Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Mmm. The cold winds will blow soon enough and I don't like hats etc. Think I'll keep my hair as is! I can always tie it back if the temp gets too sticky. Only 88 deg. Fahrenheit today, oh joy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day. I did win at bingo last night and had a chance at two different games for big money but of course did not. Today is my eldest son's 55 birthday, not sure how I can have a son that old but time does go fast. Birthdays are only a number I am told and it matters how old I feel. Some days young; some days old. lol

    Everyone is busy today with errands or fun events while Anne contemplates whether we came from Mars.

    Have a great day all!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Not me! Lol SANDY. I believe that was Jackie and Buzz. I don't think we CAME from Mars. However, I can contemplate us GOING there! I can contemplate us using it as a giant rubbish dump in the future as well. That would be to make use of all the holes we've dug out looking for minerals, AFTER the war of the world's of course for ownership. That's what I'm not really contemplating today, oh and the chunk of gold that's been found in a Scottish river! Much more interesting.

    Have a Super day girls, inter stellar or otherwise.

    Anne, definitely no Martian genes in this baby! (Although I do have four eyes at times, mmmm?)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning sneakers . We have a marine layer and it is nice and cool. I don’t do heat! I turn into a slow, cranky slug, just barely creeping along. Today it is cool and I ove that.

    We are to have lunch with an old school friend, her third husband, and his daughter. It feels very odd but why not? My friend and husband are moving back to Colorado. After only three years here in the PNW. It isn’t for everyone here. The dark wet winters can be really off putting. I get tired of the winter as well but I have much to do and after a bit of grouching, spring shows up and we are beating back the jungle.

    John’s rash is almost gone. He gets the stitches out of the biopsy places and hopefully some answers on this episode. It was very upsetting for him. Me too! When John is sick, the world stops turning properly. Oh Baby!

    Have a good day all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Full house here today. Seminar talks running long. So just about as expected I wore a hooded sweatshirt and am comfortable other than my feet are still freezing. :)

    Have a lovely day everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Well, one day of listening down, two to go. Tomorrow is the next one and I don’t have to drive far for this one. Last year, the room was an absolute ice cube. I was so happy to get home today!

    Signing off

    Lin the Wimp
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Finally, overnight it's rained, just enough to sit my garden plants up but probably get the weeds growing too! Our usual walk in the woods finished with us talking in the car park for a good half hour and waving to the occasional friend passing through. There is a wonderful coffee shack in one corner that attracts everyone to its door once they've strolled round the woods. Yesterday's hair appointment was as steaming as I'd imagined and to make matters worse my waif of a hairdresser who doesn't have an ounce of fat on her body, kept the door closed to keep the heat out and her pug dog Milo in. As delighted as I was with the results I was relieved to get outside although I then got into my parked car showing 38c inside and before I could get moving in order to cool the air found myself sitting in traffic as holidaymakers continued to arrive in the area.
    Once I've enjoyed a cup of coffee I will go out to a local store to pick up ice packs for my thermal bag because next week I'm travelling to Gloucestershire to visit the friend who had a stroke when staying with me in March. Although she says she is fine I am aware there are still struggles so want to see for myself how she is really. Since I always take a few supplies from our local farm shop I'll need to keep them cool along with enough of George's food to feed him for the week. It will be the furthest I've taken him in the car so am hoping he will be ok although I can always take lots of pee breaks for him, and me of course!

    It's perfect housework weather at the moment so when I get home I'll work my way through the cottage starting in the shower room because as Patsy commented the other day, I don't know how it gets into such a mess!

    Today is also Brady's anniversary... 2 years since finding the little fella on the moors, weak, dehydrated and starving. Who knew what a little monster he would turn into. >:)>:)

    Have an enjoyable Friday everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    In meeting number two. Oh my this is not a crowd where you would want anyone to know you are a vegan who prefers organic and avoids gmo foods. Lots of scorn.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited July 2018
    Happy Friday! :) Well those pounds I lost while moving are starting to creep back. I better get back to eating low carb before that happens but not today as I am going to lunch with Joe, my pool buddy. Would you believe my old landlady called last night to ask me about closet doors and if they worked good for me? It seems her painter and her are at odds and she is refusing to pay him until said doors are corrected. I think she thinks we are friends....NOT!! It is a beautiful day here with temps low enough to have the windows open with a cool breeze. My new fan also feels wonderful, I am grateful for no A/C.

    Lin, always be yourself no matter how rude people can be. Just try to enjoy your meeting and then head for the hills.

