Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Becky, so sorry, that is very sad news for your family. I hope we all avoid falls this year. Jim fell too many times in 2014

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Swissmiss wrote: »
    God bless everyone who adopts a dog. They so need a loving home.

    Prayers needed please. My son-in-law's grandmother fell down her basement steps today. Just received a call from a very upset daughter that the grandmother has died.

    I am so sorry Becky. Prayers offered..............


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Becky....praying for the family. I am so sorry.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from snowy Saskatchewan! Wishing each of you a wonderful 2015!
    We brought in the new year at our son and dil's. It was a lot of fun.
    I found a few of my lost pounds over the holidays so have to get to work on that quickly!
    I have a lot of reading to do to catch up on your lives!

    I will be back soon. Take care and keep smiling! Gayla :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Gsyla welcome back. I knew you would be back with your friends one day.

    Kay Marshall had a note on facebook that she has been WW for 15 years I believe I think you , Phoebe and I joined the Wendy plan in 2003 that makes it 12 years ago we have known each other. Long time ago and we are still struggling to reach our goal. But we have not given up the ship. nor shall we. I am grateful for a lot of the Wendy Plan girls are posting on Facebook. All but Wendy. Wonder what happen to her? she just banded us without a trace. I may be wrong of these dates.

    :D Sandi I don't think anyone knows how to get our ticker to come up on our posting auto matic. other than Copy and paste. and that's too much trouble it still show up on your profile page though.

    <3 Becky. so sorry for the family Sending prayers

    (*) Phoebe I am so anxious for you to bring Honey home with you.. H looks like a dog you can really love. hope
    the kitties will accept her

    hugs Marie

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Thank you to all my wonderful friends at this group. The prayers are so needed. I am getting ready to contact my daughter to see if they need anything.
  • BlueHarebell
    Lin - thank you for the lovely comments and encouragement, they are much appreciated. But how do I comment on your status on the home page? I haven't got the hang of this yet. In fact I'm a learner because my iPad was a gift a few months ago, and I went on the Internet for the first time. Anyway, I need to be able to be a two way friend as it where. Any help would be appreciated.
    - Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Anne - you should be able to comment on anything I post from your newsfeed page---that's the page where anything your friends post will show up for you to read. I don't usually post there each day but you never know, I can get chatty.

    Busy morning on the telephone today. My dad and trying to check on my dad's cousin who usually comes to visit him on a regular basis but hasn't been there for a while. I started to wonder how he's doing as well as he is 89 and so much flu going around. Anyway, as far as I know it's all straightened out now and his cousin is planning to visit him today before we get those dangerous wind chills overnight.

    So now I'm catching up on all my email after a nice long shower!

    Good morning......


    Lin in Central Iowa (who's happy to hear her furnace humming along nicely)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Saturday!! :D Alone at last. Don't get me wrong I love my cousin but I love being alone more. I personally think she traveled too soon after chemo and was low in resistance. She ended up going to urgent care once she was home for the UTI but since she couldn't pee there she has to go back today.
    I really don't want to sound mean but I did feel she was a little needy but under her circumstances she deserves to be. She did a little complaining about her daughter who moved her to Virginia and has been there for her the whole time so I kind of put things in perspective for her and told her some of the things Phil has said to me and she said her problems were nothing. Glad I could help. B)

    Our weather is kinds of bad with rain and sleet making things slippery. My cleaning girl is coming anyway so at least my house will be clean. I had taken down all the decorations Thursday. If the weather clears up I will go to Mass with Babe and probably out to dinner, if not I will go tomorrow. I am hoping my cleaning girl can help me move my bike back to my living room so I can start exercising asap. I hate that I put on this extra weight but it is my own fault eating everything in sight. :# The cruise is only two months away so I will be working hard until then. I start watching Robby Monday and I do miss him. Lisa's mom leaves the 28th and then it will be five days a week. Good thing I have the cruise to look forward.

