Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and foggy today. I for one will be glad when this day draws to a close. I have been having one accident after another plus a really lousy nights sleep. Nothing really important, just silly annoying little accidents. Spills, stumbling, a scam phone call, ripped my shirt, stepped on a paint brush loaded with paint, stepped in Katie throw-up. She ate a bunch of grass, of course!

    John is off to the dermatologist again. A report on the biopsies. I think it will be a good report. He really seems cleared up.

    Under Armour is an an international company. I don’t see them trying to ditch Canadians off MFP. But again! What do I know? I think Anne accidently clicked on a pop up ad and got contaminated with malware. But once agin! What do I know?

    Buzz: I think those 21 different commandments you sent us mention not caring what others think. Great advice. I have it printed and stuck in my frig. If your new friendship bothers someone else...let them look somewhere else. I think it would be just fine if you started “keeping company” with this gentleman if he is nice, intelligent, and fun to be with. Just my opinion.

    Lin: scary times these days. Disappearing girls! Be careful and watch yourself. Park next to street lights etc. you know the precautions you must take.

    Aspirin and water with a wedge of lemon!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) That 18K has still not been won, I wonder how many numbers are left for someone to pick the right one. I didn't win at bingo either so it was a bad night. Hopefully tonight will be different.
    I agree with Patsy that Anne got malware and clicked on something she shouldn't have. I understand her fear though and hope she does return sooner than later. These scammers love when someone's computer gets all messed up, they are all idiots.

    I hope Jackie, is having a wonderful time. Patsy, I hope today is a better day for you. Lin, you are so busy lately it is hard to pin you down. Buzz, doesn't matter what people think as long as you enjoy yourself and other company. I met people at the pool who are all ten or more years younger than me and they want me to go out with them. I will probably take them up on it one of these days.

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying life.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all, it is muggy here but there was a rumor of showers today. I am so nervous with the wildfires south and east of us. The rain or showers sound heaven sent! My heart breaks for those who have lost their homes to fire. Yes it is only “stuff” but the emotional element of losing your home, the place that was supposed to be our safe haven, heart wrenching!

    I refuse to believe or accept that we could lose contact with our Anne. We will keep in touch no matter how strangled the communication lines.

    John’s biopsies showed nothing! But he had a itchy inflamed rash from his ankles to his neck. I am not kidding when I say he looked like a 10 year old kid with a bad case of measles. He was and sometimes still is, very cranky about this. What is this? How did I get it? What can I do to NOT get this ever again? You get the picture...

    Katie needs a bath and a total grooming. This is serious. Toenails, ear clean, brush and trim around the eyes and her beard and mustache. She hates all that but it must be done. I will be exhausted and covered in dog hair and soap suds.

    The Manafort trial is like a political burlesque. Peeping into such corruption is nauseating. What happened to these people? What happened to their heart and soul?

    I am grateful that you all are in my life. I would be lost without you. This small group has a cohesive nature. We do have such fun advising each other. We will stick together, no matter how crazy the effort.
    Anne, Jackie, Lin, Buzz, and our beloved leader, Sandy. Each an original and totally adorable. There seems to be plenty of room for others who wish to jump into the group. Yeehaw!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good afternoon. It is disconcerting to have our group split my MFP or some intermediary malware. I will admit if someone told me I needed to run a virus scan on my iPad, I would have no idea how o attempt that. I did not think there was software to run on an iOS system. I keep my operating system up to date. If there’s an update, I run it. Otherwise, I have no idea. I power it down from time to time.

    On my Windows laptop, I update the virus detection every day and run a scan.

    I am not confident in doing many other things.

    Okay, so it was early Tai Chi morning and a friend who hasn’t been there for months showed up for a little while. It is her husband who is in hospice care at home. She gets out for little bits of time when he is sleeping. They live nearby the center. Anyway, nice to see her and like it or not, she got a hug!

    Then onward to spend my Starbucks stars before they expired (lost some last month). Then I stopped at an office supply store to look at the cost for a package of sheets of labels. Small ones that could can be used for return address labels. And I also checked the price of printer ink and looked at the bargains in school supplies. I was just about to scoop up some of those bargains to donate for the usual “Back to School” drives but decided to wait and see. Are we going to collect for young children or older ones? Makes a difference in the supplies you select.

    I of course just love markers, paper, notebooks, pencil cases, etc., etc. Haaaa. But I am not going back to school! We have a tax free weekend (Friday and a Saturday) for clothing items under $100 but interestingly enough it does not include school supplies, specialty sports shoes or anything that costs more than $100. And it does not have to be children’s clothing, men’s, women’s, boys, girls, all are fair game.

