Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Just a quick note. Struggled to see well enough to finish some cards today. Only got some fronts finished. All need insides as many are on colored card stock so white must be added. Nothing very nice to share I am quite tired now and think I will curl up with a book and snooze.

    Church tomorrow! Which means community duty again. :)


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello all,

    Yes that was quite the storm we went through.

    Ed and I got new iPhone X ‘s today. Still trying to figure out all the new features.

    Still having Physio for my legs. I was in horrible pain yesterday but not as bad for most of the day today. Doing lots of stretches. Sure hope I get it under control before our trip to Scotland.

    Buzz I’ve been reading about CBD. Sounds very interesting. I think I’ll ask my doctor about it. Actually cannabis will be legal in Alberta in October of this year. I know what you talked about is from hemp I think so it is legal right now. Interesting.

    Sandy - sounds like you are getting everything fixed up in your new apartment. I’m sure Lisa will indeed be looking for help when she’s alone with the kids. Little ones are so cute but can be so tiring.

    Lin - let me know how Anne is making out. It must be so frustrating for her. Enjoy your Papercrafting. Sounds fun. I will dig out some photos to post. Took some pretty ones while camping

    Hi to everyone I missed.

    Time to get ready for bed. Have a great day tomorrow everyone

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Lately, it seems to take me 20 minutes just deleting all the "ads" surrounding Senior Golden Sneakers! So...Hi, everybody!
    Just returned from a delightful 65th Anniversary party! Imagine coming through 65 years of living with someone you've managed to adapt to that well! They had 35 out-of-town guests arrive from all over the states, including a couple from Hawaii! When I met them, of course my curiosity got the best of me so I asked where they live and the answer was Kailua. It turned out they were probably in sight of my son's house right across the valley! Small world!
    I noticed tonight (Saturday) on our bulletin board a warning regarding PHISHING emails and the example sounded exactly like the one ANNE received! The ALERT said you will be fine as long as you simply delete it without clicking on anything in it! It appears they are becoming very prevalent!!!
    I seem to be missing a page here, but I came online so late I may have forgotten to turn it!. So I'm off to bed and see you all Sunday!
    <3 Buzz
    .............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm home! Decided to travel last night to avoid holiday traffic and the heat although still close to 30c when dark. At least this morning after a refreshing shower and walk in cool woods with George I can enjoy my coffee in peace in fact sat outside first thing to eat cereal and listen to the church bells. :)
    My visit to the Cotswolds was a treat and we caught up with so much either sitting in my friend's home and garden or local pub. George couldn't have behaved more perfectly in spite of being unsure of his surroundings and when out and about he received lots of comments from total strangers... 'isn't he adorable, 'we love your dog' to how well behaved he was to which I usually replied 'what, grumpy George?' That brought lots of laughter. :D Here he was enjoying a shady spot

    I've caught up with all your posts and will just add to ANNE'S comments about the messages we are receiving about data. It's not an email but a separate window over the MFP page. I did some research and it appears after Facebook was caught selling users data it was thought
    best to be more transparent about the US government also asking them for our private data. They got together with Google and Microsoft to jointly tell them they weren't prepared to do it anymore so now the government has to be honest and tell us. To be honest ANNE if you read this, it's too late worrying about it as I'm sure they already got what they wanted before this came out. The Chinese too and Russians will have us all filed under Western foes LOL Such is our world these days!! B)
    On that note here's me with my friend, a couple of Trump foes.

    Happy Sunday everyone
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Trying again!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning sunshine! We are under our proverbial marine layer which will burn off sometime this morning. Just guessing that it will be partly cloudy. It appears we had a sprinkle during the night. Not sure if it did any good for the dry trees but...maybe.

    As you all know, I am clueless when it comes to computers or the internet. Anne and Jackie, I am sorry this has happened to spoil our communication. I have had very little real problems but we do have good viral checkers as well as our server also has some protection. This seems to be way beyond any of that. We watch our credit card dealings closely, we don’t bank online. I don’t click on anything unusual in our email. That said, I still feel too nervous to consider a Facebook account. What else can we do?

    Our gardening help has disappeared. I think I know why. We live in a community that has a lot of retired or older people. Our illegal migrant workers left the area. So we are slowly trying to clean up for the fall and trying to take it a bit every day. Our property is massive for us two creaky characters. John is pretty fit but he takes on big efforts like trimming dead branches from very tall trees. He is terrifying me.

