Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :D NO Winner again on the now $19,000 game and no wins for me. Another try tonight but my luck doesn't seem to be good at this time. So I bought another dress for the wedding but ordered it online so I have to wait to see how it looks. My friend talked me into buying it but I think it might be too dressy for a Hawaiian wedding. I would get silver sandals and big earrings but will let you know once I try it on since I don't look like that model. lol

    Anne and Jackie, a VFW is an organization for veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars. They are buildings usually with a bar and banquet room for bingo or parties, etc. Any current or retired veteran is able to join but mostly it is vets from previous wars such as Vietnam or the Gulf War. Where I play on Tuesday is a VFW and on Wednesday it is the American Legion which is the same but with a different name. The proceeds from bingo helps the Vets in many different ways. At Thanksgiving time they have all the young sailors come to the American Legion and give them free dinners as well as set up computers for them to have video calls with their loved ones. The old timers come for lunch or at night for drinks and just reminisce
    about their time in the service. They go to funerals of veterans and have an honor guard plus many other events. Hope that clears that up for you.

    Jackie, at the end of your video are you sure George wasn't looking for that spider? I think he was. lol Adorable as usual, you get some great shots of George.

    Patsy, Katie is a smart girl to grab her space by the fan. Daisy sleeps on top of the A/C vent that is in the floor to keep cool. I still haven't found time for my recumbent, my life is just too busy.

    Buzz, love the new haircut, it looks great on you. I go Monday for my hair mostly because Charlie is being baptized the following Sunday and because I really need color.

    Anne, nothing wrong with looking, just don't touch. lol

    Lin, your always busy like I am but that could be what keeps us moving and hopefully healthy.

    Enjoy your day, it is beautiful here and all my windows are open.
    One Day at a Time

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    LOVE the new dress SANDY. Both pretty dresses but this one is my favourite. Thanks for the explanation. VFW or American legion......Same as the British and Canadian legions.
    Wish it was beautiful here, lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    On the run......

    VFW is, I think, Veterans of Foreign Wars. It was a place for vets to congregate. I do not know if they are very popular these days.

    Flying away again.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I managed to log on today and immediately the thunder started so I dare not remain! However, VFW are the initials for Veterans of Foreign Wars, which rents out its meeting houses all over the country. It's where I started taking tap, ballet and acrobatic lessons when I was 4! And later, drama classes! Ouch,... lightening!!! Summer in Florida!
    <3 Buzz
    .........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..........................

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. It has been very foggy and chilly today. So odd to go from sweating and hot to chilly and wearing a sweater. The fog horns are sounding in the river. Mournful and mysterious.

    I am thinking of beautiful Hawai’i and keeping my fingers crossed that big storm skates right by without damaging that piece of paradise. We don’t have a good reputation for federal programs helping after disasters.

    Oh my Sandy! The silver dress is a stunner! It looks like it could be dressed up or down. I believe you would be a knockout in that dress.

    Feeling very dumpy today. I have been looking for that topper on the internet. There is a variety of ways to attach it but the challenge is to find a color and design that would be attractive. Just had a chat with a friend, we decided that ones wardrobe and makeup seem to always depend on ones social comittments. Hanging around in the dungeon never seems to make me want to put on makeup, perfume or a cute outfit. Bad attitude, I know. I should have more discipline .

    I think I need to go to Home Depot and look at their “plant of the month.” I love that bumper sticker...don’t you just hate it when you think you are buying orgainic and find out you really bought just regular donuts!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Well, once again some of your posts did not show up even after refreshing the page several times. So annoying! It was a busy day and now I think I have read your posts.

    For me today, Tai Chi and Qigong, a stop at Whole Foods for potatoes, home to change cars. Then off to Costco to pick up several things for the church but also ordered both regular glasses and prescription sunglasses. Then along to Walmart to return the item I made the mistake on earlier in the week but the store was so busy I did not try to get the proper item. Another stop for grocery discount day. A stop at home for lunch, then on to the Library and then an afternoon Tai Chi class. Hooked up the code reader and cleared the codes on my car so the check engine light was reset. Got a couple of little things done in the house but not much. Baked some sweet potatoes but I was tired and took a tiny nap. Finally I connected to a financial planning webinar. I think my garbage disposal is kaput. I tried a reset and it didn’t work but will give it one more shot, it might work.

    Not a really interesting day I suspect, but hectic!

