Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, as much as I expected LIN's news, it still hit in the gut! I hope he went easily, and I hope even more that straightening out the aftermath will not be too difficult for our LIN! we will all be here, and she knows that!
    SANDY, I hear a familiar exasperation and thoroughly understand it regarding the complaints following one after the other! I do hope BABE becomes aware of the effects it has on you, but I often wonder if it occurs to men! Little ROBBY and your cruise are a lovely distraction for you, though your own outlook is most positive usually.
    ANNE, most of us probably have more in common than we realize! We are not really alone, are we?
    NIKONPAL, Did I miss your first appearance? May we have a name to identify you with? I always ask for a signature to help my dimming brain remember all my friends here!
    MARIE, how are you doing? Memories become difficult to deal with at this stage, and you and I have to get used to that, I think. JACKIE's recent post is one I really need to read and re-read, as I'm not doing well in my reactions to whatever is going on with Mike. At times he's so responsive, and then becomes almost a blank, or worse yet, somewhat belligerent! Yet today, his cardiologist was telling him how terrific he looks, and how great his sense of humor is, and how he seems 20 years younger than his almost 91 years, and Mike answered, "it's my wife who keeps me going" !!! Boy, we never know! I just learned of a couple who recently moved in and the husband (a retired dentist) has been attending a daycare group for Alzheimer patients for 7 years, but today his wife admitted she can no longer take care of him in their apartment so he will be going to the medical care floor. Heartbreaking! Mike is going to be put on a 24 hour heart monitor to see why his EKG showed missing beats. He sleeps almost all day long.
    OYSTEREYES, welcome to our group. I am among those watching salt intake, and it isn't easy when I no longer cook our dinners! We live in a Lifetime Care Community in the Independent Living section. AS I asked of Nikonpal, please sig a name at the end of your posts so I can identify you more easily. My problem, but I appreciate the help!
    BARBIE, accentuate the positive, you always remind us, and it's an excellent reminder. Thank you once more!
    GAYLA, always love hearing from you, and glad to hear Neil is doing better!
    JACKIE, Snowdonia (is that correct?) sounds like a fairyland name! Enjoy the visit, and thank you for your wise observation. Not easy for either of us to be going through the change that's happening! I must find more patience and understanding!
    PHOEBE, Honeylunges? What a great idea! Just be careful for your back!
    SHIRLEY, do you miss the boat during the winters? You do keep busy on so many other fronts! And always with your exercises; good for you!
    BECKY, hello dear. Still busy busy busy?

    I think GAYLA asked about my legs, and I just discovered I inadvertently gave the incorrect
    amount of medication to my doctor for refills, and never realized it. So the augmentation I am having may simply be due to not using the correct amount. I'll try taking the extra .125 and see if it helps. That's for my Willis-Ekbom Disease (formerly Restless Leg Syndrome!). The laser treatments and lymphedema therapy have brought the swelling of my ankles down considerably, and have reduced some of the hardened areas from my sclerosis, so I will go back to the therapy I stopped before Christmas. Actually, I think that taking off the weight I put on will be the best medication of all!

    I'll get back to bore you once again; I do seem to run off at the computer!!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Hi there, I am just new around here and I am not sure how this works. I live in Oregon and I am also on MFP. I am also not the greatest when it comes to computers. I seem to find out everything by accidently clicking on things. I am trying to lose weight and I must also watch salt. I also have have two old sheepdogs that are our companions and best friend.
    So happy to have you join us. I also have an Old English Sheepdog who is 5 years old and weighs 90 pounds. She is the love of my furry loves.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Hi there, I am just new around here and I am not sure how this works. I live in Oregon and I am also on MFP. I am also not the greatest when it comes to computers. I seem to find out everything by accidently clicking on things. I am trying to lose weight and I must also watch salt. I also have have two old sheepdogs that are our companions and best friend.


