Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :D Did not win at bingo but fun with friends. Today is my meeting and no other plans except for riding my recumbent bike later. I gained a pound since last week and hope to shred it before tomorrows weigh in. The bone density test was a snap, but I of course don't have the results yet. Fingers crossed my bones are good. By the way she measured my height as 5"2 1/2 " so I gained a half inch or at least had someone measure me correctly.

    Bob, the poem was great, you have wonderful things to share, glad you joined us. BTW, were you up and personal with that lion, so beautiful.

    Shirley, the monkey blanket is beautiful, that is one of Lisa's favorite characters.

    I don't have much time this morning so will try to get back later.
    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :D Shirley, the blanket is beautiful

    :D Bob---great poem

    :mrgreen: Connie, I downloaded the dog walking app and have used it several times....I love the maps it generates of the dog walks.

    :grinning: Lin, I have been doing 15 minutes a day of work on's enough to get something accomplished but not enough to make me crazy---I couldn't have done that the year I settled my mother's estate and handled her have a big job ahead of you.

    :agree: Anne, I agree that you're at a good weight...your high energy will keep you there.

    :smile: Sandy, you'll get back to the right weight soon---just keep on moving

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Sneakers,

    Thanks for the compliments on the blanket. I think when the baby gets older I may tackle another one later.

    Today was taking my MIL to get her blood work done. Then a trip to the stationary store for some dividers for my recipe binder and a trip to Walmart. I suggested lunch so we went to a breakfast/lunch place and I ordered an omelette no potatoes and I had one slice of rye toast and coffee. She generously paid for lunch and I left the tip.

    Bob - Great poem and where was that yesterday when my sugar addiction kicked in.
    Now I am trying to figure out what happened that I caved. Was it before lunch? I can't remember now but will analyze it. I am determined to beat the weakness this time. It's a process.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Ontario, Canada

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Anne, Sandy & Barbie – Glad you liked the poem. Guess I always found it to be thought provoking.

    I’ve always enjoyed a poems or songs that relate to everyday life. Like that George Strait song: “Where have I been all my life?”

    I think it’s a song that more “mature” (LOL) people can identify with…love, broccoli, parents wisdom, forgiveness and finally understanding “What a Wonderful World.”

    OK – I promise no more poems/songs for awhile. :)

    “Been down the road to work and back
    Been in what I thought was love a few times
    Every once in a while I stop and ask
    Where have I been all my life?

    These days broccoli don't taste so bad
    And neither does swallowing my pride
    And I'm agreeing more and more with my old man
    Where have I been all my life?

    Some years are clear and some a little blurry
    Man, how they fly by
    Mom and dad sure got old in a hurry
    Where have I been all my life?

    Been learning that forgiveness is as much for myself
    As it is for the other guy
    And I read the good book these days and believin'
    Where have I been all my life?

    Some years are clear and some a little blurry
    Man, how they fly by
    Mom and dad sure got old in a hurry
    Where have I been all my life?

    I heard 'What A Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong
    It brought a tear to my eyes
    After all these years I finally get that song
    Where have I been all my life?”
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited January 2015
    Way behind again! I have completed all the work so I can turn in the numbers for both of the farm trusts----but need to verify my numbers with the 1099s so will hold off sending to him until then. Those have to be filed earlier so I like to get them to the accountant ASAP as he marches through all the various deadlines for his clientele.

    I’ve written and mailed the thank-you notes for the memorial contributions and/or flowers received in my father’s memory. Now I need to put together an email for his church with names/addresses/amounts so they can send their own thank you notes. I did not realize they did that. I’ve also put contributions in the mail to them. Waiting to get some information before I decide on what memorial contribution I will make.

    Made almond milk again and cut up more veggies, and started soy yogurt and cooked up my water sauté onion/garlic/mushrooms. It seems even with some prep out of the way, putting together my large veggie salad takes 20 -30 minutes. I must be really slowing down! Oh well, it’s worth it; I adore those big vegan salads. Yum!!

    I’ve been getting in 10,000+ steps each day and anywhere between 10 and 30 flights of stairs so I’ll be content with that for now. My feet never did get better. I tried slow jogging for a few minutes the other day and when the feet protested I decided to be glad I can walk.

    Anyone else get an Amazon Echo? I got mine in the mail the other day and it is nice but it doesn’t do everything I was hoping for but it is lovely. I’m listening to jazz right now and I can interrupt it at any time and ask questions about the weather or words/topics I am interested in and “Alexa” will get a response for me.

    Shirley – I commented on another of our threads how much I liked the money blanket. I like sock monkeys. I have a tiny one in my SUV that rides along with me. It wears a little purple hoodie from my alma mater. But you know, purple, couldn’t be bad no matter what.

    Bob – I love your photos, the poems, the sayings---you are a great addition to our circle of friends. Thank you!

