Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just beneath this reply box, I see an advertisement for something completely in Japanese, or another Asian text. It reminded me that I worked around the barrier of a Japanese manual that came with my new watch, after spending too much of last night clicking 4 buttons that dug me into a deep hole trying to set this radio-controlled solar watch! I did print the manual from Casio in American English, but it was anything but clear. So today I made a phone call where a nice young fellow walked me through manually setting my new "toy" and it works beautifully. Although it has a small digital window, I have not read an analogue watch face in years, so it's a bit of a change for me. I love it!!!
    SANDY, best of luck with BABE and his latest "test"! I know you have learned much about taking care of yourself! I no longer think you are an enabler
    BOB, wish I had the courage to send your story to my DS! What an inspiration! And it could be him!, as his gain occurred in Germany and Hawaii with his love of cooking and eating! Thank you for sharing your story, and we all hope you remain and enjoy being one of us! Perhaps I, too, will get back to posting my intake, as I keep falling back on my determination!
    LIN, thinking of how to send the support and love that will help you through the executor stage of settling the estate! Now that you are an " orphan", can I offer my services another mother? I hug real good!!!
    KACI, great hearing from you, and much luck with getting into Silver Sneakers! It's a great program. I know too well how discouraging the weight gain is, as I am fighting mine, too. Why did we ever let "maintenance" get away from us? But here we go again!
    MARIE, Hostess with the Mostest! You are always at the top of the group, with your huge welcome!
    SHIRLEY, we all know you would be back in the groove in no time! Keep at it, dear.
    PHOEBE, eventually I may pick up some of those phrases you have in your head! I certainly didn't know what ROFLOL meant, either! How are you feeling? Are you still on the road?
    I did NOT do well at dinner tonight; 2 small rolls, a chicken/prosciutto/cheese dish, even though I ate only 1/2. But I can feel my fingers swelling already! And I could not resist tonight's Milky Way ice cream! We invited to sit at our table a friend who put her husband into an Alzheimer community today, and it was pretty depressing! She indicated to him it was temporary therapy!
    My eyes refuse to stay open, so have a good night, everybody, and hope to be back mañana!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Welcome Bob, when I saw your name I knew you were a fellow photographer. I love to take photos as well. I've definitely been enjoying yours.

    Sandy - Babe is so lucky to have found you. You are the best. I lost a couple of diamonds too once. I cried.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Now things definitely got screwed up. I posted replies to everyone buy only the first two were saved. Rats.

    Lin - the service will be special with that pastor. Hugs.

    Sorry everyone else, I give up. Hugs to all.

    See everyone tomorrow.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member



    Bob - You and Jeri have something in common with photography. She has shown us here some beautiful pictures from her home town in Calgary. Your winter scene is lovely and very serene. Your story and battle with your weight is very inspirational.

    Lin - How are doing? I am thinking of you today. <3

    Its cloudy day today and the temperatures are warming up for change. :D
    My daughter Kathy is moving on Saturday to her new house and I think they will have some
    decent weather for the move. Dave and I aren't helping anymore we are just getting too old to be hauling boxes. We did all that when they were both in university and college.
    I hope it goes smooth for them. Our Kathy is 32 today so I have to phone her and wish her a happy birthday. I sure don't feel old. ;)

    I am waiting for my Avon rep to come and give me order and the I can start the rest of my day.

    Ontario, Canada

    17F and cloudy

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Having settled down to write a post I've now decided that since the sun is shining and we anticipate more sleet and snow overnight I'm going to head for the moors to give George a good run since we've only managed short sharp walks these past couple of days due to one thing and another. Should be back later today.

    Welcome back Karen. Stay with us... you never know we might be able to help!

    Bob ~ Stunning is the only word I can use for your photos and think I'll also use it for your post sharing what you've managed to achieve weight wise. When a friend and I were at the local pool swimming this morning we also stopped occasionally to chat as she told me about a BBC documentary she'd watched last night about an experiment to prove there are just 3 reasons any of us struggle with diet and weight gain.... fascinating and if I can remember enough of it to post I'll pass it on later, not that you personally need any help!

