Senior Golden Sneakers



  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    PATSY. My machine is forever changing your name! I've caught it so far! Patience is such a pretty name. Naughty grandma for changing it. Did you try HER patience by any chance? lol.

    We have had downpours so far. Flooding, but a good thing for cooling the forests down. Not so good for taking little dogs out.

    I've been considering one of those modern real looking electric fires for cuddling up to this winter. Nowadays is the time to buy methinks with all this heat and humidity. Any views on them and make recommendations if you have one? There's a real fireplace downstairs but apart from washing the clothes and veggie storing, I rarely venture into my dungeon.

    Having leftover ratatouille for lunch. I'm beginning to look like ratatouille but today should finish it off! news, it being a boring rainy day again.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good day. Temperature was lovely early this morning. Several hours of Tai Chi and Qigong. Then off to pick up a few things on discount day at the grocery store. Then, excitement for me, I called the lady in Illinois who I have ordered Tai Chi materials several times in the past and wahoo, there is a DVD or the long form Rainbow Flying fan LONG form. Amazing. When she returns home from Canada she will send one to me. And she says I can watch it, to make sure it works, before sending her a check. Very nice person.

    I cleaned some green beans. They are almost done. I think I will try to go to the 1pm Tai Chi class. My regular instructor on Wed and Fri mornings is going on vacation and will not return until the end of the month. Video practice is just not the same!

    We had little rain. High around 90 today. It is time. State Fair starts tomorrow. We normally have questions temhot and muggy weather for the run of the fair.

    Happy day all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I actually got 4 or 5 hours sleep last night for a refreshing change! Then I got a phone call telling me a technician was on his way with a new camera for my new laptop! Wow, what service. Remember yesterday my computer was typing right to left?...well, all kinds of things were happening, so I called Dell and they fixed it all, mostly by phone and online, but the camera seemed disconnected. I thought that would take some time but today, it was replaced!!! And looks great! Now, having much of my day taken up unexpectedly, I must start dressing for our bus trip to the best restaurant for lobster within 20 miles! I wished they had spaced our lobster dinners a bit further apart, but at 91, I grab while I can! Now my DD#2 will be arriving on the 19th, and the first thing she wants to do is go with me for lobster! Yes, I love lobster, but this may be overdoing a special treat!
    I love the doggie pictures, even the sleepy ones! I definitely recognize Katie's poodle points, of which I am so fond, but they are all just precious!
    Since I have just one hour to dress and get down for the bus, ( my movements have slowed down drastically!) I will throw hugs and kisses about, and catch them if you can ;)
    <3 Buzz
    ................................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's a pleasant day with warm temperatures and just a few clouds so the dogs have been walked and I'm in the process of stewing rhubarb, throwing a ball into the garden for Scruff and organising George's lunch. This afternoon I'll visit a gentleman friend who shreds papers for my hen bedding and he loves dogs. Not sure he knows what he's letting himself in for with the young madam who last night attacked Hebe my older cat then on our walk picked the largest, fluffiest dog to argue with. Hebe was obviously scared but not hurt and the monster dog was thankfully placid. Dear George just stands back with a look of horror on his face so I did feel bad when shouting at Scruff last night to get in her bed he thought I meant him and cried as he climbed into his. Talk about a feeling of guilt but he soon forgave me.

    Enough of dogs! ANNE, I'm not sure if branded heaters would have the same names there as in the UK but look up Endeavour and Dimplex both of which have good reviews. Depending what sort of price you'd want to pay they do quite nice designs for about £150+ and sometimes just having the flame flickering without the heater fan is enough to make you feel warm as toast.

    Patsy, I've noticed since restarting my phone it keeps changing your name to Pasty and has always changed Lin to Lib unless I keep missing the 'N'!! Loved your cake story and could just imagine John insisting on keeping it as it was spelled. :D

    Buzz, I trust the lobster was as delicious as you hoped. For my lunch yesterday I had smoked mussels on toast, courtesy of a tin of course! It's something I used to buy a lot of and was reminded last week when my friend prepared them as a salad dish with avocado and crispy bacon... yummy!

    Lin, let's hope your DVD is exactly what you are looking for. Perhaps then if your winter weather is bad you'll still be able to practice at home. Fingers crossed for you!

    Jeri, I've remembered the name of my plant similar to your photo is pink campion.

    I'd best get on with a few chores before going out. Happy Thursday everyone. Hi Sandy.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    Oh yes, I remember pink campions. We called them "soldiers buttons" a throwback to Victorian soldiers uniforms I suppose. That was the wild red ones anyway.
    Thanks for the electric fire brand tips JACKIE. Duly noted for checking on the internet later.
    Michael is debating taking in two tiny love birds. Parakeets. The owner can't be bothered taking care of them anymore. At the moment they aren't friendly with humans because of being ignored. I rather hope he does. Everyone in our family is/was dotty about animals especially my late dad. This was difficult because my mother was the only one not at all keen and she had to put up with just about every domesticated animal under the sun! I honestly think Mike would have been much happier in a job related to animals rather than dealing with us two legged lot which he does on a daily basis.

