Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi there, I am just new around here and I am not sure how this works. I live in Oregon and I am also on MFP. I am also not the greatest when it comes to computers. I seem to find out everything by accidently clicking on things. I am trying to lose weight and I must also watch salt. I also have have two old sheepdogs that are our companions and best friend.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Hello Sneakers - don't know how much I will be posting the next week or so.

    I received a phone call while driving up to visit my dad this morning. He'd just died.

    I've been in a whirl since then. I have cleared out his room at the nursing home and picked out clothing to take to the funeral home. I have an appointment with them Tuesday morning. Likely a teeny tiny service on Friday at the chapel in the cemetery. It's too cold, too many old and fragile people and much too much Influenza A to plan anything larger. No viewings, no lunches, just a short service in the chapel. Anyway that's my plan---we'll see how it works out.

    Everyone I've called so far (and I really haven't made much of a dent on the list) has wanted to converse for a while and have offered to help. I am fine until people ask questions and then I find it difficult to carry on. Also everyone has said they're willing to help in any way. Thing is it looks like most everything is my responsibility.

    Wish I could get things done more quickly!!

    Meanwhile, Gayla--thanks for the update on what's going on and how Neil is doing. Marie --sorry about the football game's outcome. Sandy--is everything planned for your trip? I hope all goes well with Robby's new sleep method. Anne--how's your weather now? Nice enough to walk outdoors? Shirley--the boat show sounds nice. Some purchases but nothing super expensive!! Phoebe -- please keep taking care of yourself. Perhaps with time Honey will allow Jim to pick her up. Bob -- your new group sounds great and I wish you great success. Jeri -- what fun going to curling! Oystereyes--welcome! Come back often.

    Okay, onward!!! Need to keep organizing for the upcoming week.

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member

    I am so sorry Lin and wish I could be there for you and give you a hug.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Thanks Sandy. I could use one. :-)
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Hello Sneakers - don't know how much I will be posting the next week or so.

    I received a phone call while driving up to visit my dad this morning. He'd just died.

    Lin in Central Iowa

    Lin my deepest sympathy to you. Wish I lived closer so I could help out but you are in my thoughts and I send big hugs.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Thanks Jeri. I appreciate that even with everything you and your family are going through that you are so kind to me. <3

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Lin, you have been in my thoughts throughout the day. Take time for a cup of tea. Hugs are being sent to you. Take care. Gayla
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin so sorry to hear I went to bed real early and just read your post.
    Lin my deepest sympathy to you. and plenty of hugs. You seems to be taking it pretty calmly you are a very strong woman. and will be just fine. Love you like a daughter. remember we are here to Help one another

    love Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Thanks Gayla. I will have a cup of tea in the morning. Not sleeping well tonight.

    Hi Marie - I see you are up in the middle of the nite too. I am doing my best. I cannot stop or fall apart because I am responsible for this. I think it's my way to try to buckle down and get through all the practicalities of a situation. Thank you for all the wonderful words.

    Hugs. Sneakers are the best.

  • BlueHarebell
    Dear LIN, I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I wish I could help you too. You are in my thoughts.
    Love, Anne.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, sorry that you didn't get to see your Dad when he revived . That would be a comfort to you now. Just deal with it as you think he would want. Your faith is your rock. Love you ♥♥♥
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks Anne and Phoebe.

    The weather just was too bad last week. But overall I have no regrets.

    Still not sleeping. Grrrrr. Need sleep.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    I have Robby today will try to get back to you later. Have a wonderful day. Thinking of you Lin and praying for you.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin ~ So sorry to read your news and I send love and condolences. We can do little or nothing about weather conditions etc so hold on to the thought you were doing your best to get to see your dad in spite of it. You're like me, independent and determined to do everything but honestly, if any of those offers of help can be taken up do try to accept even a small amount because we don't want you getting exhausted and making yourself ill.
    A service in a small chapel sounds perfect!

    Thinking of you. <3
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    So sorry Lin – It is always hard to lose a parent and doesn’t matter the age. Warm regards, Bob
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Excellent Mayo Clinic article: (MFP in a nutshell)

    “Despite all the diet strategies out there, weight management still comes down to the calories you take in versus those you burn off. Fad diets may promise you that avoiding carbs or eating a mountain of grapefruit is the secret to weight loss, but it's really all about calories….”

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Lin...I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you that God give you His peace.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Lin - My gut told me that it wouldn't be long. I am so sorry to hear this. I bring many hugs to you and take your time with everything. It is overwhelming for you right now.
    I send peace your way. <3 Be kind to yourself my friend. o:)

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2015
    Dear dear LIN, I guess we all had a feeling this news was coming soon, and I hope you know how much we care for you and wish we were with you now! <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Sandy, it is so sad that people who are suffering are so resistant to help. One of the reasons that I love all the Senior Golden Sneakers is that everyone is seeking solution instead of wallowing in the unfairness of it all.

    smiley-happy020.gif Jeri, it is such a challenge trying to decide how much time and support and effort to give to a family member who is resisting help. On a more positive note, it is great seeing you posting your daily steps and keeping up with your plans to keep yourself healthy.

    smiley-happy020.gif Gayla, it's good to see you again...sorry to hear that the sweets got you over the holidays but you have the tools to get back on track.

    smiley-happy020.gifJackie, your trip to Wales sounds great.

    smiley-happy020.gif Bob, thanks for the link to the great article.

    :'( My new blue tooth headphones that I bought last month stopped playing out of one ear so I checked with Amazon and they agreed to refund my money when I sent the defective item back. They provided a mailing label and when I took the box to UPS today I found out that they were paying the return postage as well as refunding my money :mrgreen: I ordered another one in a different style that will get here at the end of the week so until then I have to deal with wires between the phone and my ears....the wires keep getting tangled in the leash or the flashlight but at least I can listen to my music and inspirational speakers when I walk

    smiley-greet024.gif.My friend that I like to walk with called me yesterday to make a date to walk this morning so I rearranged my schedule to have time for her. I was concerned that since we had just walked and talked on Saturday that she a big problem to talk about. Instead she said that her back had been bothering her and she decided that starting a daily walking plan would help and she thought that walking with me would help her get her plan going.

    :'( Marie, I was sorry to see the Dallas Cowboys lose. Jake and I watched the game and cheered for them. They played great.

    :'( LIn, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. When my mother died, Jake and I were with her and on the way home from the hospital we stopped at the store and bought two half gallons of ice cream and ate ice cream right out of the carton as we stayed up almost all night making lists of people to call and things that needed to be least you didn't do that.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last five years)---The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future