Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2018
    I cannot concentrate on anything since learning that UPS delivery will require a signature again tomorrow for that medicinal package, even though the sender said no signature required! And their late delivery again means no one at our reception desk! I could scream, but it wouldn't help so I have to find someone who has the heart or brains to figure out how to keep that package from going back again! Don't you hate to see elderly ladies cry? I'm about at that point!
    How did you like those other top government security guys telling the orange buffoon that they want to give up their security passes, too, so they can continue to expose his lies? (I can't remember names of actual people or Passes!)
    :'( Buzz
    ............................Try to Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen?.............................
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    A quick hello.

    Love all the posts about our animals. We haven’t had a pet since we lost our Golden Retriever about 20 yrs ago. Honestly my heart still does a flip flop when I see another one running and wagging her tail what a wonderful pet.

    Ed and I are off again tomorrow. First three days will be in the community I grew up in for a family reunion. Not sure what to expect and there isn’t a lot of organization about it. But I know it will be fun. We will pull our trailer up and they have a group campsite reserved.

    Then off to Jasper National Park for about 4-5 Days. So sorry it is so smoky. With all the bad fires in British Columbia everything is so smoky. We haven’t been to Jasper in about 40 yrs so what a shame it will be so smoky. It will still be very beautiful as it is in the Rockies but distant scenery will just be layers of smoke.

    Unfortunately Jasper is all booked up and our campground has no services. Gee haven’t done that for forever. Wonder how we’ll manage to charge all our devices. Nowadays we have iPhones, iPads and digital camera. Hmmm we have a generator but you are restricted as to when you can use it. Oh well.

    I’ll check in when we get back. Hope you all have a great week.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Morning all. Must tell you what Mark and Mary Jo did last evening. They showed up to empty the garage a little more. Whilst Mark cut up gypsum into reasonable garbage men friendly sizes, Mary Jo wandered around the garden showing me two gardening tools she'd bought. These were a long handled trowel and a long handled fork. Then Mark came out of the garage with a super kneeling pad which reverts to a sitting stool. ALL for ME it transpired. The stool will be very helpful in the house over the winter for floor cleaning, low cupboard cleaning and hunting for baking aids, and the trowel will be great for planting spring bulbs, mine being somewhat depleted from harsh winters and squirrels. I couldn't believe they did this for me and NOW with my birthday in the distant future! Sometimes aging isn't so bad after all with all this spoiling.
    And today Michael shows up of course for the weekly grocery shop.
    Jilly will be so happy with her little grinning face. Everyone she loves two days in a row!

    Read today that it's been discovered that a LOW carb diet can prolong life by four years or more.
    I seem to be doing things right for once. Lots of potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, veggies, fruit and even sugar. Very little meat, in my case, if any. BBC news if you are interested in the findings. I must admit that Mary Jos parents who would consume a whole chicken between them for lunch are long gone sadly, because apart from much meat eating they were an okay couple apart from scoffing at me for my Vegetarian choices. Mark and Mary Jo in contrast are almost vegans and Mike is drifting that way.

    Well, better take young Jilly out whilst there's a lull in the rain. Not much cooler but autumn is on the horizon!
    Hugs from a very fortunate
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I am alone again and have nothing to do today so will do exactly that, nothing! I love having my kids but I do enjoy my alone time and I feel like I have been on a merry go round and couldn't get off. It will be nice to have a quiet weekend and some pool time. I did find a dress for the wedding, just not sure if I will wear it or not. What do you think? My daughter approves, she thinks it looks Hawaiian, I am just not sure it flatters me.


    Anne, I am confused with what you are saying about a low carb diet.
    A low-carb diet is low in carbohydrates, primarily found in sugary foods, pasta and bread. Instead, you eat real foods including protein, natural fats and vegetables. I try to eat low carb and eat no potatoes, rice, pasta or bread. Protein is very low in carbs so am I missing something here? You are one lucky mom to have such great kids, especially that they live so close to you.

    Buzz, you can go online and change the delivery methods.

    Jeri, enjoy your time away, maybe being without your devices will be more relaxing.

    Lin, I hope you and your friend find another place to go.

    Patsy, love the picture of Katie.

    Jackie, I love that you love animals so much and hope you find a perfect friend for George.

    Have a great day, I have to get back on track and lose the 2.5 pounds I have gained with all the eating out we have been doing.

    One Day at a Time
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    What it said SANDY, if you eat a low carb diet it can shorten your life. That means if you don't eat hardly any carbs, but lots of meat. They suggest you switch meat for protein in plants and fats. Moderate carb consumption is recommended. This is apparently a 25 year American study. I'll try and post it but I aren't very good at this sort of stuff. Low-carb diets could shorten life, study suggests
    Michael put the link for you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited August 2018
    What it said SANDY, if you eat a low carb diet it can shorten your life. That means if you don't eat hardly any carbs, but lots of meat. They suggest you switch meat for protein in plants and fats. Moderate carb consumption is recommended. This is apparently a 25 year American study. I'll try and post it but I aren't very good at this sort of stuff. Low-carb diets could shorten life, study suggests
    Michael put the link for you.

