocabulary. Any images in the brain to be quickly replaced by fluffy kittens, adorable puppies and even crocodiles who are much more attractive!
    LIN can we pop a brick in the imagined handbag swing?

    Yes, I should get something done as well. Maybe another hack through the jungle outside. Had a go yesterday.
    Annie. Thinking butterflies and fields of buttercups and daisies from her zen position on the sofa, cup of tea in hand.