Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Most plans have gone awry this afternoon as a marathon Wimbledon tennis match continues. Over 6 hours and 5th set into the 20's games. Still playing and American Isner an absolute star even though dead on his feet. More exhausting to watch than football!!

    Our queen looking serene as she met the blimp or was it the real man?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good morning lively Sneakers. Another beautiful one here but just as I think I could get used to the heat a change is on the way... never mind. On the moors we met a couple who sadly had their 14 year old Lab put to sleep before Christmas saying it would be their last dog. Well forget that because on his first outdoors walk was Brody, all legs, wiggle bottom and nose into everything... Another beautiful golden Labrador and beaming smiles on his owners' faces! After a chat I strolled on with George stopping occasionally for both of us to sip water and at one point there it was, my next to do activity to add to my bucket list, a hot air balloon. Wouldn't I love to drift across the sky in a basket with only the occasional burst of gassy air to break the silence. The gentle breeze didn't send it in my direction but I snapped a picture anyway
    [img] j.jpg[/img]

    Housework to do once a pot of coffee is on the go so I'll wish everyone an enjoyable Saturday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Trying the photo again!...

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Morning all. Another hot sticky day ahead.
    I think I'd stay away from hot air balloons in England right now. One may bump into Baby Trump up there in the wide blue yonder.

    Bit of a fracas going on here, all to do with all the illegal immigrants crossing over from the states. Mainly dark skinned males from Africa etc. We've run out of places to house them. So the Ontario immigration minister asked the Canadian government immigration minister for some help only to be told that our very Canadian minister was uncanadian by the dark skinned government minister boasting the first name of Ahmed with slight accent to match. Naturally our Canadian minister was somewhat upset to be called uncanadian when she was merely asking for some help. Goodness knows what he would have called her if she'd asked the government to stop them crossing illegally in the first place.

    When we came here legally 40 odd years ago, despite having been offered a job without applying for it, we had to go through 6 months of background checks to make sure we didn't go around shoplifting or holding up banks etc, not to mention medical tests. Things sure have changed! Now we are avoiding what some immigrants are dumping on our park grounds etc. The things that Jilly needs a doggie bag for!
    On a lighter note maybe notices stating PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOG should be changed, seeing most of us do.......

    Better take Jill out whilst it's still cool, but we won't be tiptoeing through the tulips without keeping a beady eye open! No, it's not squirrels to blame!

    Still smiling at all the stuff us humans get into and hopefully NOT get into,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Early morning hello from Katie and me. It was a bit warm yesterday. It will be warm today as well. We are still in the midst of dealing with John’s dermatitis. The poor guy has been suffering with this wild itchy rash for over a week. It is sort of slowly getting better. Slowly is the operative word here.

    We love the fall weather the best. We have some colors but it is mainly cool and sort of crisp. Each season has its delight. Summer is wonderful especially in the early morning. I am still planning my weekend. We are having an early dinner with friends to celebrate my birthday. Damon will be a sail, so not sure when we. will chat with him. Birthdays are fun but it always puts me in a Mood. My mortality feels loud and clear these days. Our little town is bursting with tourists. Almost every day we get calls from old friends and colleagues that are vacationing in the area. We don’t mind all the tourists. Brings a healthy economy to our area. Winter is bad for our economy. Wet, dark, and chilly and often very stormy. No one visits then.

    The great orange one is such an embarrassment. We hope the rest of the world just understands we are working on removing him from office. We knew he would be a boastful and irritating fool. And our fears were realized. Please understand almost everyone here in the states do not agree or feel the same as the orange one. We cannot duck our head and just hope for the best. Change must happen. In an orderly and legal way!

