Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning. Oh my, it was warm and very muggy last night. I had a restless night therefore. But it is cooler this morning. There was supposed to be showers today. Wouldn’t that be nice?

    More crab stories...our son and John were taken crabbbing by a friend. Neither of them had ever been crabbing. They caught a big number to bring home for a big crab feed. Big tubs of boiling water and to make matters worse, they were to smash the crabs on a big rock before throwing them into the boiling water. The whole episode was not very much fun. Damon could not eat any of the crab and John only nibbled politely before they beat a hasty retreat. Damon has never eaten anything with crab in it since. John also avoids it. The experience was very unpleasant. And we live on the coast where fishing is a huge part of the economy. Salmon, crab, and tuna are huge fisheries here. I totally understand your feelings Anne. I eat very little fish , no shellfish, no red meat and occasionally a little chicken. I don’t miss it really. The smell of grilling meat does cause the juices to flow however.

    Once again I am dealing with the complicated relationship between our daughter and us. I see she needs counciling but that is offensive to her. I know that we all have complicated family relationships. The perfect loving family that has no issues simply does not exist. We adapt, try to be supportive, and understand that sometimes our family members have problems that are too big to handle alone. I know that if I really examine and understand why someone does something uncaring, my feelings will never be hurt. That said, my daughter has painful dental problems. She is scared to go to the dentist. I offer to go with her but that causes her even more distress. The situation is not good. It is now an irrational fear. However this kind of problem will demand attention on its own.

    Got new jazzy sunglasses and a set of 4 reading glasses. I think there is a black hole here in our house. My glasses disappear and never show up again! I suspect some demented burglar sneaks in and steals glasses. Odd!
    Happy weekend all,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello! The gathering today was nicer than usual. There was a new lady with decades of card making experience and the others were quite happy to welcome her. I talked to her quite a bit as well. Very nice person. I had no expectations that the others would have much to say to me so no disappointment. They were actually friendlier than usual. When I got home I finished the fronts of the cards we were making.

    I hope to spend many more hours finishing cards over the next few days. That is about it for me.

    As to the lobster discussion, I am vegan so not a personal decision for me now. I am not going back.

    Jackie, I hope you have survived all the animal antics. Just thinking about gardening, do you grow sweet potatoes or yams? We never could grow much of anything here as the season was too short and the plants didn’t the right soil, water, or temperature conditions. We had tiny little tubers while raising regular potatoes was quite easy.

    Anne, did you have a good shopping day? I did laugh at Jilly and the treats. She has you trained.

    Sandy, I hope you get to church and to all the events on your schedule. You are going to have a busy week.

    Jeri, good to hear from you. Do you have a trip coming up before you travel to Scotland? Any improvement with your foot issues?

    Patsy, ha, reading glasses going missing. I giggle because I have misplaced many pairs of those. Thankfully I keep track of the really expensive prescription lenses. I don’t know what to say about your daughter’s problem. I hope it is resolved but I also know there are many things that I don’t do that I avoid and there is no one to push me.

    Buzz, what’s up this weekend? Hope your computer is humming away nicely.

    Must write some checks and get things packed for church tomorrow.

    Hugs to my friends.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi gals...and their pups! Spent ages back on researching this cbd stuff and then my order for the tub of salve arrived today and I rushed to try it, and whereas with the roll-on I would apply it just before needing to use my fingers, this RECOVER has been on about 2 hours and still feels almost normal! The numbness has improved and the pins and needles are mostly gone!
    My DD called today barely able to speak, she was in such agony! Her partner has metastasized cancer in her spine, bronchial tubes, lymph nodes in the chest, heart has fluid around ... in other words, a horror! DD will be her only support and comfort, if that's possible. I'm afraid the pain will be horrendous and hope she can be helped somehow!
    ANNE, you may have just cured my love for lobster! I had no idea they were anything but feelingless creatures!
    Love you all, but it's 10 past midnight and I'm really trying to do better with my sleeping habits, so I'm logging off this minute! XOXOXO to everyone!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday!😃 it was wonderful seeing my brother and no I did not swim, didn't even bring my suit.
    He is very frail looking and having a hard time walking. He lives with my niece and she is having a hard time with him as far as he is stubborn. He doesn’t move around enough and is demanding. I told her she needs her siblings to help her and also to have someone come in to help bathe him and make him move around. His mind is great but I honestly think he misses his wife so much he just doesn’t care.
    I left early to get to Mass and stop by Babe’s before going to grocery store. I think my son and DIL will arrive around noon so I have to clean the bathrooms and vacuum. I could have my computer back later today!

