Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I enjoyed time at the pool with new friends who were trying to talk me into going out with them last night but I declined and went to Church and then to see Babe and Daisy. Another pool day for me after I have a video call with my family.

    Lin, your first party sounds like Robby's party, he gets over excited and out of control at times, it gets exhausting. Kids are kids and the good thing about being a grandma is that I get to go home. lol My friends own a farm as well so if they could help at all let me know, he seems to know a lot about crops.

    Buzz, I am glad the CBD is working for you and with your information if someone here needs it for pain why not give it a try? As long as it's legal it can't hurt.

    Anne, I am glad you had success with the ratatouille and had enough to freeze. Michael will be pleasantly surprised. I have to admit I am a meat eater, steak being my favorite. I eat a lot of chicken since it seems to be the healthiest. Eating low carb means eating lots of protein, although I haven't been good lately and as of today I am over my goal but hope to get it back down by Friday.

    Jackie and Patsy must be busy if I beat them here.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Heavy rain and high winds greeted me this morning which meant a local doggie walk rather than risk being under the trees in the woods where we have been noticing several are keeling over due to dried out roots. Dry weather returns tomorrow followed by more heat but at least the garden has had a great soaking!

    Buzz, thanks for all the info. I've messaged about my own little research and also found this from a news story since it's an ongoing issue in the UK

    Cannabis oil
    The Home Office says that it can contain a maximum THC content of 0.2% and that the THC must not be easily separated from it.

    Industrial hemp can be used for things such as building materials and clothing.

    CBD oil can also be extracted from these plants and, as it is a legal cannabinoid, can be sold in the UK.

    The oil has been thought to have some medicinal properties, including relieving inflammation, pain relief and reducing anxiety, although there have not been conclusive scientific studies on this.

    Lin, 1940 was mentioned as the year CBD materialised so WWII. I can imagine pure and organic is there is such a combination, would be best for you.

    Anne, the ratatouille is easy isn't it but like you, I always end up with far too much. I'll take a pot to my friend on Tuesday along with a variety of allotment goodies and eggs and I'm betting she will be amazed I can be so productive!!

    Sandy, definitely the best solution for you and Robby. If he wasn't there to face time then must have been out having a good time! Don't worry no climbing the ladder until my neighbours are about. For a start I can't lift the thing the way I used to so will need help to raise it up to the roof!! Since the weather is turning dry again I'll probably leave it until I get back from my visit as I imagine it's only a few old leaves blocking the downpipe.... hope so anyway!

    As much as I've been trying to concentrate on some housework I keep distracting myself with more lazy pastimes. The vacuum has been put round downstairs and some window frames and general woodwork washed but I need to do the same upstairs so will get on

    Hello to Patsy and Jeri. Happy Sunday everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post!!! Think I previewed it but then forgot to post it. Something silly anyway.
    Can't repeat it all now because I have housework to complete but will paste again this section from a news story for Buzz. We are only just catching on to CBD benefits in the UK but of course it is quite controversial.

    Cannabis oil
    The Home Office says that it can contain a maximum THC content of 0.2% and that the THC must not be easily separated from it.
    Industrial hemp can be used for things such as building materials and clothing.
    CBD oil can also be extracted from these plants and, as it is a legal cannabinoid, can be sold in the UK.
    The oil has been thought to have some medicinal properties, including relieving inflammation, pain relief and reducing anxiety, although there have not been conclusive scientific studies on this.

    Lin, 1940 it was first extracted so that will be WWII.

    Hopefully back later to post properly.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Mike came over for the ratatouille and enjoyed it so much he's going home with a pot. We went off to the bookstore and I came home armed with "Everyday Vegetarian" (over 150 meatless dinners), and they look really yummy. I'm taking vegetarian living really seriously these days. Oh and I also picked up "Then she was Gone" by Lisa Jewell. No idea if I'll like it, but I read anything I can get my hands on!
    This was just a quick hi because Mikes still here and Mark and Mary Jo on their way.
    Enjoy Sunday,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good Sunday afternoon! Sunny but mild. Overnight we must have had a slight sprinkle. The deck eas wet but not really soaked. Katie and I did morning exercises out on the deck. Katie ran around chasing invisible villains and keep me safe!

    Cannabiss is legel here in Oregon. There are specialty shops on every corner it seems. The thing is, there are shops that cater to people seeking pain relief and for sleep aids. Some oriented toward recreational use. It is tested and given certification here for Organic and purity. In talks with a nurse practitioner here, her take was this...if pain or insomnia affects the quality of life, then this might be a good option. The task is for each person to do as Buzz did. Research what would be safe and best for ourselves. Do all th other things that help maintain a healthy life. CBD would be just another component toward that quality of life. It is not a magic substance that solves all issues.

