Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Mad as a hatter Scruff has arrived... throw the ball, throw the ball, spin, spin!! I'm exhausted already but she's great fun and already settled in. There's more cloud about but still warm so my plan is to drag a few more conifer branches away, a small amount of housework and anything else that might grab my attention. Oh yes, and because yesterday I spent time watering at the allotment and pulling rhubarb as well as picking purple beans and a few courgettes the lawn didn't get cut so that job has been moved on to today. In other words my day would be full if I just got going!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    It’s me up too early after going to bed too late. I may try to doze a bit before I get to business. Today is to be hazy...from the California fires. The air has been a sort of golden brown. Add to that, it is to be hot today. We pray for that marine layer. Read about the desperate condition of the planet. So this very day I plan to make changes and try to encourage others as well. I imagine I will be as popular as that “poo-poo in the punch bowl” but it is important, really the MOST important thing I can do.

    Might drift off again for a half hour.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    And here I am after causing the storm in a teacup, speaking of which we had one during the night, lots of lovely pouring rain and a virtual lake for a while on the road outside. I AM sorry for the mayhem I caused but at the best it gave us all food for thought. I think some wicked fairy gave me a too active imagination at birth!
    Agree PATSY, I've been using cloth shopping bags for years and years. So easy to pop in the washing machine every so often. Mind you, one of the organic store cashiers told me she'd once found a dead mouse in someone's bag who obviously didn't wash OR check. It hardly seems worth it if one is the lone conserver, but now I know for SURE there are two of us. Lol. Just making ones juice for breakfast saves at least one weekly plastic "bottle" going in the landfill! Or the oceans. What seemed in my youth a wonderful invention is turning into the nightmare of the century. I guess it was lead in cans in the previous one.
    Scruff sounds a whole lot like the Bean JACKIE who will play any chance she can get. I'm supposedly busy too after not doing too much over the very hot long weekend. My garden is a nightmare!
    Well, cool enough to take you know who for a short walk whilst it's still fairly cool. Looks overcast.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good morning my friends

    It is overcast here today and they talk about rain and some areas have received several inches. We have had just a bit. It is humid and feels like summer. I am jealous of those receiving rain! But not the downpours of course. The grass is dormant but the noxious weeds are green and thriving.

    I plan to go to Walgreens for Senior discount day. I have several undergarments to return. I found less expensive alternatives at another store. Same brand and similar features. And then it is a morning of Mah Jongg.

    I hope to finally get a start on the birthday card and retirement card I need soon.

    Tonight is the book club social. I have my reading list printed out and just need to highlight a couple that I would recommend.

    Jackie, good luck keeping up with Scruff. How long will the visit last?

    Patsy, the air quality is just frightening in so many areas. A friend in California sent a little video and the air is thick. Much suffering for many.

    Anne, dear friend. Who really knows what miscreants are trying to do with us? No idea but perhaps it’s best that I remain ignorant. Haaa.

    Buzz, yes, gallon sized containers are only okay if someone else will wrangle them for you.

    Sandy, happy Tuesday to you.

    Jeri, I hope you are feeling better. I woke up with a sore foot. Just out of the blue. Went to bed last night and all was well. Today I feel like I should tape the foot. I hate mystery pains. Argh!

    Hugs all. Need to limp along.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    LIN, your sore foot could have been caused by a very active dream causing movement in your sleep and a twisted foot. I think that's what happens to yours truly. I usually remember what I've dreamt and most dreams I have involve an awful lot of walking. Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just snuggled in my reading chair with an old comfy quilt and snoozed for an hour. Wonderful. My decision to go as green as possible will be hard fought. John isn’t as committed as I am. He just talks about the necessity but there it stops! Naughty boy!

    We use a lot of those little ziplock bags! I need to use containers instead. I use a lot of paper towels, I am not consistent with cloth shopping bags. So I am looking at everything I use and how it impacts the planet. It will take awhile to effect a whole lifestyle. I imagine a lot of discussion but we will do better than we have in the past.

    I noticed Katie’s hair was dry and not in really good condition. It was clean, no fleas or ticks. I used some of the emu conditioner and it did help. However! Our nut case of a dog loves the smell and taste of the conditioner. She is constantly licking herself now! Great! Now I have a spit covered dog. Just lovely!

    If we were just a bit younger, I would try to adopt one of the little children whose parents were deported. But We will see if we can help. Our senator, Jeff Merkley, went to Texas to demand to see the baby jails. He said it was so heartbreaking and cruel. So I will send help through his organization.

    Anne! We are all threatened by forces that seem malevolent and overpowering. But as women of limited means, we are wise to look carefully at these things. Don’t feel in the least bit over cautious. You were wise to research it all.

    So happy the group is once again in contact, we are connected and supportive and as different as any group of close friends can be.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Grass is cut, the dogs are content and I'm about to walk them through the village with help from my neighbour. Hopefully by the time we return Scruff will have forgotten the squeaky ball she discovered under a shrub earlier... squeak, squeak constantly!!