    So happy to have you join us. I also have an Old English Sheepdog who is five years old and weighs 90 pounds. Her name is Daisy Mae.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Excellent Mayo Clinic article: (MFP in a nutshell)

    “Despite all the diet strategies out there, weight management still comes down to the calories you take in versus those you burn off. Fad diets may promise you that avoiding carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit is the secret to weight loss, but it's really all about calories….”


    Welcome Bob.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Aha! So NikonEyes is BOB? Welcome from me, too! And bless SANDY for lighting my way! BOB, may I assume you are a photographer, professional or otherwise? I recently read something about not all calories being equal. Such as whole grain bread having more fiber than "enriched" wheat, therefore lowering the carb count in a confusing manner, lol! I had tried to cut out most white foods, such as flour, potatoes, Pasta, etc (cauliflower excluded!) and it was very successful but then I moved into a Continuing Lifetime Care Community, which serves dinner every night, and went totally out of control, so that I now need to lose 50 pounds, more than I ever had to do! I managed to take off about 10 pounds despite the holidays, but killed it today with a whole wheat raisin bread I could not stop eating! I am my own worst enemy!
    I'm finally getting to bed at an earlier hour, as I want to get my first haircut since October, when we visited Cape May for the wedding that wasn't (my son and future DIL)! I considered wearing my hair a bit longer than usual, but the resulting mess looks ridiculous!
    Goodnight specially to LIN, with many hugs from all of us, dear! And goodnight to everyone else as well!
    <3 Buzz
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Well, we made it to San Diego! It seems to become harder and harder for us to make the trip each time we go. I guess it's because were not getting any younger! The weather here is beautiful and the breeze blowing through the window is also wonderful. You all take care and keep posting
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Hi - just beyond busy and traveling again today. Will try to catch up a bit tomorrow. Thank you so much for continued expressions of your concern. You are wonderful.


  • BlueHarebell
    Take care driving, it's -4 F here. Hope all goes smoothly, anne
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello sneakers. A chilly day but I managed a walk through local woods with George where it was quite sheltered and in fact halfway round the sun appeared shining through the trees making the whole place look magical as droplets of rain water fell from the branches. Having just wolfed down a quick lunch of cous cous, prawns and a small green salad I'm now off to visit a car dealer about 12 miles away because I'm coming to the conclusion the heavy 4X4 I currently drive is just not economical now I'm retired and 'pottering'.

    Buzz ~ It's easy for those of us on the outside to give advice to those enduring the decline of a loved one and I do so appreciate just how hard it is for you. No doubt Mike is as frustrated at his state of mind as you are and of course you are undoubtedly in the firing line for those frustrations but it sounds like he does appreciate all you do even if he can only air that view to a doctor! Marie asked on the pound a week club how I managed to lose 4 lbs so quickly and I have to say it was all down to what you've observed, cut out white food and it'll make all the difference because that in essence is all I did. Suddenly cutting out mince pies, stollen cake, Christmas pud and toasted cheese sandwiches must have shaken up my metabolism.... just in time I might add!! Yes, I'm looking forward to the visit to Snowdonia although I see on today's forecast it's snowing in that area. Perhaps I should hold on to the 4X4 until after the trip!

    Lin ~ Thanks for checking in, just need to know you're ok. (Tried to post a heart but this new set up is not user friendly!)

    Phoebe ~ Honey eating the cat food and the cats wanting her gone did make me laugh as it's a mirror image of my household some days. Of course if one of the cats goes anywhere near George's food he whines and grumbles until he can get to the bowl to empty it whether he's hungry or not! LOL

    Barbie ~ Since I took up walking with George my back and leg muscles have strengthened and I feel so much better for it so can appreciate your friends resolve. Hopefully she will keep the walking going.

    Oystereyes and Bob ~ Welcome to the group and I look forward to learning more about you and your lives as we travel more healthily into 2015.