    Marie – congrats again on your new great grandson. So you will be rooting for Barbie’s team in the Super Bowl right? What to do between now and then? Do you watch basketball? Did you find your Fitbit? Even if you can’t put a number of your steps, it helps to take some. I have my Fitbit off from time to time and at first I was so disappointed because my total wasn’t going up and then I thought---hey, my heart and lungs know I’m taking those steps!!

    Sandy – I am so excited for you on your upcoming trip. And what, no luck at bingo? Well gosh, after your marvelous win at that charity event maybe you can just rest on your laurels.

    Barbie – one successful day after another. Woo-hoo! Hugs to you, Jake and the darling poodles. You know how to enjoy life! Is the weather okay for walking now? We are having very nice January weather now and the extended forecast is for more of the same. I am happy with that. I don’t thrive these days when it is bitterly cold and overcast.

    Phoebe – where are you guys now? Home any time soon? I hope Holly is doing okay. You guys seem to be out on the road more these days.

    Buzz – I am glad you are continuing with your treatments. They sound as if they are helping. Hugs and prayers to you with DH’s care. Oh, and I did follow that link finally. What an accomplished person and a very interesting article. You must be so pleased.

    Anne – you seem to have figured out what works for you and you are also content with your life. That is a great way to live. I enjoy your paintings so if you have more pictures to post let us know! I know you didn’t keep many paintings but maybe you’ll create some new ones?

    Jackie - hello!! Did you get much honey this year? Are you off on your holiday now?

    Chris – always wonderful to read a post from you. I understand Internet issues. My broadband has been doing the on/off thing lately but luckily not for long stretches at a time.

    Laura – glad to see you on the newsfeed each day. Smiles to you.

    Sandi – glad you are enjoying your vacation. I have been thinking how lovely it would be to think about actually taking a vacation.

    Kacierra – how are you this week? I hope you are following along if you don’t have time to post. (I know how that can happen!!)

    Connie – long time no see.

    Off I go, more to do today. See you soon.

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Thanks Lin -- I really think this is a great supportive bunch....

    On a separate note:

    As previously stated - I’m behind in my strength building. Earlier this week I found a free beginners weight training class on youtube, so I picked up a couple dumbbell’s (that is all that is needed).

    I just finished my first workout and I am tired. It’s only 15 minutes, but catches all the right spots.

    Now I just need to stick with it. It was called the “15 Minute Beginner Weight Training - Easy Exercises”
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Bob, Barbie's plan started out very slowly and has increased over the years. She reminds beginners that she couldn't do much at first.
    We are home, we leave again on Saturday. Honey goes to the groo~er and vet in the morning, and i go to the doctor. (knees)
    Marie i hope you found the fitbit. Did you check the bathroom? Thats where I often remove mine.
    Im tired, battling sinusitis, going to watch a bit of tv and hope to be asleep early.

    Ive enjoyed all of the posts, including Bob's contributions. I think i will begin a George Strait collection. You cant go wrong with GS.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Phoebe it was on my night stand. just did not see it. Poor old eyes are getting worst.
    has Honey bonded with you yet? and how is Jim doing. hope the doctor can help your
    knees Marie
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone! Yesterday was our big day. We went to look at the poodles. Yes and we bought one! Rosie is a nine week old toy poodle and she is dark red.
    Bob I enjoy your poems. They are really good and hit home!
    We are still in San Diego but we will be leaving on Saturday. We will pick Rosie the poodle, up on our way out of town. I'll let you take care and I will keep watching you! LOL!n
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2015
    So glad I did not go to bed before catching up on you all tonight! Wonderful posts, and so nice to see Connie again, sounding much happier than before! No time to comment, but will share that we attended a "New Zealand Dinner" tonight, and for the first time in ages, DH ate and enjoyed a complete meal, including 3 lamb chops! His weight is much too low, so I was happy to see him loving his meal.
    My cursor is jumping all over the place driving me crazy! Wish I could figure out what would fix it!
    <3 Buzz
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    I have been away from MFP and gaining weight for almost 2 years. Where does the time go?? Looking over your pics and posts I must say it is fantastic how many of you stay fixed on your goal of being healthy. Congratulations. But, I am wondering if there are others, like me, who are morbidly obese and a golden sneaker who are just starting this journey??(again)Would love/need to connect with you .
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi dottie I remember your name but nothing else Do you live on close by the gulf?
  • BlueHarebell
    LIN, when you comment on my home page, and I reply, do you get to see that comment on your page? Anne. Sorry to be so dim. I'm getting there.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hi folks - getting ready to run over to Whole Foods (well, not run but drive the car) so pick up a couple of weekend specials.

    And no Anne, I don't see replies unless I specifically go back and down the newsfeed far enough to see your original post.

    And hello Dottie - I hope you'll stick with us. No matter where we are the spectrum of health, weight, activity, and the like, we offer support to each other. Nice to meet you!!