    Our deepest and heartfelt apologies to the English government. The queen and all of the EU.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    Meanwhile, has anyone else noticed that 15000 Boers of Dutch descent are escaping the violence in black dominated South Africa to resettle in Southern Russia, I can't say I blame them. We had two English engineers at work who feared for their children years ago and escaped SA to settle in Canada.
    Like it or not there's a lot of turmoil and movement going on. Meanwhile The Mouth from the South is playing golf and delighting the scots. Next week should liven up again. Did anyone notice the corgi dog water bowl next to Mr. Ts leg, but not a corgi in sight. Maybe the Queen decided to keep them in another room.
    No need for apologies PATSY, the majority of Brits, Canadians, Aussies and the rest of the commonwealth really like Americans and you have to remember all races throw up these controversial figures from time to time. What would the cartoonists, satirists, do without them.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Breaking away from Wimbledon to assure Patsy we love America and it's people, every demonstrator confirmed that yesterday, just hate all that the current leader of the free world stands for. This too shall pass!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Looks like we are going to get some rain which is okay with me. It is a good day to do laundry and get caught up on bills. The boys had fun at Yu Kids and after we went for lunch/dinner at Rain forest Cafe. I slept nine hours last night so I was exhausted.
    I will go to 5:00 Mass and then stop to see Daisy and Babe, it has been a while since I last saw them. I texted with Lisa's mom and we have a plan in motion to take care of the boys while Lisa is in the hospital with her new daughter. She will have her C Section around 10:00 am Monday so we will bring the boys to meet their baby sister in the afternoon. Unfortunately Lisa's dad has to wait to meet his new granddaughter because he has shingles. I am sure he is heartbroken but thank goodness for smart phones and Face Time. It will be a busy but exciting week.

    As far as our so called leader with the Queen. How embarrassing!! That is all I can say.

    Enjoy your day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    edited July 2018
    England LOST to Belgium for third place in the World Cup. Score O - 2. Doesn't matter. Super, super, clean and fun game to watch. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited July 2018
    Good morning, a quick note and praying I can post. I messed with my modem for a long time this morning and held the cable while it was attaching to the signal and wow, it worked I am connected right now.

    May go at any time so saying hello, love you gals! Don’t want to trip over to the library today. But will be at another library tomorrow afternoon for a project then so will send a note. It would be magical if my connection holds but I doubt that is possible.

    Sorry about the outcome for the English.

    I have no idea what happened with the queen yesterday. All I heard was that there was a doggie water bowl near our leader but no Corgis present. Probably afraid they would be kicked. Oh, I see Anne wrote about that. Sorry for the duplication.

    Hot air balloon. I always wanted a ride in one and we have a festival not far away but alas was always too incredibly cheap to pay for a ride. Haaaaaa.

    Hugs all.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Best wishes Sandy. What an exciting time!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Anne, I had not heard about the mass movement to Russia. Must try to look that up. The world is a mess.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Buzz, I ordered the CBD toothpicks.
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    For LIN, if it works. Annie.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2018
    To PATSY, ...a very special

    May we all have the strength to enjoy the wonderful things happening in this world while attempting to ignore, at least partially, the very ugly, demeaning, shameful things going on around us! ... I realize it is not really sudden, but I want to urge you all to urge everyone you know to excuses, to make certain your view is counted! Thank you, our "beyond USA borders" friends, for reassuring us of your love and support! We feel the same about you!

    I want to mention, seeing that LIN has ordered toothpicks, that today I received a roll on lotion containing CBD, and after using it twice (recommended use is 4 times daily) my pins and needles have subdued considerably and the numbness has subsided enough for me to FEEL the earrings as I put them on successfully! It's the first time in ages I am actually typing without wincing! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I was unable to complete my post yesterday due to not being able to type!

    SANDY, how exciting your Monday will be! Lots of luck, and I'm glad that the grandpa understands that shingles and babies are a real no-no! I have heard arguments to the contrary, so many times, because adults want to hold their new little members! He will have many opportunities for the rest of their lives to enjoy and share wonderful adventures!

    I am late for dinner, but I was very moved by JACKIE"S new Lab story and ANNE's news (to me) regarding the huge race problems bringing S. Africans to Russia! I'm shaking my head in wonderment about the state of things among "human beings" !

    <3 Buzz

  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Gripe of the day. I am sick to hell of this constant heat and itchy insect bites. More or less stuck inside in the summer and more or less stuck inside in the winter!!!!

    Gripe over, just saying!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning Sneakers... yet another glorious sunny day but as much as I love it my poor English cottage garden has become baked like an overcooked fruit cake! How anything is surviving is a miracle but then Mother Nature knows how to deal with these situations.

    Sandy, you must be so excited about the new arrival and I'll be thinking of you.