    I need to call my sailing son, he is most likely on the water, in the wind, doing what he loves. Sailing on a sunny mild day with a bit of wind to “fill the sheets.” Talking about quilts, I am also looking for a quilt with boats or sailing designs to give him this fall on his birthday. Is that too much of a Granny Gift?

    Anne and Lin: I have never really liked meat. I make several things that John really likes that are meatless. I also make some things that I put some chicken on the side for John. This is the way of our life. Accommodation! Vegan and vegetarian dishes are great but it is all in the vocabulary. I never call my meatless dishes vegan or vegetarian. That would scare John and our son, Damon.

    Our musician friend is having a lot of health issues. It honestly takes my breath away. I know his wife loves him dearly. BUT she can be so thoughtless and rude. She was discussing his incontensence right in front of him. He looked so humiliated. Aging isn’t supposed to be so achingly sad. He still makes wonderful music both in the symphony and the jazz quartet. Beautiful white hair and blue eyes with a sort of blank look on his face. Then he starts to play music and you wonder...where is this coming from?

    A new week has started. See you there!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Again , my day has flown by. The scale was kind this morning and I am approaching first goal. I'm not certain I can really follow WW new program with all the zero points for so many things. I actually feel too full! Hoping to get to tonight's movie about retired race horses and a man who saves their lives. Doesn't everyone have a spot for horses? Have to go through and delete all the email junk this election season, and then research the who and what of those remaining! There must be a few honest politicians left!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................... Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.............................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Morning all. Thoughts as Jill and I surveyed the overgrown landscape on our morning walk. Anybody else noticed that a certain president has been strangely silent for the last few days?
    Wash day, leftover food day, clean up day,
    I'm away,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Silence is golden.

    I am at meeting number 3!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I am going to Legoland with Lisa, the kids, her parents and Bryanna. It will be a long day but fun for the kiddos. Can't wait to see Charlie, she is growing so fast. I have no time to chat so have a great day, I hope the sun is shining by you.

    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Just letting you know that again I have been asked to accept MFP using my data for USA gvt purposes and whatever. I am not comfortable with this but have momentarily accepted to avoid being deleted from MFP again and to find out if you have had the same message AND if so, will you accept?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne! I have not had this experience. This does feel uncomfortable and I would be scared of it as well. Maybe Sandy can help on this. Does this sound like some sort of scam? Stay alert. You never know what crazy scam is turning up next.

    Foggy day with perhaps some rain or showers. Must let Katie out before we get rain. She is totally a cream Puff! She hates rain. Perfect doggie for rainy wet Oregon.

    Well I can see summer is passing fast. There are actually yellow leaves starting to show on some of the trees. I know it is almost August but it feels like summer made a late appearance and now she is preparing to leave.

    There is still some creative gray matter floating around in my brain. I had a lovely chat with one of my writers group. Her book is being published. I helped her with some of the writing. I am so happy for her. There is something wonderful about being part of a creative project, even a small invisible part. It is that reflected glory thing. Speaking of creative endeavors, I am going to commit to 3 new pieces to show in the Christmas gallery show. I can do that without too much anxiety or fuss.

    I am so amazed at people with the luck of having a large attentive family. I am sure they never realize just how fortunate they are. Our neighbors have a big family that is constantly in and out of their house. The neighbors are our age and they had 3 grown kids. The kids are married and have grown kids plus great grandkids. It is like a revolving party over there. Lovely! Everyone turned up to help with our neighbors redo on their flooring. One of the grandsons mowed part of our grass while mowing the lawn for his grams! Sweet kids!

    Monday is laundry and whatever dirt I can clean up before I callapse. I always have more dirt than energy!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day getting myself ready to travel. The cottage has been tidied and hen house cleaned so now just a few more items to pack.... George has a bag too! I've a collection of veggies from the allotment to take, tomatoes from the greenhouse and of course some eggs so we won't go hungry!
    I'll walk George first thing then do battle on the roads and should be in Tewkesbury by lunchtime.

    I wish you all a peaceful week. Take care in all you do and stay out of mischief!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Anne, do not accept that spam about US Gov and don't click on any links. Just close it out and don't worry about it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Safe travels Jackie! Enjoy your week. No mischief from me.

    Meetings are over. Yippee!

    I tried to get an adjustment to my Internet bill for the couple of weeks with no service. They gave me a pathetic amount. No discussion or debate. Take it or leave it. I also looked into adding some channels to my TV service since I dropped Sling TV due to a rate increase. Ridiculous amount to add channels. So forget about it.

    I was sorting through some emails and read a newsletter that said a friend had passed away in April I was shocked. I knew she had lung cancer but she had always told me they caught it very early and she would be fine. She had treatment at Anderson in Texas. So upbeat and confident. Have been reminiscing.