    Well here I go, wrapping up around my ears and seeing just how far we can get before we both freeze!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Thursday!! :D Babe's surgery went well, we got there around 1:30 for his 4:00 surgery and got home around 8:30 pm. The only problem is that he can't put any weight on his foot and he doesn't do well with crutches. I called the neighbor next to him and luckily they had a walker he could borrow. His son had Daisy and was keeping her for the night but bringing her back very early this morning. In lieu of that I did not spend the night at Babe's house because I prefer not to see his son. I went to Walgreen's got him his pain pills and while there got my flu shot. I gave him something to eat got him all set up and then went home. I talked to him this morning and he is doing ok except Daisy is whining because she is used to going outside all the time with him. I told him I could pass on my meeting and come stay with him but he said he is fine and beside Phil and/or Cheryl would probably stop by to check on him, which is his way of saying better I don't come so there is not conflict. I am fine with that, I prefer going to my meeting.

    Got my tests results back from my blood work, my cholesterol is high at 209 and my white blood count is low at 4.2. Not sure what to do about any of that, I am hoping my doctor makes some suggestions. It does say to use a low cholesterol diet, but in all honesty I am not sure what that means, especially since I don't really cook for myself.

    Bob, I just can't tell you how impressive your story is and how encouraging you are to others. Opting out of surgery to do this on your own was just so courageous and much safer. I am happy you are with our group and can offer such insight even to those of us who only have ten pounds or so to lose. Thank you.

    Lin, I hope you are getting some sleep and taking care of yourself, tomorrow will be hard but we will all be there in spirit with you.

    I have to catch up on some computer stuff. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • BlueHarebell
    Agree with your comments about BOB, SANDY. Very inspirational. People who live the experience usually make great teachers. Maybe that's in your future Bob, after all you are showing us the way. Any luck with the diamonds loss SANDY? Careful when you vacuum! Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    bob you certainly mad a hit with us sneakers here. ou are a special guy.

    buzz so glad to see you are posting more her more so than you have here lately Able to stay awake while posting.

    Jackie you are still amazing with your wonderful stories

    kacie I agree with Jackie Stick with us. Who's knows. maybe this will be it. Just never give up

    Shirley I think your grandbaby is sue in April?. I am still waiting on mine Have not check faceook to see if anything happen yet. must do that.

    Sandy, I think
    sometime you get more on you plate than you need. glad to know you are having a get away in February You deserve some relaxation's in the sun..

    phoebe are you on your way home now? I bet honey will be glad to get home.

    Gayla been nice to hear from you here lately.

    about me.
    I cannot get my fitbit working My doctor is putting all of my records on the computer now. Can check my lab work , watiting on a new one I had done yesterday. it tells me everything. Really nice. have a nice group of a challenge thread going on called 20 pound challenge by Easter. Barbie, Shirley are posting there. the bunch is losing so well and so please with it. and so proud of them. Met so many nice people here is what I lost on the hallenge

    see you all later

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm using BARBIE's old trick of writing on Notebook and then pasting to our Reply, which no longer lets me open in a new window! So the 1st thing that happened is I lost this sentence!!! :(
    JERI, I knew you and BOB would hit it off as soon as I saw his name. We should open a photo gallery! And don't worry about lost your posts as you and I have a history of doing that! How are you feeling now?
    SHIRLEY, very smart of you and Dave to stay out of the packing! I know what you mean about KATHY's age being a shock. I still cannot believe my "baby daughter" turned 65;---on Medicare!!!
    JACKIE, can you recall the 3 reasons I might be struggling to lose all this extra poundage? I feel like a bouncing balloon! I don't envy the sleet, snow and freezing ears you are experiencing, and hope you will be sitting before a roaring fireplace in your next post!
    SANDY, my unbelievable friend, does BABE know how lucky he is? Somehow I think the lost diamonds signify more than missing stones! Is there a message in their loss? I'm pleased you are taking care of yourself and from what I understand your meetings are a significant part of your serenity! As for the blood work, I don't think women were ever included in cholesterol studies so is there a true point of reference? Not cooking for ourselves make any diet rather difficult to figure, but at least you are very much controlled and slim! Stay that way, dear!
    ANNE, good advice regarding the vacuuming. Reminds me I need to do just that!
    MARIE, do you have to check Facebook to get news of your expected baby? Our doctor is also converting to computer and it's driving him crazy! Congratulations on your 9 pound loss!
    My scale went up 3 pounds Wednesday morning, after our Birthday Night Dinner (once a month), with seafood bisque, filet mignon and all the fixings, and the chocolate cake I can never resist. Today 1 of the pounds came off, and I kick myself over the darn struggle! Our car registration arrived yesterday, and I grieve for what DH must have been feeling when it went into my wallet instead of his. He appears to accept not driving, finally, but I think it's one more thing in his feeling less masculine and in "control" of his life! Unfortunately, he has misplaced his wallet once again, and I've had to send for all new insurance cards, etc., for him. I think I will keep them, this time. He is slim and his appearance is excellent, and he still has a head full of silver hair, so it is really difficult to accept his decline as he looks 20 years younger than his 91! The Golden years get a bit tarnished, I guess!
    I have work to do, so bye for today! Stay well!
    <3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Anne – You’ll have to share some of your paintings. I am sure they are beautiful. As for the photographer – I must admit to getting frustrated at times. I’ll be talking photo’s at an occasion (that I have been asked to take) and other party goers will either walk in front of the camera or starting snapping cell phone photos etc. causing people to look in different directions.

