Senior Golden Sneakers



  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    Yes I do JACKIE. I just wrote a long piece on it and also on today's news which is just awful and then I saw the latest bullying tactics by the old age pensioner south of us. I give up, deleted my thoughts.
    So what with arson in Sweden, tumbling Italian bridges, car crashing nuts in the UK, one of our Quebec MPs in trouble for asking "where do we draw the line with illegal immigrants", and bullying old men to the South it's not a happy news day.
    It's a day for doing a hobby like our LIN and leaving the world to it.!!

    Anne, in disbelief.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Aaaaaaaargh! My post just evaporated before my eyes! Anyway, top of the morning to you, dear sneakers! We are having a real summer day. Warm, humid and sunny, with a sad faint smell of smoke from the California wildfires.

    I will be doing a bit of everything today. Including a bit of time in the dungeon. I should bake John a batch of his beloved blueberry muffins but it seems too warm to attempt any baking. I should get up very early to do that. Heating up the kitchen would not be so unpleasant. Tomorrow, maybe!

    I am washing a heavy throw rug that is just a pain to deal with. I am seriously thinking of ditching it even though it is very heavy and feels wonderful underfoot. Washing it is a real chore.

    Back to work!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi loves, having a hard time concentrating since the news about J.! I think if the new report is still poor, they will go up to Sloan -Kettering, but truly both are still in shock!
    I also feel, like ANNE, so bleak about our civilization and leaders, and world corruption! I must shake out of it. JACKIE's photo of "progress" frustrates me, too, because it's how the gobbling of Florida's Everglades started! Builders! Greed! Population! Good Lord! Perhaps a shampoo will wash these thought out of my head? I need one as tonight we "celebrate" all those whose birthdays are in August.
    I think have lost 4 or 5 pounds this week! How does my body know Weight Watchers new 0 points program? I made a 2 egg omelette for breakfast, with 1/4 cup low fat no salt added cottage cheese and 1 cup fresh blueberries, for a total of 1.4 points and shal imbibe in some beautiful strawberries, fresh peaches and 1/2 a banana for lunch=0 points! Last time I joined WW, I would have read at least 3 or 4 points and would have gained weight! I kind of like my new single cup coffee maker, especially since buying the paper filters for my refillable filters. The coffee comes through stronger.
    Had a leak yesterday from my new Disposer under the sink. Maintenance was kind of slow in coming and the floor was flooded! We have so many new staff workers lately, which is unusual here, but the newly appointed head of maintenance/security is quite unpopular with our long time staff, and are looking elsewhere. I finally decided to share this information with our new director, and she seemed slightly aware of it and not upset with me. This head of M/S is absolutely a charmer with residents and bosses, but tyrannical with those under him. I have information about why he left his last job and suddenly became available...not good!
    OK, my healthy lunch and shower and perhaps a bit of rest!
    LIN, keep up the new investigating! Good luck with bothe the generator and..was it ink?
    SANDY, busy, busy, and loving it!!!...I'm with JERI on your advice to your niece Did you get your computer back?
    PATSY, send that rug out to be cleaned next time! I kind of like Frankie and ????? and I almost never watch TV anymore except the MSNBC channel. Then I get all upset, so why can't I stop?
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Try to Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen?.............................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    OhKay! Me again! Just a quick side note, Buzz. A few years ago my cancer doctor was from Sloan-Kettering. She was wonderful! That group is at the top of the list...the A-Team. All of the latest research, the latest protocols, the best and most experienced doctors. I have high hopes for your daughter and her companion. My scar isn’t the prettiest but who cares! I need a tummy tuck but unless it is a life saving need...not happening. I got the greatest care ever.
    All good thoughts coming your way,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh thank you , PATSY! It lightens my fears already!
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    PATSY, a big, big thank you for your inspiring words intended for BUZZ and her daughter but inspiring for us all. It will bring them hope in a truly difficult situation. Remarkable courage on your part in your own battle.

    Another sizzler of a day here and then I hope things will finally cool down. One can smell a hint of autumn in the air. I received a heart rending email from my cousin in Australia about the drought and the plight of the poor farmers and their starving cattle. Four million dollars has been raised in just one week to bring in hay and water from Tasmania. Now if only our leaders would forget their egos and concentrate instead on the plight of people and animals around a climate changing planet! We dream on!
    Houses sprouting like mushrooms JACKIE. I'm so very sorry. Couldn't reply yesterday. So upset.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Just got in from our morning walk, watering dried out plants and feeding the birds. Covered in perspiration and moskie bites. At this rate Jill and I will be moving to the arctic!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited August 2018
    Happy Wednesday! :) Busy, busy, busy! John and Laurie met Charlie yesterday and brought beautiful home made gifts from my DIL. A quilt for Charlie, blocks for Max and a Batman cape for Robby, all sewn by my DIL. My computer needs a new hard drive so my son will do that today. He has been trying to back up my current hard drive but it is taking forever so he is going to take it home and do it there. I really can’t afford a new computer right now and he wants to pay for a new one but I don’t want him to do that so hopefully with a new hard drive it will last until after the March wedding.

