Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2018
    Don't worry Anne, it's more a case of me moving my iPhone or just holding a corner the wrong way and the picture zooms off to a corner of the screen never to be seen again. Post whenever you want. :/:)

    Heavy rain has just fallen for about 15 minutes which will help my garden plants but I can tell it's very local so the sun is still shining a mile away in the direction of the allotment.... Another evening of watering!

    We walked in the woods again this morning where poor George sat on a bramble in mid poo so ended up with a prickly, messy bottom but that's another story. As I did my best to keep up with him when he hopped off track on 3 legs I came upon the most amazing fungus hidden where we don't normally walk.
    Some sort of alien by English standards so what with that and sightings of rare sharks off the Cornish coast I think this global warming has a lot to answer for!!

    Sandy, what a delight little Charlie is and I can see the resemblance to her 2 cute brothers. Sorry you can't get pool time but resting is good.

    Anne, during our heatwave we've been advised not to walk our dogs unless a shaded area can be found because their bodies can't handle it. Apparently hot tarmac can do damage to paw pads too not that there's much of that round here but I did notice a road behind my cottage was beginning to melt last week! Japan's turn now with people dying in 40c +temperatures. My Christmas present to myself last year was new very expensive pans and I love them. Amazing that at least 6 of varying sizes went to the dump and I find 3 with a steamer to sit on the largest plenty for my needs. I expect like me you'll enjoy cooking all the more.

    Talking of cooking I've more ratatouille to make so best get on while dark clouds still threaten.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    I can still see Sandy. But my iPad doesn’t seem to refresh often even when I hit refresh.

    I can see a bit better today. No Anne, not just floaters. Any and I mean any movement of the right eye set off vivid lightning flashes, reduced vision, what looked like a debris field to me, literally hundreds of little pinpoint particles and yes, gigantic floaters. I have never experienced anything like that before. I have had floaters on and off since my late teens. I was concerned that it might be a detached retina or something. It was Friday and everyone would be closed for the weekend. Driving yesterday was a strain to try to see enough to feel safe.

    So now just watch and wait. Hopefully no wavy lines in my vision or a feeling like a curtain descending, apparently that is bad and I am to call if that happens. But hey folks the office isn’t open much. Just hope my brain learns to compensate or ignore the debris and apparently the lightning flashes will cease. Checkup in a month.

    I got up and did my errands, Library drop off, post office, gas for the car while the traffic was light now, I will stay home the rest of the day. Must finish a few cards. Will just go slow and really stare before cutting anything or sticking anything down. Haaaa.

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post. Hate that. Hope to see you later.

    Buzz, apparently you are having the same issues. Goodness, we may be back on our email group if this persists!

    Patsy, I don’t know what issues you are dealing with but more power to you in resolving the problem(s). I seem to be more of a whining and over sharing type of person. <3

    Hugs all round.

    Lin (of the fuzzy eye)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Is everyone seeing my posts the same way as Anne?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I have changed my password and I hope everyone can see my posts now. I would suggest that you change your password as well Anne.
    It could be a MFP problem since they seem to have many but better to be safe than sorry.

    Lin, what you are describing sounds terrible, is it possible it was a tia? We all have those without even knowing. I do hope it all goes away and your vision comes back to normal. Sorry you are going through that.

    Jackie, what beautiful fungus, it makes a great picture. Poor George but poor Jackie having to clean his messy butt.

    Anne, I do hope you are able to read my posts, I don't understand what would cause that problem. I hope in changing my password that will help. Congratulations on the new pots and pans. Did Jilly see the robot in action?

    Patsy, I hope whatever health problems you are dealing with soon get better.

    Buzz, it seems you and Anne are having the same problems, you both might have to clear your history.

    Since it is not a sunny day as of yet, I might take a ride to my friend's farm. Bryanna is having a sleepover at my house with two of her friends that I adore. I will go get them some "junk" food and then make my decision.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Is everyone seeing my posts the same way as Anne?

    You are here for me. Nothing ever disappeared.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    But still not for me. Your photo is like looking through a thick fog, or a ghost image, SANDY. No photos of baby Charlie, no messages. Just a blank space. Weird.