    Ok, but you did type...........Read today that it's been discovered that a LOW carb diet can prolong life by four years so I misunderstood.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes I did. Not very well put. Anyway the link explains it all.
    Like your dress by the way.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Mikes gone home now and I did type it all wrong. So sorry SANDY. What with Jill bouncing about and his arrival my concentration got shot. At least he posted the link for me and showed me how to do it....IF I remember next time! The heat isn't helping. It's stifling, almost difficult to breathe the air is so still.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Hello All. Hmm, having a few problems typing this evening but am not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong or gremlins in the works. I'll assume it's me and press on.
    I've been watching my favourite weekly gardening programme where today they are celebrating the many Asian communities and mixed races working on allotments. ANNE, the mainly women grow a vast variety of veggies, many of which I've not heard of, that fit the bill for low carb cooking with little or no meat. I've read that BBC article twice and think perhaps it's the way it's written that confuses me but am taking from what you've said that diets like Atkins could shorten your life! Less protein is good?
    I knew you'd love Grandpa Mason and his little friends!

    My visit yesterday to friends was most enjoyable and young Barnie the Standard poodle is gorgeous although he was quite scared of George and did his best to avoid even having to look at him. Very sweet!
    Today I've been pottering in my garden beginning the end of summer tidy....loads to be done but I'm raring to go, sort of!

    Buzz, I do so hope that delivery of yours goes without a hitch this time. It's too stressful and unnecessarily so!

    Sandy, that's a beautiful dress but needs heels! Can you cope with them these days? Not sure I can!!

    Happy holidays Jeri. :)

    Doc Martin or a documentary about Extraordinary Rituals tonight. More inclined for a laugh so that'll be the Doc!!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    You're right in both cases, SANDY, but unfortunately , not all is as it seems! If a package is to be left at a receptionist's desk, a signature is mandatory and cannot be waived! The shipper said no signature; I said no signature, UPS said we need a signature. You canot sign online no matter what UPS MY CHOICE tells you :s . My receptionist made a note to head of security for the gatehouse to look for UPS trucks tonight and call Security to get to the desk immediately. The truck doesn't stop at the gatehouse, so he cannot even give the driver a message! With all the advances in technology today, you would never think of this as a looming problem, would you?
    As far as low carb diets, according to WW, Just about ALL fruits and veggie's are 0 points! Potatoes are not, nor are dried fruits! Our bodies need some of everything, but learn which things have fewer points, or save up for them for a splurge. Breads are necessary, but stay with whole wheats ad whole grains! Try doing that with cereals, too. Think of desserts and ice creams as flavors you can satisfy as well in 2 or 3 spoons as in a whole scoop! I think sort stopped wanting even a taste! So, no more low carb, no more low anything, basically, eat in moderation, concentrate on smaller portions, fill up on 0 point foods (fish, chicken, fruits and veggies) add low point extras and enjoy maintaining! I do think I'm feeling better,lol!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello Friday people.
    Sunny, mild and weekend activities. Not sure what to do with myself. Lots of ongoing tasks. None of them are fun.

    I got my new sunglasses from Amazon. Wow! Much better cost than the huge $$$ I spent on the Jackie Kennedy glasses from Smithsonian I bought a year ago. I loved them but they broke so, replacement is stylish and seem to be made of better material. They look pretty good on as well.

    Our daughter dropped by yesterday. I think there must be a genetic thing that happens to mothers and daughters. The more they are alike, the more they conflict. The dynamics of the human race...we are a weird group.

    I discovered that coffee made with the French press is wonderful. I broke our old coffee maker and ordered a new one. While waiting for the new replacement I have been using the French press. How did I forget about how great this coffee was?

    Saw one of my rocks on the desk of a bank employee. It was hard not to tell her...hey! I painted that! But that goes against the whole idea of the secret rock paintings. Anyway, I did my banking, and quietly walked out with a smile on my face. This rock painting is so much fun. I left one in a flower pot next to the boat marina that same day.

    Sandy! Great dress. You must have some wonderful dangly earrings and bracelets. Dare I say look fabulous, my darling.

    Anne: you are right! Heat robs us of our concentration. That’s why there are so many conflicts in the hot summer. I eat mainly plant based protein. John eats a lot of fish.

    Buzz: your delivery problems are similar to mine. I have learned the valve of the scream-whine-complain! Not really useful but it spreads the misery, so to speak. Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgh!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello all! Tai Chi and Qigong this morning. Then a big surprise! A lovely lady and friend who moved to Florida was back for a visit. Soooo good to talk with her! Yippee!!!!!

    Then off to Whole Foods for some tomatoes and then to the post office to get postage for the package I had for my friend. All done. Then home and have been slowly doing a bit of sorting, throwing and/or packing things from th e basement. Okay, so this is going to take a while. I thought as much. I have a partial load packed and in my SUV. Hope to drop it off Monday after my eye doctor’s appointment. Will work on it again tomorrow. I had to play all my mom’s music boxes before packing them. Also a number of teapots and one of those has a built in music box. Nice but also sad. This is why I haven’t sorted through these things before! Well, it is a contributing factor.