    Jackie: what a delightful time you had with your friend. You both look so cute in pretty dresses and sunglasses. Mr. George is quite dapper, isn’t he? Charming everyone!

    Buzz: parties are such fun. We get to dress up and meet new people. I do love going to parties. John likes them for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half. As long as there is music and happy people I am “all in.” John always hovers around the food table with the other guys. He enjoys talking about cars, tools, movies, books but not political books. He generally has a good time at parties. Me too!

    We are all connected, I guess. We can all stay alert and also warn each other if we see a dangerous scam. I have learned a lot from you dear sneakers.

    Sunday Baroque, chicken salad and fresh strawberries.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday ! :) I am going to see the grandkids and take the boys out of the house for a while. It is another steaming day but we will be indoors. I am sure I will be exhausted when I get home but it will be worth it.

    Jackie, looking great kiddo! Love the picture of George sitting on the chair. I never got a separate window like you and Anne but my instinct would be to delete it. I do hope Anne comes back soon, I miss her.

    Time to jump in the shower and get moving.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just saying, these window messages Anne and I get aren't apparently a scam but rather your government now having to advise non US citizens if they collect our online data. Apparently don't have to advise their own citizens they're doing it.... Exhausting isn't it. :s
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    Just saying, these window messages Anne and I get aren't apparently a scam but rather your government now having to advise non US citizens if they collect our online data. Apparently don't have to advise their own citizens they're doing it.... Exhausting isn't it. :s

    That’s interesting. I’m from Canada and so far have received no messages. Do you use the app or access MFP online?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello. Church duties are over for the week. I am thinking about rejoining the choir this fall. But only thinking about it. I heard about some card designs that an instructor I like at a shop in another suburb has put together for sale. I called this afternoon to reserve one. Bad Linda!!

    I have practiced some Tai Chi again today but really not much. My legs were pretty tired after Friday’s marathon. Haaaaa. But I find I must put forth consistent effort to learn and retain these intricate forms. Good for my brain I am certain.

    So, I cleaned some files off my laptop’s hard drive. Many more I need to sort through. Also did a load of laundry and am reading a book. My iPad is not holding a charge for long and I do not have a plug anywhere near my preferred seating spot in my family room. So I am not connected all the time.

    I got another letter from my health care provider. You guessed it, they were hit with some type of attack. Employees were scammed into giving out information about their logins I think. Anyway, my health information is out in the wild now along with the several times my credit card info has been stolen, and my email addresses are apparently knows by every spammer out there judging by the volume of ‘stuff’ I get some days. Alexa knows everything that goes on in my house. Luckily, that is nothing. I almost never speak on the phone and no one is here. Haaaa. I don’t think there’s anything else to filch from me.

    I have had to agree to new privacy and data requirements from a whole host of companies and have had to re-opt in to many newsletters I do want to see. Three of the overseas companies said it was due to new EU regulations. So there you go, everyone is pointing fingers at someone else. I now have an email from a company who is requiring everyone to establish a totally new login. They have rebuilt a new website and they cannot port over the old user names and passwords as they are not bringing old content over to the new site. I am looking it over but so far have not done anything more. I purchased content from them and I do not want to lose access to it so will likely give in and start a new ID soon. I will say the old web site is not functioning well and loading a video lesson is taking FOREVER.

    It is cloudy and we may see some rain this evening. Maybe! We need it.

    Jackie, what a wonderful trip. And everyone looks happy. Good decision to head home. Thanks for the photos. Hello George! And my point exactly Jackie, I thought everyone has had a good walk through our lives already and we really cannot protect ourselves much.

    Sandy, enjoy yourself. Hope you can power yourself up tomorrow. :) Where are you going with the boys?

    Patsy, I don’t know how many businesses will survive if they lose all their ‘cheap’ help. We will see I guess. I hope the work around the house doesn’t wear you out. Stay safe. That caution is meant for you and John!

    Buzz, what an anniversary party. I cannot fathom sticking together that long. Good for them. It takes unique people to find ways to work through all of life’s problems. And then of course many people are not given the opportunity to get that far.

    Jeri, trip to Scotland!?!?!?!?!?! Wahoo! Amazing. :o

    Need the move along again. I would prefer to take a nap actually.