    Hello to everyone I missed.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :D Robby is playing in his exersaucer so I thought I would take a minute to say good morning. My sponsor is coming later this afternoon so we can get some one on one time which I always appreciate. After the next two meetings I won't be able to attend my regular meeting and will have to find a night meeting since I will be watching Robby five days a week. It is not going to be easy but I am sure I will adjust and with the cruise and Lisa getting Spring Break I will get some time off.

    I made hamburger helper last night and although I thought it was low in calories I must have eaten too much since my weight went up a pound this morning. At least I still rode my bike and today will be more careful. All the talk of people using their Wii, I think I have to try mine again to combine fun and exercise besides my bike.

    Robby needs to be moved. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • BlueHarebell
    BUZZ, I was very interested in your comments about meals at your lifetime care community because 2 of my friends are in 2 senior homes here. One was always an extremely slender woman, but after one year she is getting quite tubby. I've eaten at both homes with them, and noticed the menus for the day and it does seem rather a lot of choice for elderly folk. Wonderful desserts etc. Delicious, mind you, but on top of that, laid out for the day are coffee, tea, various juices and cookies. It sort of worries me, so much choice, because one day I will probably find myself in the same (delicious) predicament. Good luck to you and Mike.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2015

    Good morning,

    We are having a real cold snap. It will be 1F by tonight. Brrrr!
    I know many of you are even colder like Lin which below zero temperatures.

    LIN - I am glad you stopped in to say hello. I have been thinking of you. <3

    BUZZ - I am not an expert with people declining in their years, so I wouldn't give any
    advice. My Dad had dementia for a few years, he still knew me to the end. He
    lived to be 93 and I just enjoyed our visits until the end. It was difficult with him
    in Florida and me in Canada but I did my best. I am sure watching Mike decline is
    very hard on you and hard on him. I guess the best advice I can give is just enjoy
    him everyday for now.

    SANDY - You are getting busier and busier with Robbie now. You will be glad to
    get on that cruise and take a breather. When do you go again? I see you are still
    doing your exercises and watching your calories. It is probably hard to get all that
    in but you are doing it. Great job!

    JACKIE - Good luck on your vehicle search. I hope you find something that works for you.
    Hug George for me. I do miss a dog. I like Izzy but dogs are still my favorite.
    Although he was pretty good this last visit with us. No damage. :D

    Bob- Welcome to the group!
    Oystereyees - Welcome too!

    Well I have joined a choir group. The Queenston Ladies Choir and my first rehearsal is tonight. I wish it wasn't so cold tonight. I have about a 45 min drive and it is in the same
    town where we keep our boat. Two ladies from our sailing club are in it and I saw the
    Christmas Concert and really enjoyed it. So they said I could join if I wanted. I used to sing in a choir in school and as we all know that was many moons ago. I hope it works for me because I enjoy singing.

    It's a beautiful cold and sunny day and I should get off here and get some things done.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Ontario, Canada

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Aha! So NikonEyes is BOB? Welcome from me, too! And bless SANDY for lighting my way! BOB, may I assume you are a photographer, professional or otherwise? ... I considered wearing my hair a bit longer than usual, but the resulting mess looks ridiculous! Goodnight specially to LIN, with many hugs from all of us, dear! And goodnight to everyone else as well!
    <3 Buzz

    Yes, Buzz – the signature is Bob. I would say I am a serious photo enthusiast for the last 10 years or more. I have been offered professional assignments, but stick with family, friends and charity. People would doubt my identity if not attached to my camera. I literally take hundreds of photos a month (small sample below). The woman was a close friend and passed away recently. She is 95 in this photo and still volunteering for kitchen cooking. She was amazing and still talking cruises into her 90’s.

    I must say, MFP is the first thing to work for me. I stick 90% with healthy food…fresh meats / fish (no cold cuts); minimal “enriched” food, lots of fruits / veggies etc. I do eat a lot of protein too. Overall, I make sure the nutrients are balanced because I follow a very low-calorie plan. (I’m posting my breakfast from this morning to give you a rough idea.)