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning, well it is almost afternoon.

    Still being driven crazy with my sore legs. Mostly right but left getting sore too. Most be because I am walking and sitting different due to pain. Not too bad today. I’m going to try walk small 15 minute increments throughout the day. Fingers crossed.

    Lin - we are going to Banff tomorrow to meet a cousin we’ve not met before. SB interesting as he can’t speak or hear. But his wife can. We’ll write lots of notes and Ed says he’ll use the dictate feature on his iPhone to communicate. We met his sister last month (same issue) and we made out just fine. Then next Friday we’ll be away about a week camping and visited.

    Buzz - sounds like it’s working OK sir far. Keep us posted.

    Sandy - glad you enjoyed your visit. I agree with your advice to your niece too.

    Patsy - LOL. I think that is what happened to my nightgown when I was camping. I’m sure I didn’t really just throw it out.

    Time for lunch.

    Have a great day.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Foggy day here. We had a sweet shower earlier. It is cool and smells wonderful outside. I guess you have to be a true Oregon slug to love this dampness. I confess that after a few days, I long to see the sun. Things are really starting to look like fall is on the way. The leaves are looking very orangish. Things might look better for the firefighters. Higher humidity and a few showers couldn’t hurt!

    I am currently hooked on YouTube. Looking at everything from dog grooming to sewing tips and fashion for older women! Well! I guess that was a crazy thing to do. I also look at exercises for knees etc. youtube is quite fun. Full of nutty things and useful things as well.

    Bees are busy around the Flowers. They are territorial and will not tolerate any messing around with their flowers. What? I seem to remember planting those flowers...thank you very much. Unlike our dear Jackie, I am just terrified of bees. I stay away because I instinctfully start fraying my arms and yelling. Not good! An invitation to get stung.

    Veggie soup and toast today. Not John’s favorite but he will try to cooperate.

    March to a different drummer today,

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Michael has just left. We spent a happy couple of hours sitting under the apple tree watching a large variety of birds at the bird feeder and two little chipmunks picking up the droppings. Jilly was fascinated, eyes like saucers watching the chips. I could sit all day watching the wild life!

    Anybody else watching "Happy Valley" on pbs TV. It's very good with Sarah Lancashire playing the fiftyish police officer and James Norton playing the villain of the piece. He couldn't be more different from his role as the dishy vicar in Grantchester. No holds barred on this drama, very realistic.

    JACKIE, I think I read that some beaches are to be closed to the tourists in Cornwall, just too many of them in your hot spell of weather.

    My poor neighbour is still coping with her husband who in his mid sixties is going rapidly downhill with dementia. It's now diagnosed as dementia. She looks really ill herself. He won't have his children near him, nor will he visit them and he won't let Maria out of his sight which is difficult with grocery shopping etc. She told me this yesterday in the garden as I watered the plants and her mobile phone never stopped ringing as he tried to get her back inside. She was with me only a few minutes. It's a dreadful disease for carers to cope with. I want to help, but I'm not sure how. He won't let anyone but her into the house.

    Aren't we all lucky to be still enjoying life despite our aches and pains! On that optimistic note I'll bid thee all farewell,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lots of rain today but that's enough thank you, everything is well watered and containers brimming so I want to see the sun again! Scruff was dropped back home this morning and I stayed for a coffee and heard about my friend's trip to Jersey for a flower festival. ANNE, we can certainly thank goodness for small mercies where dementia or Alzheimers is concerned. She travelled with a friend, my age, who's health is rapidly deteriorating due to memory loss which makes her angry and no doubt fearful in her confusion. We can probably all admit to occasionally being forgetful as we lose our glasses in PATSY'S black hole.... I know several old pairs of mine are resting in it along with lost keys, pens and tweezers, but that's nothing in comparison to such an awful disease. I remember when working in community care being well aware carers often passed away prematurely from sheer exhaustion.
    Lin and I watched Happy Valley last year comparing notes along the way. Brutal at times but unmissable.

    Patsy and Buzz my heart goes out to you both as you deal with watching helplessly as your daughters go through such painful experiences. Too often love and pain go hand in hand.

    A peaceful evening... no spinning Scruff!

    Jackie with feet up watching BBC's Fake or Fortune
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P.S I spend far too much time watching you tube videos. Today it was happy reunions between pets and owners after the destruction of tornados... uplifting but I should have been washing my kitchen floor!
    Lin, if I'd known we were in for such a warm summer I would have tried to grow sweet potatoes but too late now. I understand a slip is started rather than seed potato but have never tried since our summer's are usually too wet.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Crazy busy, back tomorrow!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello typing a bit from my phone. My iPad is not charged right now.

