Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN, you pay on the way out of the dental office here. I don't know what would happen if you didn't pay. Held hostage until your relatives bail you out? Maybe it's a policy for us who have no insurance?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,955 Member
    :) Today I planted more iris bulbs and watered all of them along with the 30 tulip 🌷 bulbs. Rain is coming so nature can take over the watering job
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    Options Let me know if this works.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy, when I click on to your video it shows a message “null ! if the owner of this video has granted you access, please sign in” so I do but then I click on the bottom right arrow it takes me to YouTube but not your video.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    Same here Sandy.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    Anne and Jackie, sorry, I was thinking of my regular dentist. They send in a claim on my insurance and then I pay the balance. When I went to have a tooth pulled I had to pay BEFORE they would provide service.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Anniversary dinner yesterday was fantastic. Jean had Chicken Parmigiano w/ penne pasta & salad. I tried to stay low carb and had Tuscan Pork Chop - topped with pesto, roasted peppers and asiago cheese, finished with a balsamic reduction, broccoli and salad. FABULOUS! (Of course, numerous safe-guards re: virus – you call from parking lot and they bring you in so no congregating, masks when not sitting etc.)


    The wake we attended yesterday was different of course with all the precautions, but at least people got to say “goodbye” and give their condolences.

    Awoke at 3:15am today with severe lower leg cramps (not sure if connected with meds) – took half hour to walk out – so stayed up and got to gym at 5am – 7000 steps by 6am YES!

    Looking forward to a great day…

    Jackie – I see even a “porridge morning” can’t stop you from a good walk. And yes, I was very lucky finding Jean. There is something to be said about meeting in your 40’s… you know what you do/don’t want and what you will/won’t accept. I knew I wanted to meet someone that had a sense of humor (or it would never work), volunteered (because that would tell me that person didn’t just think about themselves) and last – some kind of spirituality (no ridged rules, just a belief in something larger than ourselves). Jean had all of these.

    Sandy – Manilow has always been a big part of our lives. Jean has been to over 2 dozen concerts since the 70’s and I have been to at least 8. Jean has met and been kissed by Barry. My daughter’s name is “Mandy” – what does that tell you. I could go on, but will spare you.

    Here is part of Jean's music collection. LOL


    As for weight, I have always struggled and carried an “extra” 30 lbs when I met Jean…The “real” weight was packed on years later. Jean “never” said a negative word and when I would say something she'd say “I don’t care what you weigh - I just want you around a long time.”

    I was always the one that would bring it up. I feel the same about her – I just want her healthy and weight etc. would never be a factor. I believe initial attractiveness can be a factor – but the things I mentioned to Jackie are the only real important things for me. My first phone conversation with Jean went on for a couple hours and I am a 3 min phone call kind of person. We were “very” open about everything with each other. We saw each other “every day after our first date” – and that really was 3 dates at once – we went to dinner, then a movie, then to a high school event she was committed to attending.

    I didn’t want to waste time with the wrong person… so I made it clear that it was perfectly ok if we both weren’t looking for the same thing…as it turned out… I proposed at 90 days and we were married 6 months after we met… Jean mentioned just yesterday how easy it was… We’ve never really “worked” at marriage – we just “respect and care” for each other and honestly “don’t sweat the small stuff” (and as the saying goes – it’s all mostly small stuff.)
    OK – that’s more than you wanted to know. LOL

    Have a great Monday! Bob
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,955 Member
    :)Bob, Happy Anniversary. I loved the story of your meeting and marrying Jean. There are many similarities to my relationship with my husband. I wish you and Jean many more great years together.

    :) Today I will plant the last of the iris bulbs. Then I will be finished with yard work for awhile (unless Jake asks me to plant his share of the tulip bulbs like he did last year). That will allow more mornings for dancing.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm beginning to think the secret to a good marriage is people who have very similar temperaments BOB. I loved my ex to pieces but he was so opposite to me, well he couldn't have been more so. Even my relatives nicknamed him Heathcliff (from Wuthering Heights). We did the personality test once at work and he was completely logical, I forget, but left brain I believe. I came out completely right brain. My family of my generation and above loved life to the full, much merriment at family gatherings.
    A very handsome man he met his second wife when we arrived in Quebec. World wind romance you could say and he told me he and she were completely in tune, like looking in a mirror.