    Jackie, do we get to see your new do? Happy Anniversary dear Brady, how wonderful you got Jackie as your new mommy! A road trip for George, how exciting!! I am sure your friend will be more than happy to see you, you are indeed a good friend.

    Patsy, glad to read John is on the mend and his rash is nearly gone. I agree Portland is not for everyone even with it beautiful scenery. I do not like rain and my son got lots and lots of rain.
    I am glad you got some cooler weather to make you feel better.

    Anne, I do hope you got some cooler weather as well for your walkies with Jilly. A/C is expensive and I love having the windows open with fresh air.

    Buzz, hope all is well in Florida.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    soaking wet here, so cancelled eye appointment because of floods. Rushing to go to Brains and Balance class since I'm badly in need of both! Also doing more research on CBD since there are so many variables. It helps, but I need to learn more about strengths! All my Dr.s approve!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Slightly cooler today, but not much, however we have great hopes for tomorrow. Mike popped over and the three of us went grocery shopping. I bought all the ingredients to make Jamie Olivers Ratatouille tomorrow. While out I met a delightful chap a year younger than myself. He was born "up North" as well and it was wonderful chatting to a similar accent! He was about to have knee surgery. It seems we all end up with knee problems sooner or later. Of course The Bean got us talking in the first place. Very few can resist my friendly "Bean".

    Gloucestershire, now that's one of the few counties I've never visited JACKIE. Drive carefully, and I'm glad today wasn't quite so hot as expected, but still pretty steamy for the old country.

    LIN, I know you will quietly listen and no doubt inwardly marvel and then as SANDY says "head for the hills".

    Well, now Mikes gone, the birds fed and Jilly sleeping after a boisterous game of fingers, I think I'll wind up for the rest of the day especially as showers are in the forecast.

    Bye everyone,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dears, lovely start of the weekend. I didn’t get much of anything done. Did a tiny bit of shopping in Costco and we halved a small veggie pizza from Dominos. Nixed the cheese also. We enjoyed a nap and now we will jump on the exercise bikes and watch part of a movie. Talk about senior citizens Friday....

    I still tune into the news while I get dressed in the morning. I am reeling from the changes and the possible implications of our political scene. I can’t help but remember how my mom talked about the forever changes WWII made on the world. Social changes, cultural and values. I wonder what this big political change in the landscape will bring. There could be a reaction and return to Victorian conservatism. The pendulum swings in the opposite direction when it reaches the apex.

    Still on the fence about the winter art show. I might just comit to a small number of new pieces for exhibit rather than a whole one woman show. My insecurity is showing. Will people enjoy my stuff? Am I too old school now? Why should I care what others like? The more important question I like it?

    Our lunch date with old school mate was okay but a tad awkward. No frame of reference with the newest husband and his grown daughter. The daughter was very considerate and acted as a conversation topic monitor. So sweet. She was also recently divorced. Eegads! She was in her 40s and lovely and teaches at a school for gifted kids in Portland.

    Jackie: enjoy your visit with your friend. Two girls talking into the night, giggling and being naughty gossiping. Will you sip any of that caramel vodka?

    Anne: how delightful to visit with a fellow countryman. Hope you meet again occasionally for that English custom of a cup of tea and chin wag!

    Buzz: I used some of the CBD tincture in a tiny bit of cranberry juice. It diffidently helped my knee pain and helped me drift off to sleep. I am nervous about using it very often however. Have you heard of any side effects?

    Sandy: nice lunch date with your pool buddy. Isn’t it odd about how some people can be so thoughtless and just blithely go on without a thought. Your old landlady is a jerk!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2018
    Since we were walking alone today I chose to drive on to the moors with George for our walk and all was fine and sunny until a pause to chat to a friend walking her 2 dogs. A dark cloud headed in our direction so within minutes it was pouring and we were soaked. The sun reappeared just as I got back to my car. So, a change of clothes and mug of coffee while I plan the rest of my day.

    Sandy, my hair is shorter and tidier but not worth a photo honestly! Your ex landlady must have thick skin if she either doesn't realise she was wrong to withhold money or doesn't care. Sticky cupboard doors is certainly her little bit of karma LOL

    Brave Lin mixing with those rufty tufty farmers and their opinions! Lots of Brexit talk in the UK how difficult it will be to trade alone with the US since GM foods are banned along with hormone injected meat and bleached chicken. I'd be a vegan alongside you if I was your neighbour!

    Patsy, revisiting old acquaintances has always been disappointing for me so now I rarely bother. We move on into different world's at times so finding common ground is never easy once the initial "so what have you been up to?" is dealt with. The friend I'm visiting is completely different though as we've always stayed in touch, close to 40 years now.
    Ah yes, the caramel vodka is finished so I might just have to restock!!