    Still hot here, but all the rain we had, and it was a LOT really freshened things up on our earlier morning walk.
    Bye for now, and hope your day is pleasant and joyful,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday!😃 Computer still not working and I am not very good typing on my IPad. I won at bingo last night so it was a good night. Meeting today, then a couple of errand before meeting friends for dinner. I am speaking at meeting so have to prepare my talk. Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Well, one post lost! Growl!!

    Sandy, congrats on your Bingo win. I hope it was a large one. Haaaaa.

    Anne, hot, hot, hot here as well. I have no fireplace tips. I had my wood fireplace replaced with a gas fireplace. Then I got an electric fireplace but I just purchased what a I could get for a good price. Finally, I purchased something that I do like very much but is not what you are shopping for. It is a Dyson combination heater/fan. No dangerous blades, it doesn’t heat up much either. It just puts out heat, quite lovely heat. I do sore it.

    Jackie, interesting flower. Pink campion, hummm, I have never heard of them. Quite lovely. Something butterflies and bees would like?

    Jeri, I liked the photo you posted and what a great story to go with it.

    Buzz, hello, I hope you enjoyed your lobster. Oh, and I did finally receive my CBD infused toothpicks. They also have lemon/lime flavoring. I have tried one and I am not certain I like them or if they help at all truth be told. Time will tell I guess.

    Patsy, good day to you. I hope you and John and Katie are all well.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good Thursday to all! It is overcast and mild. Katie and I did exercises out on the deck. Katie chased squirrels and I did core exercises...75 reps. Yea me!

    Today I am finishing up a sewing project. Should be fun to finish it. It is a stripped tunic. I am seeing our marine layer disappearing fast. That will mean things will heat up around here. Yuck. It was so nice out this morning.

    I had to give up shrimp and lobster. Actually most shellfish. Sadly!!!! I eat salmon occasionally and tuna even less occasionally. The things we do to try to remain healthy. John stubbornly eats salmon at every opportunity. No beef or pork, thankfully. It does sound and smell heavenly when we are near people who are grilling. Makes our veggie burger seem pretty pallad by comparison. call from our son. Later.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The disappointment in last night's lobster was strictly my own fault: too large! I find up to 1.5lbs is sweet and tender. Over that weight, the meat is dry and a bit tough. I absolutely could not crack the knuckles, and our waiter seemed reluctant! It was not the greatest, although I always love lobster. I'll keep it to less fancy places and buy smaller! It was my first 2 pounder! The original Bostonian owner sold about 2 years ago, and they no longer even serve New England clam chowder. PATSY, I am not supposed to eat shellfish, either, because of gout! But I cheat, and if the toes swell, My cbd roll-on salve seems very effective!
    JACKIE, your household sounds really disturbed with Scruff calling the shots! George is really a person in a dog's body; your description had me in sympathetic stitches!
    LIN, your Dyson heater fan sounds very interesting! A fireplace that cools!
    SANDY, so sorry about your computer. I don't find my iPad that convenient (or user friendly!)
    ANNE, it's so good to have you back!
    Wow, I might make it to bed before midnight. Bi hugs to you all!
    Oh, Weight Watchers this morning; I lost another 2.6 pounds!.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! 😃 Another busy day so no time again. I am going to my friends farm with another couple from bingo. Dinner was great yesterday but not good for my weight. I can't wait for my son to get here to fix my computer. I feel so lost without it!

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good day. Early Tai Chi and Qigong morning. Afterwards, I stayed to talk to several people and then had coffee with a lady who brought the origami books and materials given to her by a mutual friend when she moved away. Very interesting with loads of challenging projects. Enjoyed looking things over and encouraging her as she has decided to give it a try! We had been talking about attending the weekly Monday Artists group at the same time. Never got a commitment from her time. I have appointments on Mondays (if I schedule something) and usually attend Tai Chi in the afternoon. So, not certain I will give it a try. I did attend a few times but I would sit in the wrong chair or something do never bonded with the group even a tiny bit. I think you would need to faithfully show up for months before they might possibly get comfortable with a new person. Well, enough of that.

    Just finishing lunch, doing laundry and need to write some checks and pack a kit for tomorrow morning. The monthly card crafting group has a meeting tomorrow. I will likely attend through yearend and then assess whether I am ready to quit. I do sound like a quitter don’t I? Haaa, maybe I am.

