Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    There is a big truck park in front of our yard. certainly hope the are no going to tear up the roads again to lay another water line or gas line. for we cannot get in the drive way Like last time.

    Anne you are remarkable Don't change a thing about you.

  • BlueHarebell
    Oh Marie, I'm not a bit remarkable! I'm one enormously lucky old biddy. I'm sorry if I gave that impression! These were just odd moments in a long and on the whole, very happy life. I am mainly blessed with good health, and I just love to pieces my now small in number family. I wish I could go back in time and live it all again and guess what, I wouldn't change a single thing because each little stumble eventually led to a Great Leap Forward. Imagine if I'd remained safely at home in my birth land I would never have discovered THIS beautiful land and all the critters in it. A falcon in my yard today! Imagine that! I've had Hawks too.
    Lin, how awful for you, the dry skin and the sinus's. What works for me is of all things Vaseline. Try putting a slight coating inside your nostrils before you go out and at bedtime. Put a little on your hands and feet then wear cotton mitts and socks in bed. I know it sounds terribly old fashioned but it works and it's cheap. God bless everybody, Anne.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 are getting snow also? We may be getting 4 to 6 inches.

    <3 Anne...good attitude. We can not change our pasts. We have lived through things for a reason.

    I think that I mentioned that my son-in-law's grandmother passed away the other day. Now I hear from my niece that her grandmother isn't doing well. In fact, a few minutes ago Amber texted me that her vitals were dropping. Please pray for my family.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Vaseline is a very healing. A doctor had Jerry to used it on is cheeks when he had a in grown whisker others doctor kept him antibiotic for 6 months and they sent him to skin doctor and she had him used gasoline on it and within 2 weeks it was heal. I And I had very bad looking legs from Iron leaking out it was crusted all over with dry skin, The leg is now all smooth and no blisters We also used it all on minor skin cuts and heal up so fast. Will try the nose bit tonight for my nose get so dry. Thank you
    , Anne


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello again - yes Becky - we have 5 inches of snow already. Someone said the pile up on I80 West included more than 20 cars this evening. One newscaster said up to 100 cars but I think that was wrong. Cold, more snow, events cancelled. I just need to walk the half block to the locked mailboxes and have to roll out my trash cart.

    I am sorry to hear of continuing health problems in your family. Praying for everyone.

    Anne and Marie, I've got a big lineup of stuff I use and I got the greatest stuff for my heels and they are 100% fine. I put Vicks or Mentholatum in my nose a couple of times a day and I have Argan oil, and lots of different stuff for my arms, legs, back........I don't like getting this stuff on my PJ's, clothing and/or sheets. My hands, that's the biggest problem because I put something on them and it seems good but then I'm back in the water again!

    Glad I hadn't planned to visit my dad until later in the week.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Lin - I am still waiting for my hand gloves for arthritis. It is supposed to be in the mail.
    - They are suppose to keep your hands warm and help with arthritic pain. Mine have been paining alot lately. Maybe the weather change. I will let you know how they are when they arrive. I know we have the same problems with our hands.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin what is the 20 and 100 car thing?. never hear that sayings before.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Oh Marie, our weather got really horrible and there was a giant pile-up on Interstate 80 just outside Des Moines and the interstate was closed going West for a number of hours. There were wildly differing reports early on, a 20-car pile-up...........and then that one guy said up to 100 cars. Which I doubt.

    We've always used that phrase around here "a stone's throw away" meaning something that is not far away.........

    I just shoveled some snow. It IS COLD out there!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Lin...I saw the news article about the accident. It did say 100 cars. I think they may have lowered our expected snow fall. But, it is still very cold.

    <3 Shirley....where can I get those gloves? I have arthritis in my thumbs and little fingers.

    Vaseline is the only product I found to work on my babies diaper rashes. Wonderful stuff.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2015

    Theres the goodbye Memphis TN picture for you, Marie. She was in the back seat of the car. I bought a seat belt leash and so glad I did! She climbed to the front seat once then mostly stayed in the back so she could lie down.
    she went to the vet today. Labs, needle aspiration, teeth examined and need a cleaning. Heartworm positive. So she will be busy once we get her bloodwork results. If we get the go ahead from that, she begins her heartworm treatment. Meanwhile, I have her on strict meal portions. Gee wish I had as much control for myself!
    Jim is much better now, and I thanked him for being so nice to her.
    Jackie, I believe it will all be ok. It's in my heart, not necessarily what I see! I never thought about George swallowing a stone, that would be painful. My dvr didn't record DA. Xfinity to the rescue! I just entered the name of the program, and they it was. Started watching it but didn't finish. Im watching A place to call home on acorn tv thru roku. Just finished watching Vera series. Thank you Lin!
    it is cold here but not so bad as my northern most friends.
    jjust had to stop Honey from picking on Possum. She hears Possum crunching food and she wants it! Im practicing tough love!
    Sandy, Lisa must be hoping Robby will sleep thru the night. Im glad your apartment is warm. Do you have the electric fireplace on?
    several things to do tomorrow, i hope to get to sleep a little earlier.


    oh dear, we're getting that rotated photo!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Phoebe - such a cute dog. Lovely eyes........beautiful color!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 this a rescue dog? I got mine from a pound about 50 miles from here. They obviously didn't check him out for violent behaver. :(
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :D Phoebe, your dog is beautiful.

    :D I have been remiss in posting but not remiss in thinking about all of you. I've read all your posts and now it's time to suit up and show up and walk dogs. Yesterday's rain is gone so I'm sure the dogs will want to walk today.

    <3 Barbie

    The only way to put your ticker on your post is to copy the code each time.

  • BlueHarebell
    Oh phoebe she is a beautiful little dog! I think you have got yourself a winner. Looking forward to a picture in 6 months time. God bless, Anne.
    A thin blanket of snow overnight and it's a bit nippy, but everything looks so pretty. Not quite enough for a snowman - yet. Wish grandson Derek was still a little boy to help build one! It might look a little weird if I go and build one by myself, but there again, second childhood?
    Enjoy your day everybody, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks Barbie, I will copy mine and post it on my weigh in day.
    Thank you for posting such a good post on the 20 pound by Easter thread I think you and Connie [ loveretirement}has hit the #1 step in weight lost.
  • BlueHarebell
    Marie, did you try the old Vaseline trick in your nostrils? I did, lovely damp nose (like Honey, lol) and I just had to blow my nose this morning. It does seem odd but it works for me. Also, if you remember to do it before going out, it seems to prevent catching colds from others. Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What does it do catch all the germ bugs?....Anne
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Morning - cold here and it seems my electricity is wavering a least the lights in my bathroom are flickering.

    I got my new "The Republic of Tea" catalog yesterday and the sample teabag enclosed this month is "Bates' Brambleberry Tea." I'm having it now and it's lovely. But I'm a sucker for tea......I would be ashamed to admit how many different types of tea I have in my house! But it's all delicious!! Tea-a-holic!


  • BlueHarebell
    Marie You have to wonder if that's what it does don't you. No idea.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    What changed? My ticker was, at one time, always with my posts.