    Jealous – I wish wearing my hair longer was an option…LOL

    Regards, Bob






    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Lovely lady friend Bob She seems to be a golly gal. sorry about losing her.
    So you are a New Yorker I figered as much thru your posting. one thing I can say you know how to get the weight off. We have a topic here for the before and after pictures We need you on there? how much more weight do you need to lose to reach your goal.
    Your friend Marie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Lovely lady friend Bob She seems to be a golly gal. sorry about losing her. So you are a New Yorker I figered as much thru your posting. one thing I can say you know how to get the weight off. We have a topic here for the before and after pictures We need you on there? how much more weight do you need to lose to reach your goal. Your friend Marie

    Thanks Marie. She was a blast. She was so "with it" and loved being around younger people. She'd say old people slowed her down. I always liked that photo, as it portrayed a life lived and continuing to be lived. She would probably not have been thrilled with it, because she was always concerned about her appearance (hair, clothes etc.) even at age 97. I'd always kidded her 60-something son and asked: "how would you feel about calling me dad?" LOL

    I am almost to goal...only 10-23 lbs to go. I'll know it when I see it. It's more about the mirror than the scale right now. My guess is I will hit the number before the end of March. I will still have a "ton" (pun intended) of work to do after that with more emphasis on muscle building etc. Sometime in March, I will post a before / after photo. Tailor called new suit is ready for pick-up. Had to buy clothes a few times with every 60-70 lb loss.

    As for NY, it's nice but we are tired of winters and high taxes (#1).

    Have a nice night. Hope we get out of these negative temp. numbers soon.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    All going well, time for my nap. Stay warm and safe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    <3 Phoebe glad to hear all is going well stay safe and warm
    how does honey like being a working dog?
    Love ya marie
  • BlueHarebell
    Love the photo of your lady pal Bob, but I'm so sorry you have lost her. What church or cathedral is that? Also, have you got any photos of wintry scenes in NY to show us? I had a friend who was really keen on photography. Long gone. He was a real grumpy old bachelor but also a really good photographer. I think he felt sorry for me because I had no car, so he would often ask me to accompany him on his expeditions. Actually, I think it was to help lug his bags and tripods! Anyway, he was the only person who took really good shots of me, so good, future generations will think I was a raving beauty. Lol. I asked him how he managed this impossible feat and he muttered "old lady filters". I was in my forties at the time. I've got quite a few photos framed on my walls to remember him. Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2015
    Bob, your photography is great! The cathedral is such an excellent architectural shot artistically presented! And the others are wonderful. You and JERI should meet and talk about your photographic approaches! JACKIE is an puddle away, but her photos of the moors seem to remind me of Wuthering Heights! How did you finally decide to come to MFP? My 60 year old son is sadly terribly overweight, yet seems to resist all attempts to get him concerned about his health! Any suggestions? You have been tremendously inspirational! Whereabouts are you in the Empire State? I lived in Westbury, L.I. for many years before relocating to Florida, which I had resisted many years having believed the stories about heat and humidity. Now I believe Long Island was far more muggy than Palm Beach County! And after 21 years here, I doubt I could return to the damp cold of the north ever again! We love it here!
    ANNE, your grumpy old friend merely snapped what he saw! Unless the photo you use was one he took!!!
    I received a watch I ordered from Amazon because I was looking for a radio controlled solar watch and this Casio was the only women's watch available. It arrived today, and I like it. Anyone here read or speak Japanese? I shall have to spend the rest of the night finding out how to read the instructions since there is no English in the brochure. First I guess I'll try Casio! So good evening and Good Night everybody. Stay well!
    <3 Buzz
  • BlueHarebell
    It's just dawned on me, the profile photo I took yesterday has one of my grumpy old friends photos to the right on the wall. It's a monarch butterfly. Isn't that odd that I was just remembering him!