Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good evening Sneakers,

    SANDY - Another drama coming your way. :( I feel so sorry for Babe not realizing what a head case his son is. My heart goes out to you who does not deserve all this mess. <3
    Yes the baby blanket is almost done and today I washed baby dishes and packed them up for my daughter on our next visit to see them. They moved on Saturday to the new house.

    BOB - Lovely picture of the sunrise. B) I watch Biggest Loser so far every season.
    I know their methods are grueling but I like to see the results at the end and hear all
    their stories.

    MARIE - 64F you lucky gal. It is melting around here but we had rain today and mix of snow.

    LIN - The church lady, some people are never happy no matter where they are or who they are with. :s I agree with Anne.

    ANNE - A nice peaceful picture of the deer.

    Today we had breakfast at home and Dave made omelettes and peameal bacon.

    Then we went shopping at the Bass Pro Shop for the first time and I was quite impressed with all the great clothes they have not to mention all the sporting things.
    I bought a new pair of Sketches for the boat and a new purse from Marshalls.

    Now to make supper.

    Ontario, Canada
  • BlueHarebell
    JACKIE - well, as they say, "you can take the lass out of Britain, but you can't take Britain out of the lass". I'm recognised on the phone as soon as I open my mouth, but oh no! its the written word too?
    - Anne
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Must grab a bite before Downton Abbey comes on, but had to check you all out first. Bob, your food compositions look as beautiful as your photos. You should open a gourmet restaurant! We'll all meet there for your breakfasts! In the sunrise!!! I never watched Biggest Loser as I never really enjoyed "reality TV" . I feel like it's peeking through keyholes!
    SANDY, good grief! I don't know how you have the patience, fortitude, or sanity to put up with BOTH of them! I'm glad you are in your own safe place, too!
    Everybody, I'm delighted with all your posts but haven't time to comment now. We had a fab brunch buffet today, and I enjoyed 2 long calls from my daughter and Mike's daughter, then did some much needed cleaning and learned my DD is moving back to N.C after 2 years of drifting! Beautiful rented town house near Duke University. Thank heavens! My computer seems better today, though the cursor still wanders a bit. My email went from POP3 to IMAP where it started to download about 60,000 deleted emails, so I deleted the ; account , went back to APOP and I'll deal with it another time. Today everything seems fine. Sometimes I guess it's just best to log off, walk away, and teach it a lesson ! Have a great evening; I hope I don't fall asleep during DA!
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :D We have a life with very little drama and it's perfect. The most dramatic part of the day was the fabulous football game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Green Bay Packers. We are still marveling at how the Seahawks won.

    :D I'm getting up early to have time to do all my morning dog walking, etc. and still be dressed in time to pickup my friend at 8:00 to take her for endoscopy.

    smiley-sleep012.gifsleep well, my friends, so we can all get up early enough to look for a beautiful sunrise like the one in Bob's photo.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good morning sneakers Going for another Fantastic day, Yesterday was unbelievable great beautiful day.ideal weather for walking.
    Phoebe are you walking Honey. some. my fitbit steps are not adding much steps yet. But still wearing it.
    I am still not comfortable with how to work it yet
    Breakfast this morning will be cottage cheese fruit and nuts I like doing without my bread then can have fruit for my carbs.

    Just dropping in to report in and say good Morning to you all.
    Hugs Marie

  • BlueHarebell
    Hi Sneakers, I'm making cinnamon, raisin, walnut bread today. I have to have my bread, and butter, Marie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning from Central Iowa Sneakers11

    Doing laundry, making lists and spreadsheets and I have my phone call list although I don't know who may be open today since it is a Holiday.

    I actually got *some sleep* last night. Wahoo!!! And I got my steps in yesterday. Today I need to make some almond milk, clean and cut up fresh veggies and then steam or zap some veggies so the refrigerator will be full of good stuff once again.

    Hugs to all. Marie, did you watch the football games yesterday? Congrats Barbie - I hear your team was amazing yesterday.


  • BlueHarebell
    PS. Homemade that is. The house is starting to smell lovely and homey.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Looks like I interrupted your posts Anne. B)
  • BlueHarebell
    LIN, who knows! We are both busy little bees today.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D I too, am doing laundry before my cleaning girl gets here. Bryanna is asleep on my couch, she wandered in at some odd hour when I was sleeping. I went and surprised my friend Jen at a restaurant where she posted on Facebook she was watching the game. She was thrilled to see me as I was her, it has been a while. The game was exciting and like Barbie, my son in Portland was thrilled they won.

    Being a holiday today, I am not sitting and won't until Friday. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and will probably take Babe to his doctor's appointment. He still didn't tell his son about the appointment and I am insisting he does so there are no repercussions.

