Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A special card for a special lady!

    Hugs from the gang and me. <3<3<3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Aww girls! Lovely, lovely flowers to enjoy on my birthday! I do love flowers! And such a lovely but undeserving message from Patsy. Absolutely thankful that quite by chance I met such a great group of friends to share and brighten each and every day with. I'm trying to convince myself I'm 65 today.

    Just off for a soak in the tub. Wonder if I'll be able to crawl out again, which should be interesting. The adventures change as the years go by. Once crawling up mountains and now bath tubs!
    Love you all,
    Anne (and the wonder dog)🙃🐶❤️🛁
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Quick check-in - Going to 74 today! YES! Some sunshine giving way to clouds, windy and warm; the a shower in the area late this afternoon around 4pm.

    Different morning – cut walking short (1.5 miles) to get some blood work. Couple numbers were off 6 wks ago and needed re-check. Pretty crowded …only 5 people allowed in at a time etc.

    Need to get a bit more walking in later. Might cook out or use restaurant gift card for lunch. I don’t care – will leave up to Jean. I had wanted to go horseback riding, but haven’t investigated enough re: current rules, reviews etc of various stables. I haven’t been on a horse since 1991… and was too fat in recent years to even think of torturing and animal with me on board. Kind of a bucket list item for me right now.

    Sandy – I see we both like the turkey sausage (also turkey bacon). I pretty much reduced my meat intake a lot. Roughly 3-4 oz a day and the rest is veggies etc. I must say cauliflower gives me a bit more “gas” then squash…but I enjoy both. Jean loved the whole FaceBook thing. I am VERY careful not to intentionally hurt anyone when posting. Even when taking pics of family/friends – I will not post anything that makes someone look overly fat, bad hair / expression etc. If I can’t crop or alter view I just don’t post. I know how I always felt.

    Jackie – I can’t believe how many bad drivers are out there. I never drive under the speed limit (often 5 mph over) but constantly get unsafely passed or find people riding my bumper. Good idea on cam. Enjoy that new car ride --- with this Covid I can’t imagine how low this years mileage will end up being.

    Anne –


    Jean is calling… more later depending. LOL Bob

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    oh may - several typo's LOL
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,123 Member
    Just stopping by to say hello to everyone and to share a teapot photo.

    I am actually quite unwell today and plan to just pamper myself and accomplish nothing whatsoever.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :)Happy Birthday, Anne This may be late but the wishes are genuine. It is a blessing to live one more year.

    :) I have favorite music from my college years and can listen to the same few songs over and over. My current playlist includes Peter, Paul, and Mary, Joan Baez, and John Prine.

    <3Sandy, I hope there is a quick and easy solution to what ails you so you can go back to your active life.

    :) I love that I have my dogs to walk with me every morning. We usually walk with our friend but she's gone today and over the weekend to visit with her grown daughters. She'll pick up one daughter in Seattle and they'll drive to Idaho to stay with the other, then drive home Sunday.

    :) I stay far away from everyone. The people I see in my neighborhood know to stay far away from me and the dogs. I don't go anywhere else except grocery store, pharmacy, and post office and all of them rarely.

    :) Yesterday I took another knitted blanket to Project Linus where I spoke to the club director briefly, each of us masked. Today I'll go to drop off a library book in the outdoor drop off box and through the drive through at the bank to deposit the check Jake's daughter sent him for his birthday. He drives and we consider these events as "date night".

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BOB and BARBIE and JACKIE, thank you so much for the birthday wishes! Very much appreciated. I'm so spoilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michael spends half the time on his visits chuntering about the bad drivers on our roads. Just about everyone in Canada it would seem.!

    Well I made it out of the bath tub. The thought of a muscular police woman breaking down the door and hauling me out had me clambering like a mountain goat. The imagination is still going strong.

    Still raining as well. I expect it was raining in "them thar dales" the day I arrived. Rains a lot in the UK.

    BBC news. Interesting article on blood groups and their possible link to extent of illness should we be unfortunate enough to catch the virus, Mike is different to me and Mark hasn't a clue what type he is.
    You might guess my blood group is the most "common". Lol.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    We made it over to the mall with Jean around noon for some additional walking I missed having blood work done this morning.

    Stopped into JC Penney’s for my FINAL PURCHASE FOR SURE! They close this weekend for good! EVERYTHING WAS 90% OFF – Yes “NINETY PERCENT.” Don’t need BUT – bought a $270.00 Jacket for $27.00 and $130.00 pants for $13.00.


    First of all Anne – Happy birthday again – hope you had a great “soak.” Reminds me of the old commercial "Calgon, Take Me Away"

    Barbie – great relaxing music list! Ah… the days of folk .. Nice going on another completed Project Linus blanket.

    Lin – Hope you feel better soon !

