Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What a delightful tour , SANDY! I know the area quite well as my son lived not far from there while he was married! The color of the water is just unimaginable! As a sun worshipper myself, I have nevertheless been badly burned on Oahu several times, so consider at least a good lotion! Once you have a base, you'll be OK! I've a ton of things I've let slide, and I messed up my computer last night by falling asleep and not being able to get back into it because I couldn't find the initial Welcome password. Oh, MY! Now for my evening bite and back to biting my nails over the latest invasion of my country's Constitution! How does this madman get away with his crimes? :s
    <3 Buzz
    ................Please let something wonderful happen!.................................
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Lost rather a long post. I give up for now. Annie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Looks like some rain and thunderstorms are predicted today so I might just stay indoors. I want to start riding my recumbent again and hope to get in shape for the wedding. I thought about going to see the boys but I hate driving in rain.

    Buzz, I promise to be careful in the Hawaiian sun, maybe I will have a base before I go. I don't have a password for my Windows welcome, it was a pain to me.

    Anne, I am sorry you lost your post, I hate when that happens. I am loving your 82 year old Anne and your 32 year old Anne. Anyone is invited to the wedding, you just have to pay your own way, even me.

    Jackie, unfortunately my daughter is assigning the rooms and since I am rooming with ex sister in law we will probably get twin beds. It saves me money though so I am not complaining. (Much) Any decisions about Carrot?

    Patsy, no sexist remark made, we are all sweet ladies in our own way. We were talking about Portland at the pool yesterday saying how the weather has changed and now you get hundred degree days. We too, have always had two dogs except for Daisy, not sure why we didn't buy two but I think it was because she was the first female and I wanted to baby her.

    Lin, sometimes the MFP glitches are just annoying but I am glad you were able to get back.
    As you told me take your time with the basement, you don't want to hurt your back.

    Jeri, I hope you are enjoying your time away without your devices.

    Have a great Monday.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello, busy morning. Off early this morning to deliver my load of donations. No ageism there and no common courtesy either as I did my own struggling to lift all my big heavy boxes into carts. Haaaaa. Then off to Walmart to run all around the store as no one seemed to know where the water softener salt was stocked. Five locations my friends before it was discovered. Then I grabbed what I thought was drain cleaner. Got home to discover it was the wrong product and it will need to be returned. Argh! Got my purchases out to the vehicle and loaded in the continuing drizzle.

    Finally my trip to the eye doctor. I was a bit early so I cruised around Barnes & Noble. Always interesting things there but I did not purchase anything. So had my eyes checked again. The detachment is pretty much the same in the new images. No retinal detachment. So now just watch how my eyes are each day and get back to the office if there is any change. Wants me to use Systane Complete eye drops which should help the problem eye a bit. At least it will be more moist.

    How interesting? Probably not. Will grab some lunch and then maybe the Tai Chi class.

    Yes Sandy, too drizzly to be out!

    Anne, sorry about the lost post. Just grand isn’t it?

    Well, must zip along. Sorry if I have missed anyone’s post.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. Hot and steamy today but we're also getting fine rain so although I've started a major clear up round the empty beehives George has ended up looking like a mudlark digging the freshly uncovered soil while I got soaked. In for a cup of tea then I'll pop next door to feed their cats and check their hens are ok because they have gone away to enjoy the week on a river barge.
    The search for a new companion for George is on hold for a few days because I'm aware if the shelter agree to me adopting one they expect things to move quickly and I can't easily dash off until the neighbours return. There is a gorgeous Schneiowzer that's just arrived too.... oh dear!

    Sandy, my exercise bike has been moved to a position where I can ride as I watch the news but at the moment it's acting as a coat hanger.... again!

    On Saturday I made a batch of lamb and rice for George but he refused to eat it although I used expensive fresh meat so I'm now going to turn it into a pasta sauce with a tin of tomatoes and onion. Today he's back on the cheaper frozen lamb and wolfed it down!

    Take care everyone
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Monday, Monday, laundry and hazy cool morning. We are supposed to get a warm sunny day. The air is strangely orange from the fires. Odd and scary. Tomorrow is to be a very warm day. I will plan a day downstairs of changing the sheets in our son’s room. He keeps some of his stuff here. Toothbrushes, tee shirts and tennis shoes etc... needs a good vacuuming and dusting.

    Today I will spend some time in the dungeon again. Katie has learned to open the door to see what I am doing. She hates closed doors, even bathroom doors.