    And I decided to be a bit productive I have labeled 48 ink pads with color swatches and the names of each. The little labels are on the side so they can be inserted into a holder and you know what you are grabbing without having to pull it out to see the color on the lid. I had them stacked before and the lids were not staying on well.

    Guess I should get moving along. Tomorrow is Mah Jongg morning.

    Be well. Hugs

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good advice from SANDY, ANNE! Never click on unexpected links...anywhere! How did you "momentarily" accept? If you clicked a YES link, perhaps you should do a virus scan?
    JACKIE, met a charming couple at dinner tonight, originally from Devonshire, or the southwest area of G.B......they have lived in Australia, Switzerland, U.K., and now, Florida, where they have retired to my Community. I felt I had more in common with them than with some of our American residents who accept the crudeness emanating from you know where! Enjoy both your trip and your visit to Tewkesbury!
    PATSY, isn't it pathetic how so many people assume those with dementia are also deaf? You are so sensitive to others! And yes, a quilt is a bit of a granny gift, but so what? It's a great idea! Your musician friend is responding to music with great memories and a link to the past. Music is almost the last thing to go! Thanks for the information on cbd! I need to find a dropper with mg. marks on it. I now am just guessing what I'm adding to 1 dropper!
    LIN, meeting #3? Do you ever tire?
    By the way, next month's meeting from the rehab department will be discussing incontinence!
    They claim everybody will eventually have to deal with it and there are answers to a number of the problems besides good old Kegels!
    Again, this morning my scale was encouraging and I actually made up my mind to attend,the Total Body Workout class. I thought I had gotten into the class that was too advanced for me, as the marching in place and some other aerobic exercises had me huffing and puffing, and I had to quietly march in place at times. But when our instructor heard me say I would come to chair exercises next time, she said I was doing as well as or better than other people who come regularly! That was a surprise, but I'll give it consideration. I felt so incompetent!
    A quick glance at my mail, and I'll try to get to bed earlier tonight! Oh, oh! Thunder cracking again!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen.............................
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks for answering my query BUZZ, PATSY and SANDY. I'm such a nuisance aren't I. It was the same as before, "if you don't accept you will be deleted from MFP." The first time I didn't accept as you know and I promptly got thrown out of MFP. This second time I did tick the acceptance buttons to avoid being deleted like the first time and here I am wondering if I'm being scammed or actually MFP is slowly getting rid of foreign people who don't pay premium. Whatever, I really can't see what use I am to any scam artist OR government. I live a very peaceful, boring and quiet life, not to mention being far too old and short of cash to do much damage to society. You know how it is. One becomes sort of invisible with age. One last query though, how do you do a virus scan on an Apple iPad? It's supposed to be built in. I'll take a look when I trundle off.

    Apart from the above yesterday was a very normal day. I did chat with my friend who has the tumour behind her eye, and naturally she isn't in the most cheerful of moods. It was also a much cooler day so no A/C and its continuous hum. I think LIN will be pleased to get away from meetings today.

    Safe journey JACKIE and I hope you find your friend just like her old self. Hello JERI,
    Hugs and goodbye, for now, from
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Think I might have managed the virus check. Thanks again for your help, annie
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Michael is beginning to think I am being scammed. So might disappear temporarily as I find the whole thing disturbing. It's not just MFP affected, I lose the ability to message and everything else. Will rejoin in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile take care of yourselves you lovely ladies,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Huh? Why does ANNE have to disappear? The whole technical world is getting nutty! My phone gets scam calls at least 5 times a day! I've invited a widower to join me at dinner tonight, and then invited another widow so no one gets the wrong idea. Why can the 2 genders not be just friends without suspicious others thinking something is afoot? He's at least 10 years younger than I and we are friends from the support group we were both in. Since neither of us had other plans tonight, I suggested we meet for dinner . So I'd better get something other than exercise clothes on.
    Hope everyone is well and too busy to check in! Don't leave us, ANNE! :(
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Goodness. What a day.

    Anne, unhappy that you are in hiding again.

    Buzz, do what you want. People will always chin wag. We have a missing university student and it is very high profile. I cannot believe how many people are saying her boyfriend did something to her with no information. The police have said many times now that he was out of town and is not a suspect. But people still consider him guilty. Do what you want. People, must ignore them.

    I don’t know what other things I have missed.

    I ran many errands today, played Mah Jongg and won twice!!! Did a bit of cooking and also laundry.

    Tomorrow is an early Tai Chi day, trip to the post office, maybe discount day at the grocery store. Afternoon Tai Chi is less likely.

    Must check on my sweet potatoes.

    Best wishes everyone. Hugs.