    I stopped by the grocery store for the discounts, got my lunch and then went to the post office to get postage for my return item to Land’s End.

    I just framed little mixed media piece and am working on a journal page.

    That is about it. I am waiting to hear if my Tai Chi instructor can fit in a lesson for me this week. It doesn’t sound likely but we will see I guess. Tomorrow is ladies of the library day.

    Hugs my friends. I will copy this and send it to Anne a little later.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, how horrible about that poor student! But good for you with your Mah Jongg winnings!
    Did my nails last night and fell asleep several times during lacquer application! Today my nails are just a mess of bubbles so I have to re-do them anyway!
    SANDY, so sorry about having to reinstall your computer twice! Once is once too much!
    The following is simply a copy of my answer to ANNE
    ANNE, we miss you already! It may not have been a virus at all; just some idiot playing around with his/her new computer!
    I thought Florida was fortunate having such a rainy season with all the fires out west, and then I saw pictures of all the yucky algae infestation in our streams and canals. Just can't win!
    Have you tried writing to MFP regarding your problem? There's a special area for technical questions and they usually answer me within 24 hours.
    As far as the joys of spring, until I move to Australia, I'm looking forward to autumn, as I'm tired of jumping out of my chair with these huge unexpected thunder claps!
    I forgot to order low sodium soup yesterday, so I must stuff up with water today, as I gained 2 pounds overnight.It's so easy to get discouraged! Dinner again tonight with Ray and other friends. He is the widower I ate with last night, telling me about his 32 day auto trip (by himself) he just returned from, seeing all the magnificent Parks in the northwest! Buffaloes, glaciers, extreme heights, etc. He did very well.
    In any case, that time is rolling around so stay in touch
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2018
    I sure hope ANNE's problem is temporary malware. Would changiing the passwords to her WiFi help?
    PATSY, could John have gotten shingles? There is a new pair of inoculations for shingles we are all being urged to take, if you can find them!
    SANDY, especially since you look like your kids' older sister, I think accepting dates would be great for you!
    My foray into that aerobics class Monday, took care of my ankles, left shoulder, left hip and right butt! I had that feeling when I was fudging the marching steps! I think I'll get back to just plain walking where and as much as I'm comfortable with!
    Tomorrow I have Weight Watchers, a noontime party for the assistant to Oris, our exercise leader. She is getting married on the 18th. I made the invitations, for which received many compliments. It's always nice when people like your efforts! After that I have Volley Ball.
    Now, having made 2 greeting cards tonight, I will go to bed and try to catch some sleep.
    LIN, sending love your way, too!
    <3 Buzz
    ..............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Pub lunch...Out to lunch!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day, no win at bingo, that's all that is new in my life. lol
    Jackie, I presume you are on your road trip and stopped for lunch. Have fun, I know your friend will be so happy to see you. Buzz, I don't plan on dating anyone, if anything it would be a group going out together. I am still married even though I don't live with Babe and would never think about dating anyone. Lin, busy as usual. It said that the missing Iowa girl might have been spotted in Missouri so I hope they find her soon. Patsy, I give you credit for giving Katie a complete grooming, that is hard work especially on a big girl like her. Anne, Buzz might have a good idea in changing your password on your WiFi and also on MFP. Just a thought, hope all is well with you. ( I will copy and paste this in an email)

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello my dears, I am extremely creaky today. I fell last night and really bruised my hip. I can hobble along but OH BABY! This is not very funny. I am making a real effort to stay positive and let fear of falling keep me from doing stuff. Sounds pretty easy but for me, I have fallen 3times now. No damage except for a few bruises and a real hit to my dignity. (if I ever had any).

    Looks like a partly cloudy day. We had a “Camelot” rain shower early this morning. The leaves are starting to have that autumn tinge of yellow and orange. Early fall? We occasionally get the strong smell of smoke from California fires and our own Eastern Oregon wildfires.

    John’s biopsies said nothing! No answers there. We still just spectulate and wonder about this huge rash that covered John. It is gone now. Thanks be to God!

    I am very sore but I must try to do a bit of cleaning. I think I heard that gentle movement is good for sore and bruised muscles.

    Sandy: you always seem very loyal and caring about your husband. You also seem to have a huge family support system in place. Good for you! My support system is dear John and nurse Katie. Our son would pitch in if needed.