    Jackie: oh dear! I am getting weak with my determination to stick with one doggie. I might call it a companion for Katie, but in truth, I love doggies and another fur baby would be a real b,essing. The latest little dog you showed us might be worth having a another friend help with emergency animal sitting while you take a look at sweet little Elizabeth. She looks so adorable. Oh my!

    Sandy: I am on my recumbent bike as well. John has a regular exercise bike and he seems to be able to bike longer without so much strain. I am thinking of a different exercise machine. Our TV room looks like a weird gym for senior citizens. Not really attractive so another ugly machine will not make any difference.

    Lin: eye problems make us really crazy just thinking about the possibilities. I would recommend these eye vitamins that I take. Many others, (including Sandy I beIieve) take them and I have good imperical evidence they are helpful for good healing and eye health. They are called Preservision. Available everywhere and also at Costco. Just an idea!

    Well, time to jump on my broom and get to work.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    I don't believe it! Another post gone in a puff of smoke! The one I wrote this morning was LONG but not that interesting so no big deal. But to lose again!
    Anyway, I also read this, this morning, and seeing we are a fitness group, thought I'd share.

    Ancient Ayurvedic proverb.

    JACKIE, I'm beginning to think the rescue shelter only deals in sweet faced pups! Another sweetheart. I'm afraid Jilly is destined to be an only dog. I don't think I could manage two Jilly's! Nor could I afford the vet bills. Ah well, I am very lucky to have my wee girl. She spent a good part of the morning staring at two chipmunks under the bird feeder. This was good because judging by the weather forecast we won't be going far tomorrow. Torrential rain warning in effect. When the chipmunks took off with bulging cheeks full of nuts and seeds she watched dozens of wee birds in the bird bath instead.

    My neighbours AC has broken down after only 9 years. This doesn't surprise me privately. The house looks good but the folk who built it used the cheapest labour and materials they could find. I honestly think my 94 year old house will survive it if not torn down for yet another monstrosity.

    And that's about it girls. Mundane wash day here.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Why are my posts disappearing tonight? 3, so far!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, the first HUGE spider to cross my living room floor showed itself last night so we are definitely not too far from Autumnal temperatures! The cats and George slept through the whole event and I just lifted my feet off the ground as it headed in my direction before running under the sofa. No doubt snoozing under there ready for a run in the opposite direction tonight!! My ears are still ringing from our morning walk because Misha has found her voice and barks shrilly at every human or dog that comes within 100 meters and Scruff decided I had something in my pocket for her so jumped with muddy paws up my legs and barked incessantly. I have to admit I'm quite relieved we won't be meeting up for a week because my friend has visitors and dog shows to attend so George and I can stroll the peaceful moors on our own! ;) Her visitors aren't dog lovers so I'd love to be a fly on the wall of her home :D (Naughty me!!)

    Anne, you are right about the shelter I'm following because the vast majority of their dogs come from breeders so are either unwanted puppies that would otherwise be destroyed or over bred *kitten* with a few males thrown in. A ghastly business and most of them are set up in Wales but I know moves are being made to ban any that aren't licensed and also there's plenty of information out there now about how they operate so more and more people aren't buying from them. As you know, my cats have always been from rescue shelters apart from the monster Brady but then he's a rescue in his own right, so I feel any addition to the family will have to come from one.
    This is today's list of a couple of hundred available dogs and it's obvious the breeders are over stocking those breeds that are currently flavour of the month. It's safe for you and Patsy to look because the Atlantic would get in the way of any adoption!!

    I now realise where my mornings go and I've so much to be doing other than sitting with coffee and laptop.... time to move my rear and start with some washing up.

    Enjoy your day everyone.

    PS A knock at the door just as I was about to post and it's a parcel containing a small canvas pet carrier ordered at the weekend. I'll unwrap and hide it in the bottom of my wardrobe for now!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    For *kitten* read term for a female dog!!! LOL
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    Oh boy JACKIE, are you in trouble !! 312 entries and all "rush in your car" to adopt! You are so right about PATSY and yours truly being safely on this side of the Atlantic! I could take them ALL in, but Wirral and Betty the labs appeal, but then there's that little Yorkie! I think I had better keep my nose out of adoption posts and my feet well away from our local humane society. I was definitely in the wrong job!
    Off for brekkie. Talk again later.
    PS. Oh and I liked Brush the lurcher as well! The day long rains started. It's pouring down. Poor Jill.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good morning. I will pass on looking at all the adorabled. I had to stop volunteering at the rescue shelter as I had a serious problem. I fell in love with a dog every time I was there. Guess that means I was fickle. :D

    I purchased my first Husky from a breeder but it was the last of the litter and apparently unsaleable. A wild child running about the farm, eating out of the remains in the burn pile. I assume if he had run away they might not have looked for him too long.