    Sandy, I adore that dress. I hope it works out when you receive the real thing! Best wishes in winning one of those Bingo jackpots. I would love to win something with a lottery ticket but don’t purchase one often.

    Buzz, what a cute haircut. Your hair grows quickly. I think you get two haircuts to my one. You have found a good stylist!

    Patsy, gosh, I am very happy to not fix myself up at all. Clean up, a bit of makeup, comb my hair and wear comfy clothes and shoes I am a happy girl. I still like bracelets and necklaces but have extreme problems fastening them so I haven’t been wearing any. Maybe some day I will try again. If you want to dress up go for it. Make yourself happy.

    Jackie, love, love, love that video of George. He is a genuine character. He always makes me smile.

    Anne, we had a rather cool day here today and people were walking dogs all day long (as I noticed them during my travels). No hiding from the heat today. I think by next week it will be scorching again. Does Jilly have a sore throat from all the barking? Haaaa.

    I think I may take another nap.



    P. S. I did get the garbage disposal working again. Happy.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    The garbage disposal is now functioning. Yes!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wonderful, I think I finally got to see and read all the posts and little George was so entertaining as he wrestled with that pillow of his!
    SANDY, I will hold judgement until I see that silver knockout ON YOU! Then, I'd like to see you in each dress, side by side, before deciding! It won't be easy, lol!
    PATSY, I suspect just being yourself is a terrific person! By the way, here at Edgewater, wearing perfume is discouraged since so many older people become allergic to scents. As far as makeup, I never wore any when I was younger, since I was always quite tan and that was enough. However, I no longer sit in the sun, and I desperately need a lift so I wear a very light smear of color to blend all my sun damaged spots, especially my nose! Blotches of dark skin where keratoses were removed over the years. I'm learning how to spread and cover without it looking like paint! If anyone can recommend a natural looking makeup, I'd appreciate knowing, as I hate the "foundation" appearance!
    I must waken early tomorrow for Weight Watchers, So I'm off to bed! Hugs to everyone.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..........................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hi, me again. Up and at ‘em. Online bills paid, checks written, cards addressed and ready to drop off at the post office. It’s Library lady morning. Then I hope to get back to packing up some clothes to donate. I sorted out some things the other day that are resting on the bed in my extra bedroom. There are still loads of boxes in the basement. Some to keep, some to fill for donations and some to crush for the recycling bin. Also received a little order yesterday and they used packing peanuts which means a trip to the UPS store to ask them to recycle the little bunch of foamy bits.

    Buzz, it is difficult to find a suitable makeup isn’t it? I gave up traditional foundation and switched to the powdery stuff. bare Minerals. Puff puff with a brush and off I go. Probably doesn’t do much but it just makes me feel better.

    Good morning Anne, Jackie, Patsy, Sandy, Jeri, Marie, Diane and all the lovely Sneakers.


    Lin (sipping coffee)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    As someone who does tend to live in jeans and a comfy top I definitely fit into the category of a casual lifestyle! Makeup is rarely on my face except when I socialize and to stop foundation creams looking like a face mask I first apply a L'Oreal mattifying primer base called Infallible. It's a gel that makes my face feel lovely and soft so a foundation runs smoothly over my skin to cover blemishes with very little coverage. Never thought I would be giving makeup tutorials LOL I'm out this evening to meet my doggy walking friend and her family for a pub meal, minus the noisy hounds, so will make a bit of an effort!!
    After another lovely quiet walk on the moors this morning I'm not sure where the rest of time has gone because it's already after 2pm. An Amazon order arrived that included a couple of paperbacks along with rat poison and a door screen for the garden room so of course I pushed my nose into what looks like a lighter read of the two and lost half an hour. Anne you might like this one... The Chilbury Ladies Choir by Jennifer Ryan. I've the chunky paperback but think you read ebooks don't you. Somewhat lyrical and OTT style of writing at times but I'm getting used to and into it.

    Sandy, that looks like a beautiful dress and hope it is as you wish when it arrives. You never can tell these days depending on where it's coming from. It looks gorgeous without being too dressy for any occasion so it should come down to what you feel comfortable in. Can't wait to see you in it!

    Patsy, some time in the next couple of days I'll take a photo of a plant of the month I purchased about 15 years ago. Not only has it done a grand job of hiding the trampoline the kids next door spent years screaming and fighting on as they occasionally stretched themselves but it gives a wonderful show of flower heads each year.