    Time to eat the lunch I just made – actually time got away from me and haven’t had a bit yet. We decided to save “going out” for another time. So made the usual kind of concoction…Chicken Breast Cooked, Skinless, Boneless , Organic Spring Mix, Grilled Vegetables, Butternut Squash, Balsamic Spray, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray, Zero Sugar Carolina Bbq Sauce, Banana peppers, and Radish


    Have a great afternoon! Bob

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And so coming to a close one of the best days I've ever spent. Thank you everybody for helping make it so enjoyable. Mark and Mary jo turned up with a gorgeous red and black plaid zip up fleecy lined jacket and a black tuque, again from Roots. I've finally entered the 21st century, and if I fall down walking Bean I'm sure to be noticed! Quite overwhelmed, I've never had a day quite like today despite the fact it's still raining! Even Maria had a birthday gateau delivered! Turns out she'd noticed my Birthday LAST year and jotted it down. Shame I couldn't share with her but isn't she a sweetheart.

    I think I'll have a glass of the Christmas Sherry this evening. Being a middle of the road octogenarian ain't half bad. You'll see!
    Anne, walking on air! 🙃🐶💜
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    As I would say as a child in the Catholic confessional - "Bless me Father, for I have sinned" it has been over a week since I lifted a weight at the gym. I can be so good at making up excuses. It was an "Into each life some rain must fall" kind of morning and watched a bit of 1967 Tom Jones on the treadmill.


    Jean brings her friend to the hairdresser this afternoon, so they will likely pick up lunch for themselves. I have projects to work on and will likely take the day as it comes. I’ll likely head out somewhere, but at a very relaxed pace.

    Anne – So glad it was “one of the best days ever” for you! You’ll have to post a pic of that plaid fleecy lined jacket (sounds beautiful). Hope today is not so rain-filled for you. You definitely had my attention at Gâteau and Christmas sherry. Enjoy your Friday!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday! Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,123 Member
    Hello, me again. Another morning teapot.

    “A silver gilded round belly pot by Sadler”


    Hoping for a better day here. We have day after day of wind and strong gusts. My head really cannot abide the wind up the snout.

    Bob, good job, you got to the gym. Even in the rain. And the final deal from JC Penney is definitely an astounding one.

    Anne, what a happy day you had. The plaid jacket sounds fabulous. Wow, Maria had a cake delivered to you? How thoughtful.

    Barbie, those types of errands are my kind of time away from the house. Did the new dog food work, or have you tried it yet.

    Sandy, how are you feeling? I saw the photos of the outing with the kiddos. Was that yesterday?

    Jackie, how was your trip to pick up the chair? A nice long drive in your new car. And do you like your purchase as well in person?

    Hello Buzz, Diane and Jeri. My eyes are crossing. Cannot take too much screen time in one sitting right now.

    Hugs. All best wishes.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited October 2020
    Just taken Bean for her morning sniff. It's cold out there! I actually wore my old winter parka. Gorgeous day though after yesterday's full day of rain.
    Whilst I guess Mark and Mary Jo's gift wasn't the bargain you found BOB, it looks expensive, well it was a bargain for me wasn't it, lol, and here's a photo of the red and black plaid jacket they gave me. It came with a knitted black tuque with a rather large white and pale grey Pom Pom. In my new M&S jeans I shall look like a teenager provided I pull the tuque well down and wear a mask!

    Have a great day everyone!
    Anne and Bean. 🙃❤️💜🐶

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PS. The kids don't intend me catching hyperthermia! Last years gift was a padded sleeveless indoor jacket which I'm wearing right now, and the year before that yet another Eddie Bauer padded jerkin!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,123 Member
    Anne, that is a lovely jacket! It looks warm and cozy. ❤️❤️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :)Anne That is a great jacket
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,076 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Slept over 9 hours after our day at Abby Farms yesterday. We meet at 10am and stayed to 4pm. It was cold when we got there so I was glad I brought my winter coat. The sun came out later and it was a great day. It was the first big outing the kids had so they were excited to do all the activities, of course with social distancing and wearing masks. I even got into the act with my first try at zip lining. It was fun but a short run compared to adult zip lining. Check it out.

    Anne, love your new jacket especially the fleece lining. I am so happy for you that you had a great birthday, hard to do with this pandemic. You are a special lady and we enjoy you so much. Just be careful with the bathtub, maybe get one that opens up, just a thought. I actually am trying to find my blood type because I think I am type O but the doctor said I have to find out from my surgeries as a regular blood test doesn't tell you.

    Lin, I am feeling good but I did not drink coffee yesterday or today so I hope I get used to tea. Just doesn't have the caffeine kick I need to get started. lol We have those winds as well and they are very chilling. My sinus's are also bothering me with this weather.

    Bob, when I do go to confession, once a year I still use that beginning. Some things never change especially what we learned in Catholic school. lol

    Barbie, thank you, I also hope it is an easy fix. Funny how our bodies change as we get older.
    I used to be able to eat or drink anything but not so much now. lol BTW, I tried rice milk today with my cheerios and it is so much better than soy milk which I think was a trigger.

    Jackie, I too, am curious about the new chair, pictures please.