    Church day and then have been emailing and texting with a number of people. Found out my cousin’s wife is having surgery this week. Aorta needs a replacement valve. Found in a routine exam. Very lucky they found it apparently. Normal life span expected with the surgery.

    Another friend announced her second son and wife are having their first baby. Everyone is very excited. I am happy for them too!

    Jackie, yes, sweet potato slips or plants are the norm here. If we only knew what the weather would be. And yes I remember Happy Valley. I just started to watch an Amazon series “Absentia (?)”. It is a thriller and it is also quite dark so far. This is why so love old reruns of Roy Rogers movies and silly TV shows like “Hazel”.

    Sandy, glad you worked your schedule out. Hope your computer is fixed.

    Buzz, rest up!!

    Anne, happy Jilly! What fun you had. I am sorry your neighbor is suffering through dementia/memory loss. Very rough situation.

    Jeri, you are always on the go. And to interesting places. Wahoo!!

    Patsy, avoiding bees is okay! A couple of boys at church today got freaked out because they saw a spider and started throwing things at it. Ridiculous kids.

    Well must move along. Tai Chi lesson tomorrow morning. And then some errands.

    Hugs to all.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The rain finally stopped so everything is beginning to dry off. We walked in the woods with Scruff, her mum and a new addition to their family, Misha a 7 month puppy rescued from a Romanian dustbin. She's never been on a lead or harness so struggled at first as we walked but soon got used to it what with all the new sights to see and sniff. There are so many rescued dogs in this country looking for homes I do struggle with the idea of even more being imported but to each their own mission so I don't comment!

    Lin, I don't know Absentia but then I don't have an Amazon stick to watch their programmes so not surprising| If you come upon a series called Unforgotten with Nicola Walker who seems to be in everything at the moment, it's a great crime drama that is clever without being dark! We are almost through series 3 so I'll have to find something new to watch as the Welsh extremely dark drama called Hidden (not to be confused with a previous Hidden) has finished too. I've seen a trailer for what looks like an interesting series called The Bodyguard that doesn't seem to be anything like the movie version so will see if I can get into that.

    A busy day with a hospital appointment to check progress after the first cataract procedure and hopefully news of the 2nd one. There is a slight smudge moving in my good eye's vision which I'm hoping is nothing more than scar tissue on the lens that can be removed with a laser. My car needs a good vacuum after 2 mucky dogs travelled in it last week and as my neighbour will come to the hospital with me so she can drive me home after the dreaded eye drops I'd better get that job done first.

    Monday, Monday, so good to me, bah-da bah-da da da.... let's hope that's so for all of us. :):)
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    Happy very early morning. Watched Sherlock last evening. Weird, but good once one made it to the end. All about "cereal" killers.
    Glad you watched the video JACKIE, there's always tomorrow to wash the kitchen floor and the good news is, it's one less day to the next wash!
    I echo Jackie BUZZ and PATSY in her thoughts for you both. We love our children and sometimes we can only stand aside and watch and feel dreadfully helpless.
    I feel helpless sometimes with Michael, and also with poor Maria next door. A little frightened for her as well.
    JERI, sincerely hope your legs are much better today, and SANDY lovely to read that you still have the blessing of your big brother. LIN so pleased that you enjoyed the friendlier ladies. They maybe just need a little time to thaw.
    Lots to catch up on today in the housework line after a busy weekend of not really doing much if you can understand that, so I will away,
    Happy day,
    PS. Scruff looks like a little monkey, but also completely loveable and forgivable! Your Jill will love the photo of her mischievous pet!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    I am waiting for a long overdue instructor. I hope she is okay.

    Jackie I saw the first season of Unforgotten on Acorn. They took the show away and never did see the second season. I note I can purchase the streaming rights through Amazon. Of course!

    Well not certain how much longer I will wait. Hate these missed connections.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! Looks like warm weather is coming back this week. I do believe that seasons were a wonderful idea. Just when I think I can’t stand another day of summer...fall arrives with beautiful yellow and gold leaves, then our winter comes. Wet stormy and cold. Soup and sweater days with the fireplace glowing. We really do not have a real spring. Maybe for a couple of days. Then full on summer! There is our year here on the coast. I am ready for fall to bring the yellow leaves and cool weather.