    Buzz, you have grabbed my attention with the good news your CBD is having an affect. Anything is worth a try so I'm passing it on to my brother who suffers pain... thanks lovely lady and don't despair because surely one day soon someone will stop the madness that is Donald!

    Lin, you didn't miss anything much with the queen, just a rude man stepping in front of her and forgetting she's 92. Wonder what his mother would have thought? Like you I nearly took a balloon ride a few years ago but the cost was extortionate and payment required in advance so because the weather was unpredictable I decided not to pay. It turned out to be a beautiful day!!

    Anne, the surprise to me isn't the unrest in South Africa but choice of relocation although thinking about it where is there a suitable country for them? A friend has a neighbour who recently came to Britain from South Africa and constantly complains she will never get used to doing her own housework or even having to drive and misses having servants. I say welcome to the real world!!

    Patsy, I'm getting reminders already from friends about my 70th next year, something I definitely want to avoid celebrating as such but you know what they say about the alternative being worse! Just savour every day.

    Must get on with something, not sure what before the last day of Wimbledon I'll be cheering for Kevin Anderson the South African who appears to be a lovely young man.

    Happy days!
  • Anne1935
    Anne1935 Posts: 277 Member
    Although I agree JACKIE to a point, I remember when a family I knew came back to Great Britain the servants they had all stood around crying because they didn't know how they would find work elsewhere. If 15000 Boers leave what will happen to their farms and the farm workers? Burnt to the ground as in other African countries and the land left to go wild and of course the poachers of elephant tusks and rhino horns? Don't worry about your 70th, you are still a young chick. However in the 80th year things start getting interesting to say the least!

    I've just read that Mr. Ts advice to PM May was "sue the EU". And, Yes. I also noticed he walked not only in front of an elderly lady but also our Queen. Obviously didn't go to finishing school! If he loses the next election our lives will be duller for sure.

    Mike coming over. Will be thinking about Lisa, the C section, and one new little girl tomorrow. All the best for a safe delivery SANDY.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Pool day. I got caught up on all my bills and laundry so today is a rest day before the big event. When the boys were born I bought them a ceramic booty that played music. I have searched the Internet and can not find one for Charlie. I guess I will have to buy one that doesn't play music but I am so disappointed. My other tradition is a baby blanket with their names on it like this one.
    She also puts the birth date on the bottom

    I had pizza with Babe and played with Daisy after Church. He was very dizzy again so not the best company. He admits he is very stressed with the move and today he has to leave because the realtor is having an open house. I wish he could sell his house and get settled in his son's house, maybe then he will relax.

    Anne, hang in there, the weather has to cool down sooner or later, at least I hope so for your sake. I love hot weather but not when it stays in the 90's, that is just too hot. Maybe Mike will take you some where cool for lunch.

    Jackie, yes I am very excited to meet another grandchild, especially a little girl. I am not that excited to spend a whole day and night with the boys, I am sure they will wear me out. I am hoping for an every other day kind of plan with Lisa's mom.

    Buzz, I love your birthday graphic to Patsy, it is really pretty. I am glad the CBD is working for you, you need some relief.

    Patsy, I am not sure if I will be here in the morning so I want to wish you a great birthday. I will never forget your day with Charlotte sharing your day.


    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning dear ones! Thank you all for the birthday wishes. This is going to be an interesting year. I feel this whirlwind of change in the air.

    To begin with I needed to reschedule our birthday dinner with friends. John is really suffering with his skin rash. The meds only work for a short period then it is back to burning itchy rash. It is slowly getting better. But I just could not imagine us sitting in a restaurant trying to eat and visit with John so miserable. I know for a short time it would be a distraction. This rash covers from his neck to his ankles. Did I mention John is over top impatient and somewhat grouchy when he is suffering?

    I am into tradition but celebrations have often been delayed or rescheduled because of some factor or another. Remembering my grandmother on the ranch, her birthday was always right in calving season. Everything wrapped around work. She just kept saying after this is over we will have cake, whiskey and roll back the rugs for a dance. And they did!

    I love the wonderful birthday greetings from you, dear sneakers. One of life’s sweet joys is the gift of friendship. This miracle of the internet has allowed us to become fast friends.

    Happy and healthy birthday to dear little Charlotte. Welcome to the world!