    Hello to everyone else as I go back to some housework before popping into town for one of George's favourite treats I've run out of.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Just a quickie from me as I'm running late. Thanks for the book tip JACKIE, will check it out.

    BUZZ - Makeup! It seems all my life I've worn Christian Dior. It's getting increasingly difficult for me to find however as complexions slowly change over here and I wear no. 1, porcelain. The lightest of the light. My foundation is "Dior diorskin forever perfect foundation" (shade for me ivory), but it comes in about 20 shades. It's been perfect for me for years and although a little pricey is well worth the cash and lasts forever. I can't find my shade or particular make any more in the local stores so I've just ordered online for the very first time. Cross your fingers for me girls. Should arrive next week from the States!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No win again so my bad luck is still with me. I have a meeting today and then finally a chance to hopefully ride my recumbent and relax tonight. I will go see the kiddos tomorrow since I haven't seen them for a while. Another beautiful day here with the windows open and fresh air coming in. I ordered some more clothes for both my trips and hope they all fit and look good. I can never find anything in the stores so most of my shopping is done online.

    Anne, I have used Revlon most of my life and I am a Pond's girl when it comes to moisturizer. Works for me so I am a creature of habit and my mom used Pond's all her life.

    Jackie, you are so right about how things look online and how they look in person. That is why I am starting early in making all these decisions for my trips. It should arrive Saturday but unfortunately I will be gone all day for a Brewers baseball game in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with friends. I am known to buy and return but we will see.

    Lin, I am glad you are doing things slowly and carefully. Are you trying to clear everything out of your basement?

    Buzz, I will post a side by side if I even like the silver dress but agree it is a beautiful dress on that tiny little model. lol

    Patsy, I am trying to figure out what you mean by a topper? Is it a bun type thing or just a hairpiece to put your hair up? Maybe a picture would help.

    Jeri, still enjoying the peace and quiet?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Well, a few boxes packed this afternoon. I’ll drop them off tomorrow and those boxes filled the back of my little car so that’s it for today. And surprise, the company I hired is coming out tomorrow afternoon to start the first portion of the project. Or so they say. The weather may cause a change in plans as it may rain. So color me surprised. I thought it would be four to six weeks before they even contacted me. Argh. They said they can deal with it.

    Sandy, no, I am not cleaning out my entire basement. I brought tons of stuff home when I sold the acreage. I had been taking in a couple of totes at a time to a consignment shop. Unfortunately they decided to go out of business and at that time I brought home all the unsold items and stacked them on top of the things that hadn’t been taken in yet. Surprise, that is the portion of the basement that needs to be clear for this project. So that is what I am working on plus trying to use up the empty boxes also stacked there. I had always planned on using the boxes to take in donations or items to the consignment shop. My mom’s music boxes, teapots, and windmills are gone now. And most of the few clothing items of my dad’s are also out of here. I am also sorting through my closets and generally doing some purging everywhere. BUT it won’t make a dent unless I keep at it for a long time and use every box I get my hands on. Haaaaaaa.

    Everything that goes is probably a good thing but I get positively weepy over some things. I am a wimp.

    Anne, I kept a pair of my old walking shoes and shoved them in the garage just in case I need some shoes that will get all mucky outdoors.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been busy doing very uninteresting things like laundry, making salmon pate’ stuffed tomatoes. I needed to finish up that salmon steak! Rewashing the water glasses that have a cloudy film. Not sure what that was about. But we are all good now.

    I did order new makeup and brighter lipstick. Mine made me look like I had been very ill. Not a good look. The topper is a fluff of hair that clips to the top of your head. I was supposed to comb it into my own hair and style. I just wanted a dressy fuller look when we are going out. It is an idea that is distanced not to come about, I fear. Some great ideas are doomed.

    The news makes my heart beat faster in anticipation. Maybe someday this will all get better. Except for that nasty storm tearing up Hawaii. Hope they survive that whirling disaster.

    Lin: I have boxes of stuff exactly like you are describing. I know my kids have not interest in this stuff. What ever can I do with it? I look at it and put it back in the boxes. Tons of pictures, mementos, etc.