    I do not watch TV series much except for that outrageous Frankie and Grace. Lily Thomlin and Jiane Fonda. I seem to be permanently tuned to MSNBC. It does get a bit tiresome after awhile. I also tune into programs on our PBS station. I can’t seem to get involved in the series however. I need to broaden my entertainment options. As you all know, I love movies and I read everything!

    I need to get into the dungeon instead of fiddling around with sketches. I have a sketch pad and pencils in a pouch next to my reading chair in the living room. I have page after page of ideas , notes and drawings. Truly just fiddling around! I commented to showing at least three paintings this winter in a group show at the gallery owned by a despicable couple. They cheat artists and are just not nice people. But that is the “best” gallery in the area. Life is all about choices.

    Feeling very philosophical today. It could be a bad case of the lazies!
    Be brave, try the untested and brand new!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just a quick one as I seem to be perpetually running behind and there's one repeat meeting soon that I forgot to attend this morning!
    PATSY, just want to mention most Gallery owners are impossible to work with; most are business people, not artists. But when my DD and her (poor sick) partner had their gallery in San Diego, being artists themselves, it was so very different! They were always on the side o the artist or craftsperson! Now I must run...except to add they went to a new oncologist who took more biopsies and was much nicer to them than the old crank who never should have handed out a diagnosis since he was a technician! I'm praying!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello and good afternoon. My Tai Chi instructor said she thought we were meeting a bit later. However I had stayed almost 20 minutes after that ater meeting time and didn’t see her or her car. She said she looked for me. Well, complete mess up but I think she may have forgotten about it until she finally looked at the text on her phone.

    So I finished my errands and came home to start working in ‘card guts’. Haaaaaaa. Still have many to complete. I started by die cutting card stock down to a size I like to use inside a card. That took a while. And some insides are finished. I also want to stamp some fronts with a few new stamps. Flowers and monarchs. So pretty, well they will be, after I color them up a bit.

    I called a local company and they are coming out Wednesday to give me a bid on a backup generator. There is a special right now for a ten year full (bumper to bumper) warranty. I laughed at the car analogy. It would involve taking on another commitment of an annual maintenance call after the installation but I would be happier to have some type of backup. I do not have a wood fireplace and couldn’t handle the type of generator that you fill with gas and all that stuff. And no other place to go outside the area. Anyway, he will come out on Wednesday after I get home from Tai Chi. I hope I can afford it and also that installing it is feasible.

    Patsy, yes, life is full of choices. I am sorry the gallery is less than desirable. Sometimes there is a bitter pill to swallow. Sketch away dear friend. Something wonderful will emerge from all the work you’ve done.

    Anne, there are more oddball shows than straight forward ones these days. I am glad you enjoyed Sherlock by the end of the show. What did Jilly think? There is always a stack of housework it seems. Since I have a little house inspection coming up on Wednesday as I get the quote it appears I have a lot of straightening up to do in my basement. It is awash with boxes and containers, brown and white packing paper and more. I love the packing paper and use it in my little projects and also to protect surfaces from paint, ink sprays and other delightfully icky stuff!!!

    Buzz, hi. I hope today is a better day.

    Sandy, enjoying your company?

    Jeri, helloooooo.

    Back to making an inky mess.


  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Good morning, I would have loved to have joined the protesting "Grannies on a mission to the USA Mexican border," BBC news. The bus started in New York collecting grannies as it rolled down to the border. Well done ladies.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello! Started tidying up a bit and the washer is chugging away. Will go to coloring this afternoon so must sort out something to take along.

    I heard of a new technique (new to me) with alcohol ink that I am going to test out. Always excited for something new. Ah, must get out some gloves. I don’t want to be blue or purple today!

    I didn’t hear about the grannies Anne. I did just hear of the car attack. Another day of insanity.

    Please stay safe.

    Many hugs dear friends.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our weather doesn't know what to do with itself today and not sure I do either! I will have to mail a birthday card to my brother living in Spain so might carry on to a store for a few bits after.
    We walked this morning in the woods then when we got home I noticed on line a cute little dog in a foster home up for adoption so applied but have been advised someone has reserved her already. I'm pleased if she is going to a good home.

    Anne, do you remember the photo I took last year of the green belt on the edge of my local town that developers wanted to build on? I drove by this morning then stopped on the way home to take this photo..... progress??

    Lin, yes it seems another unstable individual has been on the rampage and not a very intelligent one at that since our Parliament is in summer recess so no politicians about!

    Oops, nearly 3pm already so best get on.