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • BlueHarebell
    LIN thanks for explanation. We are just about to go to the Organic Garage which is a cheaper version of whole foods. Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Friday!! :D I have Robby today and he has been sleeping almost two hours so far so not sure how far I will get with this post. I am frustrated with myself because I gained two pounds since last Friday. I know it is from the veggie straws which has way to much salt. I know better than to buy them but with the stress of last week and Babe's son I turn to comfort food. Bad excuse and I wish you would holler at me. I start today with my full time job of watching Robby except for next Tuesday when I take Babe back to the doctor. Lisa's parents leave for Florida on Wednesday so they want to watch Robby on Tuesday to get as much loving as they can. <3

    Dottie, first let me say:
    But even more important, please don't put yourself down and use adjectives like morbid. There are sneakers here who started out like you and have lost the weight of a person. Bob has lost 175 pounds and all from support of MFP, he will be happy to help guide you on your way. Barbie and Lin lost big weight and are maintaining there goals so it is possible with determination and will power. Please stick with us, record your food on the food diary and try to get a little exercise in each day even if it just walking around the house.
    I myself have been on the merry go round of going up and down and even though I only have ten pounds to lose I know how you feel. Welcome.

    Lin, glad you decided to drive instead of run to Whole Foods, much safer and warmer. I think a vacation for you would be a wonderful thing. Go some place warm and relax, who knows maybe even meet some stud or boy toy. lol

    Buzz, great to hear Mike ate a good meal, maybe he will gain a few pounds. I would be happy to give him the ten I don't want. Your cursor sounds like it has a mind of it own, maybe go to your control panel and into devices to change your cursor or the speed.

    sandi with an i, congratulations on a new pup, she sounds beautiful. As I sit at my dining table typing this I hear a dog howling outside, not sure what that is about.

    Marie, so glad you found your fitbit, I would be lost without mine. I think as we age we think about too many other things and get absent minded, I can never find my reading glasses.

    Phoebe, how does Honey like the truck, is she adjusting? Good luck with the knees, more shots??

    Bob, photography, poems, now song lyrics, you are one talented man.

    Shirley. you are doing amazing with your weight loss and determination, could you give me a kick in the butt and remind me about my cruise and wearing a SWIMSUIT???

    Barbie, you are so right on moving, I don't know why I let stress get to me, I really try hard to let things go but sometimes I lose the battle. Now that I have Robby again, I will be more focused without so much free time, so sitting is a blessing in disguise.

    Hi to Laura, Chris, Kaci and Jackie. Robby is still sleeping, what a great baby.
    Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a busy few days doing mostly mundane chores I've finally caught up with all your posts but will have to keep this short because I have a mound of ironing to deal with. Collected my new car and sold my old 4X4 to the friend that has helped me deal with any mechanical issues over the past few years in order to keep it on the road so am now doing my best to not drive the Citroen as if it's a heavy truck! Swings and roundabouts with our weather, one minute glorious the next bleak but then it is January so what can I expect!

    I won't be taking any communications technology with me on my week away in Snowdonia but will check back on you all when I get home some time next weekend so meanwhile stay committed to any weight loss and take care of yourselves. <3

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Jackie, have a fun trip!
    Hi Dottie, welcome back! It takes a village sometimes, we are here for you no matter what.
    Lin, thanks for the soya essence tip, it is a great product.
    Sandy, glad you and Robby are getting to know each other, is he going on your cruise?
    Shirley, what a cute blanket, i love sock monkeys!

    Im waiting for the call to pick up Honey. She has done very well in the truck. One mischievous cat insists that she accept him, she gets a bit miffed at him, but he doesn't seem to care. It's funny to watch. And Marie , oh my, she has certainly bonded with me. She will only let me get her in and out of the truck. She follows me at home. This morning at the vet she wouldn't leave me. She tucked her head into my knees and dug in. I had to go with her, lol.
    I overslept, so I had to rush. Now if I dont move around, I'll be asleep again in a nano second.
    vet just called, here I go again!

  • BlueHarebell
    Hello everybody. Today was a good day. My eldest and I went out for lunch, picked up the groceries, and I treated myself to a Fitbit. He's set it up for me and I've discovered that when I do my half hour walk I do about 3500 steps. Dying to see if I make 10,000 when I wear it all day tomorrow just doing the chores as well as my usual walk. SANDY how long are you looking after baby Robby for? I mean long time. I looked after my youngest grandchild quite a lot when he was a toddler, and he was one active toddler. I don't think I could do it today. I would have been 59 in those days.
    Anyway, take of yourself. It's lovely of you to worry about Babe, but you must take care of yourself first. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited January 2015
    No Phoebe, Robby is not going on cruise. They went on one for their honeymoon and said it would be too hard with a six month old. Anne, I will be watching Robby 5 days a week with the exception of the days Lisa doesn't have school. She is a special needs pre school teacher and loves her kids. She will be off for Spring break and maybe a couple more. I will be 73 in March, but I am pretty active and once we can get outside it will be better. I practically raised his sister who is soon to be 20 and we are extremely close. This is my son's second marriage and they will probably have another baby or two. That is where I draw the line, one is all I can handle. Lol.

    Robby slept three hours this morning and is sleeping over an hour so far this afternoon. If all the days are like this, it will be a piece of cake.