Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Oh my many here have expressed concern about my family with the deaths. My own church would never responded like you have. And my supervisor doesn't care unless it is about her. I love all of you. <3 OK< who is cold? I feel as if I am freezing. Low tonight below zero. I don't want to venture out to choir practice. I think it is just too cold. Older I get the colder I feel.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hello all - I love this group of much care and concern. And always someone to listen!

    Phoebe, I use a product called "Foote Joye" from Soya Essence. It comes in a roll on stick and is their strongest soy skin care product I believe. I purchase it when the company is in town (for art & craft sales a couple of times a year) but they also have a web site where you can

    I roll it over my heels and bottom of my feet and my ankles each and every day before I put on my socks. Since I've done that, no more cracks on my feet.

    I got a call from the hospice nurse. She will check my dad tomorrow afternoon and will call me again. She's unsure of what is going on as what's happening right now doesn't exactly match up with what is typical. All vitals are fine, no edema, no breathing problems or fever, or blue/cold fingers/toes, etc. Just non-responsive with occasional half-opened eyes and a glassy non-focused stare, can't speak, can't swallow pills, and his skin is gray. She doesn't think it was another stroke after all. I said it would likely be Saturday before I would feel confident in driving that far on my own in my older vehicle. It's just more wait and see I guess. (And you know I'm not very good at waiting.)

    Oh, and I just made my portobella mushroom cap pizzas. Chomped down both caps that were topped with tomato paste, seasonings and onion slices. Took over 20 minutes to heat them through. Added some broccoli. Delish. Onward to some frozen strawberries.

    See you later.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lin - I will say a prayer for your Dad. I hope you can make it to see him on Saturday and also pray the weather is good.

    Phoebe- You are a saint to take Honey and all her ailments. It shows what kind of person you are. You are a lovey person who loves animals. o:)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN, better late than never. :)

    Have a great evening and stay warm, its bloody cold outside.

    Niagara Region, wine country.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BECKY, my condolences on your family's double loss! I still am staying isolated since my cough is still loaded and not clear! Our population is too vulnerable!
    Someone gave us a DVD with McLain & Plummer, Fred and Edna, and we'll go watch while my eyes still focus
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh dear, Belated Happy Birthday, KAREN <3<3<3
    :s Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Jackie, we have always fed the cats on the kitchen counter so the dogs can't get their food.

    :'(:'( Becky, I'm so sorry for the losses in your family.

    smiley-happy020.gif Shirley, even though we live in the US, I changed our digital thermometers to Celsius. The thermostat is Fahrenheit so Jake can tell what the temperature is in the house.

    smiley-happy020.gifThe weather here is mild and cloudy. I send warm wishes to all of you with your freezing temperatures---it sounds like Buzz is the only one with warm weather.

    :mrgreen: I started learning a new dance today in line dance class and the teacher will teach another new one tomorrow and then I'll be teaching a new dance in the beginner class on Friday. It will be good exercise for my brain to keep them all straight.

    <3 Barbie

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Warm wishes to all of you people who are suffering with the freezing temperatures! I hate to tell you this but we broke a record today for the warmest day on this date. It was 81°. January 6 we broke the record for the lowest low temperature which was about 29.

    I am using Siri to dictate this post. If there are errors in it I am sorry because Siri has a mind of her own. I have no way of correcting it so I'm going to try very hard to talk clearly so that Siri doesn't get mixed up. You'll hang in there
  • 81 degrees!!! I don't remember 81 degrees!!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Woke up this morning to an outside temperature of -9. Brrr!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Goldie's; the life in our Life in our Golden Years
    my husband had me convince yesterday was Jan. 8 the day I had an appointment for lab work. We went and not a word from them about the date, got it done. but all day it kept nagging me that it was actually Wednesday and today is Thursday. Talk to my daughter last night and she confirm me I was right. Well I have not convince My Husband of the correct date yet. So that problem continue this morning. now how to convince him today is not Friday. Our grocer shopping day. So I have my day map out for me.

    I may be going to the store on his "Friday" and it is just Thursday.

    Marie >:)

    Thanks girls I guess he has to figure it out himself. Yes I show him the

    date on the computer, He just said it was wrong. so look like we might be doing our Friday grocer shopping on Thursday. I am not going to try to convince him today is Thursday. something will pop and he will be back from the future I just hope it is soon

    Sorry for the mixed up post but was trying to combine from the Golden Years into one.Got sort of mixed up.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Thursday!!! It is minus 3 degrees but a heat wave of 30 degrees is coming tomorrow. I worry more about Daisy than I do myself, this weather is so dangerous to our pets. Luckily she is running out and doing her business and running back in. With her big paws and ears frostbite can be dangerous.

    I have my meeting today and haven't been for two weeks due to the holidays falling on a Thursday so I am looking forward to it. I think we are expecting a little snow later so I hope to be home before that hits. I have been doing well on my food and exercise and so far have lost about three pounds which I hope shows tomorrow for weigh in. I ordered a bunch of new clothes for my cruise online so hope they won't disappoint me.