    Jackie: will you be using that glorious tennis court? Wonderful photo. It does seem like your part of England, looks similar to Oregon but we don’t have low rolling hills. I suspect the latitude is the same.

    Buzz: I have tried exercising with a class. Not happening for me. As far as your new friend, your commandments for seniors mentions how important it is to stay connected to friends and family. Get out and do things. Good advice. I fight agoraphobia constantly. I fear my movie and book recommendations are lacking. No good movies so far. John is impatiently waiting for the new lee Child book. I read everything. I have no Standards!

    Hugs and greetings to everyone...including Anne, Lin and Jeri.
    Simply adore each and every one of you!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It IS amazing how our group has become similar to lifetime friends! PATSY, I know we are all happy you are now part of our group, and yes, I believe there is genuine caring on all our parts. We worry,...and feel joy for one another,...and by the way, do you recall when I posted that list of "rules"? I never printed it, and think it's high time I do so!
    Well, my Weight Watchers said I lost another 1/2 pound the past week. Salty soup saved me from being a braggart! I ways up 2 pounds on my scale! After the meeting, we had a sweet lunch party for an assistant leader here whose wedding is approaching, and then I played seated volleyball. We have so many laughs and some exercise playing.
    Will ANNE try the password changes? We have a hole in her spot, just waiting! I haven't checked email yet.
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    A lovely part of my day is checking messages here to see what is going on with everyone. You are all very valued parts of my life. Thank you. <3<3

    Jackie, I love the photo. Did you and George play a set or two of tennis? That is a lovely Court. Beautiful sky in the background.

    Sandy, meeting day is a busy one for you isn’t it? Sorry no Bingo win. Sometimes when we are playing Mah Jongg and a game goes on and on and we are sick of it well before we run out of tile. We usually say, will someone please win so we can start over? I purposefully discarded several tiles in one game on Tuesday to help a lady win. I knew what hand she was going for. Haaaaa. If only your Bingo game could be settled. The girl in Missouri was not the missing girl/lady from Iowa we have been told. Reward has amped up a lot.

    Patsy, oh my, so sorry to hear about your fall. That is something that gives me the shakes. Thinking about falling. We are looking a bit like autumn as well but it is due to the dry conditions I think. I don’t like exercising with a class in many instances but have found Tai Chi and Qigong to be my exceptions to the rule.

    Buzz, good for you. So creative and I will add my pat on the back to you for all the cards and invitations you are making for people. You are bringing smiles and joy. Nothing better.

    This morning was Library day and we had a nice time. An added extra was that one of our regulars made it in for about an hour. We had not seen her since her surgical biopsy. And actually have seen her little since the first of the year due appointments and procedures. Overall she is doing pretty good and it was nice to talk to her rather than just texting bits and pieces back and forth.

    I did nearly flip out though. I was working on some extra ‘marks’ on a journal page and a lady grabbed my journal and flipped through it. It is very delicate and all my finished pages of work ripped loose and fell out. I nearly cried. When I brought it home I used strong Washi tape to try to put it back together. I will never take that journal out again where someone can grab it! And I will never purchase that type of journal again either.

    We had a large group of folks around us and one lady was extremely vocal with a piercing voice. We did quite a bit of jumping in our seats! She scribbled several pages of purple marker. Then she licked the table over and over. After that she drug her lower lip across the surface as well. We were a bit horrified and her carer did nothing to stop her. Hope the markers weren’t toxic. Ooooooh my!

    Before the Library I did a trip to the grocery store to pick up a free lottery ticket and stopped by Walmart for softener salt and white vinegar. Strange list right? I could use more softener salt but would prefer to find the 25lb. Bags rather than the 40 lb. ones.

    Tomorrow, early Tai Chi day and later I am going to have a private session with the instructor. Saturday is an all day paper crafters day at the library. Sunday is church once again.

    Not a very interesting life here either I guess.



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello All,

    Ed and I just got back from a great camping trip. Lots of fun. We did a great drive one day on a road through the foothills and into the mountains a bit. The next day we had a wonderful day meeting Ed’s second Cousin way south of us here in Calgary in the Crowsnest area. His cousin is really into history and genealogy. We met for lunch then went to the Hillcrest Cemetery. The site of a cemetery for the 189 miners who died in 1914 in an incident. On the 100th Anniversary they’ve done a great memorial. Very touching but it was so hot I was cooking.

    Next stop a tour of an old coal mine. Again very interesting but awfully cold. I wore long pants and a hoody and still froze.