    I have used l’Oreal products for years. They are okay but I am sure there are better makeup lines. I suspect that we are never going to find anything to make us look 10 to 15 years younger. Let me know immediately if you find anything that works.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited August 2018
    Well, I think the answer to makeup helping my skin look better is to re-gain the 23 pounds I recently lost! 22 of them came off my face! Thanks for the ideas and perhaps that primer might help, JACKIE. I have been using a reflective moisturizer while my face was fuller, and the mattifying primer might hide wrinkles better! ANNE, I always loved the way Dior smoothed my skin! Yes, it's worth it !
    My weight remained exactly the same at WW today, and volleyball needs more participants to have 12 players. We are expected to compete with another community in September and I really feel we need more practice! But we really have a lot of fun playing.
    The news from my daughter's wife is definitely devastating! " Bone metastases to thoracic (ancillary and axillary skeleton)and femurs omg. Probably secondary to new breast cancer. Stage 4. Onc appt tomorrow. Will know more then. Please hold healing thoughts for the painter. Thanks. No need to keep this quiet now that we have doc's definition. Awaiting bronchial biopsy at hospital now. 😕"....Wow! Do I ever wish there was something I could do to help with their pain and fright!...Do yu remember when she caught fire around a year ago and needed so many skin grafts? And now this! My DD is her only support system as I believe her family has all died!
    LIN, slowly things will get finished. When one moves downsizing, the stuff simply HAS to go fast! But I still have drawers stuffed with photos no one will want and other things I haven't used in years!
    SANDY, is gray a good color for you? When the dress arrives, I guess you will be able to tell if it looks silver or gray! As far as shopping for Hawaii, all we ever wore were shorts, bathing suits and more shorts! It really is "laid back"! I used to simply travel in a duffle bag, but the dress will require careful packing!
    PATSY, I don't recall if I ever sent you an old website with some of Janet's paintings. The website is but I don't see any recent works added. She has always painted with a furious fervor! Six or seven easels going at the same time!
    Bedtime, OMG!!!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Stunning, vibrant art Buzz and I particularly associate myself with the stolen flowers since I always prefer to see them in their natural environment! What a talent. Both will be in my thoughts as they search for the best possible treatment after such a frightening diagnosis.

    Ah yes, weight loss and wrinkly faces do go together and having recently gone back to a Clinique moisturiser that I used in my 20's I now realise no matter how expensive these creams are there's not a great deal other than a facelift to be done!! :'(

    My last big sort through of stashed boxes will be collections of over 50 years of my photos plus my mother's and even grandmother's. Younger generations aren't interested and I doubt ever will be so I must be mercenary and reduce the collection to one small box for my own enjoyment.

    Lin, this morning as I put a few items away after washing up I found myself feeling very sentimental over a glass dish of my mother's I remember her serving up my favourite summer fruit salad in so count me in as another wimp!

    Unsettled weather today but I did manage a walk on the moors with George and am hoping to dodge showers this afternoon to continue my big clear up in the garden.

    Hugs to all.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Well, I'm just hanging around for Michael and the weekly shop. Tidied up, baked a quiche for lunch and walked Jilly Bean.
    My mother also used Ponds SANDY. My mother looked years younger than her age. I think I inherited her "good fortune" IF you can call it that, because until old age really set in I was usually taken for 10 to 15 years younger. Not so good when at 25 you are giving birth and told by a mean old matron it was disgusting that a kid of 15 should be pregnant! Lost friends too, one springs to mind who was extremely upset when a bank teller thought she was my mother and we were exactly the same age. Late sixties. Old age has sorted things out with my salt and pepper hair helping, however, was it really genes for me and Mom or was it Ponds and Christian Dior foundation? Michael hasn't inherited this but Mark has. At 54 he looks 30 ish. So maybe it's not Ponds or Dior after all! Anyway, finally I LOOK aged and get the respect I deserve!
    Don't despair about your weight loss facially BUZZ. Everything will soon settle back to normal. Wonderful achievement losing 23 pounds! Big congratulations! Like you, I would go to England for two or three weeks with just a carry on bag. Never been much of a hoarder, clothes or otherwise. BUT like LIN keep old shoes for gardening and an old pair of pants.
    Hugs from dear OLD Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Very cool here this morning with temps in the 60's. So much for nothing to do yesterday as my friends picked me up after my meeting to go to a restaurant they love. It is by the water and the view was beautiful. We had appetizers and a drink which made me gain for today's weigh-in. It was worth it though and I had a really good time. Today I am going to see the kiddos and hopefully give Lisa a break. I can't wait to hold Charlie and kiss those chubby cheeks.

