Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Anne, Let us not forget home cooked (but not my home) pork pies with home grown cucumber and cherry tomatoes... today's lunch!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Mm mm, finger licking good! Hope and bet you ENJOYED your lunch! JACKIE.
    My mom used to make her own pork pies during the war. I might have a go myself once the cold comes back! They were showing "stand up by themselves meat pies" on the British baking show. My mom used to line a cake tin with pastry if memory serves me correctly. At least her pork pies didn't flop.

    I see my favourite Rudyard Kipling is being blasted now. I don't see why Manchester university can't put his AND Maya Angelous poems up to show how times are a changing! rather than defacing his poem written in 1895. I remember when I was five years old my favourite reader was "Little Black Sambo" who lived in a thatched hut in Africa. Rather than being a racist I WANTED to live in a thatched hut in Africa and after all 80 years ago thatched hut living was quite common. Hey we even have thatched cottages in Great Britain. I was awfully fond of little black Sambo. I wonder what happened to him? I bet he's not residing in his thatched hut in an English school library any more.

    It's already starting to get humid here at 9:30 am. I've changed into one of my new Marks and Spencer's cotton tops.
    After thought....... why wasn't the students who defaced the walls of Manchester university expelled rather than apologized to. This would have happened in my youth. The world's gone nuts! I thought universities were about teaching and learning, but what do I know. I wasn't privileged enough to go to one! Despite passing an entrance test I should add. Had to work instead.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello friends, a very cloudy morning here. Perhaps some rain later but a promise of storms to accompany them. So if they don’t arrive here, okay. It is extremely dry however.

    My gosh, I hadn’t thought of Little Black Sambo in years. I am sure the books have been burned or exiled everywhere by now. I won’t get started again but I will just agree the world is nuts, and the nuts are spoiled nasty wormy ones at that.

    A morning at the library with friends I believe. Although they have the overhead sound speakers piping in music from the children’s program which is giving me a headache! I have a Tai Chi lesson later on. If I was rich I would take a weekly private lesson with my instructor. When I win a lottery jackpot, that is my first expenditure.

    Very attractive lunch Jackie. I would just poach your lovely little tomatoes and leave you the rest. :D

    Anne, stay away from the bugs!!!

    Hugs all.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Another comment America. Put those southern statues back up! The north paid for them I believe and it is totally wrong anyway to erase history! It's like Britain taking down Boudicca and her chariot in case Britain upsets the romans! What about Queen Victoria? Take her down, mustn't upset all the old red spots on the map. Of course some are trying hard to get rid of Captain Cook and on it goes. Is there a conspiracy going on to change the old order and religion. Sure looks like it.
    I wonder if flattery seeking heads of western states are being hoodwinked into a feeling of false security by one very clever gent. Hope we're not all drinking vodka soon!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! It is foggy/cloudy here and quite cool. I must wear a cotton sweater as I chug around today. I had a lovely nights sleep and now I am enjoying that second mug of coffee. I have started a few chores and I hope to use that extra rest to good advantage. We’ll see...

    Yes the news is so upsetting I feel I must join others and sign petitions, write emails to congressmen, go to townhall meetings, whatever I can do to lend my voice to concerned American people. I just want to scream out to the world, “No this is not what we think here in America!” I am trying, with others, to urge our representatives to stand up and get the impeachment process going! Find a way! Before it is too late!

    I am having my own little health issues again but I am formulating a plan of action there as well. John is seeing a subsiding on his rash. The medicine he has to carefully dot on the rash is helping. But it isn’t instantaneous. He is so impatient. He hates the word improvement...he wants to see CURED or HEALED! I totally understand.

    Since I usually volunteer at the school reading program and sometimes at the library, it is interesting to see the difference in current children’s literature. I for one, really like the new children’s books. I loved the older books as well. I used to have a copy of little Black Sambo. I have no idea what happened to it. The new books seem to have their own new brand of creativity. I know that literature is like art, it reflects the culture of the moment. I love the new poets, but I think contrasts in style is the only real difference. Old poems and new poems all talk about the same things in different voices. I loved Peppie Longstockings when I was younger. I tried reading that in my reading program at school. It wasn’t received as well as I had hoped.

    Back to work. Oh my gosh! These floors are almost to the point that a vacuum will not handle it. Mops, brooms, shovels, rakes, I am calling out my big guns. Let’s get these floors cleaned up.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Don't send the ransom, I am back home after a busy Thursday. I will be back in the morning. My computer crashed and I had to reinstall Windows 10 and reinstall Outlook which took way too much of my time but at least I got it working and with my ICloud calendar.

    Will check in tomorrow with a couple of new baby pictures.

    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Gotcha ! Anybody else's way into the Sneakers changed ?
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    For PATSY. Grandson Derek's Puss Hobbes spots a spider.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Mission accomplished, Anne.
    Jilly better watch it, she's smaller than Hobbes, mighty hunter of spiders!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    Beautiful pictures. What a kitty!

    Just a quick note, 27 confirmed tornadoes in Central Iowa yesterday. None in my suburb. Closest were in several Northern suburbs of our metro, Altoona and Bondurant.

    Tai Chi this morning and some visions problems for me. Will search for an opthamalogist. I don’t have one. We will see. (Oops, pun not intended!)


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Beautiful puss-cat and obviously a hunter extraordinaire!!

    A fun walk in the woods this morning when Scruff and George made friends with 2 local rescue dogs Bluebell and Milo. Even George ran zoomies with them! My pedicure visit was at midday and I'm now contemplating whether to do some grocery shopping. We might get a shower of rain later, there again....