    I have several phone calls to make so I better get moving. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It was a beautiful day yesterday and my drive to Somerset was easy until close to the property I was visiting. The satnav sent me along some narrow lanes even compared to my local roads and I ended up in a muddy farmyard being told you have reached your destination. It obviously wasn’t so I retraced the last mile, fed slightly different information into the navigation system and set off again. This time I found myself at crossroads being told again I was at my destination but no property in sight! On I went until I saw a man on a bicycle who told me to carry on further along the road and look for an old chapel. No sign of it and since the sellers hadn’t given me a phone number I could only message them through eBay then sit and wait. Ten minutes later vague directions that didn’t help arrived so I decided to drive until I saw houses then about a half mile on I saw a lady walking in the road and thank goodness it was the seller coming out to find me! Turned out their home was through double gates and off road so I would never have seen it! The chair was just what I wanted so I paid them cash and they lifted it into the back of my car, gave me directions for a shorter route back to the motorway and 2 hours later I was home. I couldn’t lift it out of my car on my own so waited for my neighbours to help. I can only assume it’s made with solid oak because it’s incredibly heavy but is perfect in my old cottage.
    I bet you wished you never asked Sandy! 😄

    Is that your zip wire run? What fun but brave too. 🤭

    Today after a wonderful long walk across a quiet section of the moors doing my best to keep a distance from lots of visitors I spent my afternoon gardening and am now relaxed in front of the fire.

    What a great purchase Bob (again!) but rather sad such a business hasn’t survived Covid lockdowns. I’m guessing it won’t be the last unless we move on to herd immunity but I read the WHA says that would be cruel for vulnerable people.

    A fascinating documentary on in the background about songs that defined history and tonight it’s the Cold War and Berlin Wall. It seems rock and roll had a lot to do with it coming down... Billy Joel, David Bowie, Rolling Stones and even Elvis!

    Anne, I love your birthday jacket, it’s so Canadian! You really are going to be cosy and warm this Winter.

    Feeling a bit better Lin? I hope so but if you don’t have to go out in that awful weather don’t!

    Hello to everyone else. I must get my feet up!

    Stay safe

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh dear! A cold damp day! Making veggie mushroom soup for dinner. Fresh Oregon pear for dessert.

    Both John and I had our annual physicals yesterday. I came out with perfect BP and John had high BP and oddly, an extremely painful swollen red knuckle on his hand. The doctor thinks it is gout. That was very strange because our diet and lifestyle is not consistent with diagnosis. But the symptoms say otherwise. The doctor had a blood test run on him for elevated uric acid in his blood. We both will get results from our blood tests in a few days. It is always something! One step foreword two back.

    I was not happy with the safeguards at the doctor’s office. He wore a mask but no gloves. The thermometer used touched our forehead and didn’t see any effort to sanitize between patients. The BP cuff was very well used and without a plastic covering. In most offices now, these are used with disposable coverings after each use. Only one allowed in waiting room at a time but only one hand sanitizing station. Oh well, if we just come out of this experience without Covid, I will be very happy, indeed. Yes! I am very paranoid. But who isn’t these days?

    Watched an amazing Nature pbs program on cats. Once again, I am in awe of these magnificent and adaptable animals,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh! Wanted to say, Jackie, I love the chair. It looks very much like our reading chairs.

    sandy: And the zip line thing Is great fun. We have one here. Very popular but it is mainly for young adults. High and very fast and over an ice cold lake! Obviously I did that a few years ago. I also had a rough and abrupt landing. Landed on the helper’s foot. Ooooooops!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good morning fellow travellers. Raining but it promises to turn into a bright shining day. Hope Michael drops by because tomorrow is more of the wet stuff.

    Just wanted to remark that my visit to the dentist was the complete opposite of PATSYs doctor visit. It was like entering an alien space ship! Wait outside until the door is unlocked, IF someone spots you at reception. Greeted by some being wielding what looked like a stun gun. Led through plastic zip up curtains to lie on a plastic sheeted chair, and finally surrounded by aliens wearing zip to the neck gowns, masks and plexiglass shields. I swear they were aliens, so sheeted that I will never recognize them in the street unsheeted. Finally led out, bleeding to poke my debit card into a machine appearing through a hole in the glass shield protecting another alien, and finally door unlocked for me to stumble into a mall devoid of humans.
    Never ever thought I'd end up in a star wars movie!

    In contrast I am keeping clear of my lovely New Zealand doctor however lovely. I'm in his practice but he also runs a walk in clinic and I have no idea how it is operated. In the virus free days a chap walked in with visible spots and said to the receptionist he wasn't sure if they were infectious at which point everyone waiting moved chairs to huddle together in a distant corner. I guess these isolation days it's impossible to become infected with bed bugs, fleas or whatever the poor chap was itching from. Every cloud has a silver lining including virus clouds!
    Of course he could have had measles or an allergy, but who knows!

    Well must scoot in case my laddo appears on the doorstep.

    Cheers to all,