Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good afternoon. I am at yet another library and am trying to send a little note. Some WiFi issues here and some MFP site problems as well. Oh my, will electronics ever behave properly for me?

    Patsy, I will wish you a Happy Birthday this afternoon. Tomorrow is my hypothetical service call so I will need to stay home waiting for a repair person but will be pretty much connectionless. I will be thinking good thoughts <3<3 I did attempt to send you an email card to be delivered tomorrow morning. I am sorry the celebration has to be rescheduled but I am sure you will enjoy it when ever you get together and will enjoy it more when John is feeling well.

    Sandy, what a day in store for you. Hoping for lots of energy and stamina! I am sorry Babe is having such a difficult time. I hope Daisy comes out okay in all this shuffle.

    Anne, we are promised some more temperate weather this coming week. Sounds wonderful to me. Thanks for posting that link but in my not-so-good electronic universe I seem unable to open the video. I am sad that yet another group of people are suffering. Is there no end to this?? And as for bugs, my house has been invaded repeatedly by tiny ants. In differing locations. I am starting to think there is an ant superhighway through the structure of my house. I keep hitting them with some organic bug spray and squashing them. Today they are regrouping. Haven’t seen any. BUT mosquitoes have been finding a way in my house as well. Not lots, just enough to Buzz around in my ear at night or to chomp on my elbow or arm when I am unaware. Nasty little creatures. I say stay outdoors and be me food for whatever creature finds you a delicacy.

    Buzz, wow, a roll-on lotion? That sounds marvelous. I may have to look into that but meanwhile I will look forward to the delivery of my toothpicks! Should only take a couple of weeks. I did get some salve that is full of herbs as well as CBD. Unfortunately it is green and no matter how much I rub there is green residue on my clothing. Also, with many herbs it is lovely smelling but doesn’t do much for long when it comes to discomfort. It helps but not a lot.

    Jackie, aren’t friends lovely about those types of reminders? Well, you are one spunky go-getter to just ignore them. I am sure they are just pulling your leg. Still wishing to see a bit of the tennis but alas, a pipe dream at this point.

    Hugs all. I hope to watch Endeavor this evening. At least I think it is on.

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    I have an odd way of dealing with the ants once trekking into the house and now they rarely come in. I just put a piece of whatever edible outside the back door and they are so tiny it takes them all day trotting backwards and forwards to their nest with their plunder.. For instance they love water melon rind after you've cut the contents out but just leave them a bit of the flesh on the rind. I cook Jilly's food nowadays but when I had Tabs and Miss Becky my cats, I would leave the emptied tin of cat food outside. Kept them occupied all day and kept them out of the house and off my counters. Not much is needed, a tiny piece next to the door step. I get bitten when I water my garden first thing in the morning. Usually Mosquitos from Harry's fish pond next door.

    We are told, after weeks of daily heat alerts, (70 or so have died, mainly elderly men without a/c) that a cold front comes our way on Tuesday and we will drop to the 80s rather than the 90s. I've recovered somewhat from my morning gripe but I so want to turn the two A/C units off and get out into the great outdoors much more! Jilly is moulting like crazy and the Pomeranian ruff around her neck can't help her in keeping her cool.


    And just so we don't get too festive, Mr. T meets Mr. P. and we await what happens next!

    So I'll away and wish all a pleasant evening,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Just curious Patsy, are you sure John doesn’t have shingles?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, PATSY, SANDY may have something there; Mike's shingles were not recognized by a doctor OR by the hospital staff some years ago, until it was too late to help with medications! I know spider bites can be horrendous. As far a ants, I generally put drops of "Terro" on cardboard and leave them about, but when you have dogs, I dunno!
    You know, ANNE, I got to thinking how the Boers went to S Africa and took over the people native to the area, and treated them so badly, as if they had no rights. Isn't that what Nelson Mandela went to prison for? Perhaps what goes around....?
    By the way, tha orange cartoon, kept the Queen waiting for 15 minutes beyond their appointment! She was very gracious and kind and smiled favorabl y at him, which he laps up. Next stop . mischief in Finland!
    JACKIE, my DD will be 69 in October! 70 seems so young to me! 90 really hit me that I'd better start taking care of myself, or else!!! :o ! :o
    LIN, luv, you are my Eveready Bunny!
    A Nurse Practitioner will be here Monday Morning to check on that painful hard knob on the back of my leg....just to make sure!
    Saw a delightful British movie today, "Finding Your Feet". I think there was a message in it, but it was also fun!
    Sorry but my leg medication hit and my eyes will not stay awake! Have a lovely!
    <3 Buzz
    .......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..............................
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sandy: oh I hope John doesn’t have shingles! I had them on my back around my waist, right after my cancer surgery. Oh my! But this looks like what the doc suggests. Contact dermatitis. For a guy that gets into some nasty car grease, paint, oil etc...he has pretty sensitive skin. But the old sweetheart is feeling bad that we are delaying my birthday. What a guy!

