Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good morning. It is in the mid-60s here this morning and very very sunny! It is the week for the bike ride across our state from West to East and people are loving the moderate July temperatures. I hear the evening parties are larger than usual (and they do have parties each evening). Since it is usually hot beyond belief, humid and smelling only of corn pollen out there, it is a good year indeed. Those not riding RAGBRAI are riding bikes around our town and so many vehicles have bike carriers attached. The state is nuts for bikes.

    Jeri, wahoo!!!!! Photos. I have missed your artistry. Thank you. Delightful hummingbirds. I am sorry that you are struggling to walk once again. Growl!!!! But what a good job to get those freezers cleaned out. I need to dig to the bottom of my little chest freezer, I am sure there are packets of chopped peppers that are just ice balls now.

    Buzz, oh my, cipro. I have never taken that but I remember when a friend of mine was running from doctor to doctor to obtain some for herself and her husband in fear of anthrax attacks. She travelled to many large cities at that time and was petrified of chemical warfare. On a different note, I am glad your technician returned and finished the repair. I wonder why they designed it that way? And I hope your friend’s injuries are minor but hitting your head on cement is horrible.

    Anne, oh my gosh, poor Janice and Amy, I hate to hear of darling animals with health problems and oh my, your friend has quite a financial obligation now. Stay cool, avoid the bugs and I agree, no chicken videos.

    Jackie and Sandy, hello to you. I must zip along now. I am still not seeing well but have decided to play Mah Jongg for the company of friends rather than the hope of a win.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone! It's a cloudy and humid day but we still managed a great walk in the woods with Scruff and her mum. After that I settled George at home and headed for the supermarket in town where I found myself in lines of traffic going in all directions... the holidaymakers have arrived so 2 months of hell on the local roads in prospect!
    Yesterday afternoon I realised my loud, uncouth neighbours have gone away so out came my hedge trimmer and ladder to attack the untidy mess hanging over from their side into my garden. My nice neighbour from the other side popped in this morning to take a look and had a giggle about the amount removed... oh well, he might swear at me but there again!!

    George's pet insurance is due at the end of the month and I see the premium has risen over £100 in 2 years without me making a claim so have decided not to bother, especially since I've heard stories of people being told they can't claim for all sorts of unfair reasons. If he needs treatment of course I'll pay out of savings but hope that won't be necessary.

    Beautiful hummingbird photos Jeri. I've tried a couple of times to capture one of a hawkmoth that's been buzzing round my fuschias but it's too quick for me!

    Time to get on, clear the cuttings from that hedge first!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) The fan looks great in my kitchen as does the new light in hallway. I texted my landlord to ask him to get my furnace checked out as I don't think the A/C is working that good. Although this morning it is very cool in here, it's like when you are going for a haircut and your hair looks great that day. lol I am going to see the kids today, I haven't seen Charlie since last Wednesday. I am going to bingo tonight to try for that $17k. I will be glad when someone wins it so I can get back to once a week bingo.

    I better get moving, no time again. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Seems I only find time to pop in, read, and run off again! SANDY, I hope you win that $17K also, to cover your Hawaiian wedding sojourn! Where will the wedding take place and for how long will you stay?
    I hope everyone's weather has settled down comfortably. I hear the daily thunderstorm announcing itself again.
    The complicated construction of my laptop has to do with it being designed to handle heavy serious gaming! I shall have to find time to learn some internet games! Maybe car racing? I'm embarrassed to admit I fell in love with the color!
    Yes, my little friend Dora (about 93, and was an engineer when women did not become engineers! She and Charlotte have been together more years than I can count, and I have become great friends with their marvelous niece.
    Have I mentioned my experiment with Medical MJ seems quite successful, even though not a cure?
    I have about 3 days worth of email to look at and delete so I'll beg off.
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen.......................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited July 2018
    Posted something wrong.........will be back in the morning.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Our hot dry weather continues so gardening again today it is! We walked earlier as my friend had a morning appointment to get to and because it was so cool under the trees at that time we have decided to do the same tomorrow. As I arrived in the car park I heard "Bluebell" being called frantically which turned out to be a dog owner we met a few days ago with 2 wonderful rescue dogs. Bluebell had made her way back to the car from nearly a mile away but luckily the husband had dashed back hoping that would be the case and there she was all excited to see him. His wife almost fell out of the woods with their other little dog so relieved they hadn't lost her!

    My old cat Hebe has suddenly become quite naughty chasing my neighbours' little female cat and this morning as I dried off after a shower I heard cats squalling next door so called out of the window for her to get back home. More squalls so without thinking I rushed out into my garden to shout louder for her wearing only a pair of knickers... oops!! Luckily it appeared all my neighbours were out otherwise I could have been embarrassed but did laugh at myself once back indoors. Of course Hebe strolled back about 5 minutes later as if she hadn't been up to anything! :D

    Lin, hope you managed to enjoy your Mah Jong and catch up with friends. That eye is going to take a while to recover isn't it but I assume you still feel safe to drive.