    Buzz, our government is finally talking of legalizing medicinal marijuana after a couple of harrowing stories about young children finding relief from epileptic seizures only to be refused the drug. It took a brave government minister to allow temporary changes to the law which has started a debate.

    Anne, I always find it amazing how we connect so easily with people from our individual little parts of the world. There's an instant recognition and understanding isn't there. Gloucestershire is beautiful, especially in the Autumn but usually when we get together we spend our time sitting and putting the world to rights.... plenty going on in the world right now for us to discuss!! Enjoy your Ratatouille. I've found a BBC recipe for the beetroot that looks simple... we'll see! :|

    The rain is hammering down again so I'll get started pickling beetroot collected from the allotment after rummaging through my spice cupboard then deal with a few cobwebs spotted hanging in one corner last night as I chased a wasp away before Brady got stung trying to catch it. That boy hasn't an ounce of sense!! I also need to get up a ladder to check an overflowing gutter but my nice neighbours are away until tomorrow so I'll have to wait rather than risk doing it on my own.

    Have a good weekend.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Oh, don't go falling off a ladder JACKIE knowing how independent you are! Yes, I really enjoyed talking to the old lad who was a year younger than me. He said his dad trained dogs for a living when he was a child. I wished I'd found out what he trained them for seeing that would be in WW11 but somehow the conversation got diverted.

    I hope we don't return to extreme Victorian values PATSY, but I did read our youth today are trending towards being far more conservative and sensible than past generations.

    LIN are you mixing with the farming community again today? Good luck!

    SANDY, your landlady sounds like someone I once knew who said something extremely rude and hurtful to me, and the next day blithely carried on as if nothing had happened. Tried not to, but I cooled off at that point and whilst still polite when we meet I simply can't feel any warmth anymore. The expression "when someone shows you their true face, believe them" comes to mind.

    Oh and PATSY contemplating more pieces for an art show! You amaze me! I'm afraid I'm at the stage of sniffing the roses and reading what others are up to. Put out to grass as it were. Whatever you submit will be wonderful and as you say, it's for your own pleasure initially.

    BUZZ and JERI, hi girls!

    Going to have a go at the ratatouille soon!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good morning everyone. I had thought we might possibly get a bit of rain so grabbed my clippers and went out to cut down gigantic weeds around my deck that the mowing crew apparently cannot see. Or do not think it is their responsibility. I have them cut back but could not pull them so they will be back again. The ground is cracked and we really could use rain. The weather folks this morning indicated that in our metro area we have had about a third of an inch of rain in the last few weeks. Feast or famine apparently.

    I have one more meeting on Monday and then my season of catching up on farm topics will be over. I don’t get invitations to webinars on farm topics for some reason. I used to listen in to about one a month. It is time to renew the farm lease and I feel better knowing the latest on crops, price, topics of concern, trade, hints on the direction of rents, changes in the cost of production and government programs. I never get the information I want about my farm from the folks who rent it. I have asked a number of times and once in a while I get some information. This is not good.

    Yes, I am in mainstream agriculture for the most part when attending these meetings. They acknowledge changing consumer preferences but there was general laughter and snickering yesterday when the topics of organics, locally produced foods, GMOs, vegetarian and vegan preferences were briefly discussed. I didn’t go in to the luncheon. There is usually nothing I could eat and I am tired of sitting at a table explaining why I am not eating etc. I heard the meal yesterday was a huge portion of roast beef. For me, ACK!

    Anne, are you cooking today? Or have you finished your ratatouille experiment? It is nice that you met a fellow countryman. So nice to have someone to chat with. Any chance your paths will cross again?

    Jackie, I agree, no ladders! Wishing you and George a safe and pleasant trip to visit your friend. Meanwhile happy beet pickling to you.

    Patsy, exhibiting a few pieces might be a good compromise. A full show sounds like a huge commitment. And I know it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, so whatever you decide will be just right. Is John all clear now on rash etc.?

    Sandy, you ex-landlady probably thinks she is your friend. I doubt she realizes how shamefully she treated you. Maybe she runs over all of her ‘friends’ in one way or another. Good grief.

    Buzz, hello dear. I could use some brain and balance work too! Is it still raining? Let us know if you learn more about the best use of CBD oil. I know it comes in several strengths. The vendor I ordered from said to start with the lowest strength and then move up over time if you are not getting enough relief.

    Hello Jeri. I hope you are feeling better.