    Hugs to all.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yahoo! I ate well but sparingly at the party last night, sticking with some fabulous prime rib and vegetables and for some reason, this morning I went to the closet for out-of-size clothes and tried on an old but perfect pair of red cargo pants and lo and behold, I wore them to brunch today! RED PANTS! And back down into misses sizes! That's so encouraging, as women's' sizes are $10 more!!!
    Love JACKIE's pictures!
    Two more women fell yesterday, ending up with broken pelvises! Balance, balance, balance, dear friends; practise balance whenever you can! Standing at the sink. try standing on one leg to the count of 15, then change legs. I'm really afraid of falling and walk only with my walker!
    That announcement ANNE got would scare anyone. But hey, if Putin cam hack our government, anything can happen (and does!)
    I must get supper together since eating every meal is important, or I cannot lose properly!
    <3 Buzz
    ............................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited August 2018
    Happy Monday! :( Some rain, lightning and thunder to start my day. I have an appointment this afternoon for a complete body scan and no I do not have to get naked. He suggests a body scan once a year at my age. I love the sun so it doesn't hurt to get this done.
    I took the boys to Fun Republic and they had a ball. We were there for 5 hours, grandma was exhausted. My son goes back to work today so Lisa is on her own with the three kids. I will try to go to help as much as I can but I have to admit I am pretty busy every week. Her mother lives closer so I am sure she will help Lisa as well.

    It doesn't look like Anne is going to return which is sad. I feel secure with my malware protection and my antivirus, with Alexa not so sure. I enjoy my computer too much to worry so here I will stay online.

    Enjoy your day and if it raining as hard as it is here, stay dry.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello, I am doing the busy bee thing today. I drove out to the far away suburb to pick up that card design kit that I mentioned and of course had to purchase stamps. Lovely red rubber stamps of monarchs and flowers. Then off to return some Lands End items at their tiny store within Sears. No clerk there so had to hunt someone down. Next, stopped by a county Senior Center to pick up the August editions of senior news. I got enough to share with my Thursday Library friends. Home to put away a few things, grab some lunch and then off to Tai Chi. I haven’t been to that particular class for a couple of weeks (or more) now. I am having trouble remembering both of the forms. Oh well, I am sure it will come back but I hate to feel that feeling. You know, the “oh my gosh, what is next” blank mind moment.

    Sandy, what fun you had with the boys. I think I would still be sleeping in! Haaaa. Maybe it will take two grandmas to look after these little ones!

    Buzz, good for you on choosing wisely at the party. Wahoo! I agree, balance is important. That is a great benefit from Tai Chi. I will take it thank you. I hope to do rooster on one leg for years to come. :D

    Well, we all have our issues with various things pertaining to our electronics and connections and access. I am hoping to just hold everything together!

    Jackie, do you have lots of laundry to do now that you are home?

    Patsy, happy day to you.

    Jeri. that is odd that you have not been contacted.

    Hugs Sneakers.

    Lin <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another beautiful day although but now past B) 6pm. Our usual start with a walk in the woods then a long chat with nice neighbour who returned from Borneo last week while I was away. She supervised a school trip where the students went into forest areas to help the locals build walkways over cesspits and anything else that might make life easier. The hope is to educate them towards sustainable palm oil production rather than destroy all habitat... very interesting and a good excuse to sit under the parasol and chat! Since then I've cleared some cut down conifer branches as I plan to tidy the lawns once it cools. This evening is the last ever episode of Versaille as a 4th episode won't be made. My friend and I discovered we've been following it but neither has ever come across anyone else who does so long discussions about French history late into the night took place while I was away! We also found the spine tingling title music on you tube to download!!

    Buzz, so true to remain as agile as possible. These awful accidents happen in a second then whoops, life changes! Red pants... oh-la-la!!

    Jeri, as far as I know my access to MFP is the internet. Like LIN I've also had windows pop up about the European Union freedom of information act since they brought in new laws to protect us so am guessing it's going to be an ongoing advice thing. As we now know though it's all just a bit too late. Does Canada have freedom of information legislation?

    Sandy, scans aren't a bad idea because we know early diagnosis is best. Hoping you get all clear results of course. <3 I know you love those children to bits but don't exhaust yourself otherwise you won't be good for anything.

    Lin, my friend has Alexa in her home but it struggles with her accent and is forever saying "I think you're asking about....." but is invariably wrong. We had lots of laughs when my friend got cross with her and was told "that's not very nice!"