    Sandy, are you a richer lady today? As you say, if you didn't win the prize hopefully someone did.

    Buzz, was it Dora that fell by the pool and hit her head? Sorry, I'm piecing the story together but do hope she has recovered. Yesterday as I walked down to the river my foot slipped on the dusty ground, only about 6" and my body flipped backwards a similar distance but I'd swear my brain spun several times in my head before settling again... the weirdest feeling and I'm more than 20 years younger than dear Dora so there's no hope for me!!

    Most of the morning gone already so I'll get outside and see what's needed. Hello to Anne, Patsy and Jeri. Hope I haven't missed anyone. Do we know how Marie is getting on?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, going to Tai Chi this morning and then meeting a friend for coffee. At least that is the plan. Not really happy to be driving in any heavy traffic. I am wearing sunglasses that wraparound and don’t allow much sunshine in between glasses and my head. That makes it more difficult to see. Little by little.

    Jackie, early morning walks are lovely. I when I had dogs that is when we were out and about. Had the whole town to ourselves. I loved it and the dogs seemed to enjoy sniffing about without competition. Haaa. Gosh, bad cat Hebe. I wonder what is going on?

    I must trot along now.

    Buzz, glad your CBD oil is helping. I am still waiting for my toothpicks. I do not think they have even shipped yet.

    Sandy, money???? Fingers crossed.

    Patsy, are you okay? I don’t remember seeing a post from you yesterday. But who knows what I see these days!

    Jeri, hello!!!!!!

    Marie, we miss you.

    Anne, best to you and Jilly.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Quite a mess at bingo last night. They couldn't get the computers to connect to the WiFi system so after about a 45 minute delay they announced that there would be no regular bingo and that they would let us use our payment for next week. We did play the special games including the $17k game but the girl who won did not choose the right number but did still win $900. She also won the last game for $500 so she had quite a night. She wasn't anyone we knew but she sure was lucky. That means we will be going back next week again hoping for a win.

    I am going to go to the pool for a little while before going to my regular bingo. I gave Rob and Lisa a little break yesterday and they both were able to take a nap. Robby is obsessed with the solar system and that is all we talked and played. His aunt and uncle sent him the solar system to be hung on the ceiling and they also glow in the dark. I am going to buy him a tshirt with the solar system as an added gift for his birthday Saturday. And of course I have to show another picture of Charlie, she has already grown in one week.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Yes, I keep wondering how Marie is and if she's living with her daughter.

    It could have been worse JACKIE, rather than knickers you could have been wearing a thong! I look in amazement at thongs. Horrible tortuous things obviously invented by a guy, you can bet your bottom (no pun intended) pound on that. Making money too on very little fabric. Whoops, any drones in your area?

    And talking of the super rich a very good program on how today's greed started way back in the 1960s last night caused me to go to bed late. A British program Jackie, maybe you can find it?

    Water found on Mars. A lake of icy water. Wonder what it contains. Underwater brainy dinosaurs etc?

    Annie, curiouser, curiouser.

    We posted at the same time SANDY. Hi to you and baby Charlie. I'm so pleased Robbie has discovered space. Who knows what will be discovered in all his future years.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Oh oh, how's this for irony. I've just read Mr Trumps re-election flags for 2020 are made in China and could be hit by his tariffs. Source, Reuters. As I said, curiouser and curiouser!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning Everyone

    Lin - thank you for your comment about my photos. Your mention of chopped peppers in the freezer made me smile. Yes, I threw out chopped peppers too, along with forgotten chopped onions, and other frozen fruits and veggies. What a waste of food and effort.

    Buzz - you had problems with cipro too? Wow you are the 2nd friend of mine who had troubles. I had no idea about the side effects possible.

    Jackie - LOL. Your episode with Hebe definitely put a smile on my face. Thank you.

    Sandy- so cute. And exhausting too, I’m sure. Good luck.

    Hello to everyone I missed too. I don’t want to scroll back because I’ll lose my post for sure.

    I’m trying to decide whether I should try to fit in some Physio for my foot. My doctor suggested I might try that but I don’t know I have the time to fit it in. We are hoping to go camping and are planning a trip up for a family reunion. Definitely I’ll try some of the stretching exercises.

    Have a great day.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dang! Lost my post again, I will try this one more time. I had a very bad nights sleep the night before. Last night I was so exhausted, I really hit the pillow hard! Up and at ‘em this morning early. Now having another cup of coffee before I attack cleaning my bathroom. How does it get so dirty?