    Mah Jongg morning, a hunt for eye drops, a trip to the library are all on my list for today.

    Jackie, some peace for you and George. Not so much in store for the visitors at Scruff’s house.

    Must get off the couch even though I still have some coffee in the cup.

    Hugs. And may no one lose a post today.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I did not stay home as stated yesterday. My friends called and asked if I wanted to take a ride to a VFW that also has the Queen of Hearts game and it is worth 2 million dollars. It took about an hour to get there only to find out it was closed on Monday.
    We then headed to a restaurant that my friend insisted was the best burger ever. That took about another hour and when I walked in the outer door the inner door said no kids which I then realized that I had been there with them before. Pretty sure they wanted to kill me. Finally got home around seven so it was a long day.
    Tonight is the big pot bingo which means we get there very early to get our seats and save a couple for others. I just wish the pot would get won so I can get back to once a week bingo.

    Lin, I couldn't volunteer for a shelter for the same reason, I would want to take them all home.
    Love Huskies especially their blue eyes. Unfortunately we bought all our dogs from breeders except one which we rescued from California. Freeway was a special dog.

    Jackie, omg, did you sleep after seeing that huge spider? I would have been screaming and someone would either have to get them our of the house or kill it. I am so afraid of most bugs but if small enough I can kill them (sorry) Good luck with the new addition, you will know which one is perfect for you.

    Anne, rain rain go away come again another day so poor jilly can go out and play.

    Buzz, sorry you lost your post, must have been a bad day for MFP yesterday.

    Patsy, I didn't make it on the bike yesterday will try again today.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a time

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    We have a middle aged bachelor living almost opposite with a large young dog called Shelby. It's pouring with rain but a sort of crane with a conveyor belt has been loading plastic wrapped parcels onto the bachelors roof to be lifted off the belt by two strapping lads in vests glistening with rain. Hardy lot some of these Canucks! Alls stopped at the moment for lunch.? Will they actually rip the old tiles off the roof in this rain or will they wait until tomorrow. After all nobody's going to climb onto a roof to steal tiles unless they are on hallucinatory drugs. Will keep you posted.

    Meanwhile Jill is quite hoarse after barking at them all morning. JACKIE and GEORGES heads would be reeling. Fortunately I'm a bit deaf in one ear. Anyway walkies was forgotten with all this excitement in a young dogs life.

    The dachshund next door who is visiting with Maria's grandchildren, (he's named Bean because the children liked Jilly Beans name and is a year younger) has had a good old bark as well. Anyway all this noise has convinced me Jilly will continue a spoilt only dog! Useful to know in case someone leaves me a fortune which is hardly likely, me being the last aged of her family standing!

    So disappointed you are not going to wear a beautiful wide brimmed beribboned and flowered hat SANDY. So glamorous and you would be a sensation! Pity the weddings not in England, it's an excuse to wear a becoming hat there!

    Jill's grumbling again. The strapping lads must be back, lol. Nope they're not. Pity, I was going to admire from a distance.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! I am having the same problem as Buzz and Anne with evaporating posts! Maddening! The day begins with hazy skies again. It is quite scary. To make matters even worse, we have had an enormous amount of tourists this summer. While most are very welcome, a number have come with romantic notions of a beach bonfire, camping out nearby, roasting marchmellos over the campfire. We have been so dry for weeks and there is a fire ban in place. Tourists see the signs but can’t seem to read the rules. NO fires of any kind, any place! We hold our breath knowing a wildfire would be devastating with all the 200 ft. trees to catch fire. Bumper to bumper traffic in town.

    Jackie: all those pictures of the heart thumping adorable sweet doggies. Oh my! This is an issue we have here in our dog shelter. At least 95 % of the shelter dogs here are pitbull mixes or 100% pitbull. These are wonderful dogs if trained but they are strong and can be aggressive. There have been so many pitbull attacks, some terribly tragic. Katie is very territorial and jealous. She is sweet about the whole thing but it is upsetting to see. When our son comes with his two dogs, we can’t pet or pick them up. Katie growls and causes a huge unpleasant fuss. All is well if we let the dogs visit without human participation. Feeding must be done separate from Katie. Quite different from our OES babies. They were willing and able to share everything. But we love them all. We adapt and love each of them with their own personality quirks.

    Sandy: my goal currently is to find a bike or something that isn’t so stressful to use. I cut my time on the recumbent because it very nearly kills me. I am on the hunt for wonderful soft slippers that hugs and pampers my ugly tortured feet. Research is required!