    It is great having them here but they leave tomorrow. Since Saturday is Laurie’s Birthday we will celebrate tonight where Bryanna works.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello sneakers. Cloudy and cooler than of late and because George's groomer was visiting this morning I stayed on the roads for his early walk rather than risk mud and muck covering paws and tummy. There are so many things I should be doing since his trim but am feeling tired for some reason, maybe I didn't sleep well, can't remember, so most of this afternoon I've sat with feet up. The groomer recommended some Amazon door screens when we were flicking at a fly at the end of her visit so I'm checking reviews. She also guided me away from the Bichon Frise dog breed that often ends up in shelters here as I take a gentle look through dogs up for adoption because they are apparently a nightmare to keep tidy... George is high maintenance enough!
    Did I mention on the previous page the optometrist told me on my visit Monday I'm healing well and now on his list for the other eye's cataract to be removed? The eye drops were as horrendous as I remembered but hopefully that was the last time!
    Buzz, my heart goes out to you but know you will hang on to PATSY'S encouraging words.
    As you can tell from my post dear friends this is one of my lazy days and it's now time to put the kettle on. Looking forward to visiting friends tomorrow for a long overdue catch up.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones! It is foggy right now and cool. However, when this burns off and the sun peeks out, things are to warm up. I had a rather sleepless night. So I am sure I will manage a nap. That should put things to right!

    I must talk about our Katie and the labradoodle as a breed. I complain about upkeep but actually it isn’t too bad. The important element is their affectionate nature. They are eager to please, very gentle and very smart. Katie will never be more than a few feet from us. She isn’t nervous but she has regular times of high energy. Late morning and early evening. That is ball playing time. I have a dog door that she uses to get in and out of the house. She runs around the backyard, chasing squirrels and butterflies. We don’t really walk her, she walks herself. Just my thoughts on a dog breed. If I get to know a doggie, we bond and we become family, there really isn’t a favorite breed. Must say this however, we bought an old English sheepdog puppy years ago that had a rough beginning. Very abused! She was so damaged we could not let her be around children. She would suddenly bite for no reason. Our vet told us we would most likely need to put her to sleep because she was a danger to us and others. We were heartbroken. We decided to get another puppy as son as possible and found one. We brought it home and the damaged dog “Rosie” became a sort of surrogate mother to the new pup. The change was startling. She was always high strung but we could live with that. She died at 10 years old from pancreatic cancer. The vet called her our worst best dog. She was very difficult but we loved her dearly. We have always had sheepdogs until Katie. Now we are devoted to labradoodles. Jackie: you know a great deal about dogs and their care. I suspect any dog in your care will be very lucky. We blunder happily along with our doggie family. We would get another but we aren’t as energetic as we used to be.

    More coffee, eeeegh gads! I need to put on a sweater. The fog is cold and damp.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Just add my pennyworth. If you can find a tiny dog of Pomeranian/shiatsu/ and a touch of chihuahua exactly like our Jilly Bean you couldn't ask for a more loving, friendly, sweet natured, intelligent, fun loving dog. She has brightened my life more than I could ever have imagined. She doesn't need a groomer, just a nail clip every so often. My previous dog Jenny was exactly the same in characteristics only a good deal bigger being a Labrador mix.
    Whatever breed you choose JACKIE he/she will be exactly right for you.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What a bunch of wonderful women you all are! As I read through your posts, I wistfully reflect how much better this world would be if people were as caring and informed as you all are! PATSY, I am sending your post to my DD and DIL! How encouraging!
    AND all the discussion about best/worst favorite 4 legged creatures! And all the Orange monster can think of to abuse women is calling them DOGS! Used disparagingly! For shame.
    My friendly house maintainer was so kind today; wakened me twice as I fell asleep at the counter over my morning coffee! I was up until 4 this morning trying to fix a USPS gaffe from yesterday. I had agreed to help out a friend by ordering online something his Doc had insisted he eat to keep alive! He is tissue-paper thin and coughing continuously and his darling wife is a wreck with worrying, so I ordered the stuff from Walmart at the best price available, and when it arrived yesterday, no one was at the desk to sign for it, so USPS took it back saying they'd re-deliver today after 3:45. When I called UPS (the original shipper) to sign online, I learned they returned it to sender as it was destroyed during a damage! And it would be settled in about 7 to 10 days! (This stuff was expensive, too!) So I traced a Walmart number and was busy getting it resolved before my friend became more ill! By 4 AM, I got a sympathetic staff member in their help department, and he arranged to have a new order delivered by Friday! No signature required! But today I cannot remain awake!
    I shall go eat some of my fresh peaches and strawberries and call it lunch, washed down with Crystal Light Lemonade! My weight this morning was no longer 5 pounds lighter than last week's WW Weigh in! I thought I was pretty good at last night's birthday night meal but I did indulge in 3 small appetizers plus a 1/2 a brownie for dessert! So much for "leftover free points"!
    <3 Buzz
    ....................Try to Believe Something Wonderful is About to Happen?.............................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Such lovely and thoughtful posts as usual! And here I am all settled in to start through my mail and surprise, the power has failed. I called and found out the outage may be four or more hours and of course I didn’t have everything charged to the max. But my phone is the only thing that can connect to the Internet right now as I have no cell service for my iPad and cannot tether my phone to it! I did dig out a couple of battery powered lanterns in case I need some light a bit later.