    Marie, Jerry is confused about these days from the holidays, I kept thinking days were different days as well. Tell him to look at the date on the bottom of your computer and see if that helps him.

    Isandi, I am so jealous of your weather, can you send some our way?? If the cruise line didn't change our dates from this week to March 1, I would have been basking in the sun in the Caribbean this week. Just as well though I wouldn't have been ready and I have doctors appointments all week in this real world. B)

    Lin, it must be so difficult for you to be so far away from your dad and with bad weather almost impossible to get there fast. Hang in there and hopefully things will turn around before your next visit. We are always here for you. <3

    Barbie, so you still take classes for yourself besides teaching? Glad your weather is warm enough for your pups to walk, I know how much they love it. <3

    Buzz, that cold is still lingering, have you seen a doctor? It is so responsible of you to stay away from the other "seniors" who might have weakened immune systems. I do hope you feel better soon and can enjoy your lovely weather.

    Shirley, sorry about your cousin, I hope he is not in pain. I never have heard of ice wine but wondered if it was the wine ice cream everyone is posting on Face book. I do like hot glog in the winter but I think it is too rich in calories so I have not had any this year.

    Phoebe, how is our Honey doing?? Do they think they can cure the heart worm disease?
    Everyday Babe gives me an update and all I do is listen trying not to voice any opinions.
    Let's just say I am glad I don't have to be in the middle of all of it and can live my life without all that stress. <3

    Bob, we haven't met, but welcome.


    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • Hi, one ot two have asked what ice wine is. I don't drink wine (migraines) but I will tell you the little I know. When the grapes are harvested for normal wine, so many are left on the vines. When they are completely frozen they are picked and the juice squeezed out as in normal wine making. It makes for a very sweet dessert wine and our biggest export is to China I believe. So, you buy it at the liqueur store Sandy. I hope I've got it right, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy I have shown him the date on the computer but he just said they were wrong
    . We are going to the store this morning and I hoping the receipt date will convince him. we have had lots of mixed up days but nothing like this.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Ice wine should be saved and drank for very special occasions only.

    <3 Sandy...understand the problem with putting our pets out to poo. I have to push mine out. :p
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends
    Well, I am in the same weather frame as everyone. We had about 10" of snow last week and then it rained the next day so we had ice. Mike shoveled our drive way and 3 of the neighbors driveways, four times in one day. The sun is trying to come out today. It's about 36 out today.
    We had a nice Christmas and New Year's and now the birthdays begin. My granddaughter's was New Year's Eve, my daughter 2 weeks later, mine 2 weeks later and my grandson's 3 days later. March is the same way.
    I have been doing a lot of quilting and now my daughter has got the quilting bug too. I hope to have a quilts for most of the family members by Christmas 2015.

    Well, I got rid of all cookies etc. Took out my South Beach Diet Book and I am on the 5th day and I feel so much better. My stomach was so bad with acid reflux and lots of swallowing problems. I cut out my coffee to 1 per day and no tomato sauce, no bread or pasta or potatoes and so far I feel so good. I lost 3 lbs and I am so glad as I have gained so much since moving here. Out here everyone serves sweets etc and I fell into it. Now I hope I am in control again. Wish me luck.

    My day today
    Breakfast, 2 muffin quiches, 1/2 c cottage cheese, black coffee.
    Lunch, Mike gets gaspacho, I get a nice salad, green tea
    Snack, celery with cream cheese
    Dinner, Baked chicken, roasted veggies, green tea

    I am going to make a quilt top for my husband as a surprise since he tells everyone I never made him a quilt yet. It has some Navy fabric I found and its red, white, and blue.
    Take care
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Chris...I went to your page to see if your birthday is posted there. I am guessing that our birthdays are within days of each other.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    edited January 2015
    I think I found your birthday Chris. Feb. 2nd?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    it work Sandy Jerry is in the same time zone as I am he took the grocer receipt date as correct and admit I was right.

    I think you mention Babe is having more sugary. is it the same old foot problems You got me cirious as what is going on with the kids of Babe's
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hurrah for MARIE for getting Jerry into the same time zone again! My DH is also at a similar point and get argumentive when I don't agree with him. Men do not age well! All my female friends are having similar problems with their "maturing" spouses!
    My mucous is almost normal so tomorrow at the doctors' office, I will find out if I can mingle! Dinner just arrived so I'll say goodnight and wish you all well. SANDY, what IS going on now with Babe? I must have missed it!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    It seems the north is getting blasted with cold and wind. We have 7F today and earlier you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I had my dentist apt. at 2pm and the wind was just whipping around. I picked up some catalogue orders at Sears after my apt and that was enough driving on the slippery roads for me. The store door was jammed and I couldn't even open it up some guy had to help me from the inside.

    Well I am home now and catching up on MFP.

    Have a good evening.