    Patsy, you know what they say about forewarned being forearmed so I'm pleased the fact governments are collecting data is now out in the open. It might just make them think twice.... huh, there again!! Your Sunday sounded perfect.

    Must get on and decide on an evening meal.
    Collecting Scruff in the morning so life will be hectic but will check in at some point.
    Take care all..... Jackie

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    I think I'm back because I missed you gals so much. I will just have to be a good girl and not make comments about certain leaders because apart from that I guess I'm not much of a threat to anybody.
    I've spent about three hours trying to get back and hope you all realize it's me from the photo and my name at the bottom of this.
    More later,
    Anne......the exhausted one
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning...almost afternoon. We've got a busy day today. John’s rash is gone but he has a new mole that we need looked a t and máybe removed. it just popped up on the edge of his ear.

    it is cloudy today. but since i will be doing a lot of just plain old cleaning, i will enjoy not dealing with heat at the same time. the typing is strange again. halting and odd letters showing up.

    we miss everyone when they decide to,move on. i think the sneakers really work for me because i love journaling. and to put a fine point on it, we cannot put the toothpsste back into the tube. our dafa is out there. it is the nature of the internet. john says to use it as a tool for living, be causious and careful but not fearful. we have the same protections, Sandy. we update and we also have apple computers.

    i notice there is special title for forums inviting members. if that is something everyone wants, that is a possibility. however i love a small group. i suspect Anne might connect via email from time to time. i am sure Jackie will keep us up on all her activities. we will not let them leave us! just to let you all know, i would be devastated without you.

    oh and just to let you know, i did that senior moment thing yesterday. i was wondering around in the heat at the new walmart parking lot. i lost the car. i kept hitting the lock and unlock button to try to find it. the problem was a huge camper/truck parked right beside my car, almost on top of my car. cant wait until the tourists depart. Too many visitors.

    Just announced a load of laundry is ready for folding. Off and running.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ever heard of synchronised solo swimming? A first for me and it does seem a contradiction in terms! I've just watched an amazing Russian swimmer with beautiful bright red lipstick and heavy eye makeup (wonderfully waterproof!) performing in the European championships.... ballet in and under water, amazing!!

    Welcome back Anne.... again! LOL

    Don't worry PATSY, I'm not going anywhere. <3

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey JACKIE, it's only the third time, or fourth? Lol.

    Hopefully I'm not going anywhere again either PATSY. Well not voluntarily. I am worried about logging in again though. Keeping things open at the moment just in case I lose everything. It was quite difficult getting back.

    We are having the most amazing downpour and thunderstorm right now. It's our long weekend as well so all the cottagers will be driving home in it! Maybe things will cool down because we were in the 30s at noon. Jill is sleeping through all the bangs and flashes and we've just had a HUGE clap directly overhead. Hope it's also a bit further north of us here and puts out some of the fires.

    Life's been very quiet with no Sneakers to read. So I'm catching up and BUZZ is back in smaller pants, yeah and well done, and SANDY is up to her ears in small delightful grandchildren. LIN is her usual busy self, JERI hasn't been troubled by forms, and JACKIE is back home in one piece. All seems well for us girls,
    Anne and The Bean.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Anne, so glad you are back with us. You pretty well summed everything up with your comments.

    Sandy aren’t little ones fun. I must have been so tired when our girls were young. They are 18 months apart. I still remember being so tired I thought I’d never catch up on my sleep. LOL. Now that was 40+ years ago and I remember it so well.

    Patsy. Every time I come out of the grocery store I have a moment of panic. Where did I leave my car? Then it comes to me. But for a second . . .

    Jackie - that is funny about Alexa. Ed is always so nice to Siri. Super polite, says please and thank you. So Canadian. There is a joke that Canadians say “thank you” to their ATMs when they get money. I’m not that bad.

    Buzz - a new pant size. Good for you.

    My stupid leg has been so sore that I’m barely getting in any exercise. Not good for the waistline.

    Lin - I wonder why I haven’t got any notices too. And yes Canada does have privacy legislation but maybe not as strict.

    Oops. Going out for supper. Told Ed he either had to make supper or take me out. Do guess what we are going out.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Got out to do some shopping on the bus this morning; wish I could learn to not buy anything that comes in gallon size when shopping on our bus! DARN, I just lost almost the entire post and keep falling asleep and I can't seem to get it I'll hang up for tonight by blowing you all a kiss!
    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!.......................