    So after Tai Chi I found my way home after learning another of my oft used paths will be closed for 3 weeks for resurfacing. I think I have found another route that isn’t too much longer. We will see!

    And then the generator guy showed up. He answered all my questions and was very patient with me. So an hour and a half later, I purchased. 😎😎 they will order mine along with other people’s recent purchases and it will likely be one to three weeks for them to get to me.

    Now my work begins. They need to run some new electrical work through my basement which entails the moving or removing of a lot of boxes and totes full of things from my parents’ home. Best to remove as much as possible rather than piling it in another corner. If I run out of time, I will just shove it aside. It is a worthy goal to clear it away though. Right?

    As to dogs, I have loved each and every dog I have owned from a collie to a number of mixed breed dogs to my Siberian Huskies. Dogs are wonderful!!

    And that is it I guess. I won’t be going anywhere until I have power again.

    Be safe my friends.

    Hugs and always my best wishes.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning lovely friends. Mine began with the sound of rain hammering down but we bravely headed for the woods anyway with Scruff,Misha and their mum for our usual walk and by the time we returned to the car park the sun had appeared so not such a bad day after all.

    Patsy, last week I encountered a Labradoodle, well he encountered me really, when he ran up behind me as I threw sticks into the river for Scruff to retrieve and leapt against the back of my knees.... nearly had me in the water! Soaked and dripping from an earlier swim he was still adorable and crazy as he did his best to throw himself into my arms!! Needless to say, his owner was mortified! It is an adorable breed so I do well understand your initial attraction and now total love for Katie
    On the subject of our pets, would I have adopted George if I'd known what a disturbed little soul he was? Probably not but just like Patsy's Rosie all he needed was patience and plenty of TLC and I can honestly say he has taught me as much about myself as him. It's taken the dear little chap over 4 years to trust the groomer but yesterday she was rewarded with a waggy tail, his head resting against her neck followed by an enthusiastic paw when she offered him a treat.... she was close to tears of joy to see his improvement!

    I was going to post this link for Anne anyway but since it's a similar story of understanding and patience, although this time about a feral cat, I'll put it out there for all to see. Don't feel you have to watch all the videos or read the full story, the first one tells it all and again highlights what amazing commitment so many of us are prepared to give.

    Anne, a dog walker I often meet now has a Pomeranian that had belonged to a lady who needed help from a charity that offers volunteers to walk dogs if the owner is unable through ill health. The lady knew she was terminally ill so asked if the walker would adopt little Missy when she passed away and although she didn't particularly want the Pomeranian who seemed deaf, short sighted and lacked any enthusiasm for life, she agreed. Well my goodness, what a different dog she's turned out to be as she now struts her stuff, walked a couple of miles every day across the moors and appears to have a constant smile on her little face. She does yap though!!!

    Buzz, oh dear, that's a horror story about your friend's order and I completely understand your lack of sleep. Telling you that you did the best you could wouldn't be enough would it because Friday must seem too far away. Since nothing but lies pass the Orange man's lips I've stopped having any interest in his foolhardy statements, reckless tweets, or nastiness about those around him. Hopefully one day those who are in a position to do something about him will act.

    Lin, well done, I'd be totally flummoxed by any information on generators but sounds like you know what you're purchasing and why! From experience I'd suggest rather than moving boxes around it would be better to check and clear out anything you haven't touched in the past 5 years. It took me longer and I still have a couple of "piles" but am determined it will be gone very soon!