    The intense heat and sweat has made him more uncomfortable. We will get through this. He just wants this over..YESTERDAY!

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    You certainly have a point BUZZ. And so does JACKIE. What goes around does comes around eventually! A lot of today's mess is payback time.
    Shingles! Now there's a thought as well! I sincerely hope John hasn't got shingles after my Mom suffered so.
    Back to bed. Had to let the pup out so popped by for a very short while. Yawn.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    To my dear, dear Sneaker friend Patsy. You have lit up my life with your introduction to yet another fascinating American state with all its diversity but more importantly I've got to know you, gentle, sensitive lover of nature and just as bonkers as me when it comes to all creatures great and small!! Spider bites aside, embrace the dawn and have a wonderful day. <3

    Hugs from Jackie, George and the menagerie xxx
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Whoops! Ignore this space, lol.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BIRTHDAY GIRL, DEAR, SWEET, SENSITIVE, PATSY, and here you are Patsy as I picture you, a full of fun, talented and young at heart soul.
    Hugs from Anne and The Bean.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh oh dear sneakers! Thank you so much for the birthday wishers! You all mean so much to me. It is early for me and I am dealing with that slow typing and odd words again on mfp.
    All my love and gratitude.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    BBC Capital, - " the centenarians who won't retire". If you can find this article, an inspiring read and especially so for me! Who knows I might become the new Leo Tolstoy in the next 18 years, lol.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    You all LIGHT UP MY LIFE! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, which article in particular were you referring to? Ther were too many to read this week!!!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    I tried, but couldn't manage to get the link BUZZ. The title is as I said - "the centenarians who won't retire" and it's on the BBC top stories. It's at the very bottom of FEATURES AND ANALYSIS. Most inspiring. Apparently there are so many centenarians in the UK today the Queen has had to hire a secretary to help with all the 100 year old birthday cards she sends out. The trend is in all the western countries, and any child born today can expect to reach 100 years old.
    Good luck, I hope the above helps.
    PS.......I've emailed you the article BUZZ. Hope it reaches you.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm home from the allotment having weeded, planted my Italian turnip seedlings and watered everything one more time. We were promised rain today but although a few thick clouds drifted overhead not one drop fell on my parched garden or the allotment. Maybe Thursday but I'm not holding my breath. We had our usual walk in the woods this morning with Scruff and her mum then after a quick stop off at the farm shop for yet more salad items I've been pottering.

    No news from Sandy yet but then it's relatively early in that part of the world isn't it. I do hope everything is going well for them and little Charlie will soon be with us.

    I've taken painkillers for an aching back and must now water the tomato and cucumber plants before settling down to an episode of Versaille. I did catch a few minutes of BBC news covering events in Helsinki..... I'm speechless!! Apparently the west has become America's foe and the murdering, deceitful dictator Vlad the Impaler a best friend. Good luck folk!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, I'm speechless, too. My only conclusion is that he's extremely beholden to VP! There has to be an extremely impeachable or worse history that Orange Wonder is terrified of us learning about! Sooner or later, con artists get caught in their own lying web! This is a cheater who has blamed everyone else his entire career for his own stupidity! By the way, he has requested permission to hire Maralago help from the very countries he denies access to!
    Claims he cannot find local help, but it's because he pays minimum wages below normal! I really lost it when I saw TV from Finland! Putin has always been an adversary, and to watch a president groveling before him made me ill!!!

    SANDY, any news?
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Just one comment from me, then I'm done. This man is no patriot of America. Strip him of his presidency, exile him to Russia with his money, you don't need it America, and let him live out his days with his best pal. Hopefully, for the next 30 years so he'll have time to ponder on all the harm he's done. It's called treason I believe to knife ones country in the back.
    The world is stunned.

    Just read on BBC, "Russian woman charged with spying in US." Conspiracy to act as a Russian government agent whilst infiltrating political groups.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, I think my connection is fixed. The repair person found a bad part in the big connection box behind my lot. That’s where all the individual connections to each house start out. He gave me his name and a number where I can send a text if I have problems in the next couple of days.

    I didn’t listen to a lot of what happened today but how can any rational human being ignore everything your own experts tell you and believe someone who just says, didn’t happen?

    I just do not know. Insane.

    I hope everyone is okay.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member

    Charlie (Charlotte Marie) was born around 10:30am. Mother had some pain with her C Section delivery with scar tissue and such. She is fine now and very happy as we all are. Everyone is healthy and happy. More pictures to follow but for now good night.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wonderful news Sandy, congratulations all round!

    Hugs from Jackie