    Quick post before it evaporates!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Finally managed to log in today, but it's approaching dinnertime so too late to read or post. Got a haircut todaybi58xxjrcqb7.jpg
    Really short! Try t return tonight!
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good grief!!! Hot! Hot! Hot! No AC but fans going in every room.

    Buzz: cute pixie cut. Like mine but I don’t have whispy bangs. I have wimpy hair so just for fun I am looking at one of those little toppers. My hair is sort of dark brown /white, it is going to be a challenge to find something that will work.

    Stay cool dear ones! Katie is staked out in front of a fan that is now recognized as belonging to her.
    She has a collection of toys near by to keep her company.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A murky morning and difficult to know what to wear as we went from hot sun to steamy clouds to a bit of drizzle but bliss, bliss, bliss..... so peaceful!! We strolled to the top of the moor where I considered heading across the open country but as the mist was beginning to descend quite rapidly I decided it wouldn't be wise on my own with George in case we got lost. We were out for a good hour and are now both resting while I make a mental note of all the jobs that require my attention as there are plenty!

    Patsy, we all have our own way of living with our dogs and their special ways don't we and as you know George was an unsocialised ball of grubby fluff when I first saw him and here we are 4 years on just beginning to see a normal dog on a day to day basis. There probably are ways I could have sped up the process but just think we got there in the end. Katie is at that terrible teens stage by the sounds of it when jealousy and general rule breaking occur so I'm laughing to myself as I type that you and John know what you love about her so of course it's up to you.... easy for me to say!!! :p The video was taken last night when I was trying to watch a gardening programme!!

    Anne, don't ever tell us your life is boring or quiet when you have scantily clad lithe young men climbing over roofs and containers being swung through the air.... how exciting. I trust the delivery hasn't disappeared in the night although having recently seen a couple of you tube videos of thieves helping themselves to parcels delivered at doors in America and Canada I can see why you might consider it possible. Do update us!

    Buzz ~ Gosh, don't you look amazingly well and I love the new hair. WW does seem to agree with you so as I find myself slipping into complacency about my food choices you have reminded me to "watch" what I'm eating.... no chocolate and fudge brownie with my elevenses coffee this morning so thank you lovely lady.

    Sandy, that was a social whirl you were on yesterday although I don't know what a VFW is! I think we've all experienced days like that but that old saying "go with the flow" is the best approach. That spider didn't reappear last night but that would probably be a bigger problem for someone like yourself who is scared of them. It could be since I leave doors open in the mild weather it decided to go back outside for its prey!!

    Lin, your Husky was very lucky to find a home with you and I'm sure we were all in ignorance of what goes on in puppy farms until recently. Thank goodness we are now going to have new laws in England, it's called Lucy's Law named after a mistreated over-bred Cavalier King Charles dog was seen by a vet and he was so appalled at her condition he started a campaign to ban puppy farms. The rest of Europe think us soppy and soft but we don't care!! :D:D

    Good grief, look at the time..... must get on.
    Enjoy your day everyone.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello, we've just been for a walk in hot, humid, steamy conditions. The monsoon arrived yesterday. JACKIE, The tiles are still on the bachelors roof so no one shinned up to pinch them.

    I bet George IS enjoying the peace as much as you, AND having Jackie all to himself for a while. Sweet little dog even if he can get grumpy and maybe the zen poses are to get away from all the noise and escape to those Tibetan mountains in his little mind. Not that the Himalayas aren't crawling with Disney type tourists since Hillary and Tsensung showed them how it's done in Everest oxygen masks help! Is anywhere safe from tourists these days? Hard to think the rest of Europe think the British are soppy after the British past record!!! You know maybe soppiness is what matters in the greater scheme, compassion for all creatures great and small, AND spiders included makes the Brits fight hopefully against injustice, once it dawns on them. Takes time however!

    Much excitement on the political scene down south of us! Promised I wouldn't comment, but I can read!

    Your hair style suits a Florida lifestyle BUZZ. Keeping mine shaggy though because I'm hoping for a good old frost soon and it pays to have a bit of fur around the ears.

    What IS a VFW SANDY? And LIN, I would have loved to have met your huskies! Beautiful dogs.
    Which leaves PATSY and her top knot! How will you keep it on top Patsy? Loads of hair pins, ribbon, or just plain glue!!! Dying to find out because I've never been able to keep my what passes for hair on top!

    Annie. PS, apologies to Hillarys Tibetan climber and friend. I know I've got and spelt his name wrong.