    Sandy, sounds like you've had a lovely visit from your family and also a helpful one if your son can sort a new hard drive for you. I had something similar done a few years ago that kept an old desktop going for a lot longer than it should have!

    An early lunch for me before visiting friends. They are older than me but have just adopted a Standard Poodle puppy that was being offered on the internet and turned out to be a dirty, scruffy and terrified pooch so of course they've taken him in! These unscrupulous breeders know what they're doing when they aim at our hearts don't they.

    Enjoy your day.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you so much JACKIE. Grandpa Mason looks so like my Tabitha but not like my all over black Miss Becky. Miss Becky was pulled out of the river in a sack on top of other dead little kittens on a freezing icy day in late November. The only survivor. I'd just lost my lovely dog Jenny and Thelly my English once feral Rolls Royce factory cat, another beautiful much loved cat oozing with personality, so we took Miss Becky who had just arrived at the vets with a policeman on the day my lovely Jenny died. Oh boy I'm getting teary eyed now. We had her for 14 years and when she died, my gentle Becky, we adopted Tabitha.
    Oh boy, what a difference! A feral cat of approx. 5 years. They didn't come wilder than Tabitha. It took about a year for Tabs to realize she was wanted and loved and then this adorable cat emerged who actually played (never harmed) with the chipmunks and brought me gifts of very much alive giant grasshoppers, all dropped at my feet, for 12 lovely years. When she died at 17 it took me two years to get over her enough to welcome adorable Jilly Bean into our lives.
    I bought Jilly and believe me she is worth every dollar. She too appears to be constantly smiling. I think it's how we treat our pets that they develop happiness, loyalty, love and affection. Feral cats and stray doggies just take a little longer.

    I noticed on the BBC news that the newspaper journalists are uniting against their journalist hating foe. About time! Me, like Jackie, ignore him these days.

    It's still yeuky and sticky out there! I long for a fresh sea breeze!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Yea!! Computer is fixed with a new hard drive. My son has his own business fixing computers so he knew exactly what to do. Hopefully this desktop will last until after the wedding or longer. They leave in about an hour to go to Laurie's headache doctor and then will head home from there. I skipped my meeting today and have tons of laundry. It feels so good to be back on my desktop and now I can start replying to your posts on my regular keyboard.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    This is one of those perfect mornings. Cool and slight breeze. Sunny and smells wonderful. I can see and hear the jungle (blackberries) growing by the minute. We have a small family of deer that consider our sad flower bed and our crabapple tree their personal grocery store. Katie sometimes barks at them and they barely even look her way. They know she is behind a fence and they know she is all bark and no danger.

    Our old stalwart coffee pot died today. I was absolutely shocked and in total dismay! My old friend will now go to coffee pot retirement. That is John’s shop where he uses parts of things for his various projects. (?). I now will order an exact replacement. No replacement that has new and better improvements. I don’t want to learn how to work a new device. Good grief! In the mornings I am lucky if I can get my eyes open, my heart beating and my legs moving!

    Confession time...when our old Mazzie and MoMo died with two months of each other, I really got in a terrible depression. They were quite old and had a very good life with us. We bought Katie exactly 11days later. I didn’t know if I had what it takes to raise a puppy. But I did and it has been life-saving for me. Now I see her, an adult and I keep adding up on my fingers things like life expectancy for us and our creatures. If we get another canine companion, I know we need to factor that issue into any decision. Still, we loved having two canine family members at once but it would be complicated now.

    Must get a few tasks under way...including a quick game of ball.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Who is up for the morning ball game again?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just read that the Queen of Soul died. She was my favorite! Aretha Franklin was such an amazing talent. I raised my kids on old 331/3 records, I was in art school, the kids were playing with their toys in the art studio, I was painting and Aretha was singing full blast. There will never be another Aretha!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good evening, just stopped by for a hello.

    The morning at the library was nerve wracking. One of my best buddies does not want to go back to that facility. We are trying to think of options. Nuff said.

    Meanwhile my service call for my air conditioner got a bit off track. They asked me to let them come early due to a cancellation but I wasn’t home and then of course they didn’t show up in the scheduled window this afternoon. I finally called to make sure I was still on the list. Finally they showed up. Of course no real answers here. My electric bill has tripled but they say it must be something else, not the air conditioner which runs continually. He did a reading and the actual temperature in the room is two degrees cooler than the illustrated temperature. Lots of gobbledegook about zones and things shutting down but he couldn’t say why the unit when bringing the temperature down below the programmed level that is does not shut off. Anyway, we reprogrammed it, I am to take a reading each day for five days and if it doesn’t improve, I am to call back. No charge.

    Insane. I have my cards ready to take to the post office tomorrow. Tai Chi morning, basement work to do this weekend.