    Buzz – Glad you liked the story – it’s a lot longer – but I’ll save that.

    Writing out those thoughts caused me to ponder a bit last night…What one sentence would sum up my decision to become so focused on health / weight reduction? Only one quote came to mind and it is from Shawshank Redemption: “get busy living or get busy dying”. I hope your son has a similar experience. I had essentially given up, when things just came together. Bob

    Jeri – Thanks for the compliment. Like you, I love photography and spend hours trying out different editing techniques etc. As we know much of it boils down to being able to frame a scene, catch an expression, handle lighting issues (some people don’t even understand what an F-stop is but say they are photographers) etc. I always tell people I take “snap shots” and “photographs” – there is a difference.

    Shirley mentioned you had shared some of your photos and I look forward to seeing some of them in the future.

    Jackie – Love that word “stunning”. That BBC documentary sounds VERY interesting. Hope you will post a link, if you find something. Counting the days til Spring! Bob

    Sandy – Glad I am part of the group as well…what a nice bunch of people. I just felt surgery wasn’t for me. I have known 2 people to have weight-loss surgery over the last 18-months – one an apparent success and the other a failure. I am not always against, surgery - but some people seem to think it is a “magic pill” and don’t realize you can regain all the weight and re-stretch your stomach unless you change your lifestyle.

    Marie – What a great board / thread you have implemented. Thanks. :)
  • BlueHarebell
    BOB - I think not, showing my paintings. I'm simply not good enough. For a start, I've thrown the majority away. Always dissatisfied. I've never had any lessons and I paint for pure pleasure and have only kept 4 paintings, oh and my DIL has got one. It's just a nice winter hobby for me. My old profile picture was one of them so I'll put it back for a couple of days just to show willing! For a few years I did make Christmas cards for everyone, and I've also done my own drawings for a few children's stories I wrote for my own boys when little and then for the grands, but I never took it any further, as in trying to publish! Just stuck it all in a blanket box. By the way, I also liked your photo of the hat lady. I do hope JERI shows some of her photos.
    - Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Nothing very interesting to say today. I've spoken to many people now who've ferreted out my cell number somehow and the tables have turned with a number of them---they want comfort from me that it was okay that they didn't visit my dad after his stroke and things like that. Yes, of course, no need to relive that now right? It's over, step away from the guilt. Tell me a story about my dad I've never heard or something. One very annoying call today but I will not go into details but I really hope she does not follow through and call me again next week.

    Well, some clothing, shoes and jewelry ready to put on tomorrow and I've even dug out a nice new purse. Car washed, window washer fluid topped off and some of the things I need are packed in the car (although the vehicle will be filthy when I get there but at least the windows are clean now). Paperwork to take to the attorney at the ready. I have my little lunch tote ready to pack etc. etc. Will be getting up early for lots of driving tomorrow.

    I don't know if I'm coming back tomorrow or Saturday; it depends on my ability to keep going! But I will stop by for at least a HELLO when I return.

    Hugs to you all and wishes for the best of health. Thanks for keeping track of me.