    It all worked out well in the end. Me enjoying my at first unwanted freedom and him still with wife No. 2.
    Younger son Mark and Mary Jo are very similar in temperament and are very happily married.

    Anyway, it seems to be the secret, that and don't marry at 20 ! Unless you are like PATSY and her John.

    Polish the furniture day, then my worst job, dust the blinds,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    Hello, lovely stories today. As for me, here’s a teapot. ☺️

    “This is a Judith Weber teapot set I paid retail for because I loved the visual lines. I put it out in autumn because of the colors - orange outside and a chocolate brown inside (the lighting doesn't show the richness of the brown).”


    This reminds me of the ‘70s when oranges, browns and greens seemed to be everywhere.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    edited October 2020
    Happy Monday! It was a chilly morning but going into the 60's today and then a few days of the 70's. Not much on my agenda today, filling out my mail in ballot, riding the bike and a visit with Joe. Also have a couple of phone calls to make and will try to call Buzz as well.
    The problem with my youtube video was that I had it private so I changed it and hopefully you can now verify if indeed I had a woodpecker.
    I won't even go into my two marriages except the first one too young, the second one didn't pay attention to red flags. Enough said.

    Lin, I do like this tea set, very modern.

    Anne, I agree with the unwanted freedom, I love being on my own and doing what I want.
    I do miss the companionship but luckily I have a family to visit and friends that care.

    Barbie, I remember some of your story but not all, that's what happens as I age. lol

    Bob, I have only been to two of Barry's concerts but must admit I didn't go to many concerts.
    You have a fairy tale marriage and I am so happy to see someone love marriage the way you and Jean do.

    Patsy, hope all is well.

    This is my last try with the video so I hope it works. Have a great day and stay safe and if you were in the hospital I would hope you would stay in your room and not infect other people.
    Just saying.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,110 Member
    Sandy, Looks like a small woodpecker, a Downy Woodpecker perhaps.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hmm, I logged on and typed a post this morning but where oh where has it gone? Anyway, I mentioned I had google searched Patsy’s Mars planet theory and yes, she is right. An unusual occurrence with them sitting so close together but then lots of strange events these days. Apparently Venus was bright and sitting next to a new friend too but not the Harvest moon!

    Yes Sandy, you’re right about the Woodpecker. We have a pair nesting not too far away and I think they are called Speckled in the UK. We also have a green coloured variety but they are rare in this part of the country. Your last comment gave me a giggle but you know his ardent supporters are his oxygen! 😉

    Fabulous tea set today Lin and yes, definitely 1970’s orange. When I first moved into this cottage and began decorating I discovered the walls on the landing and in the stairwell had once been that colour and when the electrician removed the bracket off the wall that had been holding the electric heater that threw itself at me last week there was old orange and yellow floral wallpaper sitting behind it.

    Bob, the radio station I mostly listen to daytime plays Mandy at least once a day but when I hear the piano introduction to Could it be magic, another favourite of theirs, I have to stop what I’m doing and turn the volume up full blast! I was more into Neil Diamond back when although have to admit his dress sense wasn’t the best!

    Anne, another comment of mine first thing was how grateful I am for our NHS when I see the amounts you have to pay. When I lived in Toronto I endured 3 wisdom teeth being pulled by an English dentist I wasn’t too impressed with (a bit of a brute) but luckily my employer payed for insurance cover. Last year I had 2 crowns glued in for just £52 and so far they’re hanging on!!

    A courier just phoned to let me know he will deliver a sideboard Thursday I bought on eBay and while I chatted to him Brady brought a dead mouse in!! Hey ho, Time to put the oven on, cook a free range chicken breast and prepare veggies to steam. Eric Carmen singing All By Myself on the radio... another blast from the past!