    Anne, I too, come from good genes and people never believe how old I am. The Ponds and Christian Dior might help but I think we are just fortunate. My kids also have good genes and look younger than their age but then again everyone looks young to me. lol What a cruel matron who chastised you for being pregnant, I hope you proved her wrong.

    Jackie, the best way to get rid of wrinkles is not look in a mirror especially looking down. lol
    Did you hang your screen door to keep out more creepy crawlers?

    Buzz, I am so sorry about your DIL and will keep her in my prayers. It must be devastating for
    her and your daughter. Just be there to listen, that is what she probably needs the most. Congratulations on the weight loss, don't worry about anything else as I am sure you will feel healthier without those extra pounds.

    Patsy, I am also worried about the hurricane as my grandson and his finance are on the island of Oahu which could get a direct hit. As of yesterday they were fine but he is supposed to leave Monday to go back to school in Arizona. If there is no power or worse he might not be able to get off the island. Please keep him in your prayers or good thoughts.

    Lin, I agree it is hard to get rid of sentimental things but when you move as much as I have it is even harder to keep bringing everything with you. You have your own home so keep what means the most to you and enjoy those memories.

    Jeri, hope all is well.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Looks like we will get a shower this morning. That is good! We need to dampen the forests. The coast is still crammed with tourists. We went into Walmart yesterday and it was astounding. This little town reminded me of an ant hill, crawling with people, cars, big RVs, trucks and campers. Hope everyone remembers the fire ban! I am not counting on that!

    John stood at the door of my dungeon watching me put on makeup. He said it all reminds him of a National Geographic special on TV. Women with tattoos, earrings, nose rings, paint on their faces, feathers in their hair, dyed streaks in their hai! I guess it is true. We are still not far from those colorful tribal people. Oddly, I just love it. Even the fingernail polish in weird colors like black and green. John said it looks like they accidentally slammed their fingers in the car door. Hahahaha!

    The storm is ripping up dear Hawaii. Terrified for everyone stuck there on the islands.

    Buzz: I am so sorry to hear about your daughter ‘s partner. I hope there is some help for her and pain management. It must be equally painful for your daughter. They both are going through so much right now. I can only imagine your feeling of helplessness. Cancer is so vicious and strikes the most beautiful people who even live healthy lives. My heart breaks thinking of what turmoil those two lovely women have endured. Thinking of you and your family, dear Buzz.

    The day is scooting by...must catch it and make some Progress!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello friends, the gentleman has just arrived to work at my house. Outdoors. NOW it is raining. He has jumped back in the truck. Oh my. Could be a long afternoon for him.

    Buzz, I am so sorry about the devastating medical news. I will pray for both of them as they continue to explore treatment options. I did take a look at her paintings. Very colorful work. Many extremely lovely works on that web site and somehow I clicked and got to that very impressive list shows, performances, etc. What talent!

    Now all the discussion on make up and looking younger than your age etc. I am sorry but I never have been skillful with make up. As to looking younger, my father and his people all have allergy and sinus problems with that typical undereye circle/bag issue. We are a family of hound dogs. Wearing glasses is a vast improvement. My mom didn’t seem to fuss much with creams and potions. She used tons of Pacquins, at least I think that was the name. Used it on her hands and her face several times a day. I never thought she looked old.

    Sandy, I worried for the residents of the Hawaiian islands after seeing the flooding and swollen rivers from the heavy rainfall. They said a while ago that the storm is moving very slowly so lots of time to dump even more precipitation. I hope everyone stays safe.

    Anne did you finish your shopping? We are heading towards a week of possible rain showers and high temperatures. Argh, not looking forward to upper 80s and low 90s again. The air conditioning costs so much! Hi Miss Jillibean.

    Jackie, a sort through 50 years worth of photos? Is that what you said? Again, I cannot get rid of all of those either and I find it a tough go to let some of them go (I still have a gazillion) as I know they are well and truly gone as the negatives are already tossed away.

    Patsy, life is filled with the mundane and not highly interesting things but it is a bit reassuring to have those things to do. I don’t need to be continually challenged. I find some peace in just running the washer, folding clothes and the like. Does Katie help you with all the chores? And good luck in finishing up the salmon.

    Must move along. I did my classes this morning, dropped off my boxes with the charity store, and have actually packed up one little box for the next time. I didn’t get the packing peanuts dropped off though as I needed to be at home.

    Hugs dear ones.