    Otherwise, just boring old me. Doing my little chores, making cards, reading books and hoping to learn more new things.

    Sandy, I hope you get your computer going again. It isn’t often that you cannot put things right.

    Buzz, wow, a lobster that is too big? Back when I did eat lobster, and I never had it that many times in my entire life, there was never a question of too big here in the Midwest. Haaaaa. Oh, and the Dyson heats but it doesn’t really cool, it just moves the air around like a very lovely quiet bladeless fan.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My neighbour again walked with me this morning and we had fun with the dogs until the heavens opened and torrential rain poured down on us. We tried to shelter under trees but to be honest probably got more soaked from the huge droplets coming off the leaves. We stayed for a coffee in the cabin cafe set up in the car park for wet dog walkers just like us then it was home to yes, throw a ball for Scruff in between some housework. A quiet day which has been pleasant and my neighbours popped round to doggy walk this evening while I made a batch cook of dog food. They've come back with a bag of blackberries for me that I'll stew and enjoy on my morning cereal.
    Hebe the cat has moved into my bedroom hiding from Scruff so I've put bowls of kibble and water in there. Brady was also attacked last night but brave George jumped to his best friend's defence and chased Scruff away. We never had this problem before when I've looked after her and wonder if it's because Boris is no longer around... he never took any nonsense!!
    Buzz I'm sorry your lobster got the better of you. Just goes to show bigger isn't always best!
    Nothing else to report. LIN I remember you trying to join a group that turned out to be an unfriendly clique not too long ago so I'd say they don't deserve your company.

    My favourite gardening programme about to start with a section on beekeeping so I'll bid you all a pleasant afternoon/evening.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Well Marks convinced me I don't need a wall mounted electric fire, and maybe I don't, not really. I think I still yearn for the fireplaces we had in England, forgetting of course the cleaning up. Nostalgia! Mind you the last log burning stone fireplace I had was in Quebec. It was great, in the morning you just removed a sliding lid and shoved all the ashes down a chute into a basement container to be cleaned up in the spring. I'd never seen anything like that before...or since for that matter. So, on a nasty blizzard riddled night if I want comfort as I read my book I'll have to resort to turning the TV screen fire on, lol.

    SANDY, do you help out on the farm with harvesting approaching? I ask because in my day it was all hands on deck, picking up dug over potatoes etc. if you visited a farm. I would imagine though, and I keep forgetting we ARE seniors, it's a social visit, but I can still smell the freshly turned earth.

    I read today about a lovely Belgian lady who runs a retirement home for aging animals that can no longer be looked after by their owners. Mainly dogs and cats but she also had goats, a pig, horses etc and all 150 looking very content to be with her. Those are the sort of people who give us hope.

    You know, I've never eaten a lobster in my life. They are monogamous. I have eaten crab, but that was years and years ago and I will never eat them again.

    Just found out that 2019 is the year of the pig or boar for the Asians. I'm a pig! Maybe an interesting year for us little piggies!

    Must close and make a cheese omelette for supper.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2018
    My weight has finally gone below a hateful number for the first time in years! My mind seems to have finally accepted a new approach to food! I'll try the tiny carrots for before dinner tonight rather than accepting the muffins and rolls that got me to where I am!
    JACKIE, I cannot believe your patience with Scruff!
    Everyone, read all your posts but ran out of time! :p:p:p love you all!
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen!.....................
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    We posted at the same time again JACKIE. Great minds think alike. How long are you looking after the little pest, ahem, pet? That was the spell check, of course if you believe that! I guess you will all give a sigh of relief as Scruff trots off into the sunset with her owner.

    Yes LIN, keep away from unfriendly cliques who are unaware how hurtful their behaviour can be.
    Anne, omelette bound.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers. Interesting day for Jackie and Lin. I am not too good with other people’s animals. I do love the little creatures however. When I babysit our sons dogs, I always feel sweet Katie gets short schrift. Our sons very tiny dog (Runtie) is the grumpy alpha dog. She nips at Katie. She is old and barely has any teeth. But she can be nasty!

    Lin: Ridicules cliques are simply not worth the effort. They are juvenile and ill behaved. Avoid them and never give them ANY power over you. I learned that in high school. I was invited to join a sorority and after one meeting I was totally repulsed. They were actually black balling girls for terrible reasons. Criminal really! That was a century ago, it seems.

    Toward that end I would further comment that the joy of diversity and the fun of total inclusion makes life sweeter. Making veggie burritos for the weekend treat. I sneak in a bit of spice and heat just to drive John nuts. I love it when his eyebrows shoot up...WOW! This is spicy, Miss Patsy! Have you found a way to cook with dynamite?
    Hahahaha Patsy
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Awfully hot here today. Set a record for hottest day in Calgary ever. We went out with Mel and Melissa and the kids to the Science Center. At least it was inside. Lots of fun too. But then we went to pick up our trailer and it was so hot. Down in Ed’s hobby room in the basement - much cooler.