    Stay safe and warm.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,955 Member
    :)Lin your mention of the orange teapot as a 1970's color reminded me of the color we painted our kitchen in 1979

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Definitely a woodpecker. They visit the old Apple tree in my back garden all the time.

    Jackie our old village English dentist was so brutal he was nicknamed Butcher Brown.

    Finally I feel like the old pesty Anne. Full of the joys of spring. Yes, I moved the bookcase but honestly it was very light with books and shelves removed. Love the new position. My eyes are drawn to my Toby jugs and books and not to Harry the lad. I have not repaired the plaster and bracket however. Still doing as I'm told. 😇Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,064 Member
    I called Babe's brother to see how they were doing to be told he was in the hospital with Covid 19. I was able to call him in the hospital and talk to him. He went in because of an urinary tract infection but of course they test everyone and he tested positive. He said he feels fine so the doctors think he may be Asymptomatic. He is one of my favorite people so I pray he will be fine. I tried to call Babe to tell him about his brother but he doesn't answer. I hope he is not in hospital since he was sick with vomiting and diarrhea but no fever. This has really been some year.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone! We have a mild sunny day here. I have to groom Katie and that will top the day. A huge vacuuming of the entire main floor. Dusting tomorrow and I will only have time to fix a quick turkey sandwich for our dinner. Katie keeps us from moldering in our reading chairs.

    I almost keeled over laughing when I read about Bob’s requirements for a life companion. John and I could not be any more different. Oh we have a couple of things in common but even then, we come at them in a totally different way. I am a messy person but I do dig in and sort things out on a regular basis. John is like general Patten. He tries to order me and Katie around. We ignore his suggestions and go our own way. I just giggle and I drive him to distraction, I fear. I have an unruly sense of humor, John sometimes just doesn’t “get” my jokes. I have to explain them. Seriously! He tends to forget details except when it comes to numbers etc.. He almost never needs a telephone book because he remembers most telephone numbers once he Internalizes them. Not me! I almost know my own number...almost! I could go on and on. No we are not alike but we are both very physical. Hug and kiss and pat and snuggle constantly. Much more than either of our parents were. I tend to be like that with our kids and good friends. Not John! Only me and our kids. You can imagine this isolation is killing me.

    We have lots of woodpeckers. Those little birds can cause damage actually. They are relentless when they spot an area with some insects or other bugs. Soon there is a hole in the wood or rather several holes. Maybe it is just Oregon woodpeckers....they are rude and noisy.

    I never give advice on marriage or what works or doesn’t work. John and I don’t really even like the same kind of music. He likes “white bread music.” (johnDenver, The Carpenters,The Beach Boys) I like rock and roll, jazz, blues and Mozart. We tolerate each other’s sounds. I am grateful that John sees something in me that he loves and values. I feel the same.

    Just a note here...I think you sneakers are all very different, yet I have incredible affection for each of you.
    Patsy ☘️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ah, I think you have hit the nail on the head PATSY. I could never snuggle, hug or play with my ex. He would get quite rigid if one tried. Tried tickling him when we were very young. You would have thought I'd attacked him with a hammer! Thank goodness I've always had a cat or a dog to cuddle, friends and relatives to giggle with, sons who put up with me and my strange sense of humour!
    Takes all sorts to make a world and how wonderful you found the right sort to share the journey with.
    Carry on snuggling!
    Anne. ❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Look who just popped on to the tv... A legendary concert on Broadway!

    I’d stay up and watch but it’s past my bedtime. 😴
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Showers and the rare ray of sunshine but that's better than a constant downpour isn't it. My greenhouse has arrived with one young man named Dan (they're all young to me these days!) who has to lift heavy cedar wood sections and glass to erect it on his own. I can't believe they would expect one person to carry this out but times they are a-changing and most are grateful to get work of any kind. He apparently had a terrible journey the last few miles on a road I rarely take because it is so narrow and some drivers can be inconsiderate but is quietly getting on with the task. George is shut in with me because he will otherwise get under his feet and of course is barking continuously. Once I know Dan is settled I'll walk the dogs round the block.
