Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited January 2015
    Marie, so happy Jerry is back in your time zone.

    The long and short of Babe's son is he is drinking more than ever and his wife is fed up and told Babe she is thinking divorce. Babe and his son really don't want that to happen since because of a bankruptcy he put everything in Cheryl's name. Cheryl gave Phil and ultimatum to go to a 30 day rehab and anger management. In the meantime Cheryl's mother is in a nursing home for rehab near their home. Phil went there yesterday and spent the whole day telling her how awful Cheryl's siblings are and the social worker called Cheryl to get him to leave. He was drunk from evidently going out to his car each time he went out to smoke. Cheryl called Babe and told him they are in danger of losing their business and Phil doesn't seem to care. As of this morning Babe said Cheryl called him to tell him Phil has not taken his psych meds. She made Phil promise to take his meds and to go to an alcoholic counselor and she wouldn't call the lawyer. He went a few times before to a counselor but she was a woman and this time he wants a man. He sounds like he has hit bottom but will not go for rehab so we will see what happens. I listen to Babe but try not to say anything about the situation so he and Cheryl can see for themselves. Cheryl is beside herself and is ready for a nervous breakdown so the person I feel sorry for is Marisa who has to see and hear all that is going on.

    I know I made the right decision and I am grateful.

  • Boy Sandy, did you ever! God bless, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Oh my gosh.......what a horrible situation. It's painful just to read about it........stay clear of the blast zone my friend. Something's coming for sure with these behaviors.

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Good morning! I am still trying to get myself organized and read the boards everyday. Am not quite there yet.

    We will be leaving on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks in San Diego. We have a condo there and dom't get over there ver often. Vicki's mom is 95 and is in assisted living a few miles away. She is in good shape except is in a wheel chair and is loosing strength in her legs.

    I hope that it warms up for you soon ....I think the dogs had the right idea going back to bed! lol!
  • Took Honey to the vet today, she is what they call reverse sneezing, which may mean allergies. I gave her some allergy meds but she isn't better. Just have to put up with it for now. I didn't know dogs can be allergic to cats and even people!
    Getting another week of laundry done. I think we are leaving Friday night. I hope lifting Honey in and out of the truck will count as exercise! Today she weighed 46.9 lbs. She is down from 47.7. She is still a sick girl. I hope the truck won't be too hard for her.

    It was cold here but above zero, so I don't complain.
    Sandy, a sad waste of life. His rock bottom is lower than most.
    Marie, glad Jerry is back to the present.
    Time for bed.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Wow Sandy...that sounds horrible. I hope that all work out.

    <3 husband's dog also has what is called reverse sneezing. When we got him, I had never heard of such a thing. You are the only other person I know who has a dog with this problem. We were told to rub the front of his neck in a downward direction. This seems to help him stop the strange behavior.

    <3 Sandi...I think that our animals have more smarts then us at times.

    <3 Shirley...praise God that there was someone to help you with that door.

    <3 first husband was very controlling and everything had to go his way. My second husband isn't like that. He is a wonderful man and I am blessed to have him.

    <3 Marie...Good morning to you. I hope that your day and your weekend are wonderful to you.
  • Thank you Becky, any and all tips are welcome! She is about the same, a little loss of appetite. Might be the allergy meds, or the 'gunk' draining, it always makes me feel bad.
    im doing More laundry, may or may not go anywhere todayy. Sunny day here, dont know the temp.
    Sandy, will you and Babe be taking those winter walks this year, or will he be able?
    im sitting on the floor in the living room with Honey. She needs to finish her food and then she gets her treats (with medication inside). Usually the sight of a cat makes her finish her food. Not this time, although she chased the cat away, lol. He was sneaking up behind het!
    Marie, both of us have gotten our dates confused but not to the point of having to get a third party to prove it. Maybe Jerry can check the date off the calender with his morning meds.
    be safe and warm everyone

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We are digging out from our storm, Dave is snow blowing as we speak. I have to get changed and clear off our cars. It is sunny now but cold. I was supposed go to Yoga class but we are not dug out yet so I didn't go.

    We still haven't had breakfast so I am hungry. LOL I am having my coffee and I should get dressed to help DH out.