    Jackie, Pink Campion is in the same family. I saw our referred to as Catchfly None-so-Pretty Silene Armeria.

    I saw this: Catchfly None-So-Pretty Silene Armeria is an attractive annual or tender perennial native to Europe. Also called Sweet William Catchfly, this plant is one of the very easiest wildflowers to grow. Catchfly seeds can be sown throughout the season. Silene Armeria grows quickly and blooms in just 6 - 8 weeks after germination producing rose-purple clusters of small flowers. Catchfly blooms heavily attracting butterflies and bees.

    Buzz - good for you losing weight. Terrific.

    Anne - Ed is from Nova Scotia and I grew up in Alberta. He introduced me to lobster the first time I went to NS. I LOVE lobster. Yummy. We don’t have it here very often. But every trip to NS includes a lobster meal plus multiple lobster sandwiches.

    Nite all,


  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello everyone, I've thought long and hard about the following because I am so fond of you all and I don't want to step on any toes, but I've decided to tell you why I've never eaten lobster, and crab I think only once. It's a personal thing. Some of my family lived in two east coast towns and not so far from my family home so as a child and teen visits to the seaside were plentiful. The harbours teemed with fishing boats and stands of ready to eat dressed lobster, crab, mussels, oysters etc. I've always loved animals and once I found out very early in years that lobsters, who have one mate for life, are killed by plunging into boiling water, and yes they do suffer however momentarily, I could never eat one of the poor things. It's okay, I have trouble with lamb and veal as well. These poor creatures are hauled across miles of land with their claws tied with rubber bands to face death in a pot of boiling water. I just can't eat them. I scurry past tanks of them in restaurants and grocery stores with face averted. So, it's just me and personal choice. As I grow older and older my wish for any form of meat becomes less and less. The sons feel the same and I'm touching wood here, Mike who suffered kidney stones regularly appears to be doing well since he abandoned red meat.

    Now...... this is just me. An explanation of my habits. No criticism intended. East coast fishermen have a living to make both here and in East Yorkshire.

    Talking of Mike, he will be over today, for once on a Saturday to help with the grocery shop. I had to laugh at Jilly last evening. She does a huge pee, rushes over to tell me what a clever girl she is and gets a small treat. Having consumed that, she rushes off and strains and strains to produce the tiniest drop. Rushes back to tell me excitedly she's done another. Of course I say "you call THAT a pee" and she leaps up and down excitedly, "yes, yes". Of course, being soft in the head, I give her another treat!

    Well I will away. Interesting what you wrote about the flower JERI. I love flowers.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! 😃 This afternoon I am going to my nieces house to celebrate my brother's 85th birthday. They told me to bring my swimsuit but I will leave it in the car. I hope to only spend a couple of hours there so I can get back home for 5:00 Mass, but we will see. My son and DIL come tomorrow so I would like to get to grocery store so I can straighten house tomorrow. This week has been too busy and next week could be the same.

    I love lobster tail but not the whole lobster. I am like Anne when I see them in a restaurant in a tank which hasn't been for years. The whole circle of life can be disturbing so I don't like to think about it. But I do like meat and chicken so much I could never be a vegetarian of vegan. I have many friends who are so to each their own.

    Hopefully tomorrow my son can fix my computer. Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello all. A wet and windy day is keeping us indoors again although I did manage a good walk with the dogs and my neighbour first thing. Scruff's final day with me and as if she knows she's being a poppet with lots of cuddles and rolling on her back. Poor Hebe is still scared and earlier sat outside in the rain shouting her disgust but I went out and carried her in so she's now settled in the safety of my bedroom.

    Anne, certainly in the UK restaurant chefs found a few years ago they had to find a more humane way of killing lobsters because boiling them alive was unpopular so they now use a sharp knife. It's my belief the whole process of farming and abattoirs should be taught in schools so that informed decisions can be made. I do my best to source free range meat although red is off my menu too.

    Jeri, That is our Campion although Sweet William is something different but I think the same family. In the Spring my garden is covered in a pink carpet, all self seeded.

    Patsy, my experience is smaller dogs are generally more feisty and ready to give larger pooches a hard time. What we know as small dog syndrome! I'm aware Scruff is feeling unsettled because she's off her food so she's the getting benefit of the doubt on her last day. Have you tried chilli chocolate? I've a bar of lime and chilli in the fridge that blows my head off with the smallest piece so no chance of me over indulging!

    Sandy, enjoy the birthday party whether you get in the pool or not.

    I was going to clean the kitchen and it's already nearly 5pm so had better get on.

    Hello Buzz and Lin x