    LIN, I'm so sorry about your eye. Sounds really terrible and almost like a migraine effect. Please get better soon.

    JACKIE, that fungi is exactly like the one growing over here which I showed a while back. I keep Jilly on the grass when walking early morning and late evening, but who knows what Mike does.

    Sorry this seems disjointed but I'm back to hesitant typing and strange symbols. Better go before I disappear as well!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone. I think I can read everyone’s posts. I am having trouble with my own email however. As I have said, the internet is wonderful until it isn’t!

    John will be hearing about the three biopsy spots taken by the dermatologist. He isn’t too worried but we still do not have a definitive answer on what this is. We think the reaction to a couple of big spider bites caused allergic dermatitis. But we are not sure. He looks like a 10 year old with a huge case of measles. However, spots are now fading and some have gone away.

    As for me, I have fierce arthritis and a diabetic foot ulcer. I hate being a whiner. I am so good at it. The ulcer goes away then when I least expect it, the silly thing returns. We are good at doing all the necessary emergency care strategies. There are worse things in the world but not many!!!! Arthritis requires strength training for my sad weak muscles. Boring exercises and lifting a light weight thru about 10 different positions. I have been having a really good pity party this morning. Enough of this. At least I can move. I have good info on my diabetes and I can control it pretty well actually. My foot ulcer is quite small. If I take care and watch it and do all the necessary things it will get better over time.

    Sorry about all the boring heath updates. It is Saturday and we are heading to Costco and Home Depot. I am getting ready to begin a closet purge. Also new hangers. Just like in “Mommy Dearest” no wire hangers!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I can see your posts just fine too SANDY. . Have fun with the girls! :)

    LIN of the fuzzy eye, that must have been terrifying for you and does sound like a detachment but the opthamologist would know immediately surely. Another reason could be a migraine. Do you suffer those? I know someone who loses all vision but no headache and was told that's the cause.
    My new lens is blurry at times and I'm hoping it's nothing more than scar material that can be lasered if necessary I've a follow up appointment August 13 but hopefully it's clear again by then. I did accidentally splatter teak oil in that eye when treating a garden chair not long ago so could be my own silly fault!!
    Ratatouille made after a battle with organic garlic that didn't want to be crushed it had such thick skin. Now enjoying my afternoon cuppa when I should be dodging rain showers and tidying outside. Oh well....

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Three of us all typing at the same time LOL
    Hello to Anne and Patsy. :p
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Hello again, I still can't see Sandy's posts. Sometimes I get a bit paranoid and wonder if MA. fitness pal is giving me hints!

    Enough...... now JACKIE, what exactly is ratatouille? I've heard of it but never tasted it.

    Jilly is better judging by the barking going on at some poor dog trotting past no doubt.

    LIN, I've still got a narrow blind band going across my left eye vision from when the veins broke ages ago. I was completely blind in that eye for sometime but very slowly it's improved and narrowed and I've great hopes it will soon be gone.

    Now.........who said Anne's looking at SANDY with one eye! Lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    No worries, I guessed it was a vitreous detachment or a retinal detachment. I had full tests and images yesterday. It is vitreous. I saw the photo of the blob!

    They come out of nowhere but more common OLDER people. Grrrrr.

    It will get better with time apparently.

    A younger friend has had a detachment in each of her eyes within about six months. She had bleeding with hers and required more follow up appointments. When stable, no further exams. Just an annual exam.

    So no stroke, no migraines. Just my body playing me a nasty surprise.

    Jackie, really, teal oil? I guess glasses can be good. They keep stuff out of our eyes.

    Love the fungus. How extraordinary.

    Poor Jilly with the heat problems. And I hope your eye will be 100% soon.

    Sandy, enjoy yourself whatever you decide to do.