    Whatever works for each of you. Yippee! I am out of the what should we eat debate. That is likely due to the criticism I have taken for being vegan. I can not tell you how many times someone will say, I could not live without meat and cheese. I just want to scream at them now—then DON’T! I am not looking for converts. Also for the umteenth time, I hear you cannot be healthy or strong because you don’t eat meat. Yep, okay, your opinion but what about the many fruit and vegetation eating animals who are huge and very strong?

    So, love you all, I will stay on the sidelines.

    I am getting a bit worked up about ageism though. Maybe about as heated as I was back in the days of women’s rights and the ERA. While I understand my powers are not at their peak now it does not mean that everything that occurs in my life is because I am old! Really, I am sick of hearing that. The dodo who had enormous problems trying to program my thermostat yesterday had the moxie to say that old ladies have lots of problems with this type of thermostat. One lady begged him to install something simple but he said there isn’t anything now. Yep, it was so easy he couldn’t explain it, took him a half hour, a call to his boss and a suggestion from me that he do the programs in the order of occurrence in the day as he kept messing up a program when he added a new one. I still think the thermostat is wacky. It is cooling much lower than the programmed setting. And he used a thermometer yesterday which showed the actual temperature is about two degrees lower than the digital readout. I doubt a replacement would be any better.

    The belittling never ends does it. Okay, rant over. (For now.)

    I prefer to hear everyday stories of doggies, gardens, children, grandchildren, friends and our interests. Thank God for you my friends.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Sandy, the dress is very island like. I cannot tell what type of shoes you are wearing but a nice white low heel would be nice. Does it have a belt? White belt with white shoes? A little wrap in case it is breezy. It will be just perfect!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    All the lovely dress is missing is an orchid in SANDY's Hair!!!
    The package was delivered right to my door!
    I left my cane in a shopping cart at Costco!
    LIN, YOU know what you are concocting in your eating! I would never remember what constitutes what in vegan menus! I cut out cheese, though, and seldom miss it! Oops, just realized my eggs are missing, too!
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    LIN you are quite right about strength in non meat eaters. The image of a gorilla leaning nonchalantly against a tree whilst snacking on a banana sprang to mind, not to mention a huge bull pawing the ground then chasing someone across a field. If a banana and a mouthful of hay can do that we are your gals! To each her own however and I would never try to convert, but I DO enjoy reading interesting articles while I continue on my unchangeable merry way.

    I deal with ageism in two ways. Most of the time I tell myself I'm 32 years old, mind over matter sort of thing. However ageism on the other hand comes in very handy when you want a piece of furniture moved, a bush cut down, the drive cleared of snow. I can look quite pathetic at such times. It's just a matter of manipulating the tools we have! I remember a week long "help the aged" campaign in the UK when the scouts had to watch out for the old. The old lady who then picked up her dropped groceries after being raced across the road by two eager small boys on either side of her. They then hurried off to find the next stick bearing victim whilst she was heard muttering "Bl....y scouts!"

    Well having put the cat amongst the pigeons as is my wont, I must away with my Dorset Cereal now consumed. No little piggy in the form of fried bacon for this old gal of 32, lol.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Morning all..... past lunchtime for me so am about to get something to eat and will check back later. Not the brightest day but dry at least! Here's a video I shot on our walk this morning. Not only has my friend adopted Misha, she's also dog sitting Bella the Staffi for a friend.... rather her than me!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Ahhhh George. Love you. <3<3<3:D:D

    Excellent video Jackie.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Jilly barked all the way through the video JACKIE! She'd be out with them all in the river if she could.
    Cooking green Thai curry with beans, chick peas, coconut milk, potatoes, cauliflower, onion, etc etc. Smells good! Enough for 8 servings! Guess who will be going home with some tomorrow!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Pool day today and it looks like it will be the perfect temperature. Mass and Babe's house later so I am back on my usual routine. Working on losing those two pounds I gained but won't officially start until Monday. I plan on getting back on the bike to help with exercise. I did take a bike from Babe's house, I am just a little afraid to get on it, but will eventually give it a try.

    Anne, maybe get Jilly a little kids pool, she might enjoy a little dip in the pool. I deal with age by not looking in the mirror. lol

    Jackie, great video and your friend must have the patience of a saint. George looked so cool in his zen moment.

    Buzz, I am so glad they delivered right to your door, I am sure your friend is even happier.

    Lin, I am with you on ageism, especially doctors who say it comes with age. The dermatologist I went to was talking about spots first referring to them as sun spots, than liver spots and other aging things. I told him I like sun spots so we left it at that. lol

    Patsy, I haven't decided on accessories yet, maybe they will give us lei's to wear. Since it is the backyard of the house my daughter rented for all of us, I might go with flat shoes depending on the ground level. My DIL is going to shorten the dress a little and fix the top to make it more conservative.

    Like Lin, I will leave the debate on food alone since we all have our own lifestyles. Whatever works for us is what we should do. Everything in moderation no matter what life style.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    There's an old "friend" in the middle of this video IF you don't mind watching!