    Anne, I am going to try and give you some instructions and hope I don't confuse you.
    On the top of this forum page where the title Myfitnesspal is shown there is a link to MY HOME.
    On the home page is where people leave comments....under their comments there are two blue says Like the other Comment. If you like something someone says you click on like. If you want to leave a comment, click on comment and your picture will show with a box next to it. That is where you leave your comment and when done click on comment under your response. Hope that makes sense.

    As far as the ticker...on the same page MY HOME click on Apps.then you click on on the get code for ticker......where it says installing ticker click on the blue link in the sentence that says Forum Settings. Click on the little box next to where it says show ticker on post and it will appear when you post.

    I hope this helps you, I know how frustrating it is trying to learn a computer and new sites. Just glad you joined us and are staying with us.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member

    Some lovely tulips I got at Trader Joe's the other day. They make me smile so I am sharing. :)
  • BlueHarebell
    SANDY and LIN thanks for the instructions. I was fooling around on my home page and THINK I've managed to send Lin a comment. I am so unbelievably thick at times :)
    Lin, The tulips are lovely and tell us, - if old winter seems unkind, spring is never far behind.
    Sandy, It's never easy looking after someone who is or has been recently very sick. Your kindness will be remembered.
    Enjoy your day girls, grateful for help, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Yes Anne - you did indeed post a comment.............thank you!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Oh my goodness I didn't even post a Happy New Year to you all. New Years Day was wonderful. Everyone had so much fun. It was chaos with all of us but so much fun. I think I've forgotten how to cook for a large number of people without making a mess as I do it so seldom. But everything turned out great and I survived with only a nasty cut on my finger. LOL

    Here we are in our finest. LOL

    BUZZ - hope you are getting better

    SANDY - so cute

    Trying to start walking again, I'm starting to get some of my energy back.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Beautiful family Jeri......... o:)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    And Sandy your kitty is so darn cute
    marietoo, I agree with you all.Jeri has a large and beautiful family. Beautiful home too. A loving husband.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    <3 Lin...tulips in January. Wonderful idea. I think I needed to see something that reminds me of spring.

    Update on my daughter's husband's family. The viewing will be this Tuesday. She will be buried in West Virginia. My daughter will be taking three days off work.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,201 Member
    Nite friends. Sinuses feel terrible so I'm curling up with a hot cup of ginger tea and an extra warm throw. Have decided no church for me tomorrow. Take care.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I feel guilty not commenting on all the interesting posts, but concentrating is not coming easily today. Also, my darn cursor has gotten quirky and moves all over the place. I forget how I fixed it the last time it happened.
    PHOEBE, thank you for the warning! However, once I started to consume a bag of Ricola drops, my throat eased and the coughing became manageable and the ribs feel better today! It doesn't seem to have gone into my lungs; just that infernal nasal drip into the throat! Why has Jim been falling so much???
    I'm glad SANDY is so willing to babysit Robby. He is really precious! I doubt I'd have the patience now on a regular basis. What a good mother-in-law! Fun thinking about that cruise!
    Love LIN's tulips and the update on your Dad! May he have a good new year, too!
    JACKIE, that video is priceless. Reminds me of the way my poodles legs spread backwards lying down! He is adorable and lucky!
    Anne, so right about time passing. My eldest daughter went on Social Security this year, though I still think of her as my sunny-haired baby!
    BARBIE, hope the ferry was wonderful...
    MARIE, your memory ofe Wend th ...........GRRrrrrrrrrrrrr, my cursor is driving me nuts! Iure'll figure ito ut tomorrow!!!
    :o<3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :D We are home safely from our day's adventure. Early to rise, dog walk, quick breakfast with no computer time, more dog walking, glorious ferry ride and walk to the meeting place.....interesting meeting, walk at lunch, more meeting, another great ferry ride and drive home, now I'm off to bed.

    :D Jeri, I have such admiration for you feeding a festive meal to such a large family and accommodating all the different food issues.