    Lin (working slowly on cards)
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Am I off the charts, too? Yesterday, Dell finally sent a technician to repair my new laptop edge, where it looks worn and the paint rubbed off. They originally said they do not cover "cosmetic" defects! But they relented and after 2 hours of removing the most complicated bottom I ever saw on a laptop, he put it all back together (with 2 screws left over) and said he will return Monday with a proper manual, as he had never seen anything like this before!
    Want to mention the cbd oil and lotions are beginning to work on these old joints, muscles and even gout! I actually stopped a gout attack 2 nights ago after eating lobster and shrimp, both forbidden for gout! As soon as it started, I applied the topical lotion to my foot and took a 1/4 of a dropper of the oil under my tongue, and the gout disappeared! I have also been able to practically RUN for a bus that was leaving without me! I'll be lad to supply websites for anyone as desperate as I was! I have been using it 7 days now, and am happy as can be.
    ANNE, I must say that Hobbes has the most beautiful face o any kitty I've ever seen! Also, when I finally decided to invest in Calphalon pans, I just adored cooking. I still have kept several, included the frypans, which never ever stick! And they are guaranteed (and replaced!) for a lifetime!
    SANDY, I mentioned how delicious your baby Charlotte is, and I just want to feel her little cheeks! Enjoy you wonderful family!
    JACKIE, you are just incredible, the world's greatest friend of animals! So accepting of nature!!!
    PATSY, don't get too hysterical about you know what ! I heard an Evangelical defender of the world's biggest con artist this morning, and thought there must be 2 different worlds, side by side, operating here! He actually stated "The end justifies the means"!!! They really don't care at all about his lack of morals, bullying behavior, or grandiose narcissism as long as he gets the judges they want and kills Roe Vs Wade!!! He stated "Nobody's Perfect"! And his approval rating among followers keeps going up! Canada, keep your gates open!
    LIN, I can't find the post about your eyes, but hope all goes well!
    Also hope this posts as I can't find some I posted the past few days!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is about to Happen!...............................

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    BUZZ, I did indeed buy calphalon pans. Used two today and I am very pleased. And yes they are guaranteed (and replaced) for a lifetime. Michael's already made a future claim should I not get my money's worth!.
    Still no sign of SANDY. She disappeared apart from her ghost when the getting into the Sneakers format changed for me.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    HEY SANDY YOU ARE BACK! The format for getting in changed for me and at the same time you disappeared. I just went into your profile and your posts on the profile numbered less than shown on the page. Then I noticed the ignore button. Somehow dear girl you had become ignored, not me I assure you! Anyway I pressed that to un-ignore you and voila! You are back I am very pleased to say.
    To prove it, and to answer your question, Jilly was very wary of Robbie the Robot cleaner. Been back in time to view the last few days posts and a third most beautiful grand child for you. Happy congratulations.
    Last word, .......MFP please stop mucking around, I swear it's you !!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, here's my Ratatouille heading for the freezer made up of courgettes, onion, garlic, peppers cooked in tinned tomatoes. Delicious on pasta or poured over meatballs amongst other things.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Mmm. Looks very tasty and my sort of food. Must try next week.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ARe courgettes eggplants? I used San Marzano canned tomatoes when I made it and the idea of using it OVER meatballs sounds wonderful! I just served it as a side dish!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ha! You'd think it was one language we use but no, there are so many variations. A google search confirmed that a courgette is zuccini and eggplant what we know as aubergine. My recipe does have eggplant as an addition but I didn't have one to hand so left it out. My tinned tomatoes are from the Aldi shop and I assume Italian although processed in Ireland. Certainly delicious.

    We are back to glorious sunshine so home after our morning walk I'm going to change into shorts and see how much gardening I can achieve in the heat. My head is full of plans but not sure my body can keep up!!

    Patsy, have you tried Manuka honey to help heal your ulcer. Our district nurses use it now on a regular basis on leg ulcers as it seems what was once deemed an old wives tale works. Apparently has wonderful healing properties.

    Must get on and at least start working through my list of chores.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Hello, it's raining, it's pouring! Will our world become green again. I think so because a peek into the weather network says most of the day.
    Typing not good again, so will wander off and find a recipe for ratatouille!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Okay, found Jamie Oliver's "Provence ratatouille", and the method is like I imagined so we are all set to have a go. Thanks Jackie for a dinner tip. I do make tomato sauce for spaghetti so not so very different.