    After visiting another relative we headed home. It would normally take about an hour from the campground. However we ran into the remains of a wild hail storm with about 6” of snow on the highway. We were stopped for about 30 minutes as cars couldn’t make it up the hill. Finally someone helped and traffic resumed. Just the other side of the big hill, it all went away. Our campground only had rain. Quite a day.

    I hear Anne is having trouble connecting. I just got back but had no problems connecting.

    Still having problems with my leg. Got back from camping then headed to my Physio appt. sure hope I get this fixed soon.

    Cheers to all,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The Cotswolds are as beautiful as I remembered and with the return of our heatwave my friend and I are taking each day steadily as we potter from village to pub to scenic gardens. After her stroke my friend is doing remarkably well and yesterday she did some driving to gain more confidence. Not sure my confidence was as high as hers but she did great! Yesterday we sat outside in that pub garden with the views for nearly 3 hours (no tennis match!!) before driving on to a gorgeous little village with manor house, church and houses to die for... way beyond my reach but still lovely to just stroll along and admire. We also found a delightful walled garden open for public viewing with every kind of plant I would love to grow in mine and at the entrance gate information about why it is there. Apparently owned and tended by a lady in her 80's who relies on help from her sister and a couple of volunteers... put my efforts to shame but on the leaflet she has offered anyone who emails her photos of plants of interest advice on names etc so later today we will return with our cameras! This is a view from one of our resting spots.
    [img] zir.jpg[/img]

    Soon be time to walk George with a neighbour of my friend who has a beautiful Retriever called Brody. She offered to show me around the warren of lanes and walkways... Just as well because otherwise I'd soon be lost!

    Take care, especially Patsy having fallen again. I know how it knocks confidence so take things steady. Also sorry to read we lost Anne again. I've not had a repeat of that message either but then I did agree to it then immediately change my password so fingers crossed!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Trying again!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again. I keep losing my posts. I will try one more time then, if the computer god is feeling cranky,
    I will abandon this for awhile.

    Jackie: stunning garden! Love the flowers that look like flaming torches. I am so glad your friend is getting along better after her stroke. Scary stuff! I must say that gardening must be in the DNA of English people. They do it so beautifully and we all know it is backbreaking work that heals the mind and soul.

    My fall mainly bruised my hip and scared us both. It is such an odd thing. One minute I am getting ready for bed, opening windows, closing curtains, and suddenly I am on the floor in the bedroom. Katie and John were fussing around me. I feel like someone hit me on the hip with a baseball bat. But today, I feel just fine. The bruise is an amazing purple. Not too decorative, in truth.

    I feel sure Anne will try to reconnect as soon as she discusses this with her son. We all get nervous about internet tricks and scams. I think we will be okay if we just stay alert to unusual activity.

    I am ordering new makeup, a small fuzzy top knot to jazz up my hairdo. I am returning a cute blue jean jacket that was to be accessorized with beads and studs. Cute but poorly made! I am making chili brownies for the weekend. I bake a very small pan of them because servings are supposed to be tiny. These are chocolaty and spicy. Serve with Sunday morning coffee and really great music...Sunday Baroque. Good weekend of fiddling around, not doing very much.
    Every day is the weekend!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing Laundry with the idea of going to see the grand kids when done but my landlord came with his handyman to fix my shower. There was a gaping hole where the plate to the shower was fixed to the wall so they put in another plate and my OCD is now at rest. I also tattled on the new people across the way whose kids destroyed the bricks and mulch under two trees. They just did the mulch last week and it looked so nice, so again my OCD kicked in and told my landlord who is the property manager. I got the weirdest messae on my IPhone, it was a sex text from a number I have no idea. I didn't not open anything and blocked the number but it is a little scary. My computer acted up all morning and I finally have decided it was a Comcast error since all is good now.

    I think it is too late to visit the boys today, I will postpone until another day.

    Have a great evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Glad PATSY's bruise is not more serious; falls can be disastrous! I think you do a great deal, so if you find spare time, just lean back and enjoy!
    Same for LIN! Your life is anything but boring!
    JERI, the camping trip sounds very interesting, but my camping days are long over! You two are such sports!
    SANDY, what OCD? Just because holes in your shower wall annoy you,lol? By the way, I'm finding Comcast is filing away perfectly safe mail while letting through obvious scams! And they tried to charge me for one of the service calls they made to fix the wiring to the outside. I hope they believed when I refused to pay!
    My eye doctor again told me my eyes are in excellent condition so I'm good for another 6 months! And now, dinnertime!
    JACKIE, such beautiful gardens, and I know we'll see ideas from them in your gardens soon!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello friends, I will confess, I have written a note to Anne! I saw a photo of the Dales on Facebook and had to share.