    As hard as I try to recycle and avoid plastic I have a constant battle with supermarket packaging so until the big corporations show more concern for the environment we have little chance. Must do our small bit though.

    Off for our walk x
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member

    This lovely flower from our yard has a nice story. My Uncle went over to the Ukraine to the village he was born in. He picked from seeds from the village from this plant. Put them into his pocket and didn’t declare them at customs. No trouble. Mom got some of the seeds and we got some from her. They reseed themselves and bloom all summer.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    PATSY: I've hardly ever used those ziplock bags favouring good sealed containers instead for the freezer. Plastic yes, but they've been in use for years and years. I love screw lid glass mason jars. I keep all my pasta, rice, dried beans, raisins, yeast, walnuts, oatmeal etc etc in those. They not only keep the creepy crawlies out but they look pretty on the shelves. Slowly converting Michael! We have to pay for plastic bags at the grocery store so it makes sense to buy pretty washable cloth bags. 6 plastic bags are only 30 cents, or $1.20 per month. $14 a year isn't much, but if it helps the poor old planet!
    In this heat the Beans problem isn't dry skin it's shedding. She's lost her pretty Pomeranian neck ruff and I do hope it comes back with cooler days.
    See, now I've come back you've unleashed a monster poster. I'll be quiet for the rest of the day..I think! Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My post has gone crazy! It is now appearing on the right and moving to the left as I type!.I fortunately copied and saved the previous text on my notepad but what the heck could cause this? It thinks I'm writing Hebrew, or something? I'll try posting and see is a new paragraph will straighten itself out!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    o I finally got to Comcast, who knows? Now today I'm looking over all the posts and one from LIN, I think (I'm afraid to scroll back!) mentions about having to re-enter a website because they are opening a new one and need all new passwords and sign-ins, etc.! My red light went on, as I just received a warning about "phishing" and that was one of the ploys used to get information from us! The other was the fear factor about freezing our computers if we don't do something asked! And of course I thought of ANNE! I have been googling the warning to find out if they are legitimate, and I end up simply deleting!
    I have a feeling PATSY's suggestion about saving our planet is being at least attempted by our little group! I used to have arguments with Mike about recycling, and could never convince him to stop throwing things in the garbage , where I'd end up having to fish them out, rewash and recycle them!NO, PASTING DID NOT WORK AND THIS IS ALL PRINTING BACKWARDS, DRIVING ME CRAZY.
    <3 bUZZ
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi there! Want to play a fast game of spit and slobber ball? Squeak! Squeak! I am ready any time, any place.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm game, Jilly Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Normally we would but spin, spin, squeak all day has exhausted us... maybe tomorrow.
    Nite, nite xx
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited August 2018
    Love the pictures of the pets!!!!!

    They look so nice.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hi Scruff, George, Katie and Jilly. <3

    Love the photos!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited August 2018
    Happy Wednesday!😃 My desktop is down and I have something everyday this week until Sunday! Birthday brunch at 10:00 am today. Just checking in to say hi!

    One Minute at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Where has this day gone? We've heavy intermittent rain showers that keep us indoors but we did manage a walk in the woods after I made an early visit to the supermarket. Scruff continues to raid George's toy box for anything that squeaks while George tries to snooze!

    Horror of horrors yesterday I decided to change the password on my iPhone and although this morning when turning it in I was convinced I remembered it I was told what I entered was incorrect so in the end looked up on you tube how to get back in and had to return it to factory settings. It means I've lost stored photos but have managed to reset everything else including my fingerprint ID, not that that was any use to me trying to get past the security setup earlier!

    Jeri, I think I recognise that flower can't think of a name. I've something similar in pale pink but yours is wonderfully vivid.

    Pasty, how awful then that not all children separated from parents have been reunited with their families, in other words a totally botched job!! Those fires in California look horrific and as ever I worry about pets and livestock left behind and the wildlife trying to escape the flames. The planet is certainly heating up.

    Buzz, yet again yesterday I received a call suggesting my computer was corrupting my phone line, this time a recorded message but didn't hang on long enough to hear what I was supposed to do about it. These scams go on and on so I'm guessing there are still vulnerable people getting caught out and losing money. I don't understand why phone companies don't have sufficient technology to block them. Perhaps they do but aren't inclined to spend the time and money.

    A bumble bee is throwing itself crossly at the now closed window so I'll finish and show her the way out!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sorry Patsy, that must be a Freudian slip LOL
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my gosh! That is so funny! Funny true story about my name. John gave me a birthday party a few years back and had a big birthday cake baked for the occasion. He went to pick it up and ......OH! My gosh! A lovely chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and pink letters spelling out..Happy Birthday, Pasty! John doubled over laughing and the Baker was devastated. He offered a quick solution but John insisted it would be a great joke. We thought it was a hoot. We ate a beautiful cake with an odd spelling and a nod of thanks to the baker for a free cake. My real name is Patience. My gram gave me the nick name of Patsy because I was somewhat naughty as a child. Hummmmmmm!
    Making coffee and reading hazy morning. Having difficulty waking up. Have a lovely day dear sneakers.
    Patsy (Pasty)