    Lin, I loved your story about the fans you've been given. What a thoughtful gift. Good luck in finding an opthamologist and I do hope there's nothing serious going on.

    Sandy, oh dear, you sound what we'd call knackered so trust you got a good night's sleep. Looking forward to seeing latest photos.

    Patsy, great news if John's rash is easing so he might not be so itchy today. Ah yes, clean floors... almost an impossibility when we share a home with our furry friends. :)

    Anyone heard from Buzz?

    Another day disappearing so I must get on. The farm shop should have enough on show to get me through the weekend because I know already the roads in town will be chocker with traffic. Today is 'manic Friday' with schools broken up for the summer break and thousands of holidaymakers travelling to our beaches.... help!!

    Have a good Friday.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, after running about from specialty eye clinic to my prior optometrist (he had baseline records) I have another confirmation, should I have required one, that I am getting old. I have a vitreal detachment in my right eye. Must watch for other vision changes in that eye and will go back in a few weeks for follow up retina exam. Otherwise over time he said the flashes etc would calm down and my brain would work to compensate for the debris floating about in the eye. Lovely.

    Very glad that I could negotiate through with the help of the clinic triage nurse. Good to know it is not a retinal detachment. :)

    Jackie, stay off the roads for now. Cannot fix manic, crazy people.

    From Lin staying indoors B)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning ladies. Almost afternoon really. Looks like we are to have a lovely mild summer day. We have wildfires in eastern Oregon. Everyone is nervous. There is a state wide emergency measure in place now. No fires at all! Even wood stoves and fireplaces and campfires. Scary stuff these wildfires!

    John is getting better. His rash is still there, all over his body but it isn’t as itchy and it is a couple of shades lighter red. This is one miserable guy. He is even looking at getting someone to help with lawn care. For John, that is a huge deal. Being out in the dust and pollen and sun isn’t recommended if you have a serious skin condition.

    Well, I am heading for the dungeon to do some fun things before more housework. I also need to brush the Kate! She is the chore that never ends, but we don’t mind. She is a very affectionate puppy.
    That is one gorgeous cat, Anne. Does Hobbes get along with Jilly? Does he come to visit . Some cats don’t enjoy car rides. Our cat hated cars. Going to the vet was quite dramatic.

    I didn’t read the news today. I am at hysterical level right now.

    Veggie burgers and baked sweet potato fries tonight and maybe a good movie.

    Thank goodness you all are out there. Makes life much happier.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I feel like Buzz, I have been working on my computer for two days. Other than the fact my camera disappeared and I can't find the software to fix it, everything else is now is working order. It's a good thing I have an IPad to have my video calls with my kids.
    It is a rainy day here so I am not missing pool time which is a good thing. Charlie and family are doing well, Lisa said my son is big help. He gets two to three weeks for maternity leave so he works for a good company. This picture is from the hospital photographer, I just love it!!

    Patsy, glad to read John is on the way to healing and getting rid of his nasty rash.I know you love the dungeon so enjoy your time creating.

    Lin, so sorry to read about your eye, I know the feeling of being worried about a detached retina. What you do have doesn't sound pleasant so I hope it gets better soon.

    Jackie, yes I was knackered as I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning working on my computer.
    I am glad George had fun on your walk, he is such a good puppy.

    Anne, your grandson's kitty is just beautiful and can I admit I am glad he got the spider because I hate them. I got on the sneakers the same way I always do from my bookmarks.

    Buzz, hope all is well with you.

    Still not showered and still doing some things on my computer.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my! That little Charlotte actually smells delicious! How delightful, SANDY!
    PATSY, that's good news about John's rash. But what about you? Sounds like you are getting into an even xx??
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2018
    zzzzz I actually wrote a much larger post earlier, around 8:30 PM, and sometime later in the evening it disappeared. This one keeps going blank, too, and I don't know what's happening! My love to all of you, sorry to be a quitter!
    <3 Buzz
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Very early good morning. What happened to Sandy's post? It's blank on my screen. Up early because Jilly had heat stroke during the night. Michael can't resist taking her for walks however hot and its happened after his visits a few times. Must be more forceful with him seeing he's not up half the night letting "one in a rush" pup out in the wee hours.

    I decided yesterday my very old pan set carted over from England just had to go to the happy hunting ground or actually the dump. We waved them bye bye as they disappeared into the sun set or in fact the heat haze. Off to the stores and I got myself an absolutely beautiful, absolutely expensive 12 piece set which is almost sacrilege to hide in the cupboard. It was accompanied by a gift certificate so I picked up a vegetarian cookbook and a neat little grinder as well. I'm feeling as smug as Hobbes after his successful spider mission. He was staying with Mark and Mary Jo because Derek was vacationing.

    Mike brought his Robbie the Robot over and it picked up all Jilly's dog fur while we shopped. Very impressed with Robbie! But can't afford one after pan set buying!

    So sorry about your eye problem Linda. I'm about to look it up because I'm not sure what a vitreal detachment is. Take care.
    Bye everyone,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost a post, grrr...... back later.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    eJackie, I posted at the same time as you and mine went through. This seems to be the problem. Seeing you are ahead in time I will write later in the day from now on. So sorry,
    LIN. Floaters ? I get those. My optician doesn't seem too bothered though.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    SANDY, just an alert. Your posts have all disappeared on my pad. Your picture is there but it's very faded and no sign of anything you've written just a blank space. Everyone else is appearing so I don't think it's peculiar to me. This goes way back. I could read you on previous pages but not anymore.