    Meanwhile, oh my goodness, Jackie I love the garden and the building behind it. My mom had a couple of those interesting plants I think, she called them red hot pokers. I would imagine there’s a more formal name. Just lovely. Thanks for posting. Glad your friend is doing well. And also glad you and George had a guide on your walk.

    Sandy, haaa, I laughed, OCD indeed. I am glad you are getting things fixed up. Wahoo! Enjoy your weekend.

    Patsy, still thinking, OUCH. Take your time healing up. A fall just shakes things out of their proper places and also leaves many sore spots. Have Katie treat you kindly.

    Jeri, I cannot believe the snow!! I had seen a photo on Facebook a couple of days ago I think and I thought I was being fooled. You know, a photo from last year re-posted as new. But oh no. Now I know it is true!! Continue to enjoy your travels. Any photo you’d care to share would be appreciated. :D I am pushy!!

    Buzz, enjoy your days. You are quite the sportswoman. Good for you and wonderful to get an excellent report on your eyes. You are always involved in the activities.

    I had Tai Chi and Qigong classes this morning, stopped for some tofu and made a snack before setting off for my one on one lesson with my instructor. Always helpful but we seem to do more talking than actual working. I believe she thinks the brain cannot take in too much at a time. She makes me walk around the room when she believes I am on overload. It is what her teacher does. She says she has walked the room many times. :)

    One last stop at the local health food store for a couple of items and then home in the heat of the afternoon.

    I am packing up for tomorrow’s day of Papercrafting. I know it is ridicuous but I try to take everything I believe I need as I never want to make a trip back to my house to pick up an item. I hate to lose the time to work and visit with these ladies. I am close to packed now. Will review my ‘stuff’ in the morning.

    Have a wonderful weekend. Talk at you sometime tomorrow.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) A/C is fixed and running smoothly. My landlord and repairman were here for about an hour and a half, they are partners in some units. I don't think the renters before me ever changed a filter, the furnace was so dirty. All is good, only thing left is the fireplace and I have someone coming to look at it when he has time.

    It is going to be a hot weekend so today I will go to the pool, to Church and then to visit Babe and Daisy. Tomorrow I "might" go see the boys to give the parents a break. I will take them someplace so they can relax. I think my son goes back to work on Monday so Lisa will have to handle them alone. I am sure she will be texting for some help.

    Lin, have fun at Papercrafting, would love to see pictures of finished products. I have sent Anne and the group a couple of emails as well. I do hope her son figures out what to do so she can join us again.

    Buzz, as annoying as Comcast is, I still like their service better than others. I think their internet is much faster and I love X1. I am glad you got a good report on your eyes and that you are able to resume exercise.

    Patsy, I hope each day is bringing faster healing with your hip. Look at you, getting all pretty with new makeup and fuzzy knots for your hair. I would have to pass on the brownies since I don't like anything spicy.

    Jackie, what a beautiful picture! I am so glad you are enjoying time with your friend. How is George liking his first vacation away from home?

    Jeri, I too, saw that video on Facebook and couldn't believe it was in July. What a weird storm.
    I am glad you made it home safely and enjoyed your trip.

    Have a great Saturday.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Saturday, mild temps, partly cloudy, great weekend! Even Katie is mellow today. She has been sunbathing out on the deck. I will be joining her for some of my exercises. Too nice out, must do as much outside as possible. I saw more yellow leaves!

    I decided to try some new makeup and lipstick color. When I fell, I bite my top lip, so I have a huge hole in my top lip. Not really great looking but I was thinking I look sort of drab. I need some spark. New paint on the old barn! Still old but it looks better.

    I have been sketching out some ideas for the new paintings. Why are my sketches always better than my paintings? Or at least they are so different. It is like I changed my mind somewhere along the way.

    I understand that small independent movies are taking over this summer. There is a documentary about Mr. Rodgers that everyone is thrilled with. Also one about Ruth Bater Ginsberg called RBG. These films are in regular theaters and it is wonderful that people are flocking to see these real life movies about real life heros. We need to hear about good people doing good things.

    The weekend promises good weather and I am ready for almost any thing. Gardening...pulling enormous weeds that look more like trees, washing a few windows that seem to be coated with doggie drool or snot. Bleck!