  • BlueHarebell
    My thoughts will be with you tomorrow LIN. God bless, Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited January 2015
    Interesting - This was just on NBC News:

    "Walk 20 minutes to live longer: Huge study reveals benefit of daily exercise (and how a lack of it kills twice as many people as obesity) "

    I'm going to keep attacking from both ends - walking to get rid of the obesity :)

    Read more:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Nearly 1130pm and my bedtime but thought since I wrote I'd check back I'd better do just that. What can I say.... that walk across the moors this afternoon was a blast, a freezing cold one even with many layers on plus a fleece hat and my hood over that due mainly to the wind blowing it on to my head! Surprisingly I wasn't the only mad person walking across the top of the moor, possibly because the late sunshine casting shadows on the rock faces made for some beautiful scenery and therefore worthwhile coming very close to being blown into the next county! It took a good hour for me to warm up once I got home but George, probably because he's barely 12" high and therefore keeps out of the wind, thoroughly enjoyed running in the wind, splashing in freezing puddles and chasing the ever fascinating stones to bring home and hide!

    Bob ~ The programme I mentioned was called "What's the right diet for you?" although by diet they really mean lifestyle. Being a BBC programme I'm sure you can't watch if outside the UK but I did find the following page which interestingly has a quick and simple test to follow that will result in telling you what category you're in and what you can do about it.

    Click on "Take the test" and see how you get on. Apparently I don't fit their specific categories but there's still advice about portion sizes and possibly sitting on my backside too much which describes me to a tee!!

    Anne ~ He was an extremely complex man but Vincent Van Gogh said something I think quite profound about if you hear an inner voice saying I can't paint then by all means do paint then that voice will be silenced so open that blanket box and enjoy. (He didn't say the bit about the blanket box of course, that's me!! LOL)

    Oh my, it's now midnight and the temperature is falling inside the cottage as the fire dies down so I'm off to bed.

    My search for a new car wasn't successful on Tuesday but I'm off to look at another tomorrow that will hopefully suit and will then hopefully pop in here later in the day to weigh in at the pound a week club. Good luck to everyone involved there.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited January 2015
    Jackie - Thanks for the information - I am going to check it out :)

    I found other sites connected to this topic, as well as some videos. I'll be checking them out in the coming week.

    Here is a related video -
  • BlueHarebell
    JACKIE, I took the test you recommended for Bob. It made sense for me, so thanks for the info. Vincent Van Gogh sure WAS complex, and also of course quite brilliant, however despite his advice I'll leave my poor efforts where they belong, buried in the box. Lol. I've started to write about my life as a child in the war which won't interest anyone except possibly the grands. Thought a bit of family history might be of interest to them before its all lost. I SO envied you, your walk despite the cold. I was there with you, only on the Yorkshire moors and dales. All the paintings I try to do are of that area, although the profile picture is in Lincolnshire. The brick ponds, now full of fish. My late cousins place. Keep warm, I honestly think it can be colder at times in the UK than here.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :D Some days are busier than others, so today, reading the posts was the best I could do.

    :D I have two friends who have had weight loss surgery but ended up losing a bunch of weight and gaining most of it back because they had no daily program to keep themselves focused on healthy eating and exercise.

    :\ I am at a standstill on doing the income tax because the accountant is backed up with other stuff and hasn't answered my questions yet so Jake tells me that I get a chance to relax for awhile. :D

    <3 (*) Bob, congratulations to you on recognizing the scary signs of your weight gain and take some many people ignore the signs and take no action. My highest weight was 183 and it took me until I was 62 before I took it seriously enough to take action.

    <3 Barbie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, safe travels, and I hope you feel our presence with you.
    I slept today, didnt rest well on the way home. We are all happy to be here if only until Saturday.
    Ive read and enjoyed your posts,photos, and hope to check the links tomorrow.
    Anne, just as you have never heard of Roflol, I'm not familiar with old lady filters, thats what made me laugh. I picture your grumpy photographer responding to your inquiry! I know them as soft filters i think.
    sewing/patching to get done, night

  • kacierra
    kacierra Posts: 109 Member
    Good Evening Everyone. It's almost time for me to head for bed but I took a few minutes to finish my food tally. I did ok until this evening when I couldn't stop myself from having some ice cream. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

    I see that we have a new person on the board. Hi Bob. Happy to see that we have a gentleman posting now. I too enjoy taking pictures, but I'm nowhere near professional at it. I like shooting my flowers, scenery, birds, and other animals along with the kids, grands, and the newest family addition - a great grandchild.

    Time for me to shuffle off to bed now. Hope you all sleep well.

    Take care,
    Kaci - (Karen)