    Hugs all round. Must get going, I have been invited to two birthday parties this afternoon. I think I will drive over and drop off gifts at one of them (a family is having one combined party for their two kids) and may just pass on the second party as I only have a card and $ for the three year old. She could care less! And she will get tons of toys. At her first birthday party there were so many gifts she tired out long before they got through all of them and was massively grumpy when it came to the cake smushing.

    Take care.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another beautiful day here and it is Robby's 4th Birthday. I was planning on going there and taking the boys somewhere but cancelled because of the weather. Our pool days are numbered and we are going to Legoland on Monday to celebrate. I am feeling a little guilty but he did have a big party before Charlie and spending the day with mom and dad will be fun. Am I wrong? I did try to face time him, but no one is answering. Must be busy with the baby or doing something else fun.

    Anne, I agree it is hard to let go when someone hurts you so the best thing to do is detach. I, like you will be polite but that doesn't mean we are "friends".

    Jackie, sorry you got soaked and please do wait for your neighbor before getting on a ladder.
    Rainy days make me sleepy.

    Patsy, my lunch with my pool buddy who is 94 went well. He is a bit of a flirt but means well and is harmless. No words for my ex landlady, she is what she is.

    Buzz, I didn't realize you were getting so much rain, stay safe and dry.

    Lin, I hope you learned what you wanted from the meeting and ignored the rude people.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Yes, I made The ratatouille and boy I didn't expect quite so much from the recipe. It's very good and I have loads popped in the freezer for future use. Michael will be getting some tomorrow if he pokes his nose around the door. Definitely a keeper, the recipe, and particularly so if you tend towards vegan like me. Thanks JACKIE for letting us know you were making it, otherwise I'd never have tried it.

    LIN, you need a fellow vegan with you! Roast beef, I join you in a big ACK.!! Never did like beef and I was force fed gristly beef during rationing.

    Well must away. I'm having a very busy Saturday all around.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick information for anyone interested. The CBD I am using is totally legal since it is derived from hemp, not marijuana. However the medicinal part is exactly the same and I find it is helping my aches and pains. There is no "high" in it! The most effective way to buy it is the oil, which is dropped under the tongue or sprayed inside the cheeks. The vaporized gives the most amount, but I don't want to smoke or vaporize. I started with gummy bears, which were a waste of money; now I have a 60 mg bottle (2 oz) and each dropperful delivers 25 MG. I have started adding a bit more, as I think around 33 - 35mg would be perfect, twice a day. There is a discount and anyone who wants information, I will be happy to answer. There are so many frauds selling now, and I have done lots of research, and the vendor I use is extremely careful about contamination, which happens! My doctors all approve! Some use it. And you don't need a permit. I have never heard of side effect except positive ones.
    Late again. Perhaps back later!
    JACKIE, I think my place mails to the UK! PATSY, if it helped a little, try a little more.I'll print weight and suggestions later...
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have a couple of minutes: Weights between 151-200 would try , per serving for mild pain, 20 mg. For severe pain, start with 30 mg. Anyone here over 200? 25 mg for mild, 40 mg for severe pain. Between 101 and 150 pounds, start with 15 mg per dropper or serving, and for severe pain start with 25mg per serving. I started with 25, and it helped some, but everyone learns to adjust.
    Gotta run!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning. Still nada for rain here but the temperature right now is 65 F and the humidity is low. Mixed blessing I guess which is often the case in life.

    I did go to the party for the two kiddos. I didn’t stay long as they were both, in my opinion, a bit out of control. But I suppose it was being the center of attention and showing off for their friends. Since I left early, I dropped by the other party for a little while. Her grandma had the birthday girl come over to take her card from me. They opened it there and she was very excited about her puppy card. Made me smile. Grandma took charge of the gift card although at age 3 she really didn’t want to give it up. :D What a cutie.

    Now I must make a get well card, a retirement card and several birthday cards. I just finished a welcome to your new home card which I will mail this week.

    Must move along. The usual Sunday activities in store.

    Buzz, thanks for the information. It sounds similar to things I have read. Purity is an issue as it is with anything we ingest. In this state hemp was grown in wartime I believe (anyone know which one WW 2 perhaps). It was used to make rope I think. Anyway, history aside, the plants pop up all over the place. They are removed or destroyed usually. Kids have always harvested small leaves and seeds. And you know why right?

    Anne, nice to have a lot of something that is yummy! Thanks for backing me on the food issue. Enjoy your day.

    Sandy, I think you did exactly the right thing! Do not feel bad about it at all. Legoland tomorrow will burn your energy reserves.

    Hello Jackie, Patsy and Jeri.