    I am holding my own on my weight but it was a bad week for exercise so today is a new day and I will be back to recording and exercising. The last 5 pounds is always the hardest but I am determined to lose them by the cruise if not before. I only wish Bob lived closer so he could invite me over for breakfast.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Bob your breakfasts are wonderful
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Gotta love an inspirational scene like this – a reminder of our “potential” and as Debbie Macomber (Mrs. Miracle) said: “It’s all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are finished. “

    A dog is not only man's best when the owner is legally blind … he is his best bud, friend and “exercise partner.”

    This morning, I saw a visually impaired (legally blind) man walking with his dog by a store, the next thing I knew he was entering Planet Fitness.

    I spoke with the PF employee and found out he is a “regular” that comes in rides the bike and then leaves after a workout. He told me to watch…and I did.

    The dog led the man to the bike stations, but none were available…so the dog led the man to a chair and sat beside his master. When a bike opened, the guide-dog led him to it – the man did his workout and then left with his friend.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandy – Sounds like a nice holiday for you. How old is the grandchild you watch? Right now, I only have some “school bus duties” on a regular basis – plus the usual. If I am ever in your area – I’ll arrange breakfast .

    I didn’t read all the stories about your “situation” as I am late to the game – but (isn’t there always a but) – I have always believed the spouse/partner must be #1 in a relationship (assuming the “children” are adults.

    My status this morning: - burned 236 calories doing 40 minutes of Walking, 3.1 mph; per home page status: “lost 4 lbs since his last weigh-in! Nikonpal's lost 179 lbs so far.”
    Have a great MLK Day everyone!
  • BlueHarebell
    Bob - that's remarkable! A loss of 179 lbs! I'm maintaining at 130 lbs, so you've lost ME plus a lab dog. Absolutely amazing. You must feel like a totally new person. How much more? I think 130 lbs is right for me at 5ft 5in. I was 126 in my twenties and thirties but think 130 lbs is just about right in old age. Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    It is warm in Southern California today. Id rather be in Texas!
    Yes Marie, I walk Honey. We go slowly and just short distance. She can't afford to overdo.
    Bob, those breakfast photos are so appetizing!
    I hope you two songbirds both have the music going round in your heads, since its now in mine!
    Must nap

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just talk to my son. and the doctor is still given Debra med to induced her but no baby yet. Grayson is a stubborn little boy-marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Will say a prayer for them♥
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - Good luck with Grayson, such a nice name. My daughter and SIL have not picked out any names yet.

    I finished the baby blanket last night and took a picture. I am going to try and post it by myself without Dave's help. He has a board meeting tonight at the sailing club so I will try it then. Wish me luck.

    Lin - You seem to be getting back normal routine again. Glad you got some ZZZZ's last night. You probably need more.

    Sandy- I am sure those 5 pounds will come off soon. You have until March, my trip is in
    February to I have to get my butt in gear and keep going.

    Bob - 179 pounds, remarkable! What a great job!

    Barbie - Go Seahawks! We are invited to a Super Bowl party this year. It has been a long time since we were at one.

    Today was Yoga Practice and meditation. I went to visit my MIL but found out she went
    to a funeral so I missed her. I got an extra cup of coffee instead which was to be hers.
    Then some grocery shopping and now taking apart my recipes and throwing out old ones and entering new ones. A STICK TO THE PLAN recipe book this time. All my recipes from
    South Beach and Readers Digest which are healthy and good tasting. Then an added binder for new recipes and some old favorites for company and parties.

    Have a good evening.

    Ontario, Canada
    29F cloudy
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited January 2015
    Bob - that's remarkable! A loss of 179 lbs! I'm maintaining at 130 lbs, so you've lost ME plus a lab dog. Absolutely amazing. You must feel like a totally new person. How much more? I think 130 lbs is right for me at 5ft 5in. I was 126 in my twenties and thirties but think 130 lbs is just about right in old age. Anne.

    Thanks Anne (and Shirley)–

    I’m at a stage where I am taking it week-by-week. Wherever I end up on the scale, most height/weight/BMI charts would still list me as slightly “overweight” but “not obese.” I will be working with weights and hopefully increasing muscle mass. I will listen to my doctors re: the proper weight / BMI for me. I have re-set goals a couple times.

    I should hit my final numbers before the end of March.

    I am already out of the “obese” category. I weigh less than at any time in the last 20 years and no one thought I was obese back in the early 90’s. For me to drop into the “normal” range would put me back to my high school numbers….and that isn’t going to happen. I also believe as we age, it is better to carry a “couple” extra pounds. I know, I plan to lose at least another 5-10 pounds.

    Almost everyone I have read about, that has lost 150 pounds or more – regains at least a few pounds in maintenance. This has always been factored into my plan.

    Your 5’5” 130lbs – certainly puts you in a healthy / normal range even if you were in your 20’s! Congrats!!!

    Ps -- "you've lost ME plus a lab dog" - That was funny...and I always just thought of myself as just a small piano! :)