    Phoebe - Honey sounds so adorable. It will take time for her to get adjusted. Has she been with cats before? I hope you can lift her into truck, that will more burning of calories. :D

    Sandy - you are so out of that situation with Babe's son. He is really hitting rock bottom and I wouldn't be surprised if they divorce. Maybe that will shake him up. He obviously needs something so he can get help. I am so happy you are not in the middle of all this, you don't need this at this point in your life.

    Sandi - Have fun on your visit to San Diego, a nice and warm climate.

    I better get dressed and get going.

    (Digging out of storm)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday!! :D Going for my yearly physical and blood work. Will check in later.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :D<3 Sandy, will Cheryl consider Al-Anon?

    :D I won't say a word about our temperatures because it is so pleasant here even before sunrise.

    :D I did pretty well learning the new dances on Wednesday and Thursday and today I'll teach the new dance to the beginner class. My brain is getting a workout.

    <3 Barbie
  • Barbie I urged my cousin to go to al anon but she probably hasn't been. She said she would.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Barbie...go ahead and mention your temperature. I will just thank God that He is blessing you. lol

    Snow has stopped but the temperatures are not nice. It is about 11 degrees at this time and that is to be our high. Slowly dropping over the day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am back. Had my physical and blood work but the most exciting part was when the nurse weighed me in. I sadly said I have gained weight and took off my jacket, shoes and another jacket and she said 136. I said what? I weighed 137 at home naked. She said she also was taking two pounds off for the clothes I was wearing which brought it down to 134. That would be terrific if it were true but I will continue off of my scale just in case. Just saying. :p My mammogram was normal and she gave me a prescription for a body scan and since they were out of the flu shots she asked me to go to Walgreen to get one and a shingles shot as well. I asked for a referral to a genetic doctor so I can be screened for Lynch Syndrome which is to find out if I carry the cancer gene for breast, colon and uterine cancer. There is a lot of cancer on my mothers side and since my sister died so quickly and unexpected I would like to know. However, if it isn't covered by medicare and my Blue Cross Blue Shield I will probably not do it. It could be very expensive without insurance. I also don't think medicare pays for the shingles shot unless you have part D, the presription part of Medicare which I do not. I take no prescription drugs at this time so I didn't buy it. After all these test and shots are done I should be good for another year, God willing. Even my blood pressure was great at 137 over 70. Woot Hoot!! Diet and exercise do work, I am convinced.

    Becky, we are at 5 degrees with sunshine but it feels much colder, even though the wind chill is minus 4. The good thing is that we are on the way to spring, even if it is three months away. :D

    Barbie, when I was talking to Cheryl she wouldn't go, she wanted no part of it. She wouldn't even accept a book I asked her to read. I still ask Babe to go, but he like Cheryl says, it is not my problem. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. Phil told him he is going to quit drinking, just will drink beer. I am sure you know how that will end. If everyone learned how to take care of themselves life would be so easy. :D

    Shirley, it sounds like you are getting a lot more snow then we are, stay safe and warm. Not sure I believe Cheryl would ever divorce Phil. I think she would be to scared to cross him, but I could be wrong.

    Phoebe, I had a rescue dog with a backward sneeze as well. It was allergies but the sound they make is so scary. Becky is right with the gentle stroking of their throat so they calm down. We ended up having Freeway scoped to make sure there was no blockage but there wasn't so I ended up giving him allergy shots once a week. Good luck with Honey, I know it must be hard to watch and listen.

    isandi, I love San Diego, it is beautiful there and the weather always seems perfect. My son graduated from their Naval training school and it was so impressive. Enjoy your time away.

    Lin, any word about your Dad? Are you still planning on going there tomorrow? How is your weather?

    Anne, I go to Al Anon and have learned I have to just take care of myself and I can't control anyone else.
    It is the best thing I have ever done for myself and I am grateful for such a wonderful program.

    Long post, sorry, just feels good to sit and relax. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Afternoon everybody. I went out today with my son Mike, and my grandson Derek. Mike is Derek's uncle. D's parents are on a cruise and dodging this awful, cold, windy, snowy weather but they get back on Sunday and boy will they feel a difference. D couldn't go with them because he is in his final year at Uni. and had lessons to attend. So, Mike came over to visit me and we decided to pick the "starving" student up and go to a posh restaurant. Lovely meal, and we picked up Starbucks coffee and dessert afterwards which means I've probably undone all the good work I did this past week. Ha well, you only get to do what I did today occasionally and I had FUN, with us 3 generations. Hope the weigh in went well for the rest of you, I'll go take a peek.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's gone 11pm here so I won't stay, just wanted to check in to say I'm thinking of you all.... Barbie enjoying balmy temperatures and new dances, Shirley in all that snow, Marie coping with Jerry's confusion over days of the week although during the festive season I thought every day was Saturday until it arrived, then didn't know what day it was and Sandy, such a great attitude about what's going on with Phil. Thank heavens you made the move when you did otherwise I've no doubt his anger issues would still be aimed in your direction. No one can help him stop drinking if he won't help himself and really, if he thinks he can even contemplate continuing with beer alone he's deluded but then you know that dear Sandy. <3 What will be will be so stay as you are, away from the whole dreadful situation.

    Becky, I was sorry to read about more losses in the family;;; you are in my thoughts. Anne, sounds as if you had a wonderful day so a few extra calories must have been worth it and Phoebe it could be you are in the early stages of discovering what dear Honey has been suffering with for some time and with plenty of TLC and medication she will improve over the next few days. You mind your back though lifting her into your truck... we don't want to read you've hurt yourself and Jim with his back problems won't be in a position to attempt it either. You'll have to devise some sort of lifting gear to ease her up and down until her excess weight has gone!!

    That's it, bedtime! Will check in over the weekend.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Good evening, just a quick note this evening. It's been dad stuff again and some odds and ends around the house.

    My dad has improved a lot once again. Color good, awake, eating, drinking, able to swallow pills, can sit up, and can talk a little bit.

    I am *not* going up tomorrow morning. I have to travel Northeast and the weather there is worse than here sooooooooooo my latest plan is to go on Sunday. I just keep watching the weather. Last night they closed I-35 North at Ames due to blowing snow and reopened it early this morning. Anyway from about Highway 20 and to the North the roads still are partially covered with snow/ice. I drive East on Highway 20 to get to the Waterloo/Cedar Falls area. I need to be as safe as I can be.

    Thanks for the explanation of ice wine. I truly had never heard of it before. I stopped drinking any alcohol I long time ago and I guess I never got to ice wine before I quit. I'm patting myself on the back that I do have some healthy habits, thank the Lord. Ha.

    So Marie what's with the Cowboys? I saw a short post on Facebook but am confused as I don't watch sports news.

    Evening everyone!!

    Lin in Central Iowa

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    They are in the play off to play in the Super Bowl.They play Sunday at noon. Go cowboys go
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Ah-ha. Thanks Marie. You got me in the know now. Fingers crossed...........
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dr gave us permission to get back to usual, so we ate in dining room tonight. My BP was 130/80 so I can't complain. He says I'm doing well for my age, and I'm grateful. But exhausted! SANDY, what s with Babe's pending surgery? Wow, did you choose correctly!!!
    Blue Bloods starting and Mike says it looks good so "nite!"
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello all

    Sandy so glad you made the wise decision to remove yourself from that bad situation awhile ago.

    Marie - glad Jerry got on track. I've been confused myself and the days all flow into one. But my iphone and commitments to drive kids keep me on track.

    Lin - glad you aren't going. I'm a very nervous driver in bad weather probably because Ed usually always drives.

    Anne - sounds like fun with your grandson. My DH got tickets to a curling event. I go Saturday morning with him, then he takes our 9 yr old granddaughter for the next draw and then our 11 yr old grandson to the next event. The kids have taken curling lessons so are excited to go.

    Buzz - how are you doing.

    I am in agony over my sister. She continues to have a very hard time after her husband left her. Just one bad thing after another. Health issues and worse. We may have to go to her place for moral support. It'll be hard to fit into our busy schedule but family always comes first.

    I can't get her to answer the phone, she'll respond to an odd text but not too many. what a worry.
    All good wishes and prayers appreciated.

    On a more upbeat note. Trying really hard to get in 10,000 steps a days. Doing pretty good. I really want to get in a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day too. I even got Ed to come down and walk on the treadmill tonight when I was exercising. Company always helps me.

    Have a great day tomorrow.