    I try to keep my time to a minimal looking at news these days. It doesn’t really matter. Our representatives and senators keep us up on all the low down. Oh Baby! I do mean low down!

    Got a call from the gallery about scheduling a winter show. Do I want the aggravation? The owner is such a jerk. He is slow to pay and dribbles out what he owes. The arts have taken a real hit since the current administration moved in. Culture In general is struggling. All the “percent for the arts” programs have been gutted. New structures are few and far between and the plans rarely include an artistic component. I know...whine, whine, whine.

    Off and running.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    If my theory is right Anne about humans once living on Mars before we destroyed it and moved to this beautiful planet only to do the same thing, we could be going full circle and find ourselves back drilling for that underground lake. It'll be like Planet of the Apes all over again don't you think!! I hope that programme about greed beginning in the 60's wasn't another blaming my generation for all the woes of today.... mods and rockers, hippies and beatniks. What were we thinking? B) Certainly not thongs back then!! I watched our 7pm BBC joint news from Washington and London and so much going on I couldn't take it all in, from secret recordings of conversations to VP being sidelined until the Russia enquiry is over to a worried farmer of soya beans who has already lost a quarter million dollars in loss of sales to China. It could be the hottest day on record in the UK tomorrow so not just black cats and dogs to stay indoors. Then those ghastly fires in Greece killing so many. Once again we have to hang on to the good things like the gorgeous little Charlotte, bingo winners even if we don't know them, frozen chopped peppers that I'm sure I have at the back of my freezer and culture generally even if it doesn't seem to warrant funding these days. Priorities all wrong in that regard!

    So I will go and watch on tv a programme about the NHS A&E departments struggling to save lives. It's usually extremely uplifting.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    WHEW! I'm late as usual, but I must say my first husband, the one who ended up with PTSD from entering and having to do horrible things in several of the holocaust "camps" back in WW2, Always spouted what JACKIE 's theory is regarding Earth being the place settled by those having to leave Mars or wherever, after destroying their planet! We seem to be hell bent on doing the same to our once beautiful Earth!
    Now I must run to eat again!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful is about to Happen.......................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    This is for JACKIE, it will bore anyone else. You have been warned.

    The program was about someone finding a loophole in British law that allowed very rich people to flock to Britain but not pay any taxes, people like Onassis who married Jackie Kennedy. The idea being that living in Britain whilst not being actually British they would add to the economy, but of course they didn't. Whilst we all went to the local shops for our groceries they went to Harrods etc, and instead of buying say a Timex they bought foreign expensive watches worth thousands, helicopters instead of locally made bikes etc thus keeping the cash amongst themselves and getting richer and richer. I'm sort of simplifying things but you get the drift. Next, Tear down the then affordable living for the poor and put up luxury towers for the rich instead thus creating housing in cities like London where it's almost impossible for normal salaried folk to live anymore.
    This is happening over here as well. I'm not very good at explaining but the world is slowly being ruled by an elite few. What worries me is in time revolution will take place, uprising as in the French and Russian revolutions of the past. It all began in the sixties and I must look up who was the prime minister and what Party allowed this loophole apparently causing a lot of rich foreign folk to think they'd woken up in heaven.
    PS.........McMillan, Douglas-Home, Wilson.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yes Anne it's true, our economy is reliant on foreign money, lots of dirty laundering going on, and few can afford to live in cities anymore plus social housing is practically non existent. I do remember shopping on London's Oxford street late 70's and being pushed off the pavement by rude Arabs. Now it's Russians and Chinese buying blocks of council houses and either pulling down to build luxury apartments or leaving empty for future investment. Putin owns a lot of prestigious buildings in the UK! The programme you saw possibly also mentioned the big increase in numbers of homeless people even though they're in work. A tragedy and it breaks my heart to see their documented daily despair. We need strong leadership but I can't see where that might come from.
    I do remember when I lived in Canada hearing stories of rich Chinese buying up the forests in BC and chopping down for timber needed in their country because they didn't want to destroy their own.... and so we evolve. I wonder which nation is going to say one day it owns Mars so keep off!!

    Bedtime for me then last day of sunshine tomorrow before lots of rain, possibly thunder storms... won't be wandering out in my knickers in that!! :o:o
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Appreciate reply JACKIE,
    Night, night,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, must run around and get going on the road. Going to a farmland seminar today. If I get a good signal, will try to write a note from my phone.


  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Drive safely, LIN. Anne
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Greetings sneakers! Walked, coffee'd in the shade outside, vacuumed, now lunch before driving to hair appointment. A tiny salon is going to be very hot in this weather so I should lose a couple of pounds ready for weighing in the morning!! Short